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I just want to say thank you to all of you for being so supportive and kind to me and each other. I do check in here a fair bit and I'm always amazed at the love and care you show each other. You are a wonderful bunch of people and have been from day one. You are the reason why I write what I write, you are my muse. I've learned so much from you all and for that I am so so grateful.

I am working on lots of different styles of audio at present and I will be releasing lots over the coming month.

I did have a little dip when I came back from vacation and so I'm a little behind on PAs at the moment, just a little.. but I'll get to you.. I never miss them.. so dontya worry! I love this and enjoy it so much! It's me passion like.

Anyways! Thank you again and have a lovely Sunday or Sunday night.. depending on where you are...

PS... which countries have we got in here?? Where y'all from like?





Seattle, WA - USA


Aww ❤️

Kathy M

Morning 😊


❤️❤️❤️ hello


I'm a NY'r


I'm from across the way in England! Happy Sunday to you ❤


United States is here


I'm from Houston, TX


Gael you're such a sweetheart 😘 thank you for everything you do for us. I don't think you realise just how much you've helped us all ❤️ I'm from England. Enjoy you're Sunday


by the way, good afternoon lol


Good morning from Austin TX!

Mikayla Hodges

California. So today i lost a friend and may lose my boyfriend lol and you videos helped me stop crying, thank uuuu soo much

Jasmine sanfi

If we all are supportive is because you are kind and work hard for us...so Thank you Gael,thank you for you time and your art,thank you for the company.Love from Italy


Im from yorkshire, Uk x


Fergus Falls, MN


Up north, Baguio city, Philippines


Central New York!


gael I learned so much from you guys, I'm so grateful to be a part of this community, it's like a big happy family! anyway, I'm from Poland but living in Scotland currently (I'm still yet to acquire that scottish accent though, it's too hard)


HEY Gael I love you soooo much❤️❤️❤️❤️


Philippines 😘


USA! USA! Obnoxious 😂


Agh!.....youre breaking patreon again Mr Force....keeps crashing ffs


France, Paris 😂😂😂


Isle of wight, England ☉☉


What a cutie ❤ London, UK 😘


Good evening from the Land Down Under! Melbourne specifically


Thoughts are with Houston. My boss went to help and the aftermath was just shocking.

Mikayla Hodges

We all need to know this lol, are you clapping and making moaning sounds in your videos or are you actually jacking the hammer. Lol


Hong Kong eyyyy! im earlier in the timezone and my friday nights or saturdays consist of desperately waiting for ur audios hehee xd as always i wanna say thanks for ur love bc for real u get me by many nights! with school starting and all imma be even more grateful for ur comfort c:


Zaandam, Holland 🌷🌹


Gael breaking Patreon again 😂 anyway gotta go back to work, just pop in to say hi to you all beautiful people, take care, smile a lot and stay hydrated ❤️


G'evening m8! What's the craic with Home and Away?! I think Aussie's don't watch it? Lmao! It's HUGE here


Oh sweetie, THANK YOU! America here 😙


Have a great day all!


Hi, Gael! I'm mealprepping right now! And while I'm waiting for my meatballs to cook, I would like to say MWAH! 😙😙😙 and thank you for doing what you do. 😄


*straightest face ever* Gaelandia 😏


My browser has some problems on Patreon right now... are you to blame, Gael? xD Have a wonderful Sunday you lovelies! ❤️ Hugs from Rendsburg, Germany!


Brooklyn girl here.... living in Jersey City.


I want to say thank you EVERY SINGLE DAY. Muah💋 Love from Taiwan! ❤💛💙💚🇹🇼


Thank you for being there for us. You can't even imagine what you mean to all of us. Beste Grüße and Happy Sunday Sweet❤ currently living and studying in Germany.


Man, so many amazing peoples here! A nice way to start the day! Hey from Atlanta y'all, have the most amazing day! 🤗🤗🤗🤗


Melbourne, Australia also 🐨❤


Poland! I've lots of Polish friends.. They taught me curse words and how to sing Silent night in Polish bahahaha Cześć


Thanks! I'm blessed to not have been affected too much during the storm. I had an aunt that had to be boat rescued because the water on her street was over waist deep and she got 4-6" of rain in her house, but other than that my family came out alright. It was little bit like living on a different planet... roads closed due to flooding, feeling trapped inside the house & in Houston for days, getting tornado warnings AND flash flood alerts (like, make up your mind Mother Nature... D'you want us to take cover or go for higher ground?). But this experience has made me really be proud of being a Texan. The way the community has come together is truly amazing. Faith in humanity restored! :)


Paetron crashed while I was typing! :'c Sunday Night here in East Asia (so vague lol). Psst, thank you Gael for everything you've done everyone in this community. I'm mostly lurking and rarely commenting (people can be shy online too hehe!), but please know I appreciate and adore you with all my heart. We all do! Have a happy Sunday everyone. ♥️


Yeah! Lots of sexy Aussies! I've lots of family and friends there! Good evening Laura!


Good morning from rainy Pesaro (It)!! Gael you just deserve this kind of love and support, and it's never enough for what you do here. I can say that I find another family where everyone is so open and caring about each other's opinion! You're the cherry on top of the cake cause you never fail to amaze us with ideas and extra love! :))) We're crazy sirens, but we're really thankful as well!!! ❤️


Address: 69 Gutter Alley, right beside the Mayor's Mansion. Visitors always welcomed 😊


Aww thank you Jasmine! Italy! Yay! That's another place on my list! Beautiful country with lovely food mmmm! Xd


But... you know 😜 (Hungary) Thank you for everything you do, love ❤


Good morning from the US Gael! So lovely to be waking up to you this morning. 😁🎧❤️


Living in Brisbane, Australia.


Lmao American girls are coveted here like... the Irish love their Mercian chicks 🍀😜


Ahhhh that's a lovely place! A great place for music too! Hiy Lauren!


Good morning Hungary!! How we Foxie lady? My official archeologist!


Morning G💘💘!Thank you for all the incredible work.Loved to hear it turned out to be a passion!! 😍😍😍(o m gosh,hopefuly i'll find mine one day 💛💛💛💛 ) Knowing you is one of the best things that ever happened in my life so far ,thank you (again❤) It's 6:53 am here coz i'm from Martinique . Tropical kisses sent your way G 💋🍍💋🍌💋🍊💋


Good morning, G and the rest of you sexy lovelies! I'm visiting family in Pennsylvania this weekend, but thankfully heading home to Virginia today. 😊 Thank you for every thing you do for us! I hope you know just how many lives you've touched and changed, mine included, in countless ways. So glad I am along for this wild and crazy ride! 😁💕


No faking mikayla...he really does it 😛✊🏻💦


West of France, with cognac and wine everywhere 😀 I do think the love in the community is a reflection of your own kindness and goodness. ❤️


What are you lovelies all up to on this lovely Sunday?


Hey Gael! Hey everyone! Happy Sunday. I never formally introduced myself on here so since this seems like a role call of sorts, here goes!! I'm from Canada but currently live in Kyoto Japan, and have been in Japan for over 15 years now! I was the 666th Patreon Subscriber😱 so I am fairly new to the world of Gael but I'm so glad I discovered you and this wonderful community of people. To think an innocent search on Irish accents and then ASMR would lead me here ❤️.


Yay! The more Aussies the better! Hey, did I read something about snow there last week? Did you build a snowman Nikki? 😂


Hi there Gael. I am currently holidaying solo in Athens and listened to your 'Turn Me On' audio yesterday while on a tour to Delphi. The guide went on and on and I decided enough was enough.


Hi Gael, you have a lovely Sunday as well. Your words really touched me just then, I'm so thankful that you made the decision to share your passion with the world, as you've helped me in so many ways. You are such a sweetheart! I'm from the USA. Kisses to you from your next door neighbor! 😙😙😙


Martinique? That sounds so James Bond lol Hello Noemie! That's a lovely name btw!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Whoop whoop! Morning, G! Hola from Puerto Rico! TY, sweetheart, for bringing this community together!


Oops I'm not done yet. Thanks for providing excitement on my most boring and mundane days, especially at work when things are not going well. I always look forward to your posts.


Merica rofl. Hello


Always always a pleasure to hear from you Gael! (Suffolk, UK) ^^


Thank you for continuing to post new and amazing content. I love getting to listen to it and feel privileged to be a part of this community.


Hi Dancy! Wow that's quite the journey! 666 eh? Naught little devil woman ❤️😂


Good Morning Gael from Alabama. Just had a lovely college American football day. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Well! It's only amazing because you are here! Good morning Savanna! Miss Jedi!


Hello Alabama! So happy you enjoyed your game lovely Rachael! 🍀❤️


It is 6am here so yes good morning!!! ^_^


Brno, Czech republic and 1,17pm 💗


Bonjour les filles bonjour Gael, hi Ladies hi Gael. Well it's not a scoop I'm from France, South West, I live in Les Landes a wild country with amazing beachs, golden sand, Atlantic Ocean (with gorgeous and sexy surfers and lovely lifeguards, MIAM MIAM !) and also a beautiful immense pine forest. Yes I love my country ! And I love your work Irish man. Tu es un être de lumière et la beauté de ton art rejaillit sur notre communauté de femmes belles, solidaires, sensibles. Nous nous comprenons et nous nous aidons les unes les autres. You and this community are my treasure, my secret garden. I love you ! Bisous sucrés salés !!!


Hello Gael ,Hey everyone!☺Checking in from South Carolina


Between Malaysia and Australia 😂


Bongiorno dear friend, beautiful regazza how are you ?


😂I guess it's okay to be a devil woman every once in a while eh?😉. I have some writing to do so I have to say goodbye but I just wanted to say thank you in kind! I've spent the majority of my time away from home single or in one sided or generally relationships so having your audios to listen to when I'm at my lowest means so much. It also gives me hope that I might actually find that special someone some day. Probably not where I'm living right now though. That ship has sailed🚢😂 Ladies enjoy your Sunday wherever you are! I'll try to do more interacting and less lurking in future 😅


I'm from Romania, but now I live in England. so glad to hear from you Gael today! ^_^


Thank you for your heart and what you write in your audios! You are amazing- not in just the audios, but in who you are. Thank you for sharing with us! Oh, and Midwest, US for now. The travel bug has bitten quite hard so I may be moving on. Have a wonderful day and thank you again. ❤️😘


Lmao! That's so funny! Athens! Such a gorgeous and interesting part of the planet 🍀❤️


Have a great day, lovely! I hope your writing muse smiles on you today and provides you with lots of inspiration! 😊💕


Hello lovely Gael and the best group of lovelies, I'm in beautiful Devon in the south west of England 😘❤️


Hi Valentina! You are so kind! I home you are having fun in Germany! 🇩🇪


It's 7:47!a and this is an awesome labor labor weekend and a very Happy Sunday everyone!!!


You're cute Gael. North Yorkshire, England 🤗🌲🌿🚂


Yay Cath! Say hello to everyone in Hong Kong for me!! 🍀🍀🍀


Good morning from Michigan (USA)! Lol I'll see you all in a couple hours, I'm going to try to go BACK to bed 😊


Yay! The land of bicycles! And flower power 😳😜 Good afternoon Maaike! ❤️🍀


Patreon and my phone don't get along well😑.


dammit Patreon ate my comment...how's Sean doing? We miss him so much😍 #teamseanie #thesmartest


Hello Gael and Everyone.. I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia and it's Sunday 06:50 pm here.. 😘❤💕💞


awwww stop it. u make me emotional. and Poland (seaside :D) here.


Hmmm... sso many different flavoursss... *takes notesss and looks for recipesss*


We love you Gael! I'm from the United States (Kentucky).


Thank YOU for being a lovely person! Lovely people seem to draw to each other around here. :-) Lots of love from Saint Paul Minnesota!


I'm another one from the United States, specifically Ohio


Good Morning from the US, South Dakota in particular 😁 It's 7:30AM and a beautiful Sunday. I hope all is well with you lovely ladies! It goes without Saying that You are the one who needs to be thanked Gael.😙 Without your sense of humor, sensual nature and overall personality encouraging us we would not be the lovable group of ladies that we have grown to be ... so thank you Mr. Gael. ❤


Good morning from Canada! 😘 It is currently 8:35 in the morning 😁 I just woke up. 😂


Hello Gael😙😙 I'm a bit late here but I'm from the US as well! Louisiana ⚜


Hello Mr.Mayor. such a heartmelting speech you did there.<br><br>Honestly though, I am so grateful to find you on Youtube back on 2013 when you just started.<br><br>Thank you Gael, for listening to your heart and your passion to make audios and writes. Thank you for never giving up on it. Thank you too for taking a step to make a Patreon. If you didn't make all of those above, I would not be here, this lovely community I've been with, would not be here. I would have no one to share my bad day or my success or asking for advices.<br><br>Thank you for the first step you did that led me here. I am forever grateful to get to know you and everyone in here. So grateful.<br><br>Honorable mentions: Queen Lizard, Doctimus, Elaine, Frau Claudia, Amy Mc, Calma C, Valentina, Kris G, Rachel, Rachel (Rey Rey) and everyone in Gaelandia.<br><br>I lived on Earth. Haha sorry could not reveal where I came from. A very secret place. ;)

Meghan McDonald

WE should be thanking you Gael.I am from Massachusetts.


No. . . thank you! I've only been here for a week and you've already helped me. :) I'm from the US. Nowhere exciting, just Indiana. Lol


Hugs to you, Gael! From the small state of Rhode Island, USA.


I love your audios (not just for dirty reasons 😂) but because I also like to come to your profile and see your little updates from time to time. Thanks for being so dedicated to your audience! And I'm from the South of England 😊 In a lil place called Crawley that nobody's ever heard of lmao


Thank you so much Sweet Sarah! You are so kind and awesome And kinda Awesome ❤️❤️


thank you for everything you do for us, your hardwork and dedication to your work is so very clear, I'm from the south West of England from a little place made famous by cheese!!!


Grrr Patreon keeps on crashing. Anyway Happy Funday Sunday to you😊 Thanks for being you G! Stay humble!😘 BTW living in Louisiana, US😉


Hi Megan! The sunny south of England!! Thank you for your lovely words 🍀❤️


Good morning, Gael and friends!  I'm from the midwest, USA.  So happy to be part of this community.  There is such a spirit of empowerment and acceptance here, and it is fast becoming something I don't want to be without.  ❤ Thank you G, as always for all your hard work and dedication to your craft. Happy Sunday all!


Hi Mary! Good afternoon west of England! 🍀❤️🍀 Thank you so much


Hi Therese! Ya I replied to you earlier and it was eaten alive rofl Good morning!


It seems to be a meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society today. 😉 I haven't listened to "Turn Me On" yet, as my birthday is Wednesday and I decided it would be a nice little 'gift' for a day that's not really all that different from any other. Thank you for all that you do. The passion you have for your work and audience are obvious and your work ethic is a goal! (((HUGS))) from the State of Missouri, a place few come to visit and fewer stay. 😂


Thank you Gael! You and your audios are wonderful 😊 and happy Sunday funday from rainy Cornwall 🌧


Well gael... u did the work.. and we need to thank you.. happy sunday... btw... Malaysia here


9:03 am here in Connecticut US... Guess I should start to get out of this bed and face the day..lol Good morning Gael and Ladies.. Everyone have a beautiful day!!! And also for you Gael.... sending you a huge thank you for what you do for us!!! 😘😘😘


Maidin Maith Gael!! I am on the west side of Michigan, USA. Thanks again for taking such good care of us. We love you and appreciate all you do. Take care and have a wonderful Sunday.


Hello Emamanuelle! That sounds heavenly!! I've travelled that way before.. gorgeous place ❤️❤️


Good Morning G! I live in Brazil and I miss Bobby. 😊😘


Yup! We are a real diverse and sexy bunch aren't we Katherine! I may get there one day 😜😜😜


Woooo! Have you got that sexy Cornwall accent Roseanna?? I love rainy days ❤️


Awww hi sweetie! All the way from beautiful Malaysia! A princess! Xd ❤️❤️🍀


Hiya Marcia!! I hope you're doing well! Michigan! Y'all have frogs 🐸 there? ❤️😂


Aww, did I miss the Gael Greetings? Time zones are rough 😫 but I'm happy to report from Nova Scotia, Canada, in a city with a beautiful view of the sea! Thank you again, Gael, for everything you do. In the years that I've been listening to your audios they have been a great source of comfort and pleasure - and now we have this great community to go along with it! Have a lovely Sunday, everyone! I'm off to dye my hair purple (again) and check out the Fringe Theatre Festival ❤️❤️❤️


Ohhh sexy Brazilian in the house! Bobby is doing great! He's still as crazy as ever lol Good day Cathiane! Xd


Aw, sweet boy. All I'm gonna say is that it's usually the person behind the content created--their heart and how it's translated through their work--that dictates the type of people he/she are attracting...just sayin 😌 I'm from the US as well, Jacksonville, Florida to be more specific.


Ohh Novia Scotia! My heart wants to see i! There are songs about it here ;) Morning Amanda ❤️❤️


Awwww so kind Nadia! Hello lovely Florida!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Currently Sunday morning. 😊Enjoying a nice cup of coffee☕, fighting off an awful cold🤧. As always we appreciate everything YOU do. Its like Karma, the love you put out into the world is the love you receive.❤ So I'm sending you lots and lots of love from Texas, USA. 😘😁


You are so sweet! ☺️I agree with ya 100%. 👍🏻This group is filled with a great people and always has been. Can't believe it has been a year already. Sending my love from the Pacific Northwest...Oregon to be exact! 🤗😘


Happy Sunday, Gael! I've been listening to you for years, mostly on Literotica and now here, I'm so thankful for you and what you do ☺️ Hugs and love from Puerto Rico 💖


Basking in this awesome morning sun here in the lower region of Alabama! ☀️👒 Sending hugs and 💋💋 your way!! Thank you for ALL that you do!


Hello from St. Paul Minnesota! You're developing quite the following in my area! 😉🔥❤️💥

Rachel Baird

The beautiful State of Michigan, especially in the fall🍂🍁🌻love you Gael!😍😘


It's Sunday morning here, Denver, Colorado to be exact. Thank you Gael for everything you do!


Aww, missed the fun again. Stupid need for sleep. 🙁😝 Go raibh maith agat chuig do fhocail, a chara. As the creator, so the community, like! 😘 Maidin mhaith! I live in Maryland, smack between farms &amp; the nation's capital, but I'm in Pennsylvania atm to add another megalith to our local stone circle. Only 4 tons this year, but she's 21 feet tall &amp; shaped like a flame. Up til very late baking bread for everyone too (~400 loaves), hence the accidental lie-in. Wishing you &amp; all the Lovelies a fantastic day! 😙😙😙


Goodmorning from Chicago!


Good morning 😃 I'm checking in from the Palmetto State, South Carolina. It's a gorgeous Sunday morning, for sure. Thank you for being you, Gael 💛


HAPPY SUNDAY G....Smooches and belly rubs to you and Bobby all the way from New Jersey, US!😂😘

Deidra Goodman

Way too early on a Sunday morning lol. Two of my good friends just got married last night so we were giving them a good send off. Unfortunately that requires a bit of a hangover this morning in Minnesota usa. Sending lots of love and glad you're finally on the mend.


Argentina 🇦🇷


Awww! Thank you Trish! I'll catch that love from Oregon and put it in my pocket ❤️❤️❤️


Ohhh sexy Puerto Rican girl again! Thanks Vanessa! Thanks for sticking with me this long 🍀❤️🍀


Sending love from California!


Mmmmm! Cali girl! Undeniable! Good morning Jax ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi Amanda! I heard it's mighty pretty in the Windy City!! Hugs and kisses 😍😍😍


Afternoon, you sweet human....There you go with that Ubuntu again! I don't really know how else to say "thankyou" - but I've already said that over and over. So with love and and a whole lot of gratitude, here are some hugs from a sunny, springtime-y southern Africa.


Just woke up and saw this, what a lovely way to start the day. I'm from the Valley of the Sun. Im also relatively new to this and Im amazed at how supportive the sirens are to each other and how welcoming and friendly this community is. Lastly THANK YOU for all you do, you are amazing and magical.


Good Sunday morning from sunny and HOT California! 🔥 Boiling over here, jeez... And thank you for everything you do, Sir. You are pure sunshine. 💕


Guten Tag from Ontario, Canada! I thought of saying something like "Top o' the morning to ya!", but 1) I'm sure it's well past noon for you, 2) I don't want to come across as culturally insensitive, and 3) I read that almost no one says "Top o' the mornin' to ya!" in Ireland anymore 🤔 With just over 270 comments in 3.5 hours, a new comment is posted - on average - every 46 seconds!** That statistic is impressive in and of itself, but I can only imagine what that calculation was 3 hours ago, when the app was probably crashing over how fast the comments were flying 😯 I'll echo what Shay pointed out in another thread - the Butterfly effect-ish concept that if you hadn't decided to just pick up your phone and start recording audios one day, the whole lot of us probably would never have converged in one place (i.e., Patreon, Twitter) and gotten to know one another. As much as I'm a fan of planning and calculating and strategizing before making decisions, sometimes it's the spur-of-the-moment choices that produce the most meaningful outcomes. So a huge thanks for picking up your phone and for all of the wonderful things that resulted from that 😃👍 Everyone give themselves a pat on the back (or an intense, sexy stroke of the...uh, ego) for being awesome and bringing their own unique personal touch to the community! 👏 <i>(**Yaasss, I finally remembered greetings first, calculations second this time around! I'm one step closer to earning my </i>Mastery of Social Etiquette<i> Girl Scout badge 👍)</i>


Gael, you can tell Seanie that, Colorado, USA, is one country... the way you wrote that question sounded like his dialect. ;-) As to our support of you dearheart, you deserve it, sometimes your audios are the onlything that keep this SWF sub from doing some really stupid out of sheer lonliness and a need to feel wanted. So, it is I who should be thanking you. Without y our audios, I likwly would be institutionalized or not present right now (It's been a very rough year so far.) Bright Blessings to you and your co-creators for fabulous work, well don ed and Thank You.


Kentucky in the USA. Hi!


Dutchland. Mehh.


Been painting all day. Tired. But yay tea!! Yay Gael!


Hello from down under! :)


Hi from Seattle, Washington!


Hi Gael! This was such a wonderful, sweet message to wake up to 😊 But I just wanna say thank YOU for being so caring and dedicated. You've helped so many people (myself included) discover or be comfortable with a part of themselves. It is because you are who you are that this community has formed and helped me discover and grow sexually, and for that I can't thank you enough. Sending well wishes and lots of love from the fiery pits of hell that is California right now ❤️💜😘


Another hello from the US! Specifically Ohio 👋🏻❤️


🇺🇸 USA 😘💕😘


Heya, G and lovelies 👋🏻👋🏻🤗 So I wanted to say something about what G said earlier before he asked where we're from, but I just woke up then and my brain had a fight with my mouth, and they refused to talk to each other, so anything I would say wouldn't make sense. Lmao 😂😂😂 The boys are back together now 😉😂😂 And yes, I did quote Gilmore Girls, when Lorelai was talking about how her brain and her mouth had a fight and refused to get back together 😂😂😂😂 Anyways, all joking aside, here we go: I want to say thank you, because without you and your audios, I don't know where I'd be right now. Eleven months ago, guy I used to like, rejected me after I told him how I felt about him. That was the day I lost all my self confidence. I was thinking things like "Is there something wrong with me?" "Am I not good enough for him?" And I was crying for a long time. I was so heartbroken. 😞 And right at that time, is when I stumbled across your YouTube audios. I like to think it was fate that I found them at the same time I was heartbroken and needed some comfort and reassurance. Fast forward eleven months later, and I got all my self confidence back, I'm comfortable in my own skin, and that's because of you. I will never stop being grateful towards you. Honestly, I'm so grateful and thankful towards you, that I want to give you a hug ❤️ And a kiss on that sexy, stubbly cheek 😉😘😂😂 Lol. But seriously, thank you for being you 🍀❤️


Hello Doctimus! Lol don't tempt me, I've got a sewing machine and an unrealistic sense of my own crafting abilities. I'll be sewing badges for ALL the Lady Scouts of Gaelandia before too long hahaha

Kacie Kelly

Hello from Boston, Massachusetts!


Another California Girl!


Good morning from Colorado Gael and all my lovely ladies. Daughter and I are having a brunch of Corned beef hash and eggs (her favorite breakfast of all time.."must be me half Irish heritage mum"-she says in an English accent XD love that little girl!!) Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!! Love and Smooches!!


I'm from the Caribbean^^! And i love your voice and scripts that u write. They always brighten my day!

Ileandra & Raven

I'll second what Gael said! I don't get to drop in as often as I'd like, but when I do you're all always so, so lovely and welcoming. It makes me feel good. . . . maaaaaaaaaaaaassive understatement but, waaaah. Brain + mouth (or fingers?) = noooooooonsense on the keyboard! Anyway, keep on keeping on, beautiful lovelies.

Ileandra & Raven

Oh, and UK here, btw. Lol. Murky, grey and slightly chilly East Midlands. ^_^


US here, I live in Florida~ I haven't interacted with this community much, but I think i'd like to, everyone seems really friendly and welcoming, it might be nice to socialize a little more~ I look forward to talking with everyone


Ladies and gentlemen...please grab your floatation devices..with 323 passengers..and counting..Patreon Airlines is coming in for a crash landing...


Aww, that was sweet ^_^ Hi from South Carolina, Gael and all of you cool gals! Everybody have a great Sunday, and don't forget...all of you, every single one of you, are awesome!


I'm from the 7th level of Hell. You're welcome btw.


North Hollywood, CA

Samantha J

USA 🇺🇸 wisconsin


Seattle, WA!! We all love you so much Gael!!!


KrystaLynne, reping the Mile High! I feel you on all fronts lady! If it weren't for an abundance of Gael's audios I would not be here, #1, an I would have also done some irresponsible and incredibly not very smart things because of loneliness. I snuggle up to Gael on those nights when stupidity tries to jerk the reigns from my rational mind. Be strong and steadfast, lovely one. Your day will come when you find what you want and need!


From the USA 🇺🇸, New Jersey!


A fellow Floridian! ^_^ Welcome! I'm not here too much either (Twitter is another story though...) but definitely join in on the banter when you're up for it. This community is pretty awesome and there are a lot of cool people to interact with. Hope you have a great day (and it's not too dreary... as it seems to be where I am)!


Hello WI! I used to live in Milwaukee many moons ago lol.


Another Floridian here - and yes I live fairly close to the Mouse House. :) All the warm and fuzzies to you, G! Thanks for being a light in what can be a dark, confusing place. 💖 Hope everyone has a great day!

Kathy M

Just read down this thread and it's remarkable how many places over the world are represented here 💕👍💗 🌏🌍🌎


Spain!! 🇪🇸


Canada 🇨🇦 Glad we're making ya happy to have us as we are to have you too. 💚


Good Ol' Southern U.S., Sweetie Pie.

Greek Goddess

We love everything you do and every time it's a whole new experience.Love from Greece 🇬🇷 ❤️


Idaho, USA


SoCal, USA 💖🌴🌊☀️


Southwest, USA - where it's September and we still have our A/C on. It won't cool down here until Thanksgiving :)


USA, Northern Illinois. Shout out from a small town about 70 miles west of Chicago.

fear and conquer

Maryland, born and raised. I relocated to Illinois about three years ago. I love our melting pot-- hey, everyone!


From Saint Louis, MO. United States. ^.^


Gael, your enjoyment of what you do shows in your work (and in more than the "phrasing" context 😉). It's why I find the NSFW content entertaining even though it's not as effective for me as for others, but it is also apparent in your meditation and other work-safe audios. I've been using a cycle of your relaxation/sleep audios for about a year now, and since then I've had only one sleepless night and almost no nightmares. Your audios are more effective than has been anything else at getting my mind off whatever destructive cycle it wants to pursue in the wee hours of the night and letting me go to sleep. I could probably subsist on those and on your YouTube channel and save my money, sure. It's not like I really have the extra cash (which is part of why I don't pay for the top tier). But even when I found your Literotica (which is from whence I sniped most of those sleep audios), I thought, "damn, that man deserves to be paid for this," because I thought your content was that good. I had to decide eventually how to make you "shut up and take my money," and I'm glad I chose this. The ladies here are spectacular, and so are you. (Also, hailing here from Colorado, USA—the state that inspired the song "America the Beautiful." Not so many amber waves of grain or fruited plains since everyone's decided to move here, but I'll never get tired of my mountains.)


Portland Oregon! ♡ Hello from the Pacific NW!


I'm from Missouri, directly in the middle of the US


Ditto here with the meditation audios Rachel! I'm pretty much full Pavlovian with Gael now, I hear his voice, I relax and all is well in me nog. I also agree about the mountains, I lived in the Springs for a few years and loved it. Except the snow. Alabama girls prefer to glisten in the sun than shiver in the cold!! LOL Have a fantabulous day luv! 🤓


I haven't got to read any of the near 400 comments on this thread as of yet, but I want to say that we are who YOU attract. You're like sunlight to us flowers....you make us happy so we can't help but spread the love! Even something as simple as when you take a few minutes out of your busy day to comment or live chat with us makes us (or at least myself) feel appreciated and that in return makes you even more so adored. I enjoy every type of Gael you present to us and can't wait to see what else you have for us in that beautiful, brilliant mind! Thank you for being so beyond amazing for us in your audios. 😘


I'm from France ^^

Kiara. B

I'm from New Zealand baby!!!! 😙




I meant to write Ontario, Canada. Lol silly phone.


I'm from Singapore


I'm from Singapore


Also, I'm another American here. (Florida) ☺


Argentina 🙋


A run mo chroi😍 sending love from Nigeria


California :)


Finlaand! :) Lovely people, but too many blondes haha, I feel so left out as a ginger


US - beautiful, but fecking hot Florida


Texas, USA




Ssstrange... no deliciousss Irish girlss here? Does that mean Gael iss jussst an average run-of-the-mill langer there?... Isss Ireland an island populated by Seaniesss and Gaelss? ... oh, and crissspy Leprechaunsss of course...


If he is average, does that mean there's more like him? If so, can we have a Great Potato Famine again so they'll leave the country and spread over the world? It would make so many of us so much happier.


Moi, Em! One of my best friends is Finish. Lovely country. And red hair is nice.


Hong Kong here.... any chance of alpha sgt Gaelfore putting us through an exericise routine?




Slovakia 😉


I heard about the hurricane IRMA. And heard it was the strongest one on record. I hope everyone that gets in IRMA's radar are safe and sound. My thoughts and love are to those affected.




India! I love your audios gael!!! &lt;333 Ur my absolute favee!!!


Colorado, USA


Canada ;)


New York, USA




Philippines! Hello, ladies of the world! ❤❤❤

Andy Tyler

Texas, America ❤️