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ASMR - Naughty Night At The Theater

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So cute when Gael squirms!


I love this audio Gael one of my faves just got tingles ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I wish this happened to me at the cinemas!! I had tingles 😍 Loved it!

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 22:42:59 This was really cute - I love how it turned around in the end. 😜
2017-11-04 09:49:35


Most of our wishes come true dear. Just believe in them😉❤


Naughty night at late saturday morning here in my city. I'm having the best mood ever😄😄😍❤wish you all a great weekend!


This is still so sexy. This version is very nicely done, I love how it still ends in a good time, just one mostly left up to the imagination. Oh, you're good. Also, I really liked the graphics at the end, how it looked like an actual film projection. I actually had to rewind it and look at it a couple times. I thought it looked really beautiful for some reason. 😙


"You know I come here often." I see what you did there 😏


I loved this version 😍😍 adorable. Have a great weekend lovely ladies, oh and G too I guess 😏


How cute are you??!! I think "adorable squirming G"..needs to have his own storyline... You being seduced is very HOT!!!! 😉😉😈😈


I know this is going to sound really strange, but this version of the audio actually made me feel a bit angry.<br><br>Now I don't think there's anything wrong with the audio itself. The acting and sound effects were as great as the R-rated version, and you can easily tell that Gael's character is enjoying the listener's advances in the scenario. But I couldn't help thinking about how I would've reacted in a situation like this, both in Gael's shoes and the listener's.<br><br>If I was the listener and had been told more than once or twice to stop getting all touchy-feely in the theatre, I would've stopped. Even in a playful, flirty scenario like this one. If the guy wants to watch a movie and has been looking forward to it all week, I'd let him watch the movie because everyone needs non-erotic R&amp;R from time to time. And it's nice to just kick back and watch a film with someone - you don't necessarily need to talk to enjoy each other's company. Even sitting next to each other, sharing popcorn, and exchanging whispered theories over who the killer is is pleasant enough. (Although I never offer my suspicions about plots or characters during a movie unless I'm explicitly asked because I hate inadvertent spoilers myself 🤐)<br><br>And I guess if I was in Gael's shoes in a scenario like this, I would've exited the theatre, but not to go home and do the nasty. Instead I would've pulled the listener's character aside in the lobby and said that while I was flattered by their advances, I actually did just want to watch the movie and I was bothered by how they wouldn't let me do just that. Especially if I'd had to ask them repeatedly to stop trying to get hands on in the theatre. I know that would be a total mood killer and not at all the point of the audio, but there you have it.<br><br>I know that the atmosphere of the audio is a fun, flirty, and playful one. I don't think there's any element of coercion in it from either character. Seduction, yes, but not coercion. I'm aware that the purpose of the audio is to turn listeners on, make them smile, and allow them to indulge in their fantasies. And I can tell the difference between fiction and reality. But I guess this was just the emotional reaction that I had to it, kind of like how some movies can make you feel sad/angry/happy even though they're works of fiction.<br><br>I almost feel a bit silly for posting this, so I'll at least try to turn it into a PSA of sorts. By all means, flirt, have fun, and enjoy yourselves on dates. But at the end of the day no means no, regardless of whether it's coming from you or your date. Also, don't try to film the movie on your iPhone or other recording device because that's also a surefire way to get kicked out of the theatre if you're caught ☝️😯


G: "I really want to see it." Me: "I bet you do, Sexy!" *wink wink* Love this version because, truthfully, this would be the reaction that would drive me wild. Teasing him, all the while knowing he can't resist. The movie will play another day but sometimes you just gotta go with it. When you're feeling the moment, you just gotta grab G by the ass and roll with it!!😛 This is like the Gentleman's version 😁 #hecangetit #gentlemancommanderbadass


Ssso... which one of you tassty, daring females abducted my sssexiesst Lizard Guard from my Hatchday party? Hm?... I want him back and I´m misssing some precious potionsss too! AND NO ONE GOT ME THE FOX FUR MITTENSSS I WANTED! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? HM?... JUSSST A SIMPLE PAIR OF NICE PLUSHY MITTENSS! You want me to freeze? Ja?...


Um hi Queenie. I don't know if Frau Claudia relayed this info to you but I went to jail for you. I didn't realize you'd been to Vegas before...how did you get past customs *I wonder aloud* Anyway...to make a long story short..stalking..chloroform...kidnapping attempt...your a hard highness to shop for. I didn't have it in me to skin a beautiful furry fox....so...here. <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VnP5shP4Fx0..it's" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VnP5shP4Fx0..it's</a> the best I could do considering I'm on house arrest and have a plethora of restraining orders against me! Please my Queen, I would appreciate it if you kept your tail to yourself and not slap me unconscious..I've been through enough, wouldn't you say? And No! I did't steal anything!!!!


I can identify with feeling some discomfort here. It seemed like he repeated "stop", and "I can't do this," and felt like the choice to leave was as much driven by a realization that she was not going to take no for an answer as it was by his excitement. I'm sure I'm not alone in having had my "no" not respected, or having conceded something just because I didn't want to upset someone.


Awww... you went to jail for me! Did you have fun there?... Pffft... customss... I have my queenly wayss and means... and a ssstrong tail! FAUX!? FAUX FUR! ARRRGHHH... You wanna inssult me?...


PATREON ATE MY COMMENT!!! HOW DARE IT!?... Ahahaha.... There we go! It appeared again! Good little Patreon!...


Hm... you may be right, weak human. I´ll be lenient towardsss Elaine... thiss time. Thossse PETA guyss can be annoying... *sighs* You are Canadian, don´t you know any trappersss? I´m ssure you have very nice fursss there...


Didn't you see my "Morning after the Hatchday party" post Your Highness? Your über sexy guard and I had a little fun 😊 He's right here...can I pass along a message?


Im sorry, but is it me or I couldn't find the 3D ASMR : Skin to skin. Did Gael deleted it or Patreon decided to swallow it or it's my phone?


*whistles innocently and arranges potions behind textbooks on a bookshelf* They're for science, of course—I should have no need for the Elixir of Eloquence or the Tincture of Tenacity... *aside* I've got a gigantic conference coming up in March—these might be my only hope...


You expect me to know anything that happened the morning after my Hatchday? You sssurely don´t know how to celebrate in ssstyle, Missssy! And tell my guard he shall ssslither his ssexy assss right back here! ASsssAP!


Hi, Shay. It's still here. I copied the link for you <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/3d-erotic-asmr-15100641">https://www.patreon.com/posts/3d-erotic-asmr-15100641</a>


*Crackle crackle* WHAT'S THAT? Bad reception, I can't hear you! *crackle* Maybe try calling back tomorrow.


I will sssend the asssassssin kittensss to fetch you both Misss!! Though I can underssstand why you wanna keep him... hisss scales are magnificent and hiss split tongue isss so deliciousss...


I wouldn't know about that - the Lizard Love Potion #69 turned him human for 6 days. Pleeeeease can I keep him. I'll return him tomorrow, promise.


He´sss human atm?... meh... You are missing out on his bessst part, hiss thick and heavy tail! You may keep him till he changesss back...


🎉 Yay! Thankyou thankyou thankyou, Your Graciousness!! Ummmmmmm.... Gotta go 😋🍆🌡🔥


Yes I went to jail for you. Sorry this took so long to respond. I had to be fitted with a ankle "bracelet" that doesn't go with anything, mind you! And NO it was not "fun" in lock up! I stood in a corner the whole time because of a gargantuan behemoth name "Tiny" kept trying to press up against my "badonk-a-donk" (her words not mine) to see if it was real! They made me pee in a cup because some of the guards, who, surprisingly, didn't know you thought me mad when I tried to explain "The Lizard Queen will eat me if I show up empty handed to her Hatch Day party" thought I was on drugs! Admittedly, so Tiny did leave me alone after she saw I was willing to Judo chop two guards while screaming "For the Queen!!" I was tazed after that...So! Miss Queenie! You will take the Faux fox furs you will make your OWN damn mittens and you will be THANKFUL!!


I wasn't just wondering the same thing thanks for the link lj 😊❤️


Quite feisssty... hm? I like that. You may come here for a 3ssome with the King and me. We will make sssweet reptilian love on a faux fox fur rug... grrrrrrsssss.... And bring "Tiny" with you, asss dessert.


That is so me I get so twirly at the cinema 🙈😂


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a nice Sonntag!? I´m really sleepy tonight, these students exhausted me. Tja, they will be gone in the nachmittags - afternoon. We produced some good pieces and had some fun in the pub. :)) The daily Fragen for the Fraugen... Are you the type of person who aufschieben - procrastinates until the last minute or likes to get things done early? If you could have your own TV show, what would it be? What kind of Kopfhörer - headphones do u like the best? Would you give up your toes for a million dollars? What is the best style of facial hair? Danke meine Lieben - my dears, bis dann. XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Well, the podcast is recorded and what was supposed to be a little under an hour (because I legit didn't think I had much to say) turned into ~3 hours and an invite to do another podcast that's set up as a ramble instead of turning into one halfway through. Oh, what hell hath I unleashed upon the internet...? And now, this: <b>Putting off 'til tomorrow...</b> — I really, really hate waiting 'til the last minute to do things; I strongly prefer to have all my ducks in a row well in advance. This doesn't mean I don't ever procrastinate—I was supposed to clean this morning before the podcast and wound up sleeping 'til noon—but when something's really important, like an abstract deadline, I want it done ASAP. This really messes with my boss, who is a notorious procrastinator, and who will often forget that I've already taken care of the thing that's due tomorrow back when we first discussed it three months ago. <b>Rey-Rey on the small screen!</b> — Oh, God, this has actually been discussed. I think at one point, my friend and I theorized that I should do a show that opposed "Ancient Aliens" just so I could have on-screen feuds with the notorious personalities on that show. What I actually want is to do a show called "Next Week Tomorrow" that runs after "Last Week Tonight" on HBO, just to mess with people. Probably previews of movies and such that are slated for release and exactly where the hands of the Doomsday Clock will be by the time we make a new episode. <b>The Angel of Music singing songs in my head...</b> — I strongly prefer over-the-ear headphones to earbuds, as I find them more comfortable. I like my old Sony MDR-V150's, although the ear cushions are starting to fall apart. They've got a good, long life left in them, though. <b>Toeless for cash?</b> — I think I'll keep my toes, thanks. They're quite important for balance. <b>Mutton chops are food, not facial hair</b> — I suppose I prefer an all-over stubble as a general rule, but so long as the facial hair is well-kept, I'm down for anything that flatters the facial features. But stubble seems like it would make a good scratching-post while snuggling—texture contrasts and all that. Longer facial hair just gets soft and tickly, in my experience.


Hi, Claudia! Hi, girls! Do I procrastinate or get things done early? ...*sigh* I procrastinate. A lot. And I hate myself for it >:( And I feel like dog crap for not starting/finishing it sooner when I finally get whatever I'm working on done. My own TV show? It would definitely be something like <i>Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives</i>, or <i>Delicious Destinations</i>. Travel around the world, try different foods, meet different people and learn about culture and stuff. That's like my dream job. What type of headphones do I like the best? The ones that cover the ear and have very good sound quality. My Bob Marley headphones sound excellent, but sadly, they're falling apart. I'm trying to find replacements. No toes for a million dollars? No thank you. My toes will last longer than a million dollars anyway. Best style of facial hair? Clean and neatly kept. Style doesn't really matter to me. Although, I do like the stubble.


@Doc Is that Leeloo from <i>The Fifth Element</i> in your avatar?! :D :D


Good morning, sexy Fraugen 😊 I hope everyone has a lovely day today. Mine will involve a little bit of work, and then some serious chilling. Are you the type of person who procrastinates? Not at all. I get things done early, I plan and I am organised. Unfortunately, many of the people I work with aren't - they leave things to the last minute, then rope others in when it becomes a crisis. This is exactly what has happened last week... I am already up to my ears juggling two large tasks which are time-sensitive, and then am asked to mark three dissertations by the 10 November 😱 If you could have your own TV show, what would it be? I thought it would be fun to have a travelshow where my girlfriends from uni (about 5 of us) explore different places. We each have very different personalities : there is the hippy, the fashionista, the sex-bomb, the slightly difficult one, and me. The conversations and mis-adventures would have been hilarious. What kind of headphones do u like the best? To be honest I haven't given it much thought. I find them all slightly irritating from a comfort point of view, though. Would you give up your toes for a million dollars? Nope. I am self-conscious enough about my feet as it is! 😂 What is the best style of facial hair? Stubble looks really good (not manicured stubble, but 'too lazy/busy to shave for a couple of days' stubble). BUT I have very sensitive skin, and so prolonged kissing with someone with stubble can get quite painful, which always flashes across my mind when I see facial hair... sexy as it is.


Guten Morgan, Frau Claudia and the rest of the lovely Fraugen! Happy Sunday morning to everyone! Your day with your students sounds like fun, Claudia – nothing like spending the day working hard and then ending it at the pub. I spent most of yesterday hiking through the woods – it was wonderful, the weather really crisp and the leaves at their peak. I wish I had the time to go every day! Today I am heading with the family to see Thor; this has become a tradition it seems as the movies always open on my birthday weekend. (And thank you to everyone who wished me an early birthday the other day!!) Here are the answers to your daily Fragen: Procrastination: Unfortunately, yes, I am the WORST procrastinator, especially if it’s something I really don’t want to do. I try really hard to get things done in advance, but there is always a part of my brain that reminds me that I have more time. TV Show: I would love to either have a cooking show or a show where I got to travel around the world. I would much rather be on a documentary-type program or reality based one than a sitcom or drama. Headphones: Have I said before that I hate ear buds? I have? Okay, lol. Honestly, I can’t wear them as they don’t stay in my ears – ever! Plus, I don’t like anything in my ears, anyway. I prefer headphones like disc jockeys or recording artists wear – big padded headphones that envelop the ear. Right now I have a pair of Sharper Image Bass Headphones. For the price, they are actually really good. Someday I’d like to own a pair of Bose headphones – too expensive, though, to justify buying them. No toes for a million dollars: Interesting question – I’m not sure. Aesthetically, I don’t wear open-toed shoes, so I wouldn’t miss them. However, I am not the most graceful person in the world and I tend to think being toeless would make me even less graceful. I could probably fix my feet with the money I earn by lopping off my toes, but I think that would defeat the purpose. So, I guess my answer would be no, I wouldn’t. Facial hair: I really am not a huge fan of facial hair at all. I don’t mind scruff (hubby has some) or maybe a really close-cut beard, but anything more just doesn’t do anything for me. Not sure why, to be honest. Okay, there you go, ladies! Have a lovely, peaceful Sunday!


Are you the type of person who aufschieben - procrastinates until the last minute or likes to get things done early? Not in the way everyone things. When I wake up in the morning I prioritize and I always make sure the things I DON'T want to do are on the top, so that they get done first and fastest. Then the only things I'm procrastinating are things I want to do- which means the end of my day/week are better and relaxing. If you could have your own TV show, what would it be? I would probably be a show about mental health, illnesses, and dealing with them in a constructive, healthy, manner while at the same time not incriminating the non-healthy ways (but not vindicating them, or validating them. Bringing awareness to them, yes.). What kind of headphones? I have Bose headphones, 3 sets of them. And I LOVE them. They are amazing for different things. When I'm recording however (I'll admit, I Twitch and record Let's Plays for youtube) I'm wearing my headset and that's not a bose. I have no idea what it is but it get's decent sound quality and that's what matters. Would you give up your toes for a million dollars? No. Money isn't a thing I would sacrifice body parts or morals for. Time, as in working, yes. But that's kind of where it stops. Money doesn't buy happiness even when we really want it to. What is the best style of facial hair? This is too general. Facial hair, to me, depends on facial structure to look good on the person's face. Jawlines come into play, as does cheek bones/structure. But also the person's preferences as well- they most definitely deserve a say in what's on their face. Not to say that I'm not a fan of facial hair, I am.


Hello lovlies! Its Sunday morning and in about 3 hrs I'll be @ the movies drooling over the hunks of Asgard! (Hopefully I can focus) My daughter's play was awesome! It was very cute because she got to hold hands with her 'crush' X) I didn't tease her or anything I just asked her if it made her nervous. Queenie asked me over for a 3some after I got a bit snippy @ her after her reaction to my gift. I was feeling a bit triumphant when I wasn't slaughtered on site and accepted...I'm scared. On to the Fragen Procrastinator? I like to call it prioritization. I put things off that can be done later. Like the leaves on my patio. I was gonna do it then it got cold and wet (I'm not picking up wet leaves, yuk!) Then it got hot (too hot to pick up leaves - and there are probably bugs in them- that's a no-go) Then I got a notice from my HOA...today's the perfect day to pick up leaves! TV show? I would say a Netflix comedy. No laugh track or anything and it would be for mature audiences. Headphones? Usually cheap. They do the job they need to do. Also, since I have a little Gremlin with a catch phrase of "I don't know" who's touch is like a fucked up Midas..everything she touches turns to "broke"...I require cheap ones. Toes? No, that would just be wrong. Facial hair? Mmmmmm! I love me some facial hair! I like a nicely trimmed 5 o'clock shadow/beard. Happy B-Day AMY!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 22:42:58 Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Happy Birthday Frl. Amy!! &lt;3
2017-11-05 16:12:09 Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Happy Birthday Frl. Amy!! <3

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Happy Birthday Frl. Amy!! <3


Hi Therese I rescued your eaten Antworten. :) Therese (Gaelandia's Audio-tor) replied to your comment on Gaelforce's page. Hello again Claudia! Darn Patreonator ate my comment last night again XD. I'll be quick in typing this up got to finish some propositions/reports and hopefully this comment won't get eaten again. Anyway, Here are my answers to your Fragen. Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Getting the job done I'm well known for not putting things on hold. I pretty much want to finish the job early. To me if you procrastinate you won't get the job done. If you could have your own TV show, what would it be? I love learning different cultures and travel to discover places off the beaten paths. It would definitely be a travel show or similar to Globetrekker. What kind of headphones do u like the best? I like Beats wireless. Sony is not bad either. Would you give up your toes for a million dollars? Oh God No! I love my toes. What is the best style of facial hair? I'm not a fan of facial hair on men. I like men clean shave, smooth to touch like. Although I could probably make an exception of not too much but well trimmed. Well there you go


Congratulationsss to your Hatch... errmmm Birthday Amy. Have a queenly day and a tassty year!... *grumbles* I bet SssHE got mittenssss... *pouts*


Happy Birthday, Amy!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 22:42:58 Thank you, thank you, Frau Claudia!! &lt;3
2017-11-05 18:15:37 Thank you, thank you, Frau Claudia!! <3

Thank you, thank you, Frau Claudia!! <3


Thank you for the birthday felicitations, my Queen! I can assure you I did not, nor will I receive, lovely fox fur mittens for my birthday. However, I did get to see Thor today -- if I could capture them and bring them to you, I would gladly provide you with Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, if you promise to let me have Mark Ruffalo. Would that make you feel a little better?

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 22:42:58 Thank you, lovely Rey-Rey!! &lt;3
2017-11-05 18:18:05 Thank you, lovely Rey-Rey!! <3

Thank you, lovely Rey-Rey!! <3


@Doc: Thank you for the happy birthday!! And. OMG, yes, I certainly enjoyed the movie. If you have not seen it yet, you must! I think this is my favorite of the installments so far.


@Elaine: Thank you, love!! I could hear you yelling that all the way over here -- lol <3


Happy birthday to you, Amy! Did you get lots of cake, great presents, hugs from your loved ones, balloons, festive streamers and a room full of flowers, chocolates, books or whatever else you prefer?


Happy birthday Amy 😊🎉🎁🎂❤️

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 22:42:58 Thank you so much, lovely Madeline! My actual day is tomorrow, but the family took me to see Thor today. Tomorrow they are taking me for Italian food and then birthday cake. It will be a quiet day surrounded by the people I love. &lt;3
2017-11-05 23:52:19 Thank you so much, lovely Madeline! My actual day is tomorrow, but the family took me to see Thor today. Tomorrow they are taking me for Italian food and then birthday cake. It will be a quiet day surrounded by the people I love. <3

Thank you so much, lovely Madeline! My actual day is tomorrow, but the family took me to see Thor today. Tomorrow they are taking me for Italian food and then birthday cake. It will be a quiet day surrounded by the people I love. <3

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-09 22:42:58 Thank you so much, Katy! &lt;3
2017-11-05 23:53:02 Thank you so much, Katy! <3

Thank you so much, Katy! <3


@ Amy- I saw it today as well and I want in on that action! You can have Mark. I want to be in a Tom, Chris and Idris triple decker! Queenie, I'll tag team with you!


Happy birthday, Amy! :D :D


Happy Belated Birthdayyyyy Amy!! 🎂🥂🎉🎊🎁


Actually not belated at all -- it's today!! Thank you so much, Claudia Belle!!


@Elaine -- Sold!! Not sure if the Queen will share, but you can certainly give it a go!!