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I want you to be my toy.. let me play with you...

Still recovering, please forgive the extra husk in my voice.   I am working through the PA audios as well, never fear!




nobody says good girl like Gael


HO.....LY.......SHIIIIIIT! And I’m not even 8 minutes in yet 💦


Oh...My...God! I..I..I have no words, but if my body could talk 😵


For fucks sake... I think I heard my glass dildo in my cupboard giggle.


There was no reason to apologize for the extra husky in your voice. That just, oh wow, add to the yummy.


Jesus fucking christ I will never tire of this orgasm. How long did you edge for anyway! I am lightheaded and spinning and I didn’t even play along. People in the subway wd’nt have appreciated it. Good lord. Holly goes to church *walks to bedroom. Holly worships *screams all the church words. Holly says a prayer *closes eyes until the room stops spinning. Holly goes home without greeting the dude who sermoned *inarticulate.. except curse words keep coming to mind. Whew G. “Oldies” have not expired ;p ;-*


Oh my god. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


AHHHHHHH!!! I mean hey! The husk in your voice will be magical I assure you!


Feel better sweetie! Thank you! I will listen to this later. After the Gremlin has gone bedy-by!


Thank you, Sir! We've missed you! 💕So glad you're on the mend.😘 Excited to listen to this later tonight. 💋


Always apologizing! 💕😊 I'm so glad you are on the mend, and am sure that the extra huskiness won't detract from this at all! 😉 You may have some lovelies who want that all the time now! 😞


💖Your 'sick' voice has to be the sexiest fookin' thing I've ever heard!


Hey sweeties! I had about a week of 'blah' but I'm coming back! :D I love to keep posting and creating! I will be catching up on all of the overdue stuff over the next week or so! I tried my best to leave no 'gap' in content here... I have some nice Youtube ideas a coming too! So never fear! We've got this! Thank you all so much for all of your well wishing and your humour! You make me laugh so much! You are an awesome bunch of people!


💖You get back what you put out, dear Gael 💋💋💋


Glad you are feeling a bit much better and hopefully we kept you entertained luv😜😂💋


I hope you get well soon ❤️❤️❤️


Ffffuck yeah, man.

Gri (Sassy_One)

What a way to come back from the man-flu coma, G!😋 Great audio!! Good Boy!!!


Back from man flu land! Yes please!


You are the sweetest...thank you for your hard work and dedication. Hope you're feeling better ❤

Greek Goddess

"The extra husk" in your voice is fucking sexy and the audio so damn hot!Muah 💋


I'm so happy to hear you're feeling a bit better❤! You are so committed to fight through the sickness to record. No need to apologize for the extra husk in your voice, it was niiice. I love it when you drop your voice all of a sudden, and it gets that note of 'command' in it for a time. Ooh, that makes me shiver. This was excellent, so hot!💋💋❤❤


So happy you are feeling better!! I hope you're 1000% soon. This is an amazing audio for a man on the mend. Just increases the anticipation for what's next. Thank you for taking such good care of us. I hope you feel the love we have for you! ❤️


"Forgive the extra husk in my voice" he says 😂😂😂 When (to quote the other Force brother) we've been starving for it! Yay! Hope you are hundreds soon! 💋


That sexy voice... 🔥 I love when you include a toy, it's very exciting and it adds fun! I hope you will feel better soon! ❤️


As impatient as I am, I have to listen later. Comments suggest HUSKY voice and TOY! Just the thought is making me weak!


Given my week, this is a very welcome diversion. I really don't know how the hell you do this, but you are amazing as always.


More of this please......😍 You cleaning off the dildo, alternating between fucking with it and your cock, plus coming on it. Damn - ruined for the rest of the day. I really hope this is leading us toward a delightfully sensual and sexy MMF scenario because that's all I kept thinking about 💋


I am sooooo tempted to listen to this right now!! Husky voice + toys + orgasms = A Happy Elaine!!!! But I have to get ready to make dinner before the game. We're playing the Packers. Yeah I know it's ony pre-season..but it's foot ball! I've been waiting since Feb!! I don't want to hear it Doctimus!! I'm doing him..it...Football!!


You could read the back of a macaroni & cheese box sweetie, you wouldn't get any complaints here. Rest your voice luv, that's the most important <3


Ooooooo...I CAN'T wait!!! At a friends cookout...do I dare listen right now..among the horseshoe play and volleyball???!!! 👂👂👅👅😈😈


Perfect timing. I was starting to get withdrawals. You husky voice... Was just to much for me, orgasms glore tonight. You always know how to make this girl happy! Shame I haven't met a guy with the same sexual turn on or just genually like you...... 💚 Glad your feeling slightly better xx


Ewww... a GLASS dildo... tsss... XPP


Love the husky voice. Deep and raspy. Well played.


Gael: Can you see how happy you make me? Can you see it on my face? Me: I can see it on your pants too.. Anywayyy, I think I'm pregnant now, you have to take your responsibilities now ya'know 😉 Jokes aside, glad you're feeling better, thank you for posting another excellent audio, we really love and appreciate you and your hard work❤️


You should still be in recovery on the vocal chords, we don't want any permanent damage done to those beauties young man! Your local Jewish Mother says - Hot tea with lemon, ginger and honey (w/ perhaps a dram or two of whiskey or brandy) two weeks of house rest and minimal vocals and you'll be good as new. lol


Oh holy shit- how did you get so good at this??! You're moving in the right gender queer direction for this gal. Gender roles are sexiest when they are flexible! Nice work. Lots of smiles here.


I feel ya! I have to wait till later also. Uuugh..... But it's going to be ALL good!!


That ice cube part...O...M...G...(i looove things like this...)!so hooot I actually couldn't listen to it without pausing, then take a little walk in my room and fan myself. Waoouuh G that was gooooood ! I knew it : Your voice is even sexier with that husky voice 💗💖 : 12:32min got me💨👅💨...that sentence was fire to my ears 🔥🔥


"Baby, I need you to listen to me. I'm going to tell you what I want—what I need..." "A cough drop?" <img src="http://images.buddytv.com/articles/Dean%20runs%20for%20his%20life.gif">


LMAO!!!! This was the men in my life girl! couldn't ask for shit without hearing and smelling the rubber on their tennis shoes burn!! XD


Wow.... just wow! I have no words, this totally made my night!


Ummmm yea...I am now an OFFICIAL member of the "HFO CLUB"!!!!💦💦💦.. Moment of memebership : 14.07min!!!! Good Lawd!!! FUCK...He's back Ladies!!! 👅👅👅.. LadyLibra is over and out!! 😩😩😩


Yes! Loved that aspect of this audio - so, so hot!! 🔥🔥❤️


HOLD UP!!! 6 minutes in and it's ice and panties!!! Ice and a hot body is one of the most sensual experiences! That is soooo f'ing sexy! Damn! I digress..... Back to our regularly scheduled program. I


Hey, Gael. You're probably asleep right now, but I just wanted to say something. I know you're saying you're feeling 80% better, but I kinda feel bad that you're recording while you're still sick. All that talking with that sore throat is probably painful for you. Don't get me wrong, I love a husky voice in a man. It's very sexy. But if it's painful for you to talk and record, I genuinely feel empathy for you. That's just my caring side peeking through 🙈 I genuinely hope you feel 100% better soon ❤️


Thermonuclear!! 💣💥 I just clinched my thighs together so tightly I believe I stopped the circulation in the lower part of my body!! 😜 He just wrapped my desires up in this audio like a damn sushi roll!! YES YES YES!! YES, I'll be your toy! YES, I'll be the itch you need to scratch! YES,.... I'll be your HUCKLEBERRY!! 😄 Can ya tell it's been awhile?! Oh, and that Barry White bass in your husky voice makes a girl want to put it down, flip it and reverse it!!


AND it was slightly cold! 😱 Gael's lucky that he's a dude because if he ever had to have a Pap smear with a cold metal speculum, I can practically guarantee that you would never again hear of any sex toy being described as cold in an audio 😝


Dearest Gael, your orgasms are an art form in and of themselves.


I don't think any of us mind the husky voice, especially when it's coming from you! But don't hurt yourself to record! You're sick, I'm sure we'd all rather you feel 100% better and then start recording. Please take care of yourself! We'll always be here 😊


Oh the smile that came across my face then the giggle that came out of my mouth at 6:27 😍😜


14:11....May I rest in peace....I'm dead dead dead! 😍 Oh and I seriously can't get enough of the sexy talk through your teeth.


Cause of death: this audio. Oh my word. What am I going to tell my parents


Omg. Awesome return. Thank u. Hope you are feeling much better now xx


I'm always a little bit hesitant when it comes to listening to audios tagged as "alpha" because sometimes they can be on the rougher end of the spectrum. But I enjoyed this audio more than I thought I would, apart from one aspect that's entirely related to personal preferences. I know that every GF audio is made with respect for the listener in mind, and unlike some other audios out there, there is never any air of humiliation or degradation. And one of the benefits of any erotic GF audio is that it can allow you to safely explore different facets of sexuality from a distance, which can help you get a sense of what you may or may not be into in a real life scenario. In this audio, I had no problem with Gael's character taking charge and having the listener's character follow instructions, whether it was keeping her eyes closed, using the glass dildo, etc. But I think it was some of the words that were used that made me think, <i>"Ehh...yeah, that doesn't quite work for me. Or at least it wouldn't if a guy were to actually say this to me in real life."</i> Although it admittedly wasn't even said that often, hearing phrases like "you're my toy", "you're my plaything", and "I'm going to use you for my pleasure" just rubbed me the wrong way. I know the intent behind those phrases was purely erotic (to convey a D/s sort of dynamic, I'm assuming?), and that there are plenty of people out there who find that arousing, which is totally fine. But whenever I heard a phrase like that in the audio, I found myself thinking (in a partially tongue-in-cheek fashion), <i>"Okay, let's backtrack for a moment. Now, I don't mind doing the sorts of things you're requesting me to do. Far from it. But you'll increase the likelihood that I'll do it with a smile on my face if there's less referring to me as a plaything or toy, and more referring to me as a lover, dirty girl, good girl or really whatever description you want, as long as it reflects that I'm both a person and an equal in this, even if we are playing different roles. Oh, and I'll 'do as I'm fucking told' after you ask me like a gentleman and say 'please'. Being polite is a lot sexier than being a Mr. Gruffypants!"</i> Of course I know that this is a fictional scenario and at the end of the day, words are just words. And I know that there's no intent whatsoever in this audio to objectify any of the characters. If anything, I think Gael tried to smooth out some of the rougher edges by saying things like "see how happy you make me" and wanting the listener's character to be turned on for him. But I guess I've just never been into the idea of regarding someone or being regarded as a sexy plaything or toy, even if it is within the context of a BDSM-type scene. Otherwise I thought the audio was aces (sexy aces, in fact 😯), and I hope you're able to hop off the Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infection train at Wellness Station sooner rather than later! 👍


You had me shivering from the first "baby", that tone always gets me all *shivers* EDIT: that is the closest I have been to climax with no physical contact. Holy sweetness I missed Alpha Gael. The extra husk just added to it (not to say I like that you're sick, I don't). Thank you for this!




There are some super sexy details in this one! Him wanting to be watched; showing her what excites him to see. The slow detailed touching; hot/cold sensory. Seeing and responding to what excites her. And always always always the shifts in vocal range and energy. It felt really personal and human. Lovely. Exciting.


Finally was able to really listen to this last night (after a failed attempt while Patreon crashed – guess we were all a little excited to have some new material! LOL). This was definitely worth waiting for, even though I am sorry you have been sick lately and hope that you have finally kicked the man flu to the curb! I found this audio to be one of the best you’ve done lately because it has SO many elements of things that I know we have discussed here before, and it is really cool to me see how you listened and incorporated what we were saying into your work. Bravo for that! I love this style of audio from you, the Alpha Gael who wants to instruct or participate – I’m not one who really needs a story line as I get too wrapped up in the story while I am listening and have a different experience. Unlike Doc, I had the opposite reaction to the idea of being his toy or plaything – I found it totally sexy to me. For me, the idea of being so desired that all he wants to do is play with me is very powerful. As a woman, I would love knowing I had that kind of control over my man – even in a scenario like this, where he is in control, it is still his desire for her that controls him. Pretty powerful stuff, I say. I loved so many things you chose to include here: calling her a good girl (which I found myself counting each time – sorry!); the light BDSM with the wrist bindings, but then telling her to close her eyes instead of blindfolding her, making her choose to keep her eyes shut; and the way you incorporated the use of the toy into the moment (although I am not sure about a glass toy – curious to know other people’s thoughts on that one). These and so many other elements just made this a really great audio, probably in my top list of favorites (and that list is getting WAY too long, LOL). Hope you are feeling better and that your voice is getting back to where you want it to be (although, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it being husky!). When I directed theatre, my actors swore by straight lemon juice to keep their throats clear. We used to keep bottles of it backstage for them in case their throats/voices got rough during a performance. Not sure if it’s a magical cure or just one of those theatre superstitions, but it couldn’t hurt.


Re: the glass toy. I have never used any toys, so I did think "Is that even a thing? Glass?". From a health and safety point of view, I have my reservations...☡


Jizz on my tits


Doctimus I enjoy being called a toy and a plaything and sometimes worse. It's part of my kink. It doesn't mean I expect to be treated like an object out of the bedroom. Please don't worry about those of us that enjoy the beauty of submission 🤣


This was so what I needed after a long day, took the tension right out of me, it was like a rollercoaster of sensation. I am usually really quiet, but you took that choice away. Will be your toy, any time, any day!!!


Glad your feeling better dear, but don't push it, take care of you!


I finally listened to this last night. The first thing I want to say was that your voice?...Damn baby! "I want to use you" if you said that in the context of a "Dom" it would have turned me off and I would have disengaged. However, that was one of the hottest phrases you said in the audio! The way you said it! In fact all of your "whispered" commands/demands opened the flood gate wider and increased the tingle in my spine each time! Fuck! Loved interchanging you with the dildo. The way you sounded when you allow 'me' to come...but since I knew there was more...you ask if "I" want to get dirty? and oh my goodness, cuming on the dildo...flood gates...blown from their hinges! Gael! That was mind blowing! I hope you had some electrolytes after that! Shit! I needed some, so I know you did! Thank you so much for your ability, your sexiness and devotion. And a special thanks to the little invader: you made a sexy voice even sexier..Now get the fuck out!!!


*opens eyes for a split second* Gael: Keep your eyes closed. Me: oh fuck


So I listened to this on a long drive to Los Angeles. I'm wearing a kick ass dress and red lipstick and I was starting to feel a little insecure about the whole thing like, "wtf am I wearing I can't pull this off" and then THIS. HOLY SHIT. I feel sexy. I feel powerful. And OH MY GOD I THINK IM PREGNANT 😂😂😂


What a fucking masterpiece...


Yayyyyyy he's back


He said Panties 4 times... just putting that out there.. carry on!!!! 👅👅👅👅💦💦💦👄👄👄 lol..


I don't know exactly what to say...this one made me speechless❤😳


@Doc... Your comments r too much!! Now you got me thinking how to use a glass dildo as a weapon!!! Slice and Dice!!! 😆😆😆


Nothing shows that you ain't no one to f*ck with quite like leaving a dick-shaped bruise on a would-be burglar's face ☝️😯


@Doc...In the words of Sophia Petrillo (sorry Im a HUGE Golden Girls Fan) "Picture It"..Sunday night 2017.. Police: "Mam..what did you hit him with"??? Me: "My glass dildo".. Police: "you unhinged his jaw"!!! Me: "Well if you think thats bad..you should see my pussy"!!! Sorry if this offended anyone..but this what came to mind when Doc said " dick-shaped bruise on a burglars face"..!!! 😆😆 My humor is often wack...Lol


Whaaaaaaat? How in the hell did I miss this notification? 😳😱 Well, it looks like I have something to listen to tonight! 😈 Grrrrrr...Whatever you need sir!


Holy fuck my back arched so far off the bed and my mind literally traveled to another dimension. It was so hard not to cum quickly, but i made it.


If this is what 'being used' feels like, I'll put my 'Hell no! I am a strong, independent woman and will NOT be used by any man, who do they THINK they are!' aside. But mah deahh, I will have you on your knees before long and return the favour.


This was an experience. Not just for the audio itself--don’t get me wrong--it was amazing--right up my kink street. But wait, there’s more! So as I’m listening to this wonderful thing after a stressful day, I’m not quiet--like, I lived with my parents for long enough that I deserve to moan and shout my head off, you know? I unfortunately do live in an apartment complex and right as I’m about to come, there’s this loud banging on my ceiling right over my bedroom. It probably wasn’t, but I took it as encouragement anyways.


Well if it feels this good being used....keep on using me...til you use me up. <a href="https://g.co/kgs/93AhFA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://g.co/kgs/93AhFA</a>


You use me uuuuuuup so I can stand on mountaaaains You uuuuse me uuuup to walk on stormy seas I am stroooooong when I am in your aaaarms You uuuuse me uupppp to less than I have beeen. Eat your heart out, Josh Groban.


This was HAWT!!! What really trips my trigger is in many of your audios you have NO PROBLEM with kissing the girl after she's been blowing you or, in this audio, the fact that you took the dildo in your mouth. I know it's to "get her juices" but the men I've been with IRL have SUCH AN ISSUE with not wanting anything that's been on their cock to then be in contact their mouth, or anything that resembles a cock near their mouth. I personally find it hot when a lover has gone down on me and then kisses me. It's incredibly fucking hot to know there are some men out there willing to return that favor in reverse. Any other ladies agree?


I agree with that, Iris. I can't quite understand the rationale behind why someone would take issue with kissing their partner after their partner gives them oral sex. Surely it can't be a "ugh, germs!" issue because how can you really give yourself the germs that are already present on your body? Unless maybe someone had some kind of genital infection that they didn't want to spread to their mouth, but if that's the case, they really shouldn't be having sex while they have an active infection 😒


And btw! This might be my new fav nsfw audio of G, or second after Take Me2. coz this came pretty close to the good-girl "request" and fantasy i've been hoping for! im like 200% submissive and if u keep saying good girl like that i'll be so pregnant. rly rly love this one! hot af!


Wow! Yes sir, whatever you say sir! 💜💜


Oh MY GOD!!! Id recorded this last week and came back to it tonight and FUCK!!! TOTALLY THE HOTTEST THING HE HAS EVER DONE!! The tingles the raining all over the places literally as he said squirt on my dick!! "Moan for me. Say my fucking name"??? OK. Done. Like for real can we ger part 2 3 and 4! Gael today i was prepared to pledge £1000 to come see u n thank you in person. On my knees of course like a good girl! ❤❤❤💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊


This 👏🏻 yes 👏🏻 yes 👏🏻 YES! 👏🏻 That commanding tone. Telling me what to do. Omfg. Funnily enough I actually chose a glass one before even knowing you were gonna specifically be using glass 😍 Also “do you wanna fuck it...?” Then suddenly “Uh uh uh! Not yet...” it’s like you knew I was about to and told me off 😂👌🏻