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What a week it has been!  My laptop died!  I purchased a new one that kept switching to my laptop mic when I was making audios.  Cursed technology!  

But I am happy to say I've managed to get almost everything done that I planned - which includes the complete cut of Bloodlust - that I will be posting here in a few minutes!

But most importantly here are this week's draw winners!  Happy November, my lovelies!  Thank you as always for your support!


The Dutchesz 

- PA Drawing FAQs 




Thanks for always working so hard for us xxx


Yay! Thank you for everything you do, G 😚


Good evening to you Gael! Thanks for all you do as always ^^ And good evening to all the rest of you! Hope the stars are out for you all ^^


Glad things worked out! ❤ Hope there won't be any more laptop disaster in the next few years 😜❤ Have a lovely week Gael!

Greek Goddess

Good evening Gael!Bloodlust??Yay I’m so excited!Congrats Ladies!


Ask Seanie what he did to your Laptop😂😂congrats sweeties. @The Dutchesz😗😗


Also, how forgetful am I? CONGRATS LOVELIES ❤❤❤


Glad you were able to get a new laptop so quickly, Gael. I know that technology can be a boon and a curse at the same time- especially when you grow fond of a particular computer or brand... and then they change! Hope you have had a well and relaxed weekend- you most definitely deserve it after all that you do.


Congrats ladies!


Yay Dutchesz!!! My love!!! 😍😍


Yay congrats sistren! After the movie night thread, I bet you have some creativity flowing!


Well, fuck me... Christmas has come early this year! 😍 This. Is awesome. Thank you so much G! Bless your gorgeous soul! ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats ladies!! Enjoy!! Have fun!!


good evening Gael and all I hope your having an awesome Sunday evening congrats to the winners and thanks for all that you do for us Gael ❤️❤️


Congratulations Ladies! Enjoy! Happy November and have a great week G!


Happy draw day to you, Sirens!


Can't keep a good man down. Technology is awesome. Says the IT person who's had a new laptop for a month that she still hasn't set up..😂😜


Congratulations to the lovely winners!


Congraaatsss 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉!!Have a nice week G !




Congrats, ladies! :D Have a blast!


Gremlins, huh? Maybe Seanie's been feeding them after midnight...So glad things worked out and settled down for you! And congratulations, lovely ladies, you are in for a wonderful treat!


EverydayMagic? Girl that's exactly what your PA will be because you get to listen every. single. day.!!!! Ms Dutchesz! Wooo! Get you some girl!! Enjoy the hell out of it!!! Gael sorry about the Gremlins! I live with one so I know how crazy it can get! Just don't get them wet or feed them after midnight! Glad things are working better tho'


Thank you, Elaine! I just wrote out my fantasy and let me tell you: just thinking about it has gotten me all hot and bothered. Abby is a very happy girl today 😍


SHUT. UP. Dutchesz...GIRL! I just SQUEED out loud for you! ENJOY! #OMGNOYOUSHUTUP


I'm no psychic but I see a lot of mentions of uncut cock in your very near future. I'm psyched for you! LOL


Happy you were able to do everything you wanted even with the techinal difficulties.


Congrats ladies.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Sad to hear that you're laptop died ☹Always a big pain in the @ss when that happens. But glad to hear that you got a new one so quickly. I have to be honest. I haven't listened to the latest audios.  I'm going to some rough time. I can't bring myself to listing to the audios because I don't know. It's hard to explane. I never been in a relationship before. It never bothered me that much. But lately it's eating me. It's not effecting my work or anything. But it's just a little..I don't know. I'm not depressed or something. Just a little sad. It will pass. I watch a lot of series lately. Winter is coming. I'm still at season 2. Sorry 😅😇 I read a lot of the comments here. They make my day 😁. I think I'm going to comment on them. I always find that a little scary. But I will I promise. Sorry for my gibber gabber...


I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch, jantine 🙁<br><br>I think I can relate to at least some of what you're going through. I've spent much, much more time single than I've spent in relationships. And while I'm usually content with my own company, I do get lonely sometimes and wish that I had someone special in my life. I hate admitting that, but I think it's part and parcel of being human. And maybe it's better to just let yourself feel how you feel than to try and fight against it.<br><br>So sometimes it's hard to listen to an audio that might make you think <i>"This sounds amazing - I wish I had something like this in my life!"</i> But I think Gael's audios do a great job of encouraging listeners to embrace their own sense of self-worth, as well as reminding them that they're special people with a lot to offer to the world. And like you said, difficult things like sadness and loneliness do eventually pass.<br><br>I know the community is getting quite big and it can feel daunting to just jump in and start posting comments. But you've nothing to be afraid of - the fine ladies and gents here are very friendly and supportive. There's no need to apologize for any jibber jabber, shooting the breeze, yakkety yakking, and other fun synonyms for talking 🙂💕


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Montag to everyone! It´s a windy, rainy night here. And I had to fight off two soaking wet, muddy kittens who wanted to cuddle up in my bed. But now we are all rubbed dry, clean and ready to purr and go to sleep again, :) Sooo, I´ve got some Fragen for you. Would you rather... Be able to eat free of charge in any restaurant OR have the ability to have unlimited food without gaining Gewicht - weight? Have the ability to make anyone fall in love with you OR have the ability to turn your Feinde - enemies to stone? Have the ability to control the ants OR be able to communicate with birds? Watch TV with no sound (or subtitles) or only be able to see half the screen? Have roller blades as feet or Saugnäpfe - suction cups as hands? Danke for your answers my dear Fraugen... bis später. XD


Hey there, Frau Claudia and the super awesome Fraugen! Happy almost-Monday to everyone! A rainy, windy night – perfect sleeping weather, in my opinion. It’s a rainy and cold night here in Virginia as well. Here’s hoping that I sleep well, and that I remember to turn on my alarm (I forgot last Friday – almost overslept and was late to work!). Time for your would you rather Fragen: Food choice: I would really like the ability to eat whatever I want and not gain any weight. I’ve no need to eat out all of the time, but I love to eat. It would be nice to not have worry about calories and fat content, instead just eat that piece of cake or bowl of ice cream without worry. Friends or enemies: I think I would much rather make anyone I want fall in love with me. Since the men over the years I have fallen for have never fallen for me (except the hubby, of course), it would be nice to have them love me back. Plus, I really don’t have any enemies that I know of – people I don’t care for, sure, but none that I would turn into stone. Ants or birds: Hmm, not sure about this one. I think I would prefer communicating with birds. Not sure how useful ants would be to me, but birds could be helpful. They certainly helped Cinderella, right? No sound or half a screen: I think I would prefer half a screen to no sound. I can imagine what is happening on the bottom of the screen over what is being said/heard? Roller blades or suction cups: I think I would prefer suction cup hands. I drop things all the time, so it would be nice to be able to hold on to things better. There you go, lovelies! Have a good day!

Deidra Goodman

Bloodlust? I can't wait. I love all the positivity here. It's so enjoyable to be apart of such an awesome community of lovelies :)


Glad things are going your way again Gael!! I am always terrified my laptop will crash and I will lose everything (like what happened several years ago with my desktop). So now I keep a thumb nail drive and a memory stick in my laptop and save EVERYTHING on them. I lost many of my photos to the crash of my desktop. Congratulations to Everydaymagic and The Dutchesz !!


DJ Tarah told us about the #IblameG. Maybe you "Twitterers" should start a #IblameSeanie for when 💩 happens 😊. Hope you recovered all your files and stuff, sir! And Congrats to the lovely winners!


I have similar anxieties, as I've had computers crash on me in the past as well. You might see whether your laptop has the capability to back up automatically to an external hard drive. You can get a lot of storage space for pretty cheap (I got a 1 TB drive for about $70 US), and if your computer is compatible, you can just plug in the drive and it'll back up any folders you want, up to and including an image of your computer at any time (which makes restoring it after a system failure much easier). For the sake of redundancy (and because I have data and such stored on my computer), I have one at home and one in my office, and I back up to both. Also because I'm paranoid that both my laptop and my backup drive might get destroyed in the same cataclysmic event...


It's funny we haven't started that # yet -- may just have to from now on!


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a pleasant Dienstag!? I´m in a rush tonight... I put a too wet piece on top of Lil´ Seanie earlier to dry a little and forgot it there. Now I have to finish it verdammt - damn quickly... ahhh... So no time for the Fragen, one of you has to step in, bitte!? Danke for your Fragen and answers my dear Fraugen... bis später. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you elegant enchantresses!<br><br>I see that no <i>Fragen</i> have been posted yet...may I do the honours?<br><br><b>This or that?</b><br>- Build a snowman or build a sandcastle?<br>- Ride a dolphin or ride an elephant?<br>- Change your name permanently or get a tattoo covering your entire back?<br>- Fight a vampire or fight a werewolf?<br>- Receive $500,000 that you must donate to charity or get $100,000 that you can keep for yourself?<br>- Raise money for a worthy cause by shaving your head or by running a marathon?<br>- Ride a hot air balloon or go spelunking?


Greetingsss tassty femalesss... How are you today? Hm? ...come on entertain me a little, sssince I´m sssitting here in my cave freezing! Ja you know why! ´caussse you didn´t get me the mittenssss... Maybe I sshould eat a dragon to warm me up...


Check this out, ladies:<br><br><img height="185" src="http://i.imgur.com/x6uqb0v.jpg"><br><br>Is this the part when we're all supposed to make a wish or something? Or does it just reflect a glitch in the source code of the Matrix? 🤔


I vote for wish! I wish at least this many new Patrons to G!


Guten Morgen Sirens. A happy Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone! It´s quite cold tonight and I just saw a nice plushy fox outside. Maybe he/she is fleeing from Ihrer Hoheit - Her Highness? :) Have nothing to chatter about, so right to some Fragen... After you get out of the shower/bath, which Körperteil - part of your body do you dry off first? Typing numbers on a computer keyboard, do you use the numbers on top or on the side? If you had a Knopf - button that gave you $.01 every 10 times you pushed it. How many times would you push it? If you could become an ocean creature for 24 hours, which would you choose? Danke for your Antworten my dear Fraugen... bis später. XD


Happy Wednesday, Frau! I'm having an erotic chat with my Parisian lover, so I'm very much awake. Dry first: My face Doing the math: ehrr... I have a mac! No side numbers on my sleek little Apple. Money buttons exist??? I'd ask my IT friend to sneakily find a way to make the button push itself so I wouldn't get exhausted by greed! If I were a sea creature... I'd be a sea horse. WEIRD animals, them! Later! X


I'm a bun, I'm a bun, I'm a tasty, tasty bun! To be baked and kneaded, oh, how fun! You can have me with breakfast, Have me with brunch, You can have me with your dinner, You can have me with your lunch! I'm a bun, I'm a bun, I'm a tasty, tasty bun! To be baked and to be kneaded, oh, how fun!😂 felt like being silly have a nice day all


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? Don´t have much time tonight... I have to keep an eye on my middle kiln. He tends to surprise me with unsuspected temperature changes. :( So here are the daily Fragen... Do you make music play lists for your Stimmung - moods? Have you ever bet money on sports? Do you like your birthday or Christmas better? Are you nicer to Leuten - people online or in real life? Who would win in a fight: a polar bear or an anaconda? Danke for your Antworten dear Fraugen... bis dann. XD


OK, you know what, Patreon, bite me. Have my Antworten here instead of on the thread if you must: Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Alas, the past few days have not been kind to me—suffice it to say that what looks like apple juice in my glass tonight was poured in as 7-Up—but tomorrow I have a checkup with my psychiatrist and we'll decide if I need some additional pharmacological help. And now, this: <b>Rey-Rey's soundtrack</b> — None of my playlists are specifically labeled for my moods (except "For Sleep"), but that's what they come out to be in the end. One for when I'm peppy. One for when I'm melancholy. One for when I would like to do nothing more than annoy everyone on my floor with Iron Maiden. Yup. <b>I'm not the betting kind</b> — Nope, I've never bet money on a sport. I'm not so sure I've bet anything on a sport, as a matter of fact. <b>My birthday vs His?</b> — (Of course, the date of Christmas was really selected to cover up a pagan holiday, but...) Christmas has lovely decorations, and I get to heap presents upon my friends, so I like Christmas more. I hate making anything of my birthday and go to some lengths to hide the date from my friends. Some of this is because I don't think my social media accounts need to have my real birthday on them—it means I worry less when they're hacked. But most of it is because I was a gigantic brat about my birthday as a child and fear being that way again, so I don't want anyone knowing when my birthday is. Then I'll start expecting things, and get upset when they don't come, and it's just better all around that it's my choice to have my birthday not be a Thing. (I don't know why/how I managed this, but Google did in fact have my correct birthday in my profile info and my privacy settings were such that my contacts could see it. As a result, some of my friends snuffled out my birthday like a truffle and started asking me where I wanted to go for drinks/lunch/etc or apologizing that they hadn't gotten me anything. I have since changed my privacy settings and am hoping they didn't have the foresight to write my birthday down anywhere.) <b>Where is Rey-Rey kinder?</b> — I...honestly don't know. Both online and in-person, I can be anything from passive-aggressive to confrontational to supportive to indifferent. I might be more attentive online, but that could be because stuff gets left up online and I have ample time to react, rather than people walking by me on the street while I'm on my way to work. I suppose that means I'm nicer online. I dunno. <b>Arctic/Amazonian death match</b> — *Dorothy Ann voice* According to my research, the largest prey typically consumed by the green anaconda (pop-culture anaconda) is the tapir, which can range in weight from 150 to 300 kg as adults. An adult polar bear ranges in weight from 175 to 700 kg. Thus while an anaconda may be capable of taking on a small female polar bear in principle, I doubt it would actually win. Tapirs do not have the advantages that polar bears have (killing teeth, killing claws, formidable swimming abilities), and so unless the anaconda is very, very lucky, I think the polar bear would bite and slash it apart handily.


Hello, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy Fraugen! Happy almost-Thursday, everyone! I am so looking forward to the weekend – Thursday is our last day of school before a three day weekend. The weather is supposed to be cold thanks to an Arctic blast coming from Canada. Should be great hiking weather again. Off to bed in a moment, so I’ll answer the Fragen quickly: Playlist: I really don’t have a set playlist based on moods. When I want something to listen to, I usually just search a genre, like Celtic punk, decades, hard rock, classical, etc. When I work out, I like 80s hair metal; when I grade papers, I love Celtic punk; when I want to relax, I listen to classical. If I’m depressed, I’ll usually listen to speed metal or hard rock (Metallica is a particular favorite). Bet money: I wish I had spare money to bet on ANYTHING. Sadly, no, I don’t bet at all, and since I am not a sports fan, I don’t on sports either. Birthday or Christmas: While I love both, I have to say my birthday is much less stressful. I love Christmas, but, being the mom in the family, it is more work than enjoyment, unfortunately. Don’t get me wrong, I love the traditions, decorating, buying presents, but I never get to relax and enjoy it. Maybe now that my daughter is getting older, I can try to relax and enjoy it more. Nice Amy: I would like to think I am as nice online as I am in person. Unfortunately, being online allows you to think more, to not respond in the heat of the moment, something that in real life can be hard to do. I do try to make it a point to always be nice to the people around me, to breathe first before I respond to someone, whether it be online or in person. I am not always successful, but I give it my best shot. We are all human, after all! Polar bear or anaconda: I would bet (if I were a betting person) on the polar bear. There you go, ladies! Have a wonderful day!


Why so quiet today sultry Sirens? Hm? What are you up to at the moment? :) Well, I am facing the worst cake mankind ever has seen. A customer brought it to me... it´s a sweet gesture, but I guess should Queenie ever attempt to bake something for humansss it would taste and look like this concoction... hahaha...


Don't let the Queenie hear that - you will end up on the top of her list. Underlined with red... As for me, I spent the day making surprises for Mama Foxie :)


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a pleasant Freitag!? Any interesting Wochenend - weekend plans? I have to winterize (what a nice word :)) my outdoor kilns and replenish my wood stocks... well, that´s rather boring. Though I hope the guys who´ll help me will make it a little more fun. At least there will be plenty of Bier - beer and Steckerlfisch - grilled fish for all. XD I´m too lazy for the Fragen tonight, can one of you Fraugen ask some? Bitte? Danke my dears, for Fragen and Antworten... bis später. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you tootsie rolls!<br><br>Perhaps we should create some sort of Bat signal to alert us as to when <i>Fragen</i> are needed! In the meantime, feel free to indulge my <del>inability to mind my own business</del> inquisitive nature 😝:<br><br>- What song best describes your current mood?<br>- What's one thing you're passionate about?<br>- The Grim Reaper pays you a visit and allows you to pick the way in which you die. The only catch is that you have to pick a way in which a famous fictional character died (e.g., Dracula takes a Bowie knife to the heart). How would you choose to die?<br>- What was your favourite childhood toy?<br>- Name one aspect of your life that ended up being better than you expected and one aspect that was worse than you expected.<br><br><b>Edit</b>: Or we could just steal the Bat signal from the cinematic disaster known as <i>Batman Forever</i>. Ooh, Joel Schumacher is going to come back reincarnated as a toilet in a truck stop restroom for <i>that</i> one ☝️😦<br><br><img height="190" src="https://68.media.tumblr.com/5dff9e0a55f297cbbf9c9047d44a159b/tumblr_n8n2wxOmgU1rrkahjo1_400.gif">


Hello everyone how are we all doing and welcome to all new members 😊 - What song best describes your current mood? Anything at the moment it all chainges daily with music passion ? To be there to hhelp people and animals in need and to keep going with the theatre the acting and singing and volunteering as I love the ttheatre 🎭 How would I die ? Hmm I have nnot thought about that yet toy? My teddy Rosie who I have had all my life I had a heart operation when I was 9 months old Rosie was the first toy I woke up to and I have kept her ever since better? I would say that I am doing better at work but also getting better in myself as I have anxiety and depression issues but I am now taking anti depressants once a day and they are kind of helping me and I am feeling a bit happier downs? Me and my boyfriend split up three weeks ago because whilst he was with me he was with someone else at the same time I tried to be friends with him he pushed me away and did some horrible things my friends keep on asking me if I will ever get back with him but I keep on telling them no and I just want to move on with my life and be strong and keep positive but I hear about him every day and it drives me up the wall ❤️❤️