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A bit of shivers for your Sunday night ;)


3D ASMR - Between The Sheets [Irish Accent]

► My Albums: Fantasy, 50 Shades Of Gaelforce, & Moving In are now available on Audible and Amazon! - http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY Get them free when you sign up for Audible! ♦ Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Shoot I'd love to hear this one..


Yes!! I cannot wait!! ❤️


We are blessed this night 🙌






Let me just say this: 7:09 to 7:27 and 9:19 to 9:31. It felt like someone was tickling my side, there were so many tingles 😂 And of course I blushed and bit my lip during those parts 🙈 Thanks, G! 😍 Don't work too hard next week 🤓


Who needs to win a PA when this would basically be it for me anyway? I mean, I wouldn't turn it down if I get picked but fuck...fabric sounds ASMR are my JAM! And the sweet fucking Irishman whispering? I'M FUCKING DEAD. 🤤


Two to review? How tantalizing!


So not fair that bc of time zones I have to wait until after church service to listen to these last two he's posted. Jfc.


This is what happens when he's quiet for a bit and "saves himself". Then we get the huge fucking money shot of content. Shame it's on a Sunday though. I'll need another day of rest after all these. lol


You can't say JFC while still IN CHURCH. Girl, you're going to have to go back afterwards and ask for forgiveness. lol


Wow 2 audios on a Sunday night and I'm free to listen to them! Holiday from work next week but off to bed for a listen and an early night. Thank you G 😍😍 Good night/day/evening everyone. 💖


omg tingles love it thanks Gael this is a treat 😊❤️❤️


A bit of shivers, he says. That is putting it mildly, Mister! ;) This was intensely shiver inducing for me. With the things you were saying, your whispers, ear kisses, sheets rustling, and ear blowing, you were just ticking off all my boxes. This was amazing. You are amazing. Thank you, G. Kisses, hugs, and love to you.😙❤


Dammit, G! YT will never be the same! 😜This is one helluva 🔥 ass wake up!! I'd play sleep every fucking morning for this right here!! So much so you'd think I had narcolepsy!! 😂🤣 Btw, my right ear licks you back!! 👂👅 #commanderbadass #hecangetit #zzzzzzz #YoutubeRed


Best wake up call ever. ❤


I'm gonna be listening to this little tid bit @ nite-nite X)


Like a squirrel who hoards acorns for the coming winter, I have begun to hoard ASMR audios to tide me through the coming Public period. 😂


Just what I needed... Right now laying down with the Flu, and this is definitely the Best medicine... I will recover in no time... Really Fantastic voice... Have a wonderful day.. Good ass Prana


How lovely it is to get out of work and see a new audio from you G this will be a great ending to a fabulous week. First a better job now a new audio couldnt be happier have a great night everyone I know I will 😉


Girl growl x fucking infinity!!! I really just can't with you sometimes, G. Your sensuality is the most tantalizing things my ears have ever had the pleasure to endure. *purrs* I will definitely be listening to this again before bed tonight. 💞


For science data purposes, I volunteer ✋ to listen to this audio for sound quality checks, lickability standards, and ear-gasm number counts. Doing it for our country 🇺🇸


😍😍😍That left me needing a LOT more.......I can’t be the only one 💜💜💜


I sense an extended version of this one coming out at some point....


Gael? Serious question. Would you be willing or is it possible for the YouTube audios to be downloadable through the Patreon app like your other stuff? Fabric rustling is seriously a huge relaxing trigger for me along with that hum you get in your voice when being quieter. You practically purr like a cat who’s got the cream. Anyhoo…I would love to be able to listen wherever without necessarily needing to be online. There are several videos I could suggest if you felt like giving it a go. Thanks man!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A pleasant Montag and week to everyone. Are you all well? Survived the weekend? (Ja I know for most of you it´s still Sunday. :)) So many new posts... hope you will find me here. Nothing to chatter tonight, so right to some daily easy Fragen... Do you know what day of the week you were geboren - born on? Do you prefer a guys singing voice or a girls? You're granted the power to be fluent in a Sprache - language, but only in one catergory "listening, writing, reading, or speaking". Which? You are an assassin. What is your weapon of choice? Have you ever stuck gum to the underside of a Tisch - desk? Danke for your answers, as always... bis später. XD


Hallo KB 😘 I submit an example of brevity: Wed. / both but maybe male more / speaking / flying stars / hasn’t everyone? XD


I did actually wake up to this, the notification sound wound up being my alarm and then the "are you awake" thing had me looking around my room for some kind of camera bc ur a bloody wizard who knows things Yer a wizard Harry. this was a gReAt way to begin Monday, made it feel like it's still Sunday 😛 golly this is a nice place for my ears


For those who simply can't wait (I, too, think this option is a good idea), there are of course means and methods by which one can obtain offline access to YouTube audios (which is to say, downloading the files via third-party services). But those services can degrade sound quality, and I dislike using them because that's stealing.


<i>The sheets rustle beside me, but I have absolutely zero intention of opening my eyes. I can tell by the dim light through the protective shell of my eyelids that it is too gorram early to be awake. You and your early-riser nonsense. I still haven't forgiven you for dragging me out of bed for that picnic-breakfast hike, no matter how pretty the view was from the top of that knoll.</i> "Hey." <i>No.</i> "Hey, baby." <i>Heh, and you think a kiss is going to work. I know your tricks, sir. I will not be stirred. There will be no stirring here. Unless that stirring is of cocoa into coconut milk for a morning hot chocolate. Then we might talk.</i> "Are you awake?" <i>Still no. Your little giggle says that you know I'm lying—lying in bed, comfortably, where it's warm and snuggly and how in the nineteen hells does your breath smell so good in the morning? Do you get out of bed and brush your teeth before I wake up? How do you do that without waking me up? Ninja. You're not fair.</i> "Come on—I know you're awake." <i>Drat. I give the game away with a squirm at the second kiss. But from a glance at the wall clock above your shoulder, I see that it is indeed too early for these shenanigans. You, sir, are a bad influence. And since when am I calling you "sir?" We need to have a talk.</i> "C'mere." <i>Well, if you're just giving them away....I snuggle up against your chest. Gods, you're hot. Not <u>that</u> kind of hot—furnace-hot, the hot that I want when it's 5º C in this goddess-forsaken bedroom because the walls are thin and the windows are single-pane. If you have any designs on getting me out of this bed, it's not happening. I am staying forever, and so help me, if you throw these covers off and get me cold, I will glue myself to your back for the entire day, because you're cheaper than raising the thermostat.</i> "I love laying in bed with you..." <i>Good, because now you're not allowed to leave.</i> "Having you in my bed is..." <i>Is <u>what</u>, mister? I wrinkle my nose at your cheeky grin. You drive me nuts when you know you're being cute.</i> "Kiss me, baby..." <i>I am very certain now that you get up early to brush your teeth. Gods, my breath must taste like a lukewarm omelette compared to yours. You're welcome to use your sleep-ninja skills to stick a breath strip in my mouth, you know. I'm a little curious as to whether or not I would wake up.</i> "You wanna take that off?" <i>...Take what off, my pajamas? Are you nuts? I'm just now warm. You want me to get up and shed a crucial layer of heat-trapping clothing—for why? Gee, I wonder why you <u>ever</u> want me to take off my clothes....Hang on, mister, this is a <u>family</u> show. See the little icon in the corner? That says "reports will be filed if anyone sees girl-nipples." Actually, it says "YouTube." But you get the picture.</i> "C'mon, take it off..." <i>Okay, but you get to wait a good three minutes and sit here and giggle at me while I squirm out of everything under the covers.</i> "Yeah...I wanna feel your skin against mine..." <i>*STICK* Good. Because now we're never coming undone. I told you, I was gonna glue myself to you. Have fun peeling me off when you wanna use the bathroom, ya langer.</i> Rey-Rey is waiting for her sleep meds to kick in and has gotten bored, lol.


Love this 😂😂😂 It put a smile on my face. Lol 😅


2 videos in one night we are truly blessed 😭🙏🏻


Somehow I thought that since this was on YouTube it would be "safe." I forgot--nothing about you is safe, G. 😳Dang. I was all giggly/flustered/breathless and then the audio ended, and I opened my eyes like "Where'd he go?" You're that good, that I was half convinced you were there with me. Gotta say, a little disappointed to realize you weren't, but it's probably for the best--my husband is a patient man, but I don't think he'd let me keep you. 😉😂


Well... it´s sssix o´ clock here. Who wanna ssshare a cocktail with me? Let´ss have sssome "Between The Sheetsss"... sshall we?... hm? Cheersss, Ssslainte, Prosst... to juicy humansss...


Hello, your Highness! I would happily share a cocktail with you as my day has been busy and I could use some refreshment. I even have some juicy humans to bring with me -- it's picture day and I caught several students wandering the halls instead of going to take their picture. Cheers to you, my Queen, and to your beautiful tail, which looks extra sparkly today.


Ok SIR you have forced my hand I am going to wind up buying all of your audio books.... You are just to good at what you do! I'm starting with hands on and I'm sure that 4 and a half hrs of audio is just going to be lovely!.. I know I won't stop there because I also want 50 shades of gael but I will try to behave myself SIR with one audio book at a time... I must say tho you SIR are a drug and I am an addict I could binge on your audios all day keep up all of the good work you are doing... You SIR have a devoted listener for as long as you continue doing this! Thanks for all the hard work You do just to put out what you do ☺


Wow, this one felt so real! Made me want to stay in bed all morning.😳 Fortunately, I am working a later shift today.😊


Guten Morgen Mädls - gals. Hope everyone has a nice Dienstag - Tuesday!? It´s cold and rainy tonight, Lil´ Seanie is making some strange sounds and I feel a little down. :( Maybe some daily Fragen can brighten my mood? :) Do you listen to music in the Dusche - shower? How often do you watch tv? Have you ever thought someone was talking to you but they were actually talking on a Bluetooth headset? Hattest du jemals die Windpocken? (Ja, you have to translate. Just as I have to translate everything. XPP) Regular water or flavored water? Danke dear Fraugen for your Antworten... bis später. XD Hm... I feel a tad better now. Maybe I´ll kick Lil´Seanie a little before I go back to bed. ;)


Once again, Patreon deems me unworthy of Claudia's thread. Very well. My Antworten are below: Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Finally cornered my boss today long enough to explain why I'm so stuck. It helped. I even got to feel a tiny bit useful today. And now, this: <b>Singin' in the (artificial) rain</b> — I don't have a reliable method for playing tunes in the shower, so I do not. This isn't to say I haven't tried, but those attempts were not very successful. I usually talk to myself in the shower—used to be one of the few times/places I could when I lived with my parents, but now that I live alone, I can hash out as much awkward dialogue for a story as I damn well please. :V <b>(TV) screen time</b> — Proper over-the-air television? (Almost) every weekday morning, but only in the mornings (for the weather/traffic report). Netflix/YouTube/Hulu/HBO through my streaming box? (Almost) every night, at least long enough for Netflix to ask me if I'm still watching. (Yes. Yes, I am.) <b>"You talkin' to me?"</b> — I've had a couple instances of accidentally co-opting someone's Bluetooth conversation, yes. More frequent are the instances when someone starts talking to or about someone named Rachel and I turn around, sometimes respond, only to discover they are unequivocally not talking about me. That's more awkward, because they usually notice. <b>Die Windpocken?</b> — Nein, ich habe nicht die Windpocken. 😉 (I know my verb tense is wrong here, but I don't actually know the proper verb tense yet. My progress with Deutsch is very slow.) <b>Tasty or tasteless?</b> — I've consumed flavored water in the past, but it's not my go-to. In fact, if I'm having <i>water</i>, I prefer it to have as little taste as possible. (Chlorinated water, even the small amounts of chlorine present in most tap water sources, is nauseating to me.)


Hi, Claudia! Hey, you guys! I'm about to head to bed in a few, so my eyes, stomach, and head don't reprimand me in their own special way tomorrow morning before work D: Listen to music in the shower? Sometimes. In fact, I just started doing so this past summer. I only do it when I'm home alone; it's less awkward and the folks can't bug me for "being unable to hear anyone". How often do I watch TV? Not much. There are only a few shows I'll willingly watch, but mainly it's because my parents hog both TVs in the house. Same channels, same shows. All. Day. Long. With the volume on high! X_X Which is why I watch Youtube... Did I ever think a person talking on a Bluetooth was talking to me? Yes. A couple of times walking along a sidewalk. I came very, very close to responding to them, until I actually saw the Bluetooth on their ear. I would get so mad and embarrassed... Hattest du jemals die Windpocken? Ja :) Regular water or flavored water? Both. Right now, I'm drinking regular water. Sometimes, I add a little fruit juice (pineapple, orange, lemon, etc.).


You say a bit of shivers??? *Swoon😳


I feel a little late to the party for this one, but I wanted to comment on it anyway as I really did enjoy this, even if ASMR and the “tingles and shivers” don’t affect me that much. I know some people here are significantly affected by the sounds and sensations, but not me so much. That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t touched by this audio, I was, just in a different way. I am really enjoying these “couple in bed” audios that you have been creating. “Fingertip Lullaby,” your “Bedtime Stories,” and quite a few others whose names escape me at the moment, affect me in the way that you create an intimate moment, something that is both sensual and stimulating, capturing perfectly those private times between two people. The way that you whisper into the mic, the quiet rustling of the sheets and clothing, how you create the sense of movement by the way you manipulate mic placement, creates a world that is both sensual and sweet. This audio fits beautifully into that idea, reminding me of moments I have had like this. So, where some are hit in the tingles with this audio, I am hit in the “feels,” equally as effective as the ASMR for me. Funny how an audio can bring to mind memories and moments that I haven’t remembered in a long time. As a final point, I wonder if you have thought of creating an audio book using this, lovers in bed/in their bedroom, as a theme. You certainly have quite a few that would work, even using the Pillow Fight audio as well. Just a thought, take it for what it’s worth. Thank you for creating this audio, G, and reminding me of what romantic moments can be between two people.


Exactly, Amy. The intimate moments that he creates between two lovers is both alluring and fully embraced. We all have that need for intimate love, security, and untamed desire and he creates those moments where, if only for 10 minutes, those feelings are "touched on" in our little corner of the "world".


Can you please post a link to download this one too?? Thanks.


Yes, please! I would love to download this one as well!