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As my beloved wanders the chasm between death and immortality, I keep vigil and remember the first time I laid eyes on her...

This is Part 2 of the Bloodlust Saga!

Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPVh5Z0rCuE




Can there be a part 3 to this like holy shit. This was so beautiful and so wonderful like oh my god.


so wonderful, i love this saga made me cry <3 I have a soft spot for vampires and have since childhood XD thank you <3


I love this one, you're a wonderful voice actor & storyteller 💜


So I only just heard part two (Which i didn't even know about!) and I have SUCH A DESIRE TO DRAW THIS WHOLE STORY! Honestly I'm mad jealous that you can write stories this well! If I could write and draw stories half as good as this i'd be flying at Uni XD. But yes... my next sketchbook pages are going to be a flurry of ideas about this.


This one and the first one was.. wow I have no words for how amazing it was. I think those have been your best audios yet. The passion behind your voice, the tone, the music. I’ve been waiting to listen to them because I’ve heard they are emotional. And it was. But I’m so happy I listened. It was almost like an inner body awakening or an outterbody experince for me. I cannot put words to describe it. But it was like I had slept and woken up refreshed and ready to deal with whatever the world might throw at me, but I didn’t go to sleep. Not even dozed off. It was like you had some sort of real vampireic trance over me.


Fuck! I can't believe you wrote this! Let alone how expertly you executed it... When I saw this on patreon, I was curious about how there could possibly be anything better than the YouTube version and Gael, you blew me away! The entire saga (so far?) is hauntingly beautiful as well as sensual. Wow. Just wow. Thank you for doing what you do!

Krisandra Setzer

Please do a part 3 of this!! This is amazing and it's one of my favorite audios you've done


Oh my god I think my heart stopped for a moment It was so passion it and romantic




Wow! Just wow. So passionate, moving, and very powerful. Love it. Just wow😢😍


Wow this was so beautiful and it moved me so much inside 😭❤️ Well done Gael 👏🏻 please do more of this ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻


It took me a year to find out that there was a Part 2 extended version, when I have heard this audios soo many times ❤ it was the best delay gift ever! 😍👌


I really love this. The music is beautifull, the story is beautifull, your voice is beautifull. Thank you so much. And thanks to TaraH who helped me find it here. <3


Everything about this was beautiful. Definitely will be listening to this series many times. Please continue them. ❤️


You took my breath away, Gael. That is not easily done. This was absolutely sublime.


Wow Gael, I’m really stunned by this one. I’ve been on a quarantining deep dive of your older audios and I have to agree with the ladies above, it’s truly a masterpiece. The poetry of your language is stunning, as well as the ambiance and the music, it really draws you into the story. It’s almost like feeling a novel come to life. You have this magical ability to transport the listener to another world and it’s such a gift, I think you were born to do this!! 💫🌟👏🧛‍♂️💯


Damn. This was so good, I missed my exit. Definitely a masterpiece. You deserve a Golden Lovely award for it! 😏👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰


Squeee! I cannot contain the vampire loving teen thriving my heart.


Happy early birthday to me! I can't wait to listen to this!!! ❤


Oh my 😍😍😍 Can’t wait to listen.


That NSFW tag made my eyebrow cock upward, not going to lie. However- I trust you. We'll see how it goes!


So exciting! Do u ever stop working? Have a great week!


Yes yes yes!


Hey all! I have truly poured my heart and soul into this piece I really hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for sticking with me! Happy Sunday night!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yass slay us all again Gael

Greek Goddess

Yeeeeessssss!Thank you lovely! ❤️😙


Look at you...all those issues and you still get things done. So impressive 😉


😍😍😍 I cant wait to listen G! You work your ass of for us, we appreciate you.


You are the best as always. Can't wait to listen!!! 💌😘


Mmm, I love this vampire stuff! I think I'll make it an early night. yum.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I'm going to be enjoying this. You are such a trooper. Nothing (no flu, storms or technical difficulties) can keep our man down 😍


...if I start commenting, will the Frau come and try to stake me too? XD


You are the best! Thank you for always thinking of us, you are the sweetest 😊 i expect this to be a masterpiece, as always 😘


I'm not sure i can handle 30 minutes, the last one gave me actual goosebumps when he started describing her. I'm so happy you went with a strong female character. I can't wait to listen to this! Thank you for working so hard on this, I love this story. 💋❤💋❤


This saga is awesome! So seductive and tingly and a great storyline. ❤


I see you! Vampy Gael loving traitor!... My thick stakes are ready and Queenie is on my side! Ready to stake all the untassty undead langersss with her tail!


hello hello! what do we have here?? I was waiting for a part two since the first bloodlust video came out! There's so much energy, inspiration and love in these type of audios you make, we can really feel you put time and sweat in them! so sorry to hear about your laptot misadventure, but I'm sure you faced the issue as positive as you usually are, and things will be great from now on! *sending super positive vibes, they're always useful! <3


ps: i loved the music choice in this. in the beginning I had Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet vibes! SO POETIC!


Its mean to live chat on a Monday morning when some of us have to leave 😊


I love every second of this saga ❤️❤️❤️ #feelingreallyemotional

Greek Goddess

EPIC!!!I bow to your talent.Im speechless!Bravo! 👏🏻


I had a feeling that there was more!!! Unfortunately for me, it will have to wait until tomorrow, have to get ready for a long night of work..please send good vibes and hope that I make it through; I had to work during the time change from Daylight Savings and am missing that extra hour of sleep...


What lush, beautiful storytelling! I found myself overcome with emotion at times. I was so moved that I became misty eyed and shed more than a few tears. The love and devotion on display here is deeply, intensely touching. This was glorious and gorgeous and vivid. It's like a beautiful dream. I absolutely love it.❤❤❤❤


Wow, wow, wow, what was that!? I can't believe I almost passed this one up! I'm not crazy about most vampire themes so really had no intention of listening. Then I saw your comment about putting your heart and soul into it and thought, "Well in that case, I should give it a chance." This is a whole new level of artistry for you. I am blown away by your ever growing talent.


A very emotional and great masterpiece. Definitely your best audio so far❤❤I'm speechless!


I'm... speechless... I'm just gonna find a corner and try to come up with something, but that's not possible I think. Beautiful, in every way. You really did something else here - something that I think nobody else did before in this whole audio community. Wow. ❤


No one Angie absolutely no one did this before and no one can ever do this like G. No one!!!


Wow your vocal handling it's amazing, your acting, and how you handle your breathing!! not only during the most sexual parts (that's always amazing), since the first word, that was awesome, i haven't hear this saga until today, you just wow me, i do have one question, do you ever get dizzy?? anyway, just amazing. Last night an idiot drunk driver hit me and my friends, so i'm in bed full of bruises and with two sprains, i think the pain keep pull me out the story (every time i try to move me something hurts) i still could focus for a few moments, definitely i'm going to hear this again in another time, when i can really focus and let my imagination fly


I was a vampiress for Halloween so this makes me very happy lol


Okay, so the cocked eyebrow was undeserved and I am sorry for that- but the NSFW tag did ellicit a thought in my brain. Anyway- on to my analytical review (yes, I did this- no I will not apologize for the wall of text)! The beginning, the story that was posted on Youtube and before, was still stunning. The music behind, swelling and lowering at the right moments; your voice, the tone and timbre of certain words changing not only the sound but the very meaning of them. This was still beautiful, and still set the scene in your emotions and brought my mind right back into this interwoven story. The second meeting, a story of Vampire Gael's (yup, separate entity, deal) near downfall. I will admit I was surprised at the turn this took. The vulnerability in your voice, the near sadness in the idea of the death of an immortal 'monster' as you call yourself. I give you some major bookworm and literature lover points for the term 'hubris,' because I will admit I squealed in delight at the proper use of the term. And again a few lines of dialogue later when you used the phrase "I was spent." I've heard it one too many times used incorrectly. The descriptions of your lover, the woman you chose, were so careful and loving. Describing her as perfect, an Angel of Mercy- it's easy to close my eyes and imagine the goofy smile of a man in love as you spoke. It works well, it really does. And the small chuckle when you talked about her trying to move you, and you being nearly too heavy for her. It was a nice thing, a small detail that could have been easily overlooked but missed if not there. And again when you added another chuckle to your words when talking about how curious she was. The tender intimacy in between the two characters when she offered her blood to you. The lilt to your voice, then the roughness as you deepened it once again. And I'm not even going to talk about how you turn the phrase 'hollow heart' into a caress of words. Now, the FIRST time I listened to this I almost had a heart attack at the sudden feminine gasp and panting. I wasn't expecting it and the downside of noise cancelling headphones is that it is ALL you hear. I wasn't prepared, and usually a female voice would turn me away from your audios- in this instance it heightened the experience to a completely different level. The heartbeats, amalgamation of noises, and your tender voice (echoing in places) made the moment chaotic but I realize that was the point- so I must say masterfully done, Gael! (Though I will admit I'm curious as to what woman in your life you asked to record that for you, and what you bribed her with to do so). Now... the part of this that made me cry (damn you Gael, I will say it again!)... It begins at 16:25 with the subtle change of your voice, a quiver in your breath. I think why this hit so hard is that in my mind, given what I've learned of the character from part one and part two up to now- is a stoicism, an almost arrogant cockiness. It was so different from the Vampire Gael I'd been presented with prior. And beginning at 17:00, the literal quivering to your actual voice, on top of the sweet words and saddened whispers, actually made me cry. I'm unsure if this is because your voice sounded so much like you were crying or if it allowed me to imagine Vampire Gael crying- and the image of such a being being so vulnerable brought me to tears. Unsure, but masterful. The return of the blood gift, it was such a soft moment. Your breathing more impactful than your words, but still powerful nonetheless. The promises, the idea of learning, the whispered Gaeilge... it's a beautiful moment- and it brought tingles down my spine in such an intense manner that even regular ASMR triggers have never managed. The crackling fire at the 20 min mark, before the intimacy, adds to story in a way I didn't think would be possible from such a small sound choice. It's odd how much your background choices bring this together just as much, if not more than, your voice in certain places. The love-making at the end, while most definitely not safe for work, was beautiful. Notice that wording, however, because I would very much classify the act that is offered is more than just sex (like in some of your audios) or even a way for the listener to get off. It's emotional, connected, and very loving/caring in your words. In addition to the words of lead up to the sexuality, I have to comment on the sense of vulnerability in your voice- the quivering breaths and almost completely voiceless whispers. Your soft moans/groans during the act of sexuality make the imagine of a love-smitten monster more real in my mind- as it is such a pullback from the idea of a blood soaked and dangerous seduction that one would think of. (upside; learning Gaeilge helped me understand most of your tender words, so yay for me?) The final, tender, words before the chorus of mine are almost too sweet and I will admit had my brain not registered the sensuality beneath them they would have broken my heart a little. And that ending, the whispered promises in the dark between lovers. It was sweet, intense, and so caring that I got lost for a moment in the embrace of your words- a new feeling for me for sure. The last words being "I am yours" were heart breaking in the whisper of them, but still a fulfilling ending to an otherwise glorious piece, and the addition of a few extra seconds of music added to that end in my head. All in all, and a sort of 'too long, didn't read' wrap up: This is a beautiful piece of work, Gael. The amount of emotion, time, and care you obviously put into it make it something I know I will listen to time and time again. The way you weave words with music, sounds, and even your very tone of voice create an encapsulating world and wonder that I will love to retreat to when the night is long and dark. This time my suspended disbelief lasted me through the entire listening, changing even so that by the end of the piece I was imagining myself in place of a fiction woman in the character that is Vampire Gael's love. A hard feat, and bravo to you for managing it.


Oh gosh, that's awful, Tamara! Did the police catch that drunken asswipe? 😡 Were your friends hurt?<br><br>I'm sure you're already doing this in some fashion, but RICE-ing your sprains (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) and taking something like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can work wonders. Just focus on resting and letting your body heal - the audio will still be waiting for you when you're ready 😉


Wow, this was so beautiful, so intimate and emotional! So different from other pieces, but I think it’s definitely your best one yet! This is truly something special and I’m really proud of you for making this, you have left me speechless after listening 😌😘


Ooh, I bet the apothecary thought Vampire Gael had porphyria and tried giving him a 10% dextrose solution! (And possibly some heme arginate, although it's unlikely to have been available at the time). It's thought that some vampire folklore myths were inspired, at least in part, by people who suffered from the disease.<br><br>Porphyria is a condition were the body produces too many porphyrins, which is one of the building blocks in the synthesis of hemoglobin. A patient's symptoms could vary based on the type of porphyria they had, but one of the skin manifestations of the condition was blistering and pain after sun exposure. That's because porphyrins are photosensitive and become toxic to surrounding tissue if an affected individual goes out in the sun.<br><br>Some forms of porphyria are caused by a lack of enzymes that transform porphyrins into the substances needed further down the pathway of hemoglobin synthesis. Since this disrupts the pathway, individuals with porphyria make less hemoglobin and are likely quite anemic if untreated. Anemia can cause pallor, which adds to why porphyria sufferers may have helped inspire descriptions of a vampire's appearance (i.e., being pale and cold to the touch).<br><br>If you want to read more about porphyria, Scientific American has a really neat article on it here: <a href="https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/born-to-the-purple-the-st" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/born-to-the-purple-the-st</a><br><br>I hope I didn't bore anyone with this science lesson, but I just have a huge ladyboner when it comes to the topic of modern medical explanations for historical phenomena 😳 I also don't know what to write about the audio itself - I don't think anything I can say can really do it justice. It was a mindblowingly beautiful piece that hit me right in the feels, and it's a lot easier to hide behind science than talk about emotions 🤐 <br><br>But it truly was a wonderful audio, Gael. Thank you for sharing it with us.


This is, without question, my absolute favorite audio you have ever done, G. Through this outpouring of your soul, you have somehow managed to rip my heart from my chest and make me whole again all in a single instant. These are the kinds of moments that I live for. Somehow through this hauntingly beautiful narrative, you have managed to put into words everything I've been feeling over these past few months since I began listening to you. it gives me the clarity I need to realize that at this point in my life, I am exactly where I am supposed to be.<br> I absolutely adore you, you beautiful Irish vampire. Tá tú i mo chroí go deo, mo grá.<br> <b>Go deo.</b><br> ♥


Even though I'm not really into the 'vampire romance' thing, I have to say that this was astounding. I was really absorbed in the story! You told it so beautifully, and I wanted to hear more.


"Never one to believe in destiny" until...She. Powerful, emotionally moving, and brilliantly rendered and spoken 👏🏻👏🏻 . By far, one of the most awe-inspiring stories of love, tenderness, and devotion. As said previously by many, Bravo!! Your artistry is unmatched. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 💋


This was absolutely beautiful and sweet. I'm so in love with it. ❤❤


You conveyed that consuming love in the most perfect way. You just keep getting better and better. Its a joy to witness.


A glorious piece and worth of standing ovation!Gael is unique❤


I'll be eavesdropping on your demonic dialogue later.


31 minutes? Wow.


If it's a Broncos game that's keeping you from the audio, I can assure you that the audio is much, much better than the Broncos. I can even confirm it <i>with science.</i>


Hats off on this one . The EMOTION in your voice from 16:min just.... i was just😢.. (no fookin' words). You are showing more and more of your skills G : i am literally blown away. One thing about audios is that it makes your imagination run wild and as I was listening to you ,mine was beautifully all over the place . Good Lord this audio is so Beautiful ❤🌺❤!Each sentence was full of passion ( + Gaelic... *sighs* yes please! this language is magnif. ) The tone of your voice , sound effects ,the setting ,the music... : (*no qualified adjectives to describe this : emoji---&gt;🥇) That is to say I enjoyed every single second of it, over 30 minutes of heaven. 😙G ,absolutely well done.


You guys are killing me with these comments!! I'm so behind! 😩 At least I know that when I'm finally able to listen again it will be 😳🔥☠️


My oh my, what a masterpiece.


I came back for another listen and just need to add that I would love to see this get extended to a full length audio book. :-)


Absolutely amazing! I'm in tears I'm so touched by this story. The perfect pairing of music and a brilliant tale. I felt so many things listening happiness, worry, sadness, a need to comfort, arousal and s happiness so great it brought on tears. Unbelievable. I 💜 vampires and this story pulled me in and filled my heart with happiness at the love found. Just wow!


So glad I was not the only one to cry. Holy crap! Amazing

Gri (Sassy_One)

Wow, Gael. This audio is a true masterpiece! You pour your heart and soul into every audio, but Bloodlust: Awakening is the most beautifully written piece yet. The words flow in a very sensual manner, the description, the imagery, the pace in your speech, it all takes us inside the story. The feels, when you take each other and become one!😍 Wow!! Beyond impressed, I'm feckin' proud if you, G!!! You have definitely outdone yourself this time!!! Pls, consider and episode 3!! PS- massive points for not letting the gremlins win the battle!!😉


Wow. This was insanely gorgeous to listen to. Loved hearing such a range of emotions! I swear you made me cry oh my god. I’m definitely with everyone saying consider doing an episode three 💙 but regardless , I must give you applause for how stunning this was. The words themselves were stunning but hearing you say them the way you did got me in all of the ways they could have. Thank you for making this ☺️ cheers.


Idk how to say things or do words anymore, this is just too good for those to convey. I f*cking love your brain. I want to hug that brain. Alright that sounds weird. But it's such a beautiful place, that mind of yours. A great big churning nebula, birthing so many beautiful things. And this was a hell of a bright star! Or a heaven, more like 💫 Your head is a super fun playground, thank you for inviting us in 💖


Sweetie, I can feel you poured your heart and soul into this audio. How can you say the perfect things?! I swear, you're like Mel Gibson on the movie What a Girl Wants, you can read our minds! 😂 I love all your work, you should consider writing romantic novels...


I realize I commented one hell of a long review earlier, but now I have a question for the Lovelies: Is it just me or does it sound almost like Gael is holding his upper lip away from his teeth? Physically this would recreate the sound of having fangs (I've noticed a change in his voice when Vampire Gael is in full let's drink mode)... So I'm just beginning to think I'm crazy.


And by holding I don't mean physically touching (as in with his fingers)... think more almost a growl, lifting his lip.


I wish I could properly express all the .... wow, I can't even finish THAT sentence. It was just so... gorgeous. Seriously, that was art. Wonderful story, I hope there are SEVERAL in the works. Your acting is perfect. Tender, evocative, truly encompassing. As always, I LOVE when you pull out that thesaurus... vocabulary is so sexy. Foley sounded great. And the music 😍 I am a huge score and soundtrack nerd, and the way you used music- not just the main theme, but all of the other moments as well. Beautiful. (Oh and about that main theme! I nearly died with joy when I first heard it repeated from Part 1, and your dynamic changes are lovely. I get a ladyboner about music like Doctimus gets about science, so trust me when I say this was perfect.) This whole piece was luscious.


Let me start by saying this audio is amazing!! Such an intriguing story line so moving... I cried.. Not only because of the way you tell your story's how deep you put yourself into them but also because I have felt this kind of love (actually I still feel it this person will forever have my not my heart but my soul) tho it was not ment to be forever as we wanted what we had will always be a lifetime in my heart. So thank you G for awaking an old feeling long since gone and once thought lost forever..... I am truly grateful to have had the honor of listen to this really thanks ☺


This is really good.. But it is also possible due to an excellent acting talent.. It will be interesting to follow this hole audiovision project...


Have a wonderful day... Good ass Prana


Gael you say you put your heart and soul into this, can I just say it shows. This is truly a masterpiece. Everything from the background music, to the hint of fear in the thrilled voice of vampire Gael as he takes his love in every way is something truly truly special. Thank you so much for making this (and your other audios too). You are a gift to this world, don't ever forget that x


I’m listening to this audio before bed every night from now on it’s that wonderful Gael 😭❤️


Okay, so I have to admit something, and I am hoping that it will not cause me to lose my Gaelandia passport. I never listened to Bloodlust until Halloween of this year. I know, I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it, but vampire stories – romance or no – have never been my thing. I’ve never seen or read the Twilight series, and the only vampire pair I ever really enjoyed was Buffy and Angel and then Buffy and Spike. I hope I am forgiven? (I’m looking at you, Laura Emily LOL) When you dropped the beginnings of Part II on Halloween, I decided to listen to both, and I have to say I was absolutely impressed, vampire story or not. This story – all parts of it – was so sensual, so beautifully written, acted, and mixed. Your attention to detail was evident and your work was just superb to listen to. I found myself totally involved in the story and the images you created. As I listened I was reminded of old radio dramas without all of the elements that made them seem cheesy, like the over-the-top music (your selections fit beautifully), the over-emphasized sound effects (yours meshed very well with what was going on and didn’t seem stereotypical at all) or the over acting and enunciating (your acting was excellent and believable). I found the characters here to be intriguing, and the storyline, while having the potential to be the typical vampire romance, didn’t feel typical to me at all. I have to wonder if you know what a talented story teller you are? When I think back to the very beginning, your first audio or two, you began as a story teller. You told the listener a scenario, created a pair of characters, and then patterned a story. While your really early work may have lacked confidence and comfort with what you were doing, your ability to craft a story was always there, albeit in a very raw state. Now look at where you are and what you can do. Your rambles, your bedtime stories, your romantic and erotic audios – all of these hinge on your ability to craft a tale, one that hooks the listener and encourages her to continue to listen, to care about the outcome. You have said in rambles before that you would like to write, to be a writer of romances or of your life stories – I want to go on the record as saying that you already ARE a writer, you have the gift and self-discipline for it. I hope that, in your real life, your friends and family get to share the gift that you have so graciously shared with us. This is wonderful work, G! I am so glad that I get to be a part of watching you grow and develop your craft!


I AM COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY AWESTRUCK BY THIS, G!!!!! The amazing writing, outstanding acting, the nuances of the music complementing the scenes, the sound effects. I sat back and closed my eyes while listening and became completely immersed, into the terror, the intrigue, the love, the passion. You some how always manage to take things to another level of excellence. This is truly a masterpiece! You do us proud G, EXTREMELY PROUD!!!❤️


Awww thank you for your feedback ladies! I'm so happy ye are enjoying this ❤️


Omg u were amazing in this. I’m in absolute love💓💕😘


Lovelies much more eloquent than me have said it all already.... This 'Union of Souls' is hauntingly, achingly beautiful. Congratulations. And Thankyou. ❤

Claire Friel

Absolutely loved this can't wait to hear more xxx


This story has kept me entertained (is it the correct word?) all day, listening to both parts, imagining more about the characters, etc. I was never a fan of stories like Twilight or Vampire Diairies or anything vampire that was made recently but this story really has something. It left me all speechless and emotional yesterday night.


A lot of the more modern vampire storytelling has lost its integrity, veering too far away from its original intent. Go read Dracula by Bram Stoker or Anne Rice's vampire chronicles. That's as true as it gets. Vampires were never meant to sparkle. Lol. ❤


Like Amy Mc, I also had not listened to the Bloodlust saga before this past Halloweentime. Granted, I haven't been here as long, but that's not the only reason. I had listened to "Night Terrors" (both versions), and my mother is a diehard <i>Twilight</i> fan in ways that bother me (she literally likes the things about it that are abusive despite being an abuse victim herself), and exposure to vampiric concepts in other fictional works gave me a decent background for vampire stories. They're not my thing. Vampire stories too often come across as stalker-ish—and not gonna lie, the first seconds of Part 1 do <i>exactly that</i>. Watching me while I sleep is just <i>weird</i>. Sure, having that minute or two of, "aww, xe looks so peaceful," is one thing, but the idea of someone looming over me at night gives me squicky feelings. Far less creepy, however, is the idea of someone doing it with my consent, more of a <i>"you don't sleep, but I do, so I'm just gonna kip here for a while and you just...don't wake me up, mm'kay?"</i> thing. But still...you're talking about counting my breaths, dude, and that's a little weird. You need a hobby. 😜 But unlike a lot of the vampire-tales I <i>don't</i> like, there's not much focus on the stalker-ish aspect of a vampire/human romance in "Bloodlust." Much of Part 1 is spent saying that the decision to become a vampire is left to the listener, and not decided in any way by the vampire. There's neither the visceral attempts at dissuasion that permeate <i>Twilight</i> nor any implication of unwarranted pressure to become a vampire, even though that's clearly what the speaking character wants. Consent is a big deal for me, so I really appreciated that angle to the audio. Now, Part 1 by itself still wasn't all that interesting to me from a story standpoint, although there were aspects of it I did like. The mixing was still superb and I thought the transitions flowed well—but like I said, the whole vampire-thing is uninteresting to me by itself. I just didn't have a lot of connection to what was going on, nor a lot of context. I'm sure there are reasons for this—if I were putting a story like this on YouTube in such a format, for instance, I would want to keep it as general as possible for marketability. But in Part 2 (both versions), we see that the story gets more specific, and that's where things started to make more sense for me. The backstory has some new perspectives to bring to what could have been a very boring repeat of almost every other vampire/human budding romance (vamp saves human, human expresses xer appreciation, sometimes through the gift of blood). I liked the symmetry of the same gang or perhaps the family members of the perps in the alley coming after the vampire in retribution, and how it was the daylight that was dangerous and not really the wounds. (On that note, <i>thank you</i> for making the daylight legitimately dangerous to the vampire and not a mere inconvenience. I've seen vampire fiction that straddled the line by basically making vamps dehydrate faster in sunlight, so they could endure short stretches in the sun but not a full day without easy access to blood, but that's about as far as I'll allow that one to go. Even Superman had kryptonite, y'all.) The telling of that backstory felt natural, the way that a reminiscence might go, which I also liked. The awakening of the listener's character was a Moment, I've gotta say. I felt like there was something funky with the balance of the Chaos audio, but I can't put my finger on what it was—and at the end, I guess that means it achieved what it set out to do, which was generate confusion and a little fear. That small quibble aside, I thought the whole scene captured the idea of waking up on the wrong side of death gloriously. The anxious anticipation of the vampire, who wants this to go well for the listener's character, was palpable in your voice. The whole audio—both parts, actually—is very well-acted, but that, I think, was the highlight. It gave me feelings. That's not easy, especially with romance stories, where I'm more inclined to roll my eyes and snicker behind my hand than buy into the fantasy. One consistency between "Bloodlust" and "Night Terrors" that I like (especially as audio pieces) is the idea that the vampire can influence a person's dreams. It plays a bit on incubus mythology and also comes across really well through the headphones. Both audios (at least, in "Bloodlust Part 1") also make use of that eerie modulation effect to make your voice seem more threatening for part or all of the audio, and I'm just gonna say now that I am glad you did <i>not</i> bring it back for Part 2. It's clear that there was no need for it, and while I could see it making an appearance in the narration about the first fight in the alleyway, the story wasn't about the danger to the mortals involved, but to the vampire's heart. (Time for an insulin shot the size of a horse tranquilizer for me after writing that.) So terribly glad you're making money off this, and that's the truth. This deserves money the way kittens deserve cuddles.


No matter how many times I listen to this, I always find something new in it that I didn't notice the previous times. This is why this piece is so amazing to me. It's new every time. It always feels like the first time. ❤


The ambient song from Johannes Bornlöf was your best back ground music choice ever. It kinda reminded me of Adrian von Ziegler and Brunuh Ville😍


I read the comments. I thought I was prepared. I was wrong. This made me ugly cry. So beautiful. I hope that one day I'll know what it feels like to be loved like this, if such a thing really exists. Until then, I am grateful for you. ❤️


I observed the entirety of your eternal pledge of devotion to the now, vampress. I must confess, no utterances more powerful...more heartfelt...more soul shuddering have ever touched my ears. I witnessed the dilection of your vigil over her. Your gaze. Your touch. Your kiss. She woke, relinquishing her mortal life to the seemingly immortal one, confused, in complete wonderment, but not afraid. No, not of you. I saw realization morph into gratitude. She wanted to be there. She forsook the peril of her impermanence and embraced her new eternity of damnation with you. While I possess a hardened heart, birthed by the tragedy of profound loss, I know love and adoration when I see it. I turned away, allowing you a moment to revel in your consummation. And, now, here I stand in the midst of your lair. Viewing your seemingly, lifeless forms partake of an inanimate slumber. No breathing. No movement. I stand here in your most intimate chamber. *a sneer* I almost feel intrusive; trespassing upon a newlyweds' honeymoon night. Almost. For, I know what abominable destruction a duo, such as the two before me can rain down on an unsuspecting populace. Therefore, I harbor no guilt. Only indecision. Maybe the old wife's tales ring true. Perhaps, if I were to lay blade to your decrepit heart, the young maiden would return to the living being she was just moments ago. Spared a lifetime of committing abominable treachery that only a monster is capable of. Perhaps not. She could merely parish in the same manner as her maker: to dust thou shalt return. Yet, I hesitate. Hand readied. Mere inches from my weapon. Nanoseconds from brandishing the Yew stake and driving it deep between the aged, yet unweathered cartilage and intercostal muscles of your parietal cavity. My fingers twitch, yearning to be wrapped around the blunt spear and the feel of the rapid, deliberate impact against your left pectoral. I inhale deeply, feeling the adrenaline course through my veins. Anticipating the initial, abrupt blood curdling scream of surprise then pain...then..nothing. Of course, in my other hand, my finger itching to pull the trigger of my crossbow; aimed at your beloved. Arrow dipped in a solidified paste of colloidal silver, tincture of garlic and dead man's blood. Everything in me, screaming for me to do just that. Yet...I stand there looking upon the two of you in a lover's embrace. My eyes close trying to gather my resolve. To muster the wherewithall to end your demonic tyranny. And all I see, when my eyes open, are beings that have waited a lifetime for each other. The vision of the two of you blur. I turn quickly, unnecessarily. My breathing, rapid. All this time...all this way...and I... I set through the abode searching. I come upon the necessities. I sit at a small table and write. As you can see, I've spared you. I am saddened to see that you have invited another into your world. Teach her well. Everything she is, everything she does, falls to you. I implore you, do not mistake my mercy for weakness. I will be watching. If so much as a vagabon goes missing, I will bring down a fury upon you and your beloved you dare not imagine. I encourage you to employ a kine and make use of it. Take heed, vampire. I leave the note on the table next to where they lie. I turn to leave and look back once more. *I must leave before I change my mind.* Outside, I take vigil in my usual position. I watch. I wait. I wonder how long it will be, this time, before the hunger overpowers the love...it always does. Patreon ate this last night. If she regurgitates it, then will clean it up XP


'F' one day girl! You deserve it NOW!!!!!! Where is your man? Let me tell him a thing or twenty about the beautiful flower he has in his life. Who needs to be nurtured and pampered and loved like rare and precious gem she is! He needs to be careful before someone comes across your garden, sees what a beautiful and delicate specimen you are and transplants you to more fertile ground! Now you know I do not condone what you think I'm saying here, I'm just saying your SO needs to treasure you with all of his being, always and forever!

Jasmine sanfi

Damn boy....you always are at your best but this time I've got goosebumps...you are so talented,so passionate,so wild and caring at the same time.Pure SEX.Thank you


This was beautiful, Gael. I had so many different emotions going through me, that I couldn't keep up. You are extremely talented, and I appreciated the time it took for you to put into this piece. I love your voice. It actually reminds me alot of one of my favorite actors: Tom Hiddleston.


Gawd damn Gael this is soooo hawt and a damn good masterpiece that’s for I have to agree with Musicluvah! Bravo 👏🏻 💜🥀


Oh my god... I am speechless. I am brand new to Patreon but let me say well done Gael! I loved every second of this... I was crying in the first part and I am still crying now... Holy crap that was intense!!! Thank you G! Don't ever change!!