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And what weekend would be complete without a draw!

Our winners are:

♦ Cosmic

♦ Rachel Baird

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, my lovelies!!



Congrats ladies!!!


Congrats to the winners❤️ Have a great week ladies


Congrats ladies! ❤❤


Have a wonderful weekend, winners!


Yay! congrats lovelies 💞💟 @Marta you too have a nice week !


I saw my first name and got overly excited for a second. Congrats y'all! We're all jealous 😄


Congrats ladies!


Congratulations, lovelies! Enjoy your PAs😁💖


Oh noo! I can feel the disappointment from here! 😂

Rachel Baird

Yay!!!!!! Whooohoooo😃😃😃😃😱😱😱😱😱

Rachel Baird

Thank you Gael. Love you, baby!!!😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍


Congrats ladies! Have fun!!😀


Congrats ❤️ Have a great week, lovelies 💕 And Gael too 😋


Congrats ladies!! Enjoy your day, everyone!! ❤️❤️😘


Congrats, girls!! Have fun :D


Cograts to Cosmic and Rachel!! Ooooweee ladies, let your imaginations run wild and enjoy yourselves!!!


Congratulations ladies! Have fun with those audios 😉


Woohoo, congratulations, girls! 🎉




Congratulations! Have fun ladies!




Hurraaah!! 🍹🎈🍰💥🌈🥂🍭


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat. The. 😄😳😳😳🙈🙈🙈


Congratulations Cosmic and Rachel Baird!!


Congratulations girls, what will you choose, hmm? Sexy audio, meditation audio, the comedic stylings of Mr. Force, sooo many decisions!!! Have fun! Reminds me I need to get in the right tier if I ever want my chance at one!


OOOOO!!!! Congratulations, sweeties!


an odd one? meh i need sleep :P. Congratz!!!!!


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. A pleasant Montag - Monday to everyone! It´s a holiday for many of you, ja? I wish you a nice Tag der Arbeit - Labor Day. :) I wanna crawl back to bed, where it´s kuschlig - cosy and warm... So just some quick daily Fragen... what´s your favourite... ...kind of gift to receive? ...extreme sport you're too scared to do? ...baby girl name? ...Harry Potter movie? ...shoes? ...brand of toilet paper? ...fruity candy? ...Gael? ;) Danke my dear Fraugen, as always... bis dann XD And Glückwunsch - congratulation to the draw winners. Enjoy. :)


Yes a holiday tomorrow, but I'm getting up early to go to a Greek Food Festival (gotta get that baclava cheesecake, runs out quickly). Hope your week goes well Claudia! Favorite gift: I like things that I can use. Things I can't use, I feel like they just clutter up my house. Next week is my birthday and I'm getting a massage. :-) Big 30. Extreme sport that I'm scared of: all of them, but I enjoy watching extreme sports. Baby girl name: Elizabeth. I thought if I had a girl I would name her Elizabeth. Harry Potter movie: POA Shoe: I love my yellow box flip flops. Toliet paper: Charmin Fruit candy: Starbursts (the pink ones. Am I right ladies?) Gael: the one where he takes a girl on date in a pub and he tells her stories.


I was on a walk this morning and my iPod was on shuffle when your voice started teasing my ears. At one point you asked if anyone was around or watching and I said shhh out loud. One person looked at me funny, but luckily they were walking the other way. Needless to say listening to you made the walk a lot more fun.


So just some quick daily Fragen… what's your favourite… ...kind of gift to receive? I love flowers but prefer cards. I have a box full that I've gotten over the years from hubby. ..extreme sport you're too scared to do? Bungee jumping ...baby girl name? Savannah ...Harry Potter movie? Never watched any ...shoes? NOOOOOOOOOO I hate shoes!! Give me bare feet all year round (even in winter) ...brand of toilet paper? Charmin ...fruity candy? Starburst (the red, yellow and pink) ...Gael? Striptease Groove…no wait…ASMR Eating Your Juicy Passion Fruit…ummmmm Friends With Benefits...NO...it has to be my PA!! OK ALL OF THEM!!!


Love my PA, too, Marcia! Will probably always be my favorite one.


Good Afternoon Claudia and Ladies.. Spending this Labor Day starting my last vacation of the summer 😩😩.. And seeing my last born off to school tommorow.. Now on to the ???.. 1. Favorite gift..anything that has to do with cooking..i love to cook and im a beast in the kitchen!!! 2. Xtreme sport..mountain climbing like Mt Everest climbing!! 3. Baby girl name.. Last born was going to be Ava-Michelle if a girl.. 4. The last one.. I was ready to wrap things up!! 5. Shoes..yes..and i love a good high heel!!! 6. TP.. Cottonelle the blue one 7. Candy... Skittles i love the rainbow!!! Always fun to answer.. Good day Lovelies!!! 😘😘


Congrats sweet ladies🎉


Oh my!! How could i forget the last question!!! Gael: Alpha Alpha ALPHA Gael!!! And anything else he does!! 😆😆😆


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a nice Dienstag - Tuesday!? It´s really cold tonight and the moon looked beautiful! Everything is quiet, the Öfen - kilns, the kittens, my man... I´m waiting for Little Seanie to reach a certain temperature... so, time to sip a hot Kräuter - herbal tea and ask some Fragen :) If you could have any accent what would it be? Do you bite your Strohhalm - straw? Would you rather only be able to speak in cheesy movie lines or sing everything you say? Are you afraid of heights? When using a public bathroom do you sit on the seat or squat over it? How long are you usually Draußen - outside in a day? That´s it, danke my dears... bis dann XD


Hello Claudia..when you answer questions late..you get to answer the next early!!!.. Hope your week has be well.. On to ??? 1. I would love to have an Aussie accent..it is on my bucket list to get there one day!!.2. Yes..i bite the hell out of my straw..into this weird square shape!! 3. I would love to sing cheesy movie lines in real life 😆😆..4. YES deathly afraid!! 5. Im a squatter..no matter who hears!!!! 6. Not outside as much as I would like to be.. Thank you for the ??..you make me think!! 😄😄


Hallo, Claudia and the Fraugen! I've spent my Labor Day Monday holed up in my condo and thank goodness, because we have air quality alerts going off all over the place. Smoke from wildfires in states northwest of me has been blowing in, and there's an ozone alert on top of it. My asthma and allergies do not approve. And now, this: If you could have any accent what would it be? — British, I guess—Four Counties, really. Maybe East Irish. More to the point, I want to be able to put on these accents, because I tend to play characters in my tabletop RPGs who have accents like these and it's more fun to be able to do the voice. The first time I tried to pull a British accent at the table (many, many years after I've ever been good at accents), my GM (who is from the UK) sort of grimaced a little. Apparently I mashed together just a crapton of regional accents—"but at least," he told me, "you didn't do Australian." Winning? Lol Do you bite your Strohhalm - straw? — I try not to. I want to be able to have my drink. Would you rather only be able to speak in cheesy movie lines or sing everything you say? — I basically do the first one anyway, so I'll go with singing everything I say. Giving a scientific presentation in song could get really interesting for all involved. Are you afraid of heights? — YUP. Not terrified, mind you—I can look out the windows of tall buildings or airplanes—but I won't get very close to the edge of a cliff or a building without a railing. Got a railing? I'm good to go. When using a public bathroom do you sit on the seat or squat over it? — Sit. I don't want to splatter all over the seat. That just perpetuates the problem for the next poor woman. If the seat doesn't look fit for sitting, I'll go to the next toilet. How long are you usually Draußen - outside in a day? — Maybe an hour at most. If I'm riding the bus, it's usually a 20-minute walk each way (20 minutes on the way to work, 20 minutes from), and those are the days I'm outside the most.


So ... if your boss = you, and you are bored out of your head by what you're doing, and you are amazed by the sheer stupidity of some people (not you, you are a different, better level of stupid of course), and these people happen to be the people that provide you with lots of jobs ... is it OK to go and put your fingers to a better use? I.e. you are massively turned on anyway? Asking for a friend, of course. Yes.


That depends. Is this friend utilizing said fingers to further the understanding of science as discussed here in our little community? As long as said fingers have the permission of the boss to partake in such experimentation, I would think it would be permissible.


Guten Morgen süße - sweet Sirens. A happy Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone! Is everybody gesund und munter - hm... on the baker´s list? :) Yesterday I made some cat/dog bowls. I seriously hope your pets have nice bowls!? XD The daily Fragen for the Fraugen... Are you Linkshänder - left handed or right handed? What part of your body do you hate getting cold the most? Green Äpfel - apples or red? Do you have the same colour of hair now that you were born with? Have you ever googled yourself? Would you rather fight a 4 foot spider or a 8 foot Ameise - ant? Danke as always my dears... bis dann XD


Hello Claudia! It's Humpday! Well not yet in my neck of the woods😉 Here are my answers: Are you Linkshänder - left handed or right handed? Right handed. What part of your body do you hate getting cold the most? My nose. When it gets cold I snuggle my face under my scarf or blanket. I love to snuggle😊 Green Äpfel - apples or red? Both I like Gala apples too 🍎🍏 Do you have the same colour of hair now that you were born with? Yes. Have you ever googled yourself? Not really, it's because I know there's nothing about me out there 😁 Would you rather fight a 4 foot spider or a 8 foot Ameise - ant? I'd rather not fight with either of them coz guess who will disappear quick.....Me. scared of anything that has more than 4 feet😂😂😨 Have a great Wednesday everyone!😘


Delicious Fragen Claudia! Right handed, but know to switch hit (insert joke here). I love the cold, but some of the spring fed pools here can drop your core temp to super shivery! Bake with green but red out of hand - esp. Fuji and Honeycrisp and Macintosh. (Yum! It's nearly apple season in the US). My hair is still very dark, but graying. Maybe I'll get lucky and rock the Emmylou Harris version of natural gray. Googled - yes when my work included press briefings. Rarely credited by name, but it was exciting when it happened. Def spider - those ants are freakishly strong (proportionally speaking). To the death! Have a great day all!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday!? Have nothing to chatter tonight and wanna go back to my warm, creaky bed... So right to some quick daily Fragen... if you are in the mood... What goes first, Milch - milk or cereal? How many times have you moved homes? How long does it take for you to fall asleep? Do you crack your finger Knöchel - knuckles? Would you want your true love to be eaten by a tiger or be married to someone you verabscheuen - despise? That´s it for today, danke my dear Fraugen... bis später XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! More adventures with plumbing today, I'm afraid—hauling buckets of dirty water to the sink and filling them up again. Tomorrow should have some sort of science content, if I'm not wiped out by my allergy shots first thing in the morning. I normally save them until the afternoon, but couldn't this week, so we'll see! And now, this: What goes first, Milch - milk or cereal? — Cereal. I don't know how much milk I need until I see the cereal. How many times have you moved homes? — Strictly speaking, four times, though two of those were to and from a temporary residence for an internship and one was literally moving about a hundred yards to a new house built on the same property. How long does it take for you to fall asleep? — All told, 4-5 hours. I take my melatonin at 7 pm, might start getting sleepy if it's a good night, then take two more anticonvulsants with drowsiness as a side effect in hopes of knocking me out two hours later. Usually, I have to be nodding off while sitting on the couch or on my bed before I can actually fall asleep when my head hits the pillow, so it takes an additional 2-3 hours after the knock-out dose to put me under. Do you crack your finger Knöchel - knuckles? — Occasionally. I used to do it a lot more, but now it's a perhaps-once-a-day thing. Would you want your true love to be eaten by a tiger or be married to someone you verabscheuen - despise? — Wow, that got...dark really fast. 😧 I suppose that if this were a "true love," then this is a pretty intense thing—i.e., something you're not supposed to just "get over" after some non-dairy ice cream and a marathon of chick flicks. So this is going to sound awful: I would rather have my true love eaten by a tiger and I'll tell you why. If I have to be married to someone I despise, that means that my true love can't be with me, which means that we <i>both</i> suffer for a long time. Now, one could argue that marriage is a fuzzy thing; this villain could be dispatched through nefarious or natural means, or you could always just ignore your marriage vows. This is true. But that's not a way I would live, and so if I were to try to make myself do it, chances are that I would become someone that my true love despised. It's not a good answer. I know I'm supposed to say that I'd marry someone I despise so that my true love could find someone else. But if it's true love, then no matter what, neither of us would be happy. I would rather know that he was dead. Tigers are quick, efficient killers—they snap your spinal cord right away so that you die quickly, because they usually have to drag their prey off to a secluded space to eat it. He wouldn't suffer long, and if I have to live with that, so be it. (This is probably why I stay single, by the way...) And since that was such an "up" moment, here: have a warm, fuzzy picture I painted back in April, which is succeeding in making me look much more romantic than I actually am: <img src="https://pre14.deviantart.net/ed84/th/pre/i/2017/100/6/7/what_is_said____by_shiseihitsuji-db583f4.png">


Hello patreon army....I'm here in Florida where the category 5 hurricane will hit soon...I live in South Florida to be exact in fort Myers area...I will appreciate it a lot if you guys could keep me and my family in your prayers...love you guys...hope to speak to you guys soon and hear gaels orgasmic voice hehe 😘😘see ya👋....


Oh my goodness, I will be sending good thoughts your way! 🙏🏻 Stay safe, and let us know how you're doing when you get a chance. ❤️


How IS everyone? Safe? The weather man wore a helmet and body armor.