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Some humpday moans! xd


ASMR: Making You Blush | 3D Moans, Growls & Giggles ♥

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Kathy M

Ooh! I was hoping for a pleasant distraction on this hump day. Thank you 😙


My cheeks red and lady parts are....excited. WOW! 😍😍😍


Thanks love! I'm trying to write my résumé, and needed a little boost 😚


This was a definite mood lifter! 😍 😍 Happy Hump Day!

Kathy M

Hee hee there was the cutest little lip pop in there 😊


YAY! Glad you enjoyed Kathy, you should always enjoy Kathy Word play like


Currently doing paperwork, which can get very boring. Thanks for the audio! You know how to brighten my day! 😘


😊 Thank you, this made my day! Your voice always makes me blush, it should come with a warning ⚠️ 😍😳


Impeccable timing as always 😂 Now I have something to look forward to after class😁😚


Dammit... it usually doesn't work, but this gave me all the shivers and blushing cheeks. 😳


No earbuds...so goes life! Guess it'll be my nighty night wind down! Can't wait! 😎


I needed this. Today was grocery day and I was hurting really bad when we got back. I took meds and am laid out on the bed in front of the fan. Thanks Gael...you always come through for us. ;-)


Looking forward to listening later 😉 You're spoiling us, lol. Thanks, G 😙😘 I hope you know how much we appreciate you and what you do. You make so many people happy 😊

Tayla J

It’s still so strange how I can just close my eyes and feel you on my skin.. 😳


I'm dealing with a lot of grouchy ass people today at work. Wonder how fast I would get fired if I played this over the PA system? Lol


Ahhh, these tingles were niiice, thank you Gael! I hope your hump day is as great as you just made mine!😙😙😙❤


6:59 - 7:02!!! I just started slamming my head on my desk. You're soooo good Gael! Seriously.


Boy, am I glad I listened to this alone! Because here's what it did to me: :20 - *already a sheepish mess* 2:09 - 4:35 - *tingling and blushing like an idiot* O///O Stoooop it...! 5:25 - 5:30 - *slides down her chair* @///@ Mmm...! 6:28 - 6:33 - "Nuzzle my ear"??!! *hides her tomato face in her hands* I can't...X////X!! 7:00 - Yep. I nodded. The past audios like this one have made me giddy before, so I wasn't expecting this one to make me <i>this</i> giddy! I hope you're happy, G -_- I am a puddle of goop with the goofiest smile right now...!


So you're a giddy goopy goof right now Kris? Sounds great! Am going to try this one. It sounds yummm.


One of my cats unfortunately used my Apple earbuds as a chew toy, so I'm currently stuck with some crummy (but neon pink! 😍) earbuds from the dollar store. As a result, I'm pretty sure I'm missing out on any ASMR-ish tingles that I might've otherwise felt with better earphones, but it did help me stay all stoic-like whilst drinking an overpriced latte at Starbucks 👍<br><br>At any rate, this was...umm...very pleasing to the ear. And also empowering in a <i>"Yaasss, girl, you go come alive and unleash that inner passion and, uhh, you know, do naughty stuff. Just don't use a banana - I don't care what day it is"</i> fashion. (#AwkwardFeedbackIsAwkward)<br><br>But I do have to ask - at 5:21, Gael talks about growling on the listener's finger, right? I'm sure the main thing a listener was supposed to get out of that portion of the audio was the <i>shiver me timbers! (and maybe blow me down later)</i> ASMR effect from the growl right after. But I'll confess that I actually tried growling on my fingers (NOT while I was at Starbucks, of course, because I actually do have some sense of social etiquette 😝). I found that it didn't really do much for me, but I've also never thought of my fingers as an erogenous zone either 🤔<br><br>Did anyone else try growling on their fingers (for science, naturally), and if so, did anything awesome happen? (Please tell me that I'm not the only person who does things like this out of curiosity 😳)


I felt nothing at all. I think I'm doing it wrong. <b>Edited to clarify:</b> I was talking about the hand-growls, not the audio. Haven't listened to the audio yet. Sorry to be confusing! 😅


Tingles! *Does happy dance with yippy squeeky voicy 'eeehhh!!!'s* Wuzzaaa, relax! And sensual! I wanted to hide and hibernate in my blanket fort because of reasons (body plays stupid tricks on me) but TINGLES! RELAX! Mmmm. It's the audio equivalent of a really tasty quarter cask unfiltered limited edition single malt (am snob, want best.). Or a new book by your favourite author. (impossible, he died recently. Come back, Terry, it's been long enough!) Or a stormy rainy night in bed and next day all trees are red and yellow and the sun is shining. But why am I typing? Must listen! Want tingles! #totallyaddicted


Madeline can shares single-malt? <img src="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/04/e5/7a/04e57a68db5b29e5ecc89094d0235306--animal-cute-animal-pics.jpg">


Master of the Art. Thx! FWIW I am really digging this theme of talking directly to her primal self - coaxing it out. 😀 Addendum: gorgeous, alive and turned on. Whew!


After a long and stressful day this is exactly what I needed lol Thank You Gael &lt;3

Greek Goddess

Blushing? 😳Nooooo it's just too hot in here! 😂😂


But I don't blush 😔... I do smile like a fool though so its okay 😁 On another note, maybe it's just me but am I the only one who is under the impression that Gael is stifling a laugh throughout this audio like he's lightweight trolling on the inside and he's just ready to break into a fit of laughter? 😄😉😋


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag - Thursday!? Did you have fun with your bananas? I made some Bananenpfannkuchen - pancakes with a little lime, I love limes! You know I wanted to ask some sexy Fragen... but I just can´t think of any new ones. Seems like I asked too many already. XD So I need your help! Bitte!? I´m sure your sexy Fraugen minds can come up with some sexy, dirty Fragen! And don´t hold back... there never was an unanswered sexy Frage... till now!? XD Danke my dears for your Fragen and Antworten... bis dann XD


❤️ thank you.


Hello Frau Claudia and Lovelies.. I have had the pleasure of answering the questions..so let's see how I do asking.. :I'm just gonna put it out there.. 1. Kissing after oral sex..yes/no??? 2. If hubby/wifey wanted to swing??? 3. Choose 1 person LIVING..not dead..that you would tell off!!!... Only 3 questions...have fun!!! 😊😊😨😨


This was soooo needed after the day I've had! I was chill listening until he played the STUBBLE card!! 🃏♠️ Weakness!!! Now for the pièce de ré·sis·tance...."cum to sleep"! Sweet dreams Beauties! 😚 💤


Ugh...damn you, Gael.


GOODNESS G, You had me feeling so good you made my eyes cross!!! 👀😍


7:10-7:12, Goddddd! 9:39-10:05......G, you get on my nerves with how good you are! All up on my nerves....the sensitive, tingly ones. 😜😘


@Doctimus Prime... Seriously you are jumping???!!! GO GIRL!!! 1st be safe.. 2nd WHHOOOOO HOOOOO!.. 3rd what are you planning to yell when you JUMP!?!?!?!?


Sweet and sensual, as always.😊 ASMR isn't my thing, but I still enjoyed listening to this. Have to say, though, while I love the way you mix the sounds and move from ear to ear, I find myself giggling as I picture you bobbing amd weaving behind me. Sorry! Ruins the mood, I know, but I can't help it. Still enjoyed this, though, as I always do. 💕


Okay, am I the only one who doesn't see replies to people's comments here on the app? Or is Patreon getting cranky again? 😐😂


It's happened several times for me on the laptop browser as well. Patreon's code has a moth in it somewhere.


Always thoughtful Amy Mc. Hope you and yours are on the mend.


Best "FJ" I've ever had!😚 I loved that "let's lay in bed on a rainy Sunday morning and play" voice. And the stubble play...mmmm! 😙 Side note: I think I heard you almost say the 'F' word! Naughty, naughty Gael! 😏


Finally got to listen--yay! This was so sweet and sexy!💕 definitely had me smiling and blushing (and yes, nodding--it's a good thing you're such a good man, wielding the power you have over us so responsibly; apparently you say jump we ask how high 😉) I love how giggly you were, too. And no one's ever made me feel gorgeous quite the way you do. 😘 Now I'm all smiley and melty and off to bed. Goodnight! 💋


I'm hoping to do a graceful swan dive off the platform and soar through the air in complete silence, like how James Bond didn't make a single sound when he dived off the Contra Dam like the baddest of badasses in <i>GoldenEye</i>. In reality, I'll probably end up tripping off the platform and hurtling down to the waters below while flailing and screaming, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuccccck-" 😧<br><br>Ah well, <i>c'est la vie!</i>


Best birthday wish a girl can ask for😻


Happy Birthday Makayla!!! I hope you have a great day lady!!!


This is how I imagine Bono to moan after he's done something noble for charity/solved world peace. Intense, Irish, but a bit American. The Edge is in the background strumming "With or Without You"


I haven't been feeling so hot today but this has made me feel all melty and smiley. &lt;3


Haha... I caught that too girl!!! Forgot where he was for a moment!!! 😮😮😮


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Freitag to everyone! Ja I´m veeeery early tonight. :) Kinky weekend plans you wanna share?... I´m planning a hiking trip to my cabin. (Ja, that´s kinky. Hahaha...) The kilns and the kittens are good boys tonight... though there is a devilish bowl sitting in the rack, waiting for me. It has a very complicated pattern, drove me nearly crazy yesterday. Well in the morning we will fight on... How about some Fragen? ...This or that? Dust or vacuum? Bicycle or Motorrad - motorcycle? Huhn - Chicken or fish? Skiing or sledding? Shoulder bag or clutch? Hot tub or hot Quelle - spring? Pulp or no pulp? Motel or hotel? Danke for your answers, as always... bis später XD Thanks Nikki for yesterday´s sexy Fragen :) PS: The Queen wanna know if Frl. Doktimusss is still alive?


Yes, I am still alive! But I also haven't jumped yet! It's only 2:30 pm here and my jump (as well as the zipline I also signed up to do, but I'm not scared about that part) is scheduled for sometime between 3-4 pm.<br><br>The nice part is that the jump site is actually quite scenic and beautiful. The not-so-nice part is that OMG shit's getting really fucking REAL, as evidenced by this picture:<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/dlGoYwR.jpg"><br><br>However, I'm trying to stay positive and excited, as evidenced by my awesome hat:<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/wfpCbKs.jpg"><br><br>Wish me luck! If things go terribly wrong, it was swell knowing you all and please avenge my death! (The Lizard Queen can find my remains at the Great Canadian Bungee in Quebec, should she wish to consume them)

Meghan McDonald

You had me talking like the Swedish Chef after the finger sucking.That is such a HUGE turn on for me!Funny thing is I had no idea until I listened to this audio.My body is like jello now.It was so good that I am playing it over again till I'm in a full orgasm.I was panting too.DAMN! Also could you imagine him looking at us making eye contact while sucking our fingers.Ooh what a tasty thought.Ugggghhh! I can't even.I am turning into a primal creature thinking about it.




Hmm... eerily quiet here... Are you all frolicking in far away Twitterlandia? Hm?... Where are the tassty Friday lurkersss?...


Your Highness, are you hungry? I have someone that you might want to consider putting on your menu list. This male guy, he texted me "smash it for daddy". XD i died laughin. Just take this guy will you? Please...


Listened to this last night finally and yeah, mission accomplished on making me blush... in the dark at 2am, dammit. 🙄😳😍


Guten Morgen Sirens. A relaxing Samstag - Saturday to everyone. Hope you are all wohlauf - fit and well!? Hm... have nothing to chattter tonight, so just some quick, rather plain Fragen :)) If you designed and built a tree house, what would it look like? What can a movie do to make you get up and walk out? What’s your perfect burger? What do you like to do that is traditionally considered masculine? What small thing makes you zorniger - angrier than it should? Danke my dears... bis dann XD Oh, Frl. Doktimus... Glückwunsch - congrats to your jump! Gut gemacht! - Well done! (Though the Queen is a tiny little bit dissssappointed that you survived.)


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! I am neither fit nor well, but I have eaten my day's mandate of one loaf of bread. Now to decide whether I want crackers, gnocchi, or whole-wheat spaghetti for dinner. (This is not easy for someone who's eaten at most two small meals each day for the past several months!) And now, this: <b>To the trees!</b> — My treehouse would probably look like it was nicked from the set of "Lord of the Rings." I'm not sure whether I would go for a more Rivendell or Lothlórien aesthetic; it would depend on the location of the treehouse, I suppose. But it would probably branch out to at least one other tree if I could help it. <b>Ready the rotten tomatoes!</b> — Oddly, the only times I've considered up and leaving in the middle of a film were due to things the audience was doing (talking loudly, chair-kicking, etc), and not due to the film. However, a surefire way to piss me off is to write a female character up as strong/powerful/badass/better than all the boys and then make her the damsel in need of rescue. <i>"Oh, dear; it's the third act! My damsel-itis is acting up again!"</i> 💢💢💢 <b>"Two all-beef patties, special sauce..."</b> — Oh...*closes eyes and remembers hamburgers* I like many different styles of hamburger depending on my mood, but the most consistent is a simple quarter-pound beef patty cooked medium with American cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles, mayonnaise, and mustard....Now I want pickles... <b>"In my man pants, I can do anything!"</b> — Boy, "doing things that are traditionally masculine" was a large part of my childhood. I guess one thing that I still like to do that is "traditionally masculine" (besides wearing pants) is fixing things in the lab. I may not be very good at it, because I don't know how all this equipment works just yet, and some of it is very difficult for me physically, but I like having a tangible outcome to my day's work. Plus the looks on people's faces when they see the finished product and say, "<i>you</i> did that?" (Yes, <i>I</i> did it; stop looking at me like that. 😝) <b>Small things make a big difference...</b> — One thing that makes me far angrier than it should is poor driving etiquette. I'm not just talking about missed turn signals or cutting someone off because you had to fly up the closed lane just to be in front of five other cars. I'm talking about driving the wrong way up a one-way parking lot lane, parallel-parking on the sidewalk (or with half your car in the middle of the roadway), double-parking, all of it. I shout. I cuss. I flip people off. And then it's done. It's rarely something I stew about (unless it nearly results in an accident), but boy, it doesn't take much to get me going.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Sonntag - Sunday to everyone! I´m in my Hütte - cabin atm... and I´m a little busy... ;) But I just have to drop by. So sadly no time for Fragen. Either you answer the cold leftovers from yesterday again... ewww... Or one of you sexy Fraugen has to think up some fresh new ones!? Bitte? Danke for Fragen and Antworten my dear Mädls...enjoy your day, will see you later. XD


A good day to you, Frau Claudia and the rest of you babely buttercups! No one has answered the <i>Fragen</i> call of duty yet? Have you all succumbed to death by audio since Gael posted recordings of the naughty AND nice variety? 😧 Let's find out by seeing if anyone answers the sexy <i>Fragen</i> below! - What is the sexiest outfit you own? The sexiest outfit you would like to own?<br> - Pick one sweet, sensual song as background music for lovemaking<br> - Pick one raunchy song as background music for Alpha style sexytimes<br> - What's your most embarrassing moment in the bedroom?<br> - If you had to invent a naughty board game, what would it be like?<br><br>Let's get some sexy data for Frau Claudia's sexy scientific study!