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Just some ketchup 





I so love your stories, fell asleep to this last night, so had to listen again this morning. had me snort laughing


1st.. Haha


Your rambles are the best 😍


Love a good ramble!!


Yay, ramble! Have I mentioned that I could listen to you ramble on and on for hours? 😍😂😂 Hello like back 👋🏻😂


yes, a ramble! <3 i missed them so much!


Yay! Ramble 💜💛💚💙




Yay! Thank you. 💕 Was hoping for a ramble soon. Love to you, and happy weekend 💋


Hiya G !i am rrrrrramble ready to listen ;)💋thanks G need some laughter tday! Happy friday to ya !


Somehow this made me so happy compared to the rest of my day. I don't get it, but thank you so much Gael.


You really should record a set of yoga flows with a simple rhythm in the background for counting breaths. I love to do yoga at home but YouTube videos are not always great, and I would love to have something to listen to while I go through a flow, with instructions, but not so much going on in the background. It draws my mind away from intentional breathing. Your voice is now associated in my mind with going to sleep because of your meditation videos, and I think it would do wonders for a guided sequence! Fingers crossed, Freddy! Perchance someday you'll bless us with some yoga sets.


Yaaaaaaaaaas honey! I did a marathon of some of your old rambles this morning. And now a brand new one 😍😍😍 You are officially my favorite male this month.


You are so cute sometimes! Ketchup... lol


Well this is a lovely surprise!! Been hoping for a ramble, and here it is -- you always know just what we need exactly when we need it. Have a good evening, G!


Yay!! I love rambles<3


Hi G! *hugs* Listening now. Thanks for posting on my day off so I could listen right away ☺️ Much love ❤️


I was thinking about rambles in the last few days and how I missed them. Thank you. ❤


Aww. Sonny Jim. He's an archetype!


"Da Witch"... Too funny!!! 😄😄😄😄


Ketchup?? Thanks, I'm craving fries and Ketchup now... 🙄 😝❤️

Greek Goddess

You always talk too fast love! 😝


The Irish Walt Kowalski. Bahaha.


Happy Friday G.😘 how's Sean?we miss him❤


Breathe G.... so many stories, too little time.


Yes! I love your rambles!! Happy Friday! 😊❤️


Yes we miss Seanie! Actually, Vale & I have some plans for him... 😇


As you mention arcade fire...I would love if you released a playlist of your favourite songs, or maybe we could suggest some sassy songs you can be inspired on for audios (as a sort of challenge!)


You are too adorable, and your laugh is contagious 😂😂❤️ Thanks for the laughs, G! Have a great weekend! 😁🍀❤️


I'll do a music ramble sometime.. I've some interesting stories Btw.. I travelled to England to see Arcade Fire a few years back and I missed the concert I'm still gutted haha Ah well.. I shall try again


Ahh intelligent children are difficult to parent. They're socially very keen. They're like a powerful horse on a short rein. Need to know when to give them the freedom to run with all that brilliance and when to pull them back or they'll run themselves right off the edge of the world. I've got one. She terrifies and inspires me.


"his brain didn't fuse properly" 😂😂 sounds like something I'd say!! That car story is hilarious!


Love the rambles would love to hear some more audios with you reading poems maybe some by Edgar Allen Poe my favorite poet


I'm listening to his ramble and my brain is like😩😩😩 and whaaa😂😂I don't think I can listen to his "let's get dirty"audio😂😂


You having a feud with the neighbor girl is just too funny 😅.


Can't wait to get home where it's warm so I can listen! Tonight is the night I'm determined to get caught up on all the audios from the past 2 weeks. :)


I died... This one is going to haunt me 😂😂😂


Hmmm I may need back up.. We'll see how funny it is when we are back to back and fighting for our lives 😳


Awww! I have The Raven recorded in full I'm adding some sounds and it will be good to go soon ❤️🍀❤️


Yay, G! I love your rambles, your energy is a joy to listen to. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's passing, but I'm glad that you're remembering the good times you had with him. He sounds like a real charmer. :) Speaking of which, when you describe your former co-worker The Hollywood, with the infectious smile, I know just what you're talking about. You yourself must have the most infectious smile ever, because I always find myself smiling just by listening to you.😘 These family stories made me laugh and laugh.🤣 Thanks for that. :) Who would have thought your nemesis would be an evil Annie lookalike? Smart move in not putting your hand in to get her out of your bin, you would probably have drawn back a nub after she bit it off. Be careful!😂😂 Also, I really appreciate all the many hours of hard work that you put into Bloodlust. Believe me, it showed.😍 Have a wonderful weekend ❤. Xoxo


Awww... you were a little Wild Hunter with a bow. How cute... Hmm... do you have a bow nowadays? ... ;)


ohhh how i miss your voiceee, Gael.


Your Dad sounds like a real cool 😎 character! Those nicknames though 😂😂 the bow story and Your two nieces 😂😂 loved it!!! Thank you for brightening my evening ❤️


I missed your rambles. I was a bit hyper today but listening to your ramble calmed me down and made me feel all cozy and sleepy. Your stories about your family are priceless! 😂 I love how you hop from a story to another in a second, your brain is a fascinating place! 😝 I'll have to listen to it again. Good night! ❤️


I had the best laugh about Evil Annie at the end 😂


The nieces and the Omen Annie..omg!! I can imagine the tumbleweed rolling as you have a standoff in the street with a little redheaded demon child! 😂 Hilarious!! Lmao!


Ok I need some more coffee☕


Thanks for this audio G ! I really needed a good laugh this week!😊💋


Always a treat when you upload a ramble...they're my favorite ❤❤❤


And now I really wonder what Gael´s nickname was or is... and why he got it...??


The nieces was the best one. Btw, incase you're wondering Gael. 40 mins is not too long for us.


Visions of Gael holding up a cross yelling...."The Power of Christ Compels You"!!!!! 😂😂😂😂


So I come home to this!!! Just Fantastic. I'm Blissed for sure 😏😇


This was the funniest thing I've listened to in weeks! The stories about 'The Witch' and 'Small Jobs' were hilarious, but the bit about your dad in the holding cell almost killed me; I'm still giggling about it now. I'm sorry about your friend. He sounded like a cool guy :) And I'm a little envious; I've always wanted to learn archery (even though I royally suck at it). That story had me in tears, too XD


Your rambles are such fun, you always tickle my funny bone!😊❤️


The sound effects you make G....💀💀😂


A FUCKED UP version of Annie with a head like an owl?!. I'M fuckin done 😂💀


I’d tell you a joke about crops, but it’s a bit corny.😂


Rambles make me so happy!☺️❤️


My now late grandfather was a carpenter his whole life. He actually made the table that is currently sitting in my kitchen. There is absolutely nothing low class about anyone who does an honest day's work. Next month will actually be the one year anniversary of his death. But he was an incredibly kind and selfless man and would literally go out of his way to help anyone who needed it.<br> Thank you for this, though, G. It has been an incredibly long day and this made me smile and laugh so much. And don't worry - I feel your pain about being a scatterbrain. But I can promise you that I'm one of those people who can acctually keep up with your rapid fire speech. People who speak slowly kind of get on my nerves, in all honesty, because I speak really quickly myself. It's just like, ugh, get to the fucking point already. Lol. But I digress.<br> I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! xo


Yaaay more of your awesome rambles I hope you all have a awesome weekend I am sorry to hear about your friend ❤️❤️


When you say ‘Thirty’ I melt.... it’s the simple things 😏😘


*when you realize you've locked your good headphones behind two doors and a wall of plastic sheeting* <img src="http://38.media.tumblr.com/44ec508988cce30877b60372cf648035/tumblr_nab8jeCDIW1tv4k5po1_400.gif">


So nice to hear your banter. It's been a while. Glad things are falling into place for you. What's new on the horizon about moving to the country? If nothing else, it will get you away from Annie!! lol Take care and enjoy your weekend like.


I 💜 rambles. It's actually more personal than the sexy audios. U let us into your life with your stories. I love to laugh along with you as the stories roll off you tongue. Also I don't claim to speak for everyone but I rather enjoy the speed and accent as you speak. It's so sexy. I would prefer you speak as you normally would. It makes me feel more like a friend. Thanks for sharing!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Samstag to everyone. Today we celebrate St.Martin´s Day, the children walk around with lanterns and get Gans - goose shaped gingerbread. And of course there´s roast goose for dinner. My neighbour butchered a goose yesterday and he told me my kittens stole the Leber - liver. Hahaha... they stole the best part! I´m so proud of them! :)) So here are some simple Fragen for the Fraugen... Do you have a dedicated drawer to only Unterwäsche - underwear ? How many pictures do you have on your phone? Do you believe in aliens? What do you usually watch on YouTube? Do you make up your bed jeden Tag - everyday? Danke for your Antworten, Schätzchen... bis dann. XD Danke Frl.Dr.Doktimus for yesterday´s Fragen. :)


Have I ever said before how much I love your rambles? These stories were such fun to listen to; I laughed so much, and it was really needed this week. See, you always know what we need when we need it. Congratulations on your new job and getting closer to living the life you want -- your hard work is really paying off! And kudos to your dad for making you get a job to experience "the real world" -- my mom was the same way. She made me start working at 15 folding laundry at a boys' summer camp. Made me realize that was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life (am curious what first jobs our other lovelies have had...). Thanks for this ramble, G, and best of luck with Evil Annie! LOL


First job... Cashier at Sam's Club. Nothing fancy. My mom wouldn't let me work until I got out of high school.


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Haha, liver-thieving murder-kittens! I have never eaten goose; until a year ago (or was it two?), I had never eaten any poultry but chicken or turkey. Feeling tired and a little sore now after taking a garden sprayer and putty knife to my bedroom ceiling this morning (see the community page for the pic), and there's still a lot of work to do tomorrow, but I'm happy to do it if it means I'll get to see something nice at the end. Besides, real estate appreciates such things. And now, this: <b>Rey-Rey's wardrobe arrangements</b> — My underwear drawer is not dedicated solely to underwear; it also houses some socks. It's simply too large to hold nothing but undies. (Then again, it should be said that I have an entire drawer besides dedicated to socks.) <b>Rey-Rey's mobile photo album</b> — My phone doesn't tally total photos, just photos by day/week/month, so without going through the entire gallery and adding up the totals, I have to say in excess of 200 photos. <b>Is there life out there?</b> — Statistically, there are probably thousands of planets harboring intelligent life, and even more that are populated by little more than cellular organisms and plankton. However, I stand firmly by my assessment that things like The Emoji Movie are why the Vulcans won't make first contact. <b>YouTubin' to me?</b> — The only thing I watch religiously on YouTube is The Nostalgia Critic, although I enjoy some other critique/commentary vids from time to time. Among the other channels I follow are my friend's art stream (which doesn't count since they're not doing it anymore), The Red Green Show, and Yoga with Adrienne, none of which I utilize as often as I should. <b>A tidy bed?</b> — Lol, if you could see my bed right now (which is ashambles as a mattress on top of a box spring on the floor of my living room because of the aforementioned shenanigans in the bedroom), you'd have your answer. I actually never make up my bed in the morning because I want to let the sweat evaporate over the course of the day. The only time I'll do it is if I'm having someone over who is likely to see my bedroom—the last time was an electrician who was redoing every switch and outlet in my condo. (We still missed one, but the work carries a 1-year warranty and a guarantee that they will come out and redo the entire job next year for free if I ask. I'll take advantage of it and have him fix the last outlet then.)


Ah, Gael. I never get tired of hearing about the characters in your life! Keep some holy water with you with that little Annie there. She sounds like she'd be ready to square up to you, with the quickness! XD It sounds like you live in a sitcom with all of those people. Your dad sounds amazing! I'd be giggling and telling stories just like you. Your rambles are as enlightening as they are entertaining. Keep em' coming, bruh!


😂😂😂 I love your rambles so much G!!!!


While listening to this ramble I remembered my parents and brothers. We meet each other once or twice a year and I always start telling them stories....they are very patient with me but one of my brothers told me once: "Valentina I'll do anything you wish but for God's sake take a short break and stop talking" and my response was: "I'll do anything you wish but I won't shut my mouth" 😂😂 anyway thank you so much for sharing your hilarious stories with us...we all needed this...also hoping for some special Christmas/New Year rambles❤🎄We appreciate ya!!!


Tonight: Ireland v South Africa, in Dublin. GO BOKKE! 🇿🇦 😉 *JK. I'm not really into rugby - but still. Gotta be loyal, junno? 🍀 Any bets, Gaelandia? (I'm pretty sure I know who the majority would root for 😂)


I love your rambles, Gael. Thank you for the catch up and funny stories. :) &lt;3


This has been the perfect distraction today! Stopped my mind in its tracks from spiralling down a pointless path of worrying, so Thank You™. And as mentioned, this is a space that can be free from the things in our world we don't enjoy, and I cherish that, as well as everyone here. It's like you're all a super advanced bunch of citizens with secret access to this kind of secluded island respite that takes place collectively in our heads and I'm going to shut up now. 😂 Moral of the story, even these rambles relax me / quieten my mind and I'm grateful ok byeeeeeeeeeeeee! Why do I say things 🤦🏼‍♀️


Bless your soul, sweetheart ❤️ This made me happy 😊


While listening to this ramble yesterday it occured to me... there are 1000+ ppl (give or take) all over the world listening &amp; laughing right now along with me... gave me a cozy feeling..You did that Gael..Thank You!!! ✌✌✌💗💗💗


The strength and willpower needed to keep those doors locked is 1000x more impressive than the ramble itself 😏 And Gael's rambles are awesome, so good on ya 😉


Great listen while getting ready this morning. Love these audios. Gives us a little glimpse into you. But 40 minutes? This could be 4 hours and I'd listen to every second with no complaints. Have a fantastic weekend G 😊


Listening to this cheered me up I had a big amount of cleaning to do and the 40 min felt like nothing thanks for the laughs


Why don't oysters give to charity? Because they are shellfish!


Three nuns are sitting on a park bench. A man comes up and exposes himself to them. Two of them have a stroke. But the third one couldn't reach.


😂😂😂😂😂...Love it..this is gonna be my dirty joke of the week!!!!


What do a penis and a Rubik’s Cubes have in common? The more you play with it, the harder it gets


Ssso quiet today Gaelandia´s juicy femaless? Are you all bussy sswooning and drooling over there in Twitterlandia becausse of the tasssty Irish langer? Hm??... tss... tss... tsssss


Hello, beautiful Majesty! Goodness, all the banter from Twitterlandia I'm hearing about makes me consider being a resident. But then, Gaelandia's denizens are too precious for me to leave behind :) What's going on over there, I wonder?


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a nice Sonntag!? I was really busy yesterday... mostly ordering the buam - guys around. Haha... Well the weather was bad and the work heavy and someone has to give the orders!? Ja, and provide the food and beer of course! So, since it´s so quiet here... ahemmm... :) Here are some quick Fragen if you are in the mood... this or that? Fleisch - meat or veggies? Dimples or freckles? Sun or moon? Long Nägel - nails or short nails? Noise or silence? Spoon or Gabel - fork? Laptop or desktop? Lustig - funny or romantic? Danke for your answers my dear Fraugen... bis dann. XD


Hello Frau Claudia..been awhile since I have answered some Fragen..here it goes.. 1. Trying to stay away from meat for awhile now so I have to say veggies..and Im loving it!! 2. I will say both.. love to poke my fingers in dimples and love to kiss freckles!! 3. The Moon.. I love the Ocean and I love how the Moon sparkles on it..4. In my line of work short..but I love long!! 5. I'm usually the one making the noise..but in the silence I'm the one talking to myself also..6. Combine the 2 Spork!!! 7. Laptop.. 8. If you mean me..I'm "Fromantic" meaning Funny/Romantic..😂😂💗💗.. As always thank you for making me think!!!! ✌✌❤❤


GRMA for the ramble. Bhí sé ar fheabhas! Made me smile a lot, and laugh, after a very hard week. Sonny Jim sounds like such an unforgettable character -- I'll think of him as Sunny Jim. And the fellas from your dad's work... 😂😂🤣 You've a real gift for spinning funny tales, y'know. I love rambles, and would welcome more of 'em. *hugs* 💟💟💟


❤️❤️ Sounds like things are going very well! Cheers!


Please don’t change anything about the way you talk, it’s lovely 😊


*new account* Now I can comment. Heehee. When it's cold, i like to get moving while fuelled by caffeine. 😂 Workout, lift, do chores, cook. I don't like watching TV. I forget to Pay the cable and could go for days not noticing. Lol. Gael, i love these rambles u make because this is where you get real and we are reminded we are not earphone-obsessed ladies listening to "some voice" but it's a REAL person we connect to. I truly love ur work and you have no idea how much you've actually HELP IMPROVE lives (and sleep and mornings and moods and so on.) My friends are on here too! I wish I could call them out but they have just been "gaelforced" in the last 2 months. Hahahahahaha.


Just dawned on me that the 2 versions of When We Come is very much like Infinite Content on Everything Now. Inspiration or Happy Coincidence?


You are a spectacular story teller! I love to listen to your stories and color them in in my mind while I listen to you. I'd love to meet your dad (of course I want to meet you first )! We could have a competition to see who is more sarcastic....I think I could give him a run for his money. ;)


Also I love the voice impressions of your dad. They make me feel as if I was there with you while this story was taking place. Please make more audios like this! I love just hearing stories about your life and family.


I want to be a part of your family. Sounds like a continuous adventure and a ton of laughs.


Lord, my head hurts from laughing so hard!


Oh my goodness, I could listen G tell stories forever! His enthusiasm, voices and just how he tells a story is totally perfect! My evening has been made