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Happy Monday Lovelies!

Did you sleep well? ;)

I'm off to bed myself here in a flash, but I didn't want to forget to post the draw!  Here are our winners this week!

♦ Misa Amane

♦ SianW

Oíche mhaith! 


For more Information on the draw - 





Sleep well ^^


Congrats ladies!!

Kathy M

Nighty night 💗 Congrats ladies!


Heya. Sure did 😉 Congrats, lovelies 😁 And good night, G 😛😉


Enjoy, ladies! Goodnight, Gael. 😴


Congratulations ladies! Enjoy 😉


Congrats ladies! Nos dha Gael 😴


Just about died from yesterday's audio, but I slept beautifully!😊 Goodnight luv! 😘


Weeeeeee! Looking forward to catching up with Gael's recordings this week! Congratulations winners. Have a beautiful week, everyone. ⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤


Oíche mhaith, a chara, agus go raibh maith agat as an "suantraí" inné! Chodail mé go han-mhaith! 😉


Is there a reason I should have slept any better last night? 🤔😉😊 Course I did, cheeky man who is entirely too sure of himself! Pleasant dreams to you, luv, and congratulations, ladies! 💕


*happy sigh* I slept like a dream ❤. Good night, sweet dreams! Xoxo😙❤


Sleep well luv & Congrats lovelies!! 😙


Congratulations ladies! Goodnight, G! 😘


Sleep well 😚

Misa Amane

Aaaa :D sleep well!


What is the weekly draw ? and what do you win ?


Hi Lozzy! Welcome to the group! ♥ The weekly drawing is for the people in the $4.99 tier. Gael draws 2 names (sometimes more) to do a Personal Audio for! It can be anything you want!


You know just how well we slept. 😘 Get some good rest, yourself, G. And congratulations, ladies! 🎉 Hope everyone has a great week! 💋


Hello ladies, I'm new here. Could someone kindly explain to me what are these weekly draws about? I'm in the $4.99 tier and no idea what's the difference from other tiers. Still didn't have time to go through everything:-/


Slept like a baby after the I.C.Cs subsided! 😂😂 Congrats ladies! Make it awesome! 😎


Welcome aboard, Claudia Belle! If you look a couple of comments before yours, both Sweetz and I responded to that question for Lozzy in London.




Slept pretty well last night (and I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with your latest audio!! lol). However, I have a nasty sinus headache again so even though it isn't even 7 pm here, I am going to take some meds and try to sleep. Oíche mhaith everyone. Hope you have a great week at work! Try not to over do it especially our fearless leader. Congratulations to the winners of the draw.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a beautiful Dienstag - Tuesday!? It´s still raining here and I´m having trouble with Lil´ Seanie´s brother kiln... I just can´t figure out what´s wrong with ihm - him. It´s annoying... hm... and I feel a little down tonight. Maybe it´s because it´s that Zeit - time of the month - that how you say it? XD I wanna grab a kitten, go back to bed and snuggle up to my Mann - man. I´m sorry I´m not in Fragen mood. I know that´s rather shocking! Haha... Can one of you Fraugen please ask some Fragen? Ja? For good old Sirenity Science. Danke my dears, will see you later. XD And Glückwunsch to the draw winners.


Congratulations Lovelies!!


Congrats, girls! :D Have a blast!


A delightful Dienstag to you, Frau Claudia, and to the rest of you supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ladies! I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a bit down, my good Frau ☹️ Especially if it is due to our monthly womanly curse! You must tell your man that he has to pamper you for approximately the next 3 to 7 days! And the murder kittens must bring you a gift of a dessert of your choice, rather than the entrails of yet abother poor animal that they eviscerated 😧<br><br>No one has put forth some <i>Fragen</i> yet? I suppose I shall take it upon myself then! 🤓<br><br>What is your favourite band/musician (and why is it Rammstein 😝)?<br><br>If you were going to be reincarnated as a plant of your choice, what would you pick?<br><br>If you had to get a tattoo, what kind of design would you choose?<br><br>What would your dream home look like?<br><br>If you were a superhero with only one vulnerability or weak spot, what would it be?


Congratulations ladies!! Let your imagination run wild!!! Night Gael!


I am LOVING this post's picture! 😍❤️😍 Congratulations, to the lucky, lucky lovelies... enjoy!!


Congratulations lovely ladies🍾🍾


Ssso quiet today... tassty human females? How susspiciousss... Where are you hiding? Hm?... Come out... I won´ t bite... much...


QUEENIE!!!! I've thought you were feasting on donkeys...


Can I make a quick suggestion, G(-G-G-G-Unit)?<br><br>Since Patreon's a turdblossom and won't let Creators sticky any of their posts, one has to scroll down quite a way's to find the post you wrote about PAs awhile back: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-audio-13364696">https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-audio-13364696</a><br><br>Maybe you can include the link for that post whenever you post the weekly draw results? Or perhaps add it to the Overview section of your page for new Patrons to read? You're collecting Patrons much faster than I ever collected Pokémon on <i>Pokémon Go</i> (congrats on reaching the 900+ milestone! 🎉) So I imagine that there could be a bit of an informational whirlwind for the new folks who are jumping headfirst into the Gaelandia Oceans of Orga- um, Organically Good Times 🤔


I think a PM to him would do the world some good XD


Since we have so many new patrons here now (welcome, everyone!), I wanted to post a link to Angie's post about the Gaelforce library. Angie has done a wonderful job cataloging Gael's content and providing links to each of them. So much to peruse and enjoy: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/11736336">https://www.patreon.com/posts/11736336</a>


If the link doesn't work, the post is from June 14th on the Community page.


Thanks for that I will have a look at it, just been listening at the moment to rambles


OMG - Thanks for this Amy just had a look, did not realize there were so many !! This is going to take a lot longer than I thought !! Think I need a few days off to catch up lol.


Please, don't thank me, lovely! It was Angie's doing -- I just provided the link since it takes forever to scroll the community page. Enjoy! Just remember to pace yourself and stay hydrated -- and use headphones whenever possible (TRUST me on this!)


Lol will do !!!


Thank you Angie x


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Mittwoch to everyone. I´m better tonight, danke schön :) And danke Frl. Doktimus for yesterday´s Fragen. So, it´s September 20th! Banana Dick Dance Day! Gaelandia´s first official annual holiday! Have a look if you don´t know what I´m talking about. And you should take a look at the comments too, I´m getting all nostalgic... <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/good-morning-6810535">https://www.patreon.com/posts/good-morning-6810535</a> So a happy BDD Day to you all! ;)) I hope everyone has her banana ready to... you know I´d like to say fuck, but I can already hear Frl. Doktimus holding a lecture about risks regarding banana sex. XP So maybe we could just devour our bananas veeeery lasciviously? Ja?... grrrhmmmmm... hahaha! Some daily Fragen... with a hint of banana... How will you celebrate BDD Day? How do you prefer your banana? Green or ripe? What´s your favourite banana recipe? Which songs should be on the official BDD Day playlist? And some banana-less Fragen... What is the most delightful word you can think of? Describe the perfect Kuß - kiss in 3 words. Danke my dear Fraugen, enjoy your bananas... bis dann XD


&lt;&lt;&lt;stunned silence=""&gt;&gt;&gt; Clearly BDD Day cannot pass without celebration. What's the traditional greeting? 'Merry BDDD to you and yours!'? 'Happy BDDD!'? The tradition starts here. I will celebrate in the silly sexy spirit of BDDD with recitation of inappropriate limericks, a sensual massage and a revisit of my new favorite GF Audio 'Cum to Sleep'. Ah, the elixir of life! Just barely ripe to eat out of hand / falling apart ripe for baking/smoothies. Fave recipe is chic chip banana bread with pecans. I nominate 'Fuck Her Gently' by Tenacious D for the playlist. I love the word 'yes' - I trust the allure of being given what you asked for is obvious. Kiss: there are so many good words! Howsabout 'generous, lingering, pressure'. Thank you Claudia!&lt;/stunned&gt;


Homagad guys, Gael just surpassed 900 patrons. Isn't it awesome!


I missed Doctimus-Fragen?? Just my effing luck! *Goes hide in corner and sulks noisily, hoping someone takes pity on me and hands me a peanut butter banana smoothie. Or banana bread with pecans. Or bananas on cake with hazelnut cream sauce. Or, or ... Hmmmph!!


Here, lovely Madeline. I make a mean banana bread -- I'll send you a virtual piece. 😁💕🍞🍌🍌🍌


Ok, I couldn't sleep last night so I was on youtube for asmr, and I swear I didnt sleep at all last night. My husband was a very confused yet happy man this morning :)