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I want to be here for you to comfort and encourage you, to make you see what a sexy desirable woman you are...




I really do enjoy this. I have first heard it on amazon music after my usual Gael binge lmao, and honestly this one is my favorite hands down. It was sexy romantic and you said all the things I really needed to hear. I literally teared up as i wasnt expecting it at all haha. You have helped me so much and continue to do so just through your voice. Thank you <3


This was so nice! And the very ending made me chuckle. "All you gotta do is turn me on". I liked that alot :D


New content for the weekend? I'm beyond ecstatic. I needed some extra motivation to do my homework. Love you Gael. 😋


just what I needed today.. thank you Gael


Oh, lord...here we go. Damn we are some spoiled ladies here! Thank you Gael (big old cheesy grin)...No more talk...time to listen...I'll be back!


Yes, my goddess is listening to you sweetheart 😚


Oh my god... I have rowing practice. I have to prepare but this is very tempting! I want it right now!


This is my weakness. A man telling a woman how desirable she is while they're making love, when she doesn't feel desirable. I myself don't feel desirable sometimes. I'm sure all of us feel that way at some point. Anyway, I needed to hear this today. Thank you, G ❤️


Okay, I'm only 3 mins into the audio, is it weird that I started crying? I have been feeling so down lately and today I think I reached my peak. It does not help that my boyfriend told me today that he doesn't find me attractive anymore. Can't blame him though..


How lovely, Saturday Surprise indeed....#weakkneedinGA


Lol bored and horny all day but the minute I have to leave the house, yu drop an audio. You're a gigantic tease... and I love you for it. 😙


What?! Why on Earth would he tell you that?? You are gorgeous, lady, and you deserve someone who will see that. ❤️


Only Gael,man...only Gael can go from warming your loins to warming your heart!!! Where did they make you? And may I have the mold? My goodness Gael as sexy as the first part was I think my heart was beating faster during the non-sex section! You brought tears to my eyes! Baby that was beauty personified. Thank you sweetheart. Thank you!


I'm diving in......


I love how this is both sexy and meditative. And that word: EMBRACE. This audio made me feel that beyond the sexy, there is love, acceptance, and security. Thanks, Gael. This was lovely.


Reading the comments...I'm going to cry, aren't I? 😢 Not sure I'm emotionally prepared for this one...


Thanks again😊 You made us Lovelies feel appreciated once again!😘💋


Gael, that was absolutely fantastic. The audios that touch me the most are the ones that have that mental/emotional/spiritual connection in addition to the sexual one and this one certainly did. To feel that appreciated and desired is amazing. Thank you for your heart in this. Just fantastic! ❤️❤️


This is improv???? WOW!!! Still listening...


Beautiful, loving, confidence boosting, adoring, sexy, comforting, and soothing all rolled into one. You really are something special. ❤

Rachel Baird

Marta, you and I have a lot in common. Rejection is something I'm all too familiar with. This past week proves it. At least Gael, knows how to treat a woman and we can find comfort and refuge and what we need just by listening to this amazing, kind hearted, genius of a man.


I'm running on 3 hours of sleep because I worked late last night and then had to be back at work early this morning. I have a pretty physical job so I just got home, all sweaty and look and feel like I've been run over by a truck. This audio...just what I needed to turn around my crappy weekend. Thanks Gael! :)


OMFG! This man right HERE!!! IMPROV?! Have to listen again because I'm counting "f*cks" and MATH was not my best subject!! 😂🤣😂 So gentle and sensual.. BEAUTIFUL! Gets me right in the feels! 😟Single life sucks! ijs


Should i listen to this on roller skates or nah?


I haven't been here long, but man, finding you by coincidence was the greatest. I'm listening to this outside with my feet propped up, a mug full of coffee, and the lulling sounds of a zen fountain in the background. Inner peace has been acheived. Thank you 😚


Okay, the part where you were eating the listener out, that was very sexy. I couldn't control myself. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't moan out loud 😅 But the part after, where you were whispering those sweet things, it brought tears to my eyes 😭 But they were happy tears. You always know how to make us feel appreciated and cared for ❤️ Ty ☺️


Only here for the sexy pic. 😉😜


In a quiet place would be perfect. Or near a beach or under the stars. It's very calming... 😏


This was truly amazing! This is what women long to hear how desirable and beautiful they are. To have someone look beyond what they see on the outside to the essence of who they are and truly appreciate it. You have mastered the art of doing just that. It is like you know just what to say at just the right time. Your words become a warm thick covering that holds and caress me ever so softly. You are the best mind and body stimulator that a woman could ever have. Thank you Gael for being one of a kind!


totally fecking perfect...especially right before I have to turn the sexy on for a pole party


Dans ta bouche Bel Irlandais "woman" is the most beautiful word in the world. Merci pour toujours


There has been so much going on in my relationship for the past few weeks.. My boyfriend has been the only person I have ever managed to fall in love with so deeply, and him saying that he doesn't feel the excitement in the relationship anymore and that he doesn't even find me attractive is a big hit for me. I feel like someone literally slapped me in the face. I guess sometimes we need to let go of someone we love, I would hate for him to wake up one day and realise that because of me he missed out on some things or even wasted his time.. We haven't officially broken up (yet), I don't think I'll ever be able to get over that.. That's why I'm so grateful for Gael for posting these audios, it just doesn't feel so lonely when he's here..


Everyone deserves this kind of love and acceptance. To hear it said aloud is so tender. ❤️ This was not a part of my early days, and I only started to understand it when someone needed it from me. The courage and ease it gives can change lives and the world. So lovely.


Only with you Gael, do I need a new pair of panties and a box of Kleenex! But seriously, that was tender and beautiful, and just what your lovelies needed. ❤


I'm sick and it's been making me very grumpy. Thank you for the sweet escape today. ❤️


Seriously Gael..don't know if much men listen to you..but you really need to branch out and do a "Mens Seminar".. You have such a grasp on what us Women love.. Some of us come to you looking for romance.. Some come for the "boyfriend"..And some come to get FUCKED!! Lol.. And you always give us what we want... So Im thinking something along the lines of an audio were you talk to the men... So us Ladies can give them the earbuds and say "Here..listen to him"!!!! Just a thought 😊😊😊


I'll reserve this for tomorrow😁 Have some tallying from prev audio for research of course to finish up 😉😁🤓


Every woman needs a man who will proudly praise her and give her all the love she needs and deserves.I LOVED IT. Thank you for this audio Gael and thank you for being there for us ❤

Gri (Sassy_One)

Yay! Good girls get the best treats!😋 ☺️Embrace your sexiness, dear hotties, and have a great weekend!😉


AND I hope to find it easier to accept the grace of it when it's offered. Starting to suspect that my independent streak might not be all it's cracked up to be...


oh my god, if that was improv then I couldn't handle it scripted!! I'm sure it wasn't intended to make me cry but those things you said I so desperately want to be told them in real life, you have a knack of knowing exactly what's needed & when ❤


New "trigger" word... TUMMY!!!! Im a mess...😄😄😄


Oh my goodness, this was just...perfect. And I want to say something to all you girls in here, too: I've talked before about the stereotypical mean girls that were my "friends" when I was a teenager, and how much the damage they inflicted on me has hurt me over the years. I am just starting to come to terms with the fact that I might not be as hideous as they led me to believe, and that is largely thanks to you all. Listening to Gael is awesome (and why we're all here, of course) but in this community I have made some real and beautiful friendships that have shown me that friends don't put each other down but lift each other up, and I'm so thankful for you all. 💕 Group hug!!! 😚


Someone's just in time to make me feel sexy before a night on the town. 😄 (Sure, I don't find other people sexy. But it's the principle of the thing.)


❤️❤️❤️ I'm a bit speechless, all kind of emotions. 😶 😗


BAM! GAEL can you get any better? This audio (and many of your wonderful audios) should be a teaching lesson to some men because sometimes when you look around you are tempted to looooose faith when it comes to find someone that would Actually TREAT YOU like this, like you deserve . Every single sentence in this audio hit me like a ton of bricks and then 8:45m happened... dam-nit: no words to truly explain how much I loved to hear this💞 and knowing it was an Impro? AGAIN...no words. Thank you for this one G , it makes me thank God that *rare* Gold men like this actually exist...we just have to find them and be patient. Freakin'Well done G 💓,freakin'well done...❤❤.


This was beautiful, Gael! I went from shuffling in my seat from "being eaten out" to coming close to tears; that's the first time an audio did that to me in one listen. Hearing you say, "It's not about one thing" with that sincerity was incredibly heartwarming.


This was very relaxing and sweet. Your tone was perfect. It could also serve as a advertisement of sorts. It displays all you offer as an audio artist and tells us how to get it, just "turn you on" aka press play. 😉


Trying to wrap my mind around the vast range of feelings this 12 minute audio takes me through........beautiful, bold, sexy, horny, empowered, appreciative, inspired, in awe of you and the creative way you reinforce a positive self image. You're in a class of your own G...such a talent!❤️😗


Clever ending to a brilliant piece. Tears crossed with tingles, what a ride! (Happy tears, I promise.) Such a great balance of sexiness and intimacy. You are a legend!


This audio really hit home for me Gael, thank you those last couple of minutes really got my spirits up again ❤️


😍 you just get me


Thank you Gael this is truly wonderful ❤️😊 Ladies you are all so beautiful inside and out! What a lovely group of people! X

Meghan McDonald

Mmmmm.I am a hungry Goddess.How ever I crave the cuddles and love even more.I long for it.If only I could find someone.


This is such a beautiful audio! Every woman no matter how confident she is needs to hear such words of being cherished, loved and appreciated! The sincerity and pure passion in your voice is incredible, it feels like you're actually talking to your lover, which makes it all the more effective to your listener! You're such a talented artist, and you just keep getting better and better! "I don't care about your imperfections because I see the whole woman" this is so powerful and touched me deeply!! I can't say enough how much I loved this audio from start to finish, it's just perfect and a true masterpiece in every way! Thank you for caring enough to always create only your very best for us!❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️


Even after reading the comments & preparing myself before listening... I still wasn't expecting THAT. So many feels in just 12m43s. And that was you improving??? Jaysus. 😧👏🏽❤️


This gave me some very big feelings....

Misa Amane

This was so good!


Sigh, like 😍


Just 🙌🏻


Been trying to find a moment when I could listen and comment on this audio. I had heard about it being very emotionally stimulating for some, and, to be honest, I was a little worried about it. I finally had the opportunity to listen yesterday morning and was so very strongly affected that I wanted to wait a bit before I commented on it. After listening to this a few times now to help me get my thoughts straight, I have one question for you. How? How do you know what we need when we need it, even before we ourselves know? Everyone has someone in her life who can cut her off at the knees, who can make her feel less than. For me, that someone is my mother-in-law, a person whom I had to spend this past weekend with. Without going into details and painting myself as some kind of victim, just know that she has the power to make me feel like a worthless, ugly person with just a look and a casual phrase, and it angers me that I allow her to have that power. I have spent the past six months in this community, listening to your work, working hard on accepting me for me, and the moment I walked into her house, it was gone, every bit of confidence I had gained. So, I ask again, how did you know so many of us would need this type of audio this weekend? And, to be honest, you did this once before – Sail On came out the last time I was with my mother-in-law, and that audio is my go to all the time when I, and so many of us really, need a confidence boost. We all have our bets that you have some kind of magic working there. This audio was so what I needed this weekend. I loved all of it, really, from how it starts like a ramble (for some reason, I always love how you ask how we are) to the physical interaction to the whispering to the cuddling. To me, though, the final moments, telling us how you don’t care about imperfections, how you want to lift us up, soothe us, make the bad things go away, were so much more. At first, I argued with you in my head about how you can make the bad things go away – you can’t, you are not here to do that. But then you changed what you were saying to something I can agree with – you can’t make the bad things go away, but you CAN make ME more confident to get rid of them myself. And that point is why I love your work so much – I need to be the one who solves my problems, who is strong enough to fight my own demons. Your words, for some strange reason, make me feel I have that power; they have helped me find my confidence again. Odd to me that an audio by someone I don’t know, in a country I’ve never even been to, can help me to feel that way. So, once again, I thank you for this! It’s good to know that, whenever I need a confidence boost, all I have to do is “turn you on”.


I'm sorry to hear that your mother-in-law is one of those monster-in-laws, Amy. I don't know why some parents are overly critical (or downright disrespectful) towards their children's spouses for no reason, but it's only a reflection on <i>her</i>, not a reflection on <i>you</i>. I was appalled at how cold my mom was towards my sis-in-law when she and my brother first started dating, and it took my mom a few years to come around and accept her as a part of the family. If your mother-in-law has had unwarranted resentment towards you for over the past 20 years, I doubt that she'll ever change. In which case I think you'll have to accept that that's just the way she is, but always remember that what she may think of you is meaningless in comparison to what you think of yourself. I believe this audio is the improv one, right? I find that improvisation can be a way of revealing our most sincere and honest thoughts. We don't have time to carefully plan out what we'll say and filter it such that we're selectively hiding more personal aspects of ourselves. And it's a lot harder to just make stuff up on the fly <i>and</i> make it sound convincing.** So if I'm listening or watching something that was improvised and it comes across as genuine, I suspect that it largely is genuine. I felt that huge chunks of this audio (especially the beginning) were almost like parts of a manifesto, where Gael describes exactly what he hopes to achieve, not just with this audio, but with his work in general. To comfort and help people, to inspire self-confidence and self-worth, and to provide windows of time where listeners can step back from how hectic and messed up life can be and relax in a safe environment free from judgment. I agree that there are practical limits to what Gael can do. He can't be a <i>physical</i> shoulder for everyone to cry on, nor a physical presence to keep a listener safe by delivering a well-timed judo chop (is that even a real martial arts move? I'm drawing my knowledge from <i>Austin Powers: Goldmember</i> here 🤷🏻‍♀️) to an abusive spouse or relative. I bet he'd try to do all of those things if he could, but that's sadly not how reality works. But what Gael <i>can</i> do, and what I think he has an admirable talent for doing, is helping people find what's already within themselves, even if it's buried far beneath the surface. The truth is that we're <i>all</i> special and valuable people who deserve to feel loved and confident, but life can throw a lot of things our way that blind us to that fact. Things like heartbreak, depression, anxiety, societal pressures, and being mistreated by others, to name a few. As you said, Amy, he can't make the bad stuff go away, but he can remind us that we each have the personal strength to overcome those obstacles. He can "be the voice" that comforts us when life knocks us down, but also encourages us to dust ourselves off and get back on our feet. If I had to pick which would have the biggest, long-lasting impact - Gael physically giving you a hug to comfort you when things go wrong, or Gael helping you realize that you deserve the best life has to offer and that you have the power and courage to fight for it, I'd pick the latter. (Then again, I think I'm the only one who answered Frau Claudia's "hug, kiss, or punch" <i>Frage</i> to the effect of I would a hug a squirrel, kiss a panda, and wimpily punch Gael. Mostly because I didn't want to risk getting attacked by a panda nor punch a cute little squirrel 😵 I think the rest of you ladies chose to kiss him, so maybe you'd all pick the "Gael physically gives you a hug to comfort you when things go wrong" option 😝 Those big, strong arms, tho, amirite?) **I'd be interested to know what your husband's thoughts on improvisation are, Amy. I'd imagine that being a radio show host requires a TON of improv on a daily basis - if you're just given a brief prompt and expected to talk about it for 5-10 minutes straight, you'd probably have to rely a lot on your own thoughts and experiences to come up with things to say. So I'd guess that listeners probably get a pretty good glimpse into who radio show hosts really are.


Gael - "Hiya goddess" Me - (giggles loudly) "Hi!" 😍 ::sigh:: There was so much that I liked about this audio that if it was "performed" in front of me I would have gave a standing ovation. Not sure if it was intentional or not but you perfected it down to the breathing, too! Heavy breathing calming down to the perfect sweet talk...so awesome, it really helps to put the mind in that place. The clever, "just.....turn me on" should have totally been replaced with, "just...come fine me at _______", but whatevs.... haha jk. ☺ Maestro, you're perfect and incredibly gifted at this! 😘


Nina Simone does an amazing version of "Turn Me On." ! Anyone else like that song? M'Shell Ndegeocello does Nina's "Either Way I Lose" - so beautiful it will leave a mark on you!




ok so u made the entire audio to drop the pun at the end. turn you on like "turn on the radio" turn on. LOL damn i feel so safe and protected and tightly held


The ending was so sweet, it made me tear up a bit. Thank you so much for this, Gael.


Wow! I am still breathless after that one! That was beautiful. And yes, G, you ARE that voice. Thank you 💜


It's amazing how his voice transforms and his breathing changes. So sexy and natural &lt;3


Thank you for making us feel attractive and loved. You are the best!