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You love it when I say dirty things in your ear while I fuck you... don't you.




This one was on my birthday. I missed it at the time... :) Jesus, my stomach flipped over several times during this... ;)I've only just discovered you, but I'm having so much fun catching up.




That...is a keeper!!!😁😘


Running home as I type this 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️


Later, love. Work time. Glad you are alive, though. Thanks for the sign. 😜❤


my earbuds are loud when i hit play and gosh that is intense +_+ and i stopped an asmr video to come here can u imagine that contrast when that first growl reach my ear


Good morning G! Happy Friday! Is this a Friday challenge? (Asked the busy🐝 me)😉😜 That growl took my breath away again (breathless while driving)


Happy Friday everyone!!


See, this is exactly the kind of dirty talk that gets me off during a solo session. So hot 😛


See, I'm so tempted to review this like I did Bloodlust... I'll listen first and see!


You're a teaser G.!!!i don't know if I want to have a nice time with it or if I want to suffer a bit and built the mood for the weekend with my bf! You're so mean!


What kind of dirt though, Herr Gael?? Hm... I´d prefer some... clay, mud, soot and ashes... and a touch of mashed potatoes... XPP


I had my phone on max volume too. It scared me shitless! I was NOT ready for that 🤣🤣🤣


That last part cracked me up! Girl, you are amazing 😂


Best way to wake up ever!! i don't know either to get up, or stay in bed.... i swear i could purr


Nice audio, mildly unclean... I want it a lot dirtier!!! 😈😈😘 Love ya Gael xoxo 💋


He's alive!!! 😛😛... Got the notification and that's what I blurt out at work... I think I got a problem!!! 😂😂😂


Happy Friday! "Move my hand, show me where", you sure can paint a picture...💋


So excited.


This is another audio I can actually imagine myself in, in parts of it anyway. You seem to bounce from 'commanding alpha' to 'equal partners,' though you never fully give up control to your Baby in this audio. Even when you give them the first move, you still have control. Sexual game of chess, I guess is how I'd describe it. But I'm weird I guess. I will give it to you for using words and phrases that I wouldn't expect to be 'dirty' in any manner. Typical phrases, words, and even growls were expected- innocent things turned sexual was a nice surprise for me this morning. How you haven't managed to hurt your voice by now with audios like this is surprising to me, based solely on the rampant and almost constant changes in tone and pitch. Maybe this is natural for you in such a situation? I wouldn't know, my experience with dirty talk is pretty much you anyway... Again as far as control goes- I find it quite interesting that even with your words of "take my breath away" and "take my cum-" you're still in control. You still call the shots, you still tell us what to do- you're pretending that you've handed control over and that is a rather delicious mind game. The orgasm was an interesting one compared to some of your others- and yes I've listened to them (though I left my reviews to myself...). The space of no breathing, then the growl that started at a normal pitch and went to a deeper noise. I'll admit I am currently trying to figure out if that was a throat or a chest growl- there is a difference. TLDR; All in all, a rather pleasant way to wake up on a Friday. Certainly not something I would want to listen to in public because it did bring out a couple reactions in me that would be VERY telling if I were to be standing at the bank or anything when they came about. (I shudder to think about that possibility, and I'm sure my small town would NEVER forget it) The way you weave control in and out with your words is well handled in such a short audio- you truly do showcase your skills with every audio you make. Analytical done, I promise.


Clay would certainly give one hell of a sensation, wouldn't it?


Ooooh, I think this is gonna be mmmm. I have a late start so I'll get to work about 11 minutes early, that way I will be walking into work with a HUGE smile on my face! 😁 think it's because I'm excited about being there....but we'll know better! 😏


Brightens my day to wake up and see a new audio from you so happy I joined patreon have a blessed day gael


Just when I was rediscovering some old dirty audios! Rawwwwrrrr! 🔥 Happy fookin Friday! 😜


*sings* The best part of waking up, is Gael in your... 😳


These are my favorite ones. Chills. 😏😏 The filthy audios give me butterflies in my tummy. Hello lovely ladies! Hope you all have a great weekend! Happy Friday G, hope you’re well.


Oh my 😳 You know, for me, being a shy girl, I typically prefer the sweeter, romantic audios. This was super hot, but my favorite part about this (and about you❤️) is that after we've been your bad girl, your dirty girl, and other words I'm too embarrassed to type, we are somehow still at the same time your good girl, loved and taken care of. That makes it so much easier for me to explore those other sides of myself I would otherwise be afraid to. You are amazing at what you do. 💋💕


Happy Friday, love! 😙 Are you as ready as I am to get the weekend started? This audio was the perfect starting shot. So. Much. Hotness. 😍


What my Friday looks like: At work, popping the earbuds in, and listening to Gael growl into my ears while filing papers, trying not to moan too loudly or think of filthy scenarios involving my office desk, clothes being torn off, and this Irish God fucking me senseless.


Haven’t listened yet. But my answer is still yes. Or yes sir.


📛🔥 Straight! No chaser! Turn around and back that ass right in there! Grab that ass!! Yep, yep!! 😛 "Look at your p$$Y hug it", " fucking trapped inside you", "be my good girl, take more"-- fuuuuuuuuhh! My freaking senses went into overload on this one !! Dirty, dirty talk during sex is like ultimate!! 😍 At the 8 minute mark, the challenge was ON especially when he said "this is how you make your man cum so fucking hard". And as @Laura Emily said, there is no embarrassment because of the mature level of trust, love, and respect that is evident in this piece. Dirty, yet beautiful #commanderbadass 🎩 #hecangetit #ineedthisinmylife 💋


Very creative, different kind of acting method.. But impressive how you can switch in character... In my neighbourhood, british actors are coming over all summer, playing Hamlet at the castle Kronborg. And there is definitely a similar talent.. It do takes a brave heart to act... Have a wonderful weekend.. Good ass Prana


So THIIIIIIIS is what happens after Naughty Night at the Theater!! 😈 Couldn't help it, sorry 😳


I love the way you do alpha! Grrrrrr! Now I can get up and face the day! 😈


Ahhhhh!!! You sweet, nasty, dirty man!!! You've got me over here smiling, licking my lips and twitching on this wonderful Fap Friday! "HUGS" right down to the base! 😈😈😈🔥😍


that 'my god baby' at the end gets me every time. hottttt damnnnnnn boy!


Well that was such a treat to wake up to 😍 No foreplay, just straight, raw filth exactly how I like it. 💦💦


So fucking good. 😍 As always, worth the wait.



Misa Amane

Yess, looking forward to this later. Happy weekend everybody!


Hot dang, that growl at the start...! Right. At. The start! @///@ The lion's wide awake tonight! Happy Friday, you guys! :D :D


I think needs to be listened to repeatedly. You know, for science...


My favourite part is when Gael asks the listener to take his bread away. Taking things that don't belong to you does indeed make one a bad girl ☝️😯<br><br>And he probably wouldn't get it back either. I'm sure I could devour a long, thick baguette 🥖 in one sitting because <i>holy crap</i>, I miss carbs so much 😞


Oh lord have mercy! Love the playful yet demanding audio. The beginning was an immediate rev up and all the wonderfully naughty language was enough to have me squirming in my seat. This audio would convince a saint to sin. Yum! 👅


It scared the shit outta me! My earbuds volume was up. Definitely hot tho after it startled me.


Good. Lord. Is this guy psychic? This audio is like a checklist of so many of my favorite impure thoughts. What a way to finish out the workweek. My oh my.


😂 🤣 Doc, I adore you, you made me snort laugh!❤️


To answer your question Sr yes yes I do 😜


Jesus Christ. I’m very happy right now, sending all of my good / happy vibes your way, you deserve it sir 😍😅


Yes I love it when you say dirty things in my ear...


Hi, I'm new here. Extremely shy. Loads of anxiety. But thanks so much Gael. This was hot as hell. And on a more serious note. It has helped me. I was in a really bad relationship where all my insecurity and anxiety was used against me....this is slowly helping me love myself again. And I absolutely love dirty talk. You are an expert at it. Keep up the great work!


“My gorgeous, sexy, dirty little girl” BOOM! 💥🔥💦


Oooh, talk to me baby! I love when you have delicious, nasty things to say in my ear. There were no preambles or any thing...just jumped in! Loved picturing gripping your thighs while sliding up and down on you. *Bonus* Went and stalked you on Twitter to see what all of the "hub-bub" was about...and boy did I see some damn hub-bub! That physique tho'!! Those arms and chest!!... Gave me some extra ammo when I decided to 're-load' to listen again. To picture those flexing while you...Damn baby!!! Next time, give a little gander of those thighs you wanted me to dig my nails and sink my teeth into...oh you never said that? Maybe it was just implied....😏


You know, every time G hinted at lifting the muse, or picking her up, my brain just blanked it out, because "that's for cute, petite, skinny-girl supermodels". I would be mortified if someone tried to lift me -  I'd be worried about breaking him, that he'd shoot a clot or bust a valve or something! For all the confidence I've gained here, lifelong body-issues don't just *poof* disappear - those fuckers are stubborn. It's like fighting shadows that have nine lives. But then I went to look at this twitter photo that has everyone a-flutter. 👀 Whew!! 😅 I think I'll try to NOT ignore those 'lifting' parts of the audios anymore 😊 I realise this doesn't mean I've slayed a shadow-demon. But I will be able to get lost in the fantasies a teeny bit more, with that visual in mind! 😏❤


There was a ramble from several months back where Gael answered the question of how much he could bench press. If I recall correctly, I believe his personal best was somewhere around 360 lbs. (I remember thinking that I would've died of liver failure or a heart attack secondary to anabolic steroid use before ever being able to bench anything close to that myself, for there's no way that I could do that naturally 🤔).<br><br>So if the guy can bench press 360 lbs, he actually probably could pick up a <i>lot</i> of the ladies here. Assuming that he doesn't skip leg day (which is a cardinal sin), because you gots to lift with your legs, not your back ☝️😦<br><br>But all that aside, sexy is a state of mind, not a physical form. Anyone can be sexy regardless of what they look like, even though much of the media only showcases women who are a certain shape (and even then airbrushes the hell out of them). Gael's audios are for everyone and in the world of fantasy, anything is possible. So if you want to imagine him scooping you up in his arms during an audio, have at 'er! If you want to imagine yourself picking <i>him</i> up, why not? Or if you want to imagine the pillow fight audio looking more like the gladiator battle between Thor and the Hulk in <i>Thor: Ragnarok</i> (but just more sexy, and with actual pillows instead of deadly weapons), that's all good too! 😃<br><br>(Sorry, I watched the new Thor movie yesterday and absolutely loved it 😍)


Omg faints ❤️❤️🔥


Hello Gael~~ I actually don't have any public orgasm stories, heh, but I did want to comment on this. I am a new patron, and this is by far my favorite audio of yours. Personally, I fucking fell in love with the needy, whiny side of you. It turned me on so much, the way you tried to keep quiet, the little moans you let out, and how your voice was so strained it was almost a whisper... and every time you said the words "make me cum" I fucking shuddered. By the end of it I was trembling and dripping wet... so yeah, that's what you did to me, heh. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the softer side of you, because your voice is fucking gold. You're amazing, please do this babygirl a favor and make more audios that show the soft, sweet side of you, because frankly, I need more. Love you ❤


Cheers for making it even harder to get up for work! No complaints... 🤤