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My pleasure is in your hands... can you handle it?



Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

That moment when you discover another of Mr. G's audios that you haven't listened to before and you can't for the life of you figure out how the fuck you missed it until now... 😶... and right to the top of the list of goes... i... fucking... love this...


Fuuuuck G. This is so hot. I love everything. Your words, your moans, the “voice variations” when you cum. I really like when your voice gets a bit higher when you come. Not in a weird way, a fucking hot and sexy way. XD. So many extra points for creativity. It feels so authentic. Sometimes I’m here trying to picture what you’re doing while recording lol. Not saying that I did or didn’t do that here ;p Sometimes I feel weird commenting with my actual response on your newer audios. I feel like I can relax a bit when commenting on you “older” audios. Hee. So in case you are wondering, your voice is beautiful. Your brain is beautiful. Your personality as per rambles is lovable. I adore you G. Kiss kiss -`ღ´-


Challenge accepted! 🎧❤️


My oh my 😩 That shudder in your breathe gets me everytime 😈😍


Rule #575357734-a-8eoc Gird your loins before clicking play on ANY and ALL posts from Gael then proceed with caution. *gears up, clicks play*


Hello lovelies! Be Brave ma dears 😂


Did it just get super hot in here or is it just me??!! 😥😥😥


Clicked play then quickly ran to close and lock my office door. NSFW indeed!

Tayla J



What is this live reactions?


Hello big boy! 😂




Well I have to save this for later. It'll be a nice little treat.


Hello Gael 😍😘 How nice of you to join us 😈


Eugh currently at a family dinner and all I want to do is listen to this!!! Dammit 😩😩


"Can you handle it?"<br><br>So funny Gael.


This my solace while in developmental biology.

Karalyn Gibbs

I'm getting hot and bothered


And even though its going to be 41°C I dont mind getting a little hotter just for you 😘


Hey there, G! Happy Friyay to everyone! 😊


Just putting on some makeup, minding my business.. click on the challenge.. eyeliner all over the place..


o.o *Peers around the corner before going back into lurk mode*


Gael can you put the angel and devil audio on here? That would be perfect 🤤


Ugh you are here G🙄😜

Tayla J

Umm, soo my heart just gave out... gotta go 😨


oh boi


You can't distract me with this one...I'm still waiting for naughty distraction II 😘😚

Karalyn Gibbs

Goddamn gael this is so hot!!


Oh boy, I'll give it a shot! 😳


This it what I would call an audio that starts "in medias res"!! ahaha


I'm trying to keep my composure in this cafeteria 😥


Sees NSFW... Punchs out..runs to CAR!!!! 😮😮😮 💦💦💦


i never clicked on a notification so quick


Perfect timing on this audio -- only time I'll have to meself the next 3 days 😝


How convenient, this is posted just as I'm alone 😍


Me too Marta haha


Gael I was talking to my flatmate and when I saw the notification I quickly said "GOTTA GO" and run to my room

Kathy M

Will we be seeing Seanie anytime soon perchance?


Hey, G and everyone who's here 😝 Well, I was planning to listen to this later tonight. But it's always better to listen in a room full of people, isn't it? Challenge accepted! 😉


Hows your evening going Gee?


I am ecstatic to be having a late lunch. Like, this morning's 3hr system delay was so worth it.


Ahhhhh! Im at work and daddy is live lol


Yes, something nice to help me unwind after a busy week. Thank you Gael.❤️


I mean my office door is open and my coworkers are eating lunch in here with me but guess who doesn't care 🙋‍♀️


This might just be an all weekend challenge 😆


The Heart Rate on my Fitbit jump from 76 at the beginning to currently 115 haha 😅😅 who needs a workout when we have Gael! ❤


Well that was quite the ending, Gael. 👀. I'll need a few minutes before I unlock my office. 😉


Patreon can kiss my arse....jeffin thing keeps crashing


It's going good! Been recording all day! Writing too! How's yours Claire?


Friday afternoon pool challenge?


Hi Sir! *forced hug, snuggles and stuff*


Brave? Is this another Seanie does ASMR? 😂😂😉 You don't scare me, G. 😚


anyone else's app crashing? I swear keeping up with this is a bigger challenge 😂


Hi Gael sir😘


Patreon app be like "da fuck!!!!"


Yes! Friday treat! But ehhh ... I'm watching a movie with a strictly platonic male friend...? Can I listen later? 😇💕


Audio ended. I survived.<br><br>The only one who can't handle this is..<br><br>Seanie.


*I was cleaning my room a little :You got me stopping immediatly.*Woooouuh G come oooon! Hhhhhhhooooot!!!💣💣 i am hot .Damn


I will keep a straight face, I will keep a straight face, I will .... keep a... 😍


Wow that was so hot...love it!!


Cayla- 😅😅💀💀




update you guys, my flatmate is talking to me and I have to keep a straight face😂😂😂


This is the first time the challenge came out while I was at work in the office. Between that and it being the last hour of work on a Friday...goodbye productivity. 😛


Loved. This. That was super hot Gael, thank you for the pleasurable escape ❤! I don't know if my smile was giving me away, but I think maybe the occasional little gasps were. (I was just really enjoying my music, like. I always do.🎶😆) Xoxo💋💋💋❤ P.S. Can I handle it, you ask? Only one way to find out, and that's to try, and as you know, God loves a trier!😉😘❤


almost finished, I can do thisssss


Sat on a full train! hot and blushing 😳😍💦


Woop happy friday to us all 😉


I swear on everything I love I just said to myself the other day you should do this type of audio my exact thought was 10 minute blow job and here you are. I gotta be done with you. Ya fucking warlock.


As an EXTREMELY TACTILE person this shit is HOTTTT!!!! HOWEVER, I don't want to let it go, I'm not trying to get shot in the eye! 😍😘


Hey Y'all! Can't listen now, but will run from he world when I can. Cheers! Oh and HELLO SIR!


Audio finished, should I hit that replay button or should I save it for tonight 😍


Oh dear...good thing I'm in my car on my lunch break. Damn, it's chilly out and I have the air on!


K.....im on the phone to my mum, with this playing in one earphone, her on the other.......she's wondering why Im in such a good mood and keep giggling....🤣☺️


I did it. I survived. I'm still alive, but I came back breathless, flushed, and so wet 🤤 I guess I know what I'm doing tonight! 😉


I seriously will never get enough of the talking through your teeth, coming from deep within speaking you do. Got to repeat this one real quick! Thank you for this, Gael! ❤💋


That was HOT!!! Thank you Sir G! 💋


Ten min and 40 sec later: I'm dead. Bossy Gael + blow job session. My mother next to me, telling me her theories about the last episode of Game of Thrones (that I already watched). Twice as difficult ahahah


Holy man! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this 😚😊 Amazing how a little over 10 very hot minutes of listening to you can make up for my craptastically awful day! 💖


I think you purposely make these challenges to distract us from work Gael.... such a tease.😜


Got through it.Thank god,my friend didn't notice💪............ Round 2 AND 3 are on btw😁


Annnnnnd you haven't said hi to me Sir! That's okay! I can troll until you notice me. *stomps foot*


Girl, just move back. It'd be like a fountain. 😉😂


Like I said... a tease.


Nope, no forgiveness for you! Maybe if you choose me for a PA draw next time. *pressure, pressure, pressure* told ya I'd be trolly.


Got this notification when I was at my parents' house. Me: grinning at phone and blushing before stashing phone back in my bag. My mom: "Is your husband sexting you?" Me: not my husband...😳😂


Aw, I'm sorry your day has been craptastic. At least this helped a little. 😊


Got my notification as we just pulled into the driveway. Hubby looks at me as I'm grinning like a loon, rolls his eyes, and walks into the house. Oops! LOL


My husband is officially like, "Ok, tell me what you're listening to so I can learn."


I thought I was going to need coffee to make it through the rest of the work day,I was wrong! 😆

Greek Goddess

Old fashioned?Really? 😝The ending was epic! 😍I love Friday challenges ❤️


Dearest Gael, you make me want to do things...wonderfully awful things.


Can someone explain to me the joy of listening to Erotica at work? Can't you just go and have a wank in the lavs like everyone else


Oh my. That was HOT 🔥💦


I may or may not be tipsy (timezones, remember? Plus..Friday). I had to focus really hard on that image up there 👆 - I swear it was moving 🤔 Anyhooo. This reminded me: What do you get if you have one green ball in your left hand, and one green ball in your right hand? . . . Kermit The Frog's undivided attention 😊 (Sorry    😂😂😂😂) I shall return when I'm not so silly.... ❤


That joke! 🤣🤣🤣 High five, Miss LJ! 🤚🏻👍🏻


I can only say that this man's laughter is the sexiest thing that can exist. 👌🏾 Great G. 😊


About to leave for Stones Rising, got my phone hooked up to play through my car speakers. Is this gonna run me off the road, G?


Just remember to keep your eyes and mind on the road, and your hands on the wheel, and you should be fine! And, remember to breathe!! LOL


Ten seconds into this and I had to hit pause, because goodness! XD *Mom walks in to show me something. Kris immediately opens Microsoft Word to hide Patreon* *Mom leaves. Kris minimizes Word* Hearing you tell "her" what to do, being very vocal (moaning, whimpering, gasping) as "she" did as told, AND praising "her" was incredibly sexy! This may be my favorite Friday Challenge because of that. And because it got me flustered that quickly, I will attempt this in a public area, like the mall or something!


Ok...now that I'm home and can give this my full attention... Right around the 2:55 mark got me W E A K


He has rendered me SPEECHLESS!! 40 seconds in and he says "feel the ridges" and I was done. I'm a handsy kinda gal and this had me all up in my FEELINGS for real, for real!! INFERNO HOT! 🔥🚒 The ending had me all over the place!! Damn!! Smh...f*ck 😜😜


Seriously?! "Show me with your mouth how you want me to..." That did me in. 💕Damn. I keep waiting for the day I'll get used to you and be all blasé, like, "Whatever, he's okay I guess." Apparently that's not going to happen.😳 Now please excuse me while I go have another listen. You know, for science. 😉


Ok. So I couldn't listen at work, so I saved it for a shopping trip after... I can say with absolute certainty that no one in human history has ever smiled that big or gripped their shopping cart so tightly in a Tractor Supply store.


I couldn't listen earlier but now I am in a car full of people and I gotta say it was quite the challenge not to squirm. Ironically I'm going to dinner and this was the best appetizer. Not gonna lie though, I really wish you told me to swallow cuz I wanted to taste all of you. 💦But nevertheless, still so so sexy and hot as ever! 🔥 Panties (see what I did there 😂) off to you, Gael.


After a day from the hottest part of HELL, I look at my phone, opened the notification and said F*ck Yeah!! This is what is going to erase that pent up energy! THIS is what's going to ease my frazzled mind! THIS is what's going to set my world ablaze! Listening to you instruct, listening to you say what you want and how you want it...I'm going to implode and explode simultaneously...You may ask, "Is that possible?"....Hell. To the. Yeah!


Yesssss!!! "feel the ridges" hit me too, I had to sit down at that point!!!


One more: "Hold it against your pretty face." Lord have mercy! 😵Okay, I'm done now, I promise. 👍🏻


I do need to listen a couple times, no joke, because each time some little nuance, like different things you say, or a way you gasp or shiver or moan will strike me and I'll be sure that I didn't hear it quite the same way before. I love that about listening to you, nothing ever gets old, because its multilayered and intricate and clearly a lot of thought went into it. Loved the "guiding" aspect, like you're leading her with your instructions to bring you to the perfect release.


By all means Laura, please continue, cause your hitting all the parts I swooned over too!!😉


Oh my goodness, Gael! Just when I thought that I had mastered the art of being able to listen to your audios anywhere without giving it away just how freakin' turn on you make me, this just blew that thought out of the water!!!!! 😁 No man has ever brought me to the point of completely shattering to pieces intense orgasms without a single touch the way that you do. Your voice.... your whispers.... your moans.... your growls.... your kisses are like tiny electrical currents running all over my whole body that cause nerve endings to become so sensitive and alert waiting for whats to come next. Like you said, "The anticipation is everything" and when you cum those electrical current produce an intense heat that starts from the top my toes all the way to the top of me head causes a sexual exploration that spreads throughout my body. If you do this to me, I know there are other women feels the same way! You are one hell of a man Gael and that's the truth!!!


Super hot Friday challenge as usual. Patreon almost caused a massive anxiety attack... when I tried to login from my ipad it said I wasn't following any creators! Fortunately, logging on using my laptop had no issues.


^^^What she said!^^ ♡ Spot on Mona St Jane Carter!


So glad to have you back Gael, you were sorely missed! ♡♡




Listened to this again and I'm amazed at the fact that I joined Patreon last December and have been through the majority of your audios, but somehow you still manage to make my eyes go wide and my jaw drop...followed by the proverbial lip-biting and opening of the flood gates! (scuba gear required)💦💦💦🔥 💋 Goodness gracious!!!


"Don't worry, you won't hurt me" ❤️ That was a sweet moment.


Tell me about it! I tried to reply to everyone but it was not having it, like.


I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T... Gaaah! We can't express this enough, Gael. You sound amazing. And yes, I'd like to have you again. 🔥🔥🔥 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄


I'll admit I wondered what his "turnaround time" was when I heard that!


I'm starting to think of the Friday challenges as more of a challenge to Gael. It's not "see if I can keep my composure," it's "see if he can get me hot and bothered." My composure is very well-kept. 😉 (To be fair, the game <i>is</i> rigged in my favor. But it's still fun.)


😳Somebody grab my inhaler, I can't breathe! 😵💀


Grand and classic or as Afroditi said epic not old fashioned.Loved every single sec. of this audio G. and probably your 1st I listened multiple times. Klasse❤


Sexy tsunami buffeting Gaelandia. Blessings on the muses.


Even this one, Rey-Rey?! 😳 I still haven't recovered!


I love the sounds you make!




I listened to this last night (3, 4, 7 times--to get the full scope, you know). I was going to comment as soon as I finished...however, I fell asleep in a 'pool' of my own "satisfaction". 💦💦💦Gael seems to keep making a liar out of me. (🔥🔥🔥The state of my pants). I will not say this is the hottest thing I've ever heard any more. Even "hottest audio to date" is a bit trivial, because the next thing you drop will exceed the last! But I digress...I just can't compliment you enough on the imagery you lay out. The ambiance you create with the sounds, the "dialogue", the excitement! The descriptions of your uncut cock...(gasp)...The way you wanted to be stimulated...(pant,pant)...The fucking moans, breathlessness, pre-cum references!, (writhe, squirm, --not yet, not yet!)...The "Fire hose" orgasm!! (Ba-BOOM!!!!!). Just picturing all that cum on your thighs, stomach, chest, biceps!!! OMG!!! Unhinged,! Unglued! Un...DRY!! Delectable Gael! Just..just..Damn!


Ohh....so many of my favorite things, and a few new ones 😍. Enjoyed in the car after work yesterday (no phone service at the office unfortunately), and going to give it a proper listen later today 😉💋


Elaine... You have my permission to be my "official commenter"!!!! YES to everything you said!!! Im reading your comment like " uhn".." yup right" .. You put it into words perfectly.. Oh and the description of his uncut cock!!!! 😵😵😵💦💦💦


Sweet merciful God! I've never been more turned on. I am blushing beyond belief. The moans and panting. The spectacular imagery! Gael, my love, you have an amazing gift and thank you for sharing. I wish to write more, but I need to...clean up.


These come out on Saturday for me, trying not to listen to this until I go to work on Wednesday! 😂😫


I am on top of the mountains looking at the view of everyone Tsunami's. I am shocked. I pray for Seanie life. XD


To my ears, this audio is really beautiful. So many listeners have commented so very eloquently - but I've got a couple of additions. The sensory - texture and temp including 'warming you from the inside' and the back/forth of the asking/showing/receiving of what was wanted was SO DAMN GOOD. And like always - playful, creative, joyful. Yay!


I'm just headed out for a 10 hour shift and just saw this! Perfect timing 🙈😂


I was not ready for that 😳😍😍


Holy fuck! I'm supposed to listen to THAT at work?! 😮😍


Omg ❤️🔥🔥


That moment you're reading all the comments and seeing things Our Sir said n im like....i didnt hear any of it. Over here trying to eat dinner but im too aroused so my mouth is having all sorts of sensations n i cant eat lol Hits replay to try n focus enough to hear his deliciousness ❤💦❤💦❤💦❤💦❤💦❤💦❤💦❤💦❤💦