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A knightly adventure! 




This is so good!!


Wow this was beautifully done. I love it!


Please do a part 2. This was amazing, I felt loved for the first time haha


So cute 💏


I‘m gonna love sleeping on your chest😍♥️


please do a part 2 of this <3


Falling asleep on Gael's chest is an official life goal for me now! 😍❤


I love your period pieces!!! Please, please, please a sequel?!?! One where the knight comes back for the girl like he promised but maybe she’s now betrothed to another and you convince her to forsake her father and run off with you! 😍🥺😍🥺😍🥺 Epic!!!


You never fail to make me feel like a princess❤❤❤


I definitely feel like I'm the side quest in an RPG and I love every moment of it 🥰😂


This continues to be my favorite of all your audios. I would love another one like this, where the knight comes back to her.


Gaelie if you ever see this post, could you tell what’s the background music in the beginning called?I mean the sword ⚔️ music in the very beginning.... Asking for one of our lovelies ☺️

Kathy M

I swear it's like you know when I'm on my phone at work when I'm not supposed to be. How do you do that?!?


FIRST IMPRESSIONS, Gael is now in Game of Thrones?

Rachel Baird

He did it!!! All inspired by me!!!

Rachel Baird

I loved it, Gael!!! 😘 You are amazing!!!!


aww medieval is always the original erotic fantasies


What, dare I dream? A new audio during my planning block, no one around, AND I have my headphones? Must be my lucky day.


Are you going to be jousting me with your lance Sir?💕😂


Break time!!


Very nice present on my day off


😍Yay! This week has been a rough one for me (stupid anxiety! 🙄). I'm looking forward to this! Thank you!😘


Someone take this man to do VOICE ACTING. AM I WATCHING A MOVIE RIGHT NOW?


You had me at M'Lady...*swoon*


Happy Friday all!


I blushed just by reading the title. I'm such a sucker for romantic themes. When I saw the "nsfw" I was like, 😋😋😋🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤😙. I'm still not over "Cum To Sleep" and now here's another one. Here we go...


Damn posted 4 mins ago.. 9 comments already... Do you not feel the love Gael?!?!?! Forever your Lovelies we are!!! 💗💗💗...now to have a listen..😁😁


Hey I get anxiety too. I'm sorry you are going through that. I hope things feel better for you!!! Remember you are awesome and can get through anything!


This one sounds exciting I can't wait to listen!!!

Rachel Baird

I will treasure this forever, Gael!!!


Being a huge fantasy nerd, I absolutely adore it and I'm only a few minutes in. Will finish later since its nsfw. I didnt think it was possible to love your work any more than I do!! Excellant work Gael!!


WAS bono in medieval times


Ser Daddy 😍😍😍


I knew a rat named M'Lady...she was really cool..


This was really interesting to listen to, this isn't typically the kind of theme I'm attracted to. I did really enjoy listening to it though. It's nice to try something different 😊


When it said Mills and boon I got a mental picture of Gael posing like Fabio for one of their book covers 😂😂


Are there dragonsss in it? A King, maybe a Queen?... hm?


Have no fear, Your Highness—I'm sure the dragon is secretly the hero(ine).


Thanks to you, my cheeks seem to be flushed with modesty on the daily. ☺️😏👄


I won't get to listen for a while, but the title popped up in my email and I laughed too hard because I just sent my medieval-fantasy manuscript off to my friend for beta-reading. <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/R8oQtQ5hZXs" width="560"></iframe>


I had a smile on my face from the minute I read the title. :) This was so cool, and very creative! The sound effects, music, your use of language from days of yore, this was altogether epic! I loved it to bits! Huzzah for the white knight Sir Gael!😚❤🍀


You are a Lord Geal ,amazing this audio &lt;3 Enjoy the weekend .


Im here for the swords and cum...😝😘😁


Oooww oeps. is Gael wahhaa my mind turn the e &amp; a waahahha afther listen grateful work :)


Good story tho. Im a sucker for swords and white cotton tunics...and swords.


Are you going to be jousting me with your lance Sir?😂😜💕💕


patreon is eating my comments, sorry if posted twice.....


Oh no!!!! I’m stuck in the longest meeting!! At least I have something to look forward to later 😊😉


This is amazing!!! The fantasy nerd in me was practically jumping for joy!!! You have to do more like this...or least the very least, make a part 2...

Monique (Mimzz)

Wait..a..minute...*notices Gael doing a medi fantasy* Ummm *mmph* speechless....


"I must go in the morning" = meaning "There is a really good chance your father is going to kill me once he realizes you spent the (k)night with me, so I need to hurry up and save my ass!"


Good day m'lord. (Sigh) Thou dost takest my breath away !😉😊😘


Love the story in this audio. I was grinning from ear to ear for most of it 😅 I love this audio. The music, the scenario, how you were talking to her, how sweet and sensual it was, as well as sexy. Love it 😍


Gael you should totally start fairytale audios because that was such a cute and sexy adventure. I loved it so much! 😍😍😍


I loved this! I'm glad you kept the music throughout it, keeping us in that mindset. I'd love to hear more stuff like this! 😍

Kathy M

Loved this audio even if I'm poking a bit of fun about Sir Gael saving the village trollop 😂


I've never posted a comment on your Patreon before now, but felt compelled to do so with this audio. With the Texas Renaissance Festival starting next weekend, your timing could not have been more perfect! I love these fantasy audios you do! Well, actually, I love all of them, but these imaginative one you do are a particularly lovely escape from the real world.


I could do a series ❤️ I'll be looking at these eventually 😜🤓


🤓 I had to go easy on the sex scene But I'll make up for that soon ❤️🍀❤️


It felt too short XP if it were me I wouldn't have let the knight to leave again in the morning. That isn't fair!!!!


I think Gael is on his coffee spree. (Coughs coughs)


Your next roleplay should be Prince of Arabia😍Loved this alot+the back ground music🎶

Rachel Baird

How about Robin Hood? Anyone?


Forsooth, mine ears doth feast on the words that flow from thine lips like honey.


Sound is amazing - and it was v sweet to talk to the noble steed. Would be interesting to think about chapters/evolving story lines...

Greek Goddess

A beautiful fairytale! 😍😍The language, the music and your voice all perfect! ❤️


Well, this was...different 😜<br><br>I don't mean different in a bad way - I thought it was pretty cool to do a storybook scenario to even greater depth than the Bloodlust audio. The background music and sound effects really gave it a medieval romance audiobook feel, and I was half expecting to hear different artists portray other characters, like the Lady and her father. I also thought the transitions between the different scenes were very smooth, and the audio didn't seem disjointed it all. (I think this is potentially a concern for any kind of audio portraying a story that requires moving from one scene to a completely different one. Audios don't have the visual cues that would alert the audience to a change in setting [e.g., paragraph structure, starting a new chapter on a new page, etc.], so it can sometimes easy to lose track of where one is in the story)<br><br>Medieval romance isn't quite my jam, so I can't say that this set my nether regions ablaze. But writing dialogue for an audio like this would be a ton of fun:<br><br><i>"Dost thou wish me to nestle betwixt thine thighs and growl on thy womanly treasures? And may I boldly ask thee to surrender thy maidenhood to me, M'Lady? Oh, how I long to impale thee on my firm, robust Celtic lance! But only if thou wish it to transpire, for I am a noble knight. Though if thou shall have me, my dear lass, it would be my honour - nay, my </i>pleasure<i> - to bestow upon thine sexy body my hot, wet kisses."</i><br><br>I suppose my bottom line is that even though this audio was a far cry from what you usually do, I still enjoyed it and thought it was a lot of fun to listen to. Kudos for trying out different ideas and taking creative liberties because I think that's one of the best way to grow and develop as an artist of any kind 🙂👍


Tsss... oh my! How knightly you can be if you try. You didn´ t even ssteal her jewel case or tricked her or sssome other devilries as usual... how... dissssappointing...


oh my good, WHAT IS THIS?? How did you come up with something so gorgeous? the music, the acting, the script, this is good beyond imagination! I'll have to listen to this at least two more times to get to the end without freaking out! &lt;3


I got so excited once I saw the title :D But the second I heard that epic music and sound effects, I already knew this was gonna be a favorite...! I really enjoyed this one, G! I'm a sucker for fantasy and medieval-themed stories. And I loved the language and writing (and the music :D); it was beautiful and fit the setting perfectly! I am sad that the knight had to leave so soon :( At least the night was spent in his arms...after "thanking" him ;3


Looks like you knocked it outta the park with this one, Ser 😍 Yet ANOTHER thing you are amazing at. 😎


GGGGGGG! That was a pretty damn awesome production! Your talent is unwavering!!!


Was I the only one that had to Google Mills and Boon?? I know, I know, stupid American 😉. But in all seriousness, LOVED this. Great job thinking out of the box Gael 😘❤️😍


OMG. So I can't shake the visual that Gael is holed up in his house clattering a couple coconuts together for the galloping horse. #MontyPython


I think this just brought back my to childhood love of Westley but this is even more lovely!


I kept laughing while reading through the dialogue you wrote here hahahaha. That was amusing! especially at the end - "...my hot, wet kisses." Yep, definitely can't leave out that signature phrase.


Love the music. Wonderful piece. Can't help but wonder how many days/week Gael took to put this together.


Hiding from the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog!! 😂😁


Is my phone/app glitching? Or is this audio time really 20840:24??? 😂


Either that or Gael had too much coffee today 😂😂😂😂


Oh, this was so cheesy—but in the most enjoyable way. The way that pairs well with a nice wine and a night in. 😋 The production value on this was really good. The music and FX distinguished the scenes very well and were overall consistent in quality and tone. (Not gonna lie, I'm jealous of your soundtrack.) The only time I remotely questioned "where" we were was when the lady knocked on the knight's door—and that's really because <i>my</i> brain was going, "dear God, is he really going to her chambers IN HER FAMILY'S HOME? day-um, boy!" The dialogue made it instantly clear what was really going on. This was a very fun listen, and I probably spent more time laughing than not. But in the good way. The way I laugh when my friends and I are being dorks together. Except our stuff doesn't usually turn erotic...well, not explicitly erotic. 😏


This was really cute. Maybe not cute. But really well done. I like when you show off your acting skills. I hope these sentences make sense cuz its taking a long time to type them. 🍷😁


That was fun - put a big smile on my face 😀😂🏰⚔️👸🏻💕 Great job with the acting and foley!


&lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Gael! That was maserfully done! The music, the visualized scenery, your speak. Aye, twas iontach, lad! (I'm sure I used that wrong XD) You created a lovely picture and I really enjoyed this audio. I love your stories!!!


And we have a WINNER... Sir Gael and his Stallion!! Well done, very well done!! 👏🎬


I absolutely love this style of audio. It was so visual, and you have the perfect voice for it. It was so romantic and beautiful and sexy, incredibly done!


How great was this! 😊 Love the style variation, and I must say... quite the visuals you were giving 😋


Yes! This was awesome! You did a great job with everything. I have to say though, I think I would have liked it even more as like a three part series with the first being vanilla leading up to an epic nsfw! Just saying, (wink, wink)for like a future midevil/renaissance tale. Plllleeeeeaaaasssse do more like this! 🙏🏻


Sir Gael can rescue me anytime.❤


You always manage to make great stories whilst also being super sexy. ❤️


Very well done. Loved the music, scene setting, the whole idea. Thank you.


I loved this!! What an amazing production!The music, story and words, everything came together so beautifully! You're a truly talented actor! Thank you for all the hard work you put in these audios for us! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😊


I looooooooove this 😍❤️❤️❤️


Wow! How far you have come in the six short months since I have been here is truly amazing! I really loved what you did with this piece, even if I am a sucker for a "knight in shining armor" story. The audio work with the sound effects and music was really well done and shows a terrific attention to detail (quite a noisy world, too, with the horses and the dogs and people!). The addition of the musical score really added to the love scene, something I don't normally miss in your other audios, but found really worked here. The story was classic Harlequin and something that I really enjoyed. I found, though, that I was not as impressed with our heroine as our hero was. The backstory in my head was not very flattering to her -- I don't think this is the first time our fair heroine had to be rescued by a sexy knight. Modest blush, my a** , and she knew darn well the state in which she would find our knight. Something tells me this will not be the last time she needs rescuing, nor the last knight she will feel the need to "innocently" thank. I did love this audio, though -- it was a much needed break and fun during a rather dull day. Thank you!

Rachel Baird

Not true. You don't know what her story is. Could be she was forced to marry the villain and refused so he kidnaps her for his own. Anything is possible, but she is modest, and can be both timid and strong willed. Cautious as a serpent but yet very innocent like a dove.


I was a little skeptical that I would like this one, but I was very pleasantly surprised. It was fun and I thoroughly enjoyed the sound effects. :-)


I loved this so much! ❤️ I'd love to be rescued by you sometime, but only if I get to jump you afterwards, just like in this story. 😉😂


This was so up my alley LOL I would love to see Gael do more of these! I enjoyed the hell out of this! I was in the same mind as some of these other lovely ladies and was a bit unsure about this one before listening (but let's face it.. It's Gael! a lot of us would even enjoy him reading the back of a box of cereal or toilet tissue lol!) The sound effects were really awesome, I loved that! and the plot was cute. Definitely a very memorable Knight ;) haha.


My favorite one so far.


This took me back in time. It was sensual, passionate, and really romantic. What a great storyline. Whew this is my new favorite audio.


OMG, I was there, like.... BRILLIANCE, Gael Luv! Pure brilliance! Loved, loved, LOVED this. Please do more of these. Perhaps, another visit? Exceptional execution with the background! It really drew me in that much more...


Game of Thrones Vibes😘💕


That ending was really sensual and romantic 😳💓💗


I'm in love with the game of thrones vibe ❤️❤️🔥


Great job on this, Gael! The music, the theme, the dialogue, etc. It felt like a mini-movie. I would love for you to do more of these.


This was hands down my favorite omg! haha! would really really really love to see more like it! &lt;3


I luuuuuurve this audio!!! First heard it on Youtube. Would be awesome if you could do more swash buckling rescue audios! Also would love a "rescue" tag in the sidebar so I can find all these goodies quickly :)