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I know the news can be upsetting. Let's take some time away to be together and shut out the rest of the world.

Trying a new series!  

5 Minute Feel Betters [5MFB] - Five Minute audios designed to bring you some fast comfort and get you back into your day with a spring in your step! 


Forehead Kisses | Taking A Break From Bad News [5MFB]

I know the news can be troubling and scary. Let's take some time away to be together and shut out the rest of the world. 5 Minute Feel Betters [5MFB] - Five Minute audios designed to bring you some fast comfort and get you back into your day with a spring in your step! ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Thank you...I.. was getting worked up over something...bad. that i found out about and i havent been able to stop having nightmares and dwelling until literally turning this on.it drove out all the things. thank you!


I like this a lot G! Thanks😊 So sweet. Hope you'll feel 💯% better soon💋😊


Glad you're feeling better 🤧💖


Wow... So simple..so sweet.. "5MFB".. Gael...you are onto something here!!! Can see this series in so many different scenarios.. 😊😊💋💋


Sometimes five minutes of sweet can help make a day's worth of sour go away. 😊💕 Thank you so much for this and for always taking such good care of us! 😚 Hope you feel 100% soon.


Very sweet. So is this going to be a new series going forward? Looking forward to it loads if it is. :)


This is a fantastic idea. I love it.


"I have an idea: Let's go to bed." "That's your answer to everything. 😝"


And this is exactly why I love you, Gael. You always seem to be looking for ways to make others feel better. I hope you put in as much effort towards yourself! You're a wonderful person, honey! 💙💜💖 many kisses and hugs


Plenty of news these days can be upsetting, yet I continue to watch when I can stomach it, to stay up to date. This is such a nice respite from all of that. I think you have a wonderful idea for a new series here. Quick, feel good getaways from everyday stresses. Short and sweet, emphasis on sweet! This is much needed, thank you.😙It's good to hear you're on the mend, keep getting better❤! Xoxo


I needed this. 💔 Thank you for the lovely audio, Gael. And get well soon! ♥️


Great idea for a series!! I just got home from a long day, so I'm gonna start with the erotic piece from earlier and come back to this 😍 I shall check in later!


Gael: "Take my hand and come upstairs with me." Me: (TELEPORTING upstairs) "What's taking you so long!?" 😋 The way he says "your man" gives shivers each time. Short and sweet!


Most of what the news talks about is something bad, upsetting, a let down, sad, infuriating, etc. Which is why I stopped watching it. I was practically made to watch the news last night by my mother (long story), and the anchorwoman mentioned a story that ticked me off so much, I had to leave the room. I had just gotten off work and had to deal with two very unruly, pushy customers. It's not bothering me as much now, but hearing this made me feel a lot better and happier; I can breathe a little better. And those forehead kisses, so sweet <3 <3 <3! The world needs more breaks from bad news, and crap of the world in general. I'm looking forward to more of this new series, G!


This is so sweet. Adding it to my list of favourites ❤️ Thanks, G 😘 I'm so grateful that I found your audios eleven months ago. I don't know where I'd be by now if I didn't find them. I'd be going through life alone, depressed, and it'd be hard to go through my anxiety without you and your audios. Thank you for what you do. I'm more than happy to be a fan of yours, to support you, and hopefully make you laugh 😘😚


I'm quite interested to see which direction(s) this series will go in. Addressing a particular topic (e.g., the perils of focusing on the negativity that runs rampant in the media/society in general) within the context of the comforting boyfriend experience? Briefly outlining a practical skill or concept to help listeners better cope with life's stressors? A solid 5 minutes of jokes? ⬅️ (If you do that last one, you'll officially be my hero for at least a week, potentially two weeks depending on how funny the jokes are 🤓🤞) The possibilities are endless, even if you are working within time constraints. And I think that's a useful way to approach a series. If a series is <i>too</i> formulaic (<i>House M.D.</i> is a good example of this), then you run the risk of becoming repetitive, even if different topics are discussed in each audio. But you still want to have a unifying concept between all of the audios (in this case, something to help you feel better) so that they can function as a series, rather than just be an assortment of short but seemingly unrelated recordings. Limiting the length of an audio to 5-6 minutes makes it more practical, like something you could listen to on your lunch break when you're down to your absolute last fuck to give and you need to somehow make it last for the rest of the afternoon 😝 And maybe these can also be used as a litmus test to gauge how an audience might respond to a full-length audio about the same topic. If lots of listeners say, <i>"I really liked this and would love to hear more of it"</i>, then BOOM! potential future audio idea. But if the general consensus is more <i>"This didn't quite work for me and here's why"</i>, then you could possibly do some troubleshooting without having sunk hours upon hours into a single audio that didn't quite have the effect you hoped it would. (Just throwing this out there, but I really miss Finbar. He seems like the sort of character that would give good-natured advice, even if he sounds totally awkward in the process. If he stars in one of these 5MFB segments, I'd probably extend the whole <i>"OMG you're my hero"</i> period to about a month or so 👍 #bringbackFinbar)


Lovely! Woke up with a headache after a busy evening at work so just what i needed. This was very sweet and relaxing.


Aww, this was exceptional. We all have those moments where worry, dispair, and dread usurps our lives. To have someone that insists on pulling you out of that pit, is monumental. The care you bestow in your words, in your voice, your kisses was heartwarming. It just eased my spirit and gave me peace. I loved the explanation for placement of kisses! was beautiful, Gael. Thank you.


Listened to this first thing in the morning and I feel like in a bed of cotton, all cosy and safe. 😊


Forehead kisses are the best! 😍 They are loving and protective, and I need them in my life 😊


* sigh.... I also may need to try Botox or something, so that I'm not so self-conscious about those little creases and lines 🤔😂


This one got me right in the feels. I am a firm believer in not always watching the news because of how negative it is all the time, and this really goes hand in hand with that, and how I wish I had someone to snuggle up with like this.


"True love is a kiss on the forehead" ❤️😊Beautiful piece as always! Thank you for continuing to make these sweet comforting audios. They are always so highly appreciated, like a little ray of sunshine in a dark clouded sky 💜Thank you ❤️️

Gri (Sassy_One)

Short, relaxing and so damn cute! Love it! Can we get some more 5MFB's??


Well. I was gonna comment last night, but I fell asleep near the end of this audio. Goes to show how relaxing you are to listen to; it only takes five minutes to lull me to sleep! Seriously though, this was beyond sweet and just what I've needed lately. I'm sure we all feel the same way about the news, especially recently, but I also have a bit of an activist personality where I feel the need to be informed, speak out, and fight back against injustice. Everything that's been going on in the U.S. right now is....disturbing, to say the least, and while I like to think that Canada is much better, we still have a lot of work to do. All of this has absolutely taken a toll on my mental health. I've been in such a bad mood lately, I can't go online for five minutes without something ticking me off, and I've started to doubt the presence of good people in the world. I know they're there, of course, but in times of crisis it can really seem like the bad outweighs the good. And yet I can't bring myself to look away. In this political climate we live in, my newest form of self-care has been to actively seek out good people and their stories, just to remind myself that they're out there and what we see in the news is not all-encompassing. I've been binge-watching What Would You Do which, if you don't know, is a show where actors play out some kind of conflict or injustice in a public space, like a restaurant or park, and see if anyone will step in and try to help...and usually, they do. I seriously recommend checking it out on YouTube if you ever need your faith in humanity restored! As I said last night, this is an excellent idea for a series and I'll definitely be incorporating it into my self-care routine. Thank you, Gael! (Now, are you still sick? Get back to recovering, young man!)


Oh, I love "What would you do"! I first saw it when I spent 3 months in the USA for work a few years ago. It really does restore your faith in humanity! I second your recommendation, Amanda 👌


I'm late to the party cause Patreon messed it up with the notifications yesterday but I really wanted to say how helpful these video could be!! I'm a moody person and sometime I can get really dark a frustrated over work and life issues. To have short videos like this, to help me get through those moments, would be a total bless! I love how you're getting creative on how to use your talent. I guess you'll get more and more good at it everyday! ❤️ Thanks for being so caring even if you're the one feeling a little sick.


Yeah, I didn't a notification for either one of the new ones, myself! Weird!


Saving this little gem for later when curled up in bed, audio hoarder that I am. But love the idea, and liking what the comments reveal!

Meghan McDonald

I dream of forehead kisses.I am single and long for kisses like that.


Haha, Calma, I hoard the audios, too! I don't want to be distracted by anything while I listen, so I save them until I'm sure I can appreciate them fully, no interruptions. 😉


I'm beginning to wonder if I'm spending my free time in a productive way.. Probably not but it can't hurt.


Looks like a warm reception and lots of ideas for a series like this. I like the idea too. I'd like to hear tender supportive audios addressing problems in the realm of taking risk and failing, courage when pursuing a life of meaning, trust in your own divinity, unexpected loss, making connection.


I know I'm super late to this party, but I only just listened. I loved this! 💕My favorite part was when you said, "I'll make you feel like the only person in the world," because that is exactly the magic of you. Even though you don't really know me, and I don't really know you (and, thus, you couldn't possibly care about me, not really), every time I listen to you I feel completely cherished. I still don't know how you do that, but I sure do love it! Thank you so much for taking such good care of us, always. Here's a kiss for your forehead. 💋😉