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I am BACK.... but...

This message brought to you by the International Man-Flu Dramatics Council. ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu Carl Orff - O Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana Irudiak: Joseph Mallord William Turner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXFSK0ogeg4



Ominous thumbnail image 😂




Oh my goodness!!!! Not the man flu!!!!!!


you're on fire today XD cant keep up with youtube, twitter and patreon at the same time hahah so committed


Such a drama queen 😂😂😂 But seriously. Colds are the worst 😢 Feel better soon, ya cutie 😚


*pats head gently* Should I call Queenie before you kick the bucket...?

Rachel Baird

Awww, love. You poor thing. I need to fix you some homemade chicken noodle soup. Or maybe just the broth.


Get back in the bed, please. Have no worries, I'll be in shortly to make you feel much better 💛


Oh, this is not a werewolf or vampire audio then? 😇


At least you're not having your period. That would be truly terrible. ^_~


Well here's hoping you've got a friend taking care of you but also giving you shit about not taking care of yourself. (Lol a little tough love might help too.)


Hope you feel better soon, you magnificent melodramatic daftie! If not, may your soul get away a half hour before the devil knows you're gone! 😂


@joslyn 😈💕


Such a MAN!! The video is a Classic! Every man in the world is on this council! Get well!!


This is so funny! Your good sense of humor will undoubtedly see you through this terrible illness!😉 Love you, feel better! Kisses to make it all go away. 💋💋💋Xoxo❤


I hope you feel better soon....I'm sending you get-well vibes!!!!! Did you feel that?😄😊 But on a serious note, be well dear.😘


Hahaha, too funny! So sorry you are not feeling well 🤒. 😘🤗

Misa Amane

Feel better!


Awww...feel better 💋


Queenie? Dinner is served. It's a walking buffet with cold dishes only. But it's man flesh and it has som tasssty juicy bitsss. And a runny nose.


FACT:: Man Flu is more painful than childbirth. As verified by 1,000 male doctors. Take this seriously...


We girls making fun on twitter just to cheer you up.Get well soon❤🍀


Nothing says, "This is serious and I'm miserable" like "O Fortuna."


Asss the Queen, I call dibbsss on his tassty remainss! Handss off juicy femalesss!...


Oh the horror! Shall we call you a whaaambulance? 🤔😂 Hope you feel better! Get that tea and soup going... if you've got enough strength with such a horrible illness lol 😜❤️


Aww get well soon...don't think vacations agree with you. 🤧💖


Peut être qu'un peu de sang humain serait bon pour toi may be some human blood should be good for you...


Another super duper scientific fact: More men die each year from MFN (Man-Flu Neglect) than lots and lots of other things. (Like rabbit attacks or choking on toast). Did you exaggerate with air conditioning back in Croatia sir?? ahahah get well <3


This is the only prescription one needs for the man flu: <br><br><img height="190" src="http://m.quickmeme.com/img/01/01463ece8c932376f0239f5dc7f665de188be597b6ba849852cff98e992ba455.jpg"><br><br>(Okay, I'd also allow prescriptions for codeine, Flovent, and Ventolin if someone's lungs are really taking a beating. <i>But only because I'm nice.</i>)


You won't get any argument from me, my Queen, if it means that I get to avoid the depths of your pristine digestive system and live to fight another day 😯<br><br>But we should still do something nice, like hold a service, maybe buy a plaque or plant a tree in his honour. Who wants to give the eulogy? I nominate Seanie 👍


Shouldn't be laughing because it's some serious case here -guilty😅- Hope you'll get back on your feet soon G💋! Sending Ginger tea,cinnamon and LOTS of citrus,oranges 🍋🍊🍋your way


Lots of rest, lots of tea, pain killers, nose spray and codeine for dry coughs or flumicil for snotty coughs. And be quick about it or a horde of lizards and lovelies will be the death of you. 🤧


Sweetness, you will live. Promise. I'm pretty sure there is a lizard lady stalking your remains. That alone is a damned fine reason to live, if ya ask me. Dork. ❤


Lol. Ya dork! 😂


fantastic take on the manflu, lol


Plus a nice long gander at Madeline's snazzy profile pic! 😃 That's good for what ails ya 👍<br><br>(Are you a natural brunette, Madeline? And if so, did you have to lighten your hair before being able to get it that purple, or did you just pick a brighter shade of purple hair dye to begin with?)<br><br>(<b>Edit:</b> Am I going crazy, or are just changing your profile pics? Whose hair did I just compliment? 😯)


And DON'T breathe on poor Bobby!!! We don't want him to catch your man-flu! bahahaha


I hope Seanie is not suck as well. Who will feed the elephant?


Sounds like someone deserves to be taken care of... 😊 Sweet hugs and steam all that icky snot out of your nose! 😜


I'm sick too :( it sucks


Maybe a drop of midleton Irish whisky 🙃😷feel better soon ❤️


Aw, I hope you feel better. ❤️You know you have a built in passel of caretakers if you ever needed us--make you soup, rub your back, your wish is our command. 😉


Awww our poor Gael. Get better darling. We Can't wait to hear good things from you ! ^_^


XD that was great. I hope you feel better though! Get well!!!


Oh my goodness, Gael. 😑. Have you been taking you medicine? Yes? Take a really really hot bath. Close the bathroom door put a towel over the top of the door, close it and put one on the floor to block any cool air coming in. You will sweat the hell out of yourself, don't worry it's natural. Drink hot water. Tea is a diuretic so you will get dehydrated faster. When you are done, put on sweats a sweat shirt and go to bed. I know you're probably already asleep at the moment, try this the next night. I hope your man flu gets better very soon. I know it's not fun at all. Smooches!!!


Hey guys!! After a long hiatus (3weeks) part 7 of The Fapper"is posted. Unfortunately, Damn Patreon is not letting me edit my post from July 27th. So you'll have to go back and revisit the July 27th post to refresh your memory.


😱😷🤒🤧🤦🏻‍♀️ get better, ya Langer! 😂

Gri (Sassy_One)

Aww😊, hope my favourite Drama King gets well soon😂 Very creative to be on the verge of a Man-Flu Death, like!


Aww, poor baby, back from a lovely, relaxing vacation only to return with the dreaded man-flu epidemic. Glad you felt well enough to put together the funniest announcement I've seen in awhile! Seriously, though, feel better, luv -- take care of yourself and come back to us healthy, happy, and full of enerdree! No one wants to see our resident Drama King down for the count.


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. A nice Montag - Monday to everyone! I was quite faul - lazy yesterday (just oogled the hard working men chopping wood... gracefully wielding their heavy, glistening tools...) XP Hm...btw, I hope Herr Gael is still alive? So, some easy Montag´s Fragen... This or That?... Potato salad or pasta salad? Dust or vacuum? Organic fruits and vegetables or non-organic fruits and vegetables? Bowling or skating? Prince or Frosch - frog? Spring or fall? Drums or guitars? Black or rot - red? Freckles or Grübchen - dimples? Getting eaten by the Queen or the King? XP Danke for your answers dear Fraugenchen... bis später. XD


Gael you love when ladies worry and care about you, don't you ? Coquin d'irlandais !


No advice from me. Lots of kudos for managing to stay in good enough humor to poke fun at yourself, though! Next time people start pushing you to slow down, I'll definitely be thinking about how you only seem to get sick when you have time off. If you ever figure out what makes your body so much happier when you're firing on all cylinders all the time w/o a break, you could bottle &amp; sell it and spend the rest of your life as a full-time artist with no worries, hee hee! May you kick this cold's ass quickly, and in the meantime, thanks for the lol! 😄😉😙


Hope you feel better soon sweet 😘


I have to agree with what Emmanuelle is saying. You love when we give you attention, don't you? 😉 See, I think you're being all dramatic about having a cold not only to "take the piss out of yourself" as you put it 😂😂😂 And not only to give us a laugh, but also to get attention from your lovelies. Emmanuelle and I have it figured it out, ya dork 😜😂😂😂 I'm not sure how others feel, but I don't mind at all, giving you attention. It's a pleasure 😇😉 And there's something about a man with a cold making a big deal about it that only makes him more adorable 😍😂😂❤️ You'll be okay. It's just a cold, you sweet, sweet man 😉😘


😂 That was funny, good job! Get some rest, stay hydrated &amp; get well soon. 😉💜


I half expected a horror audio when I read the title. This is 1000000000x more hilarious. In all seriousness, rest up and feel better. We would rather you feel better and enjoy getting back into things than to make yourself feel worse. &lt;3


Frau I don't blame you one bit. I would have done the same thing, girl. Here we go with the Fragen! Potato/Pasta? Potato. My mom made the best potato salad! Luckily, one of my brothers have been able to replicate the recipe. I insist he makes it any time there is a family get together. Dust/vacuum? Vacuum. Suck it up and dispose of it! Organic/Non-organic? Non because of the price. I just wash the hell out of it and hope for the best! Bowling/Skating? Bowling. I don't know how to skate. I was able to teach my daughter but I still suck! I wouldn't try to learn now because I don't want to break a hip! XD Prince/Frog? Prince. I'll just cut out the middle man. Besides things that jump freak my shit!. I wouldn't kiss a frog anyway! Spring/Fall? Aw Frau1 I knew you were going to do this to me one day. These are my 2 favorite seasons. Here in Co you can get all 4 seasons in a span of a day! I love that! I love the newness of the spring and the colors of the fall. I love the varying temperatures, the rain and the quickly melting snow storms. I'm going to cheat...both! Drums/Guitars? I love a good beat as much as melodies. But to sit and listen to them all by themselves ..guitar. Black/red? Black. A bunch of my wardrobe is black. However, the second most abundant color is a variant ot red. Crimson, maroon, scarlet, burgundy, wine. So, yes. X) Freckles/dimples? The can both be adorable. But I know more people with dimples that freckles. So dimples. King/Queen? My ice with the Queen has JUST started to thicken! I think either way I'm in trouble. Now Queen this is only because I prefer the gender of the opposite persuasion..I promise...I choose...the King. Please don't be mad my Queen...I'm sure some of the other ladies here will choose you with the quickness. Besides I'd taste awful! I eat a lot of spicy things and I drink a lot of coffee. I would more than likely upset your stomach. And I know your regal innards are extremely delicate and you only ingest the finest of cuisine. I, in no way, fall into that category.


Even when he is ill he is overflowing with creativity. Take care my love.


wow. cinematic masterpiece.


Lmbo! Poor poor Gael. Hopefully all these good ((((( vibes ))))) are reachin ya. 😷


Too funny Gael!


Well, this seemed to happen overnight:<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/6VzcsgN.jpg"><br><br>Congrats on over 800 Patrons, G-Force! 🎉💥 Cheers to your continued success 🥂


God I love it when people who eat really healthily get ill. I feel so vindicated. Pass the battenburg!!!


Awwwww I hope you get better, Gael. Get lots of rest of eat and drink all things ginger. No recording while ill. I mean it.🤒👀


Oohh, Lucy Marie, that's not nice ... *evil grin* Can I have a slice of battenburg too, please?


I want a bottle of the all cylinders-no break-stuff! Coffee won't do.


But I'd like a horror audio anyway. WIth that raspy, deep 'I have a cold' voice. Sexy shivers! Gael? Can we have one of those, pretty please?


That was so cute! 😄Summer colds are the worst, hope you're feeling better today! Sending lots of healing rays your way ❤️️😍


Hey Gael...will you do us a favor? Since we don't know exactly what you look like, will you post a picture of the belt buckle we keep hearing? Pretty please? Unless of course you'd rather post a full picture of your beautiful face? lol Take care and have a wonderful evening. Hope you are feeling better. &lt;3


I would love to see a pic of the belt buckle 😍 It's so sexy when I hear it in an audio 😋


So, who's gotten their astronomy on and viewed the solar eclipse today? I went down to my old stomping grounds (aka. the university) where they were handing out eclipse glasses, having telescope viewings, and livestreaming NASA TV.<br><br>We only got about 70% coverage here, but it was still quite the sight to see! I also watched the livestreaming footage from Idaho where they actually had a full solar eclipse, and the moments leading up to and when it occurred were astounding 🤓 Did any of you lucky ladies get the full eclipse?<br><br>(While I'm at the uni, I'm going to channel my past 19-year-old self and take a casual stroll past the chemistry offices. Just to see if Professor Handsome McSexy still works here 😝)


Lmao! What a disaster! Take care of you, magic man


Greetings Doc! Too bad I didnt get to see solar eclipse today. Hope you have a great time witnessing it! Plus, it's quite cloudy with raining and sorts so the coverage is absolutely not that good.


Feel better!


Hoping you are better, Luv! Surviving here...Maybe...


So dramatic. Lol! I hope you feel better Gael!


Guten Morgen Sirens. Hope everyone has a pleasant Dienstag - Tuesday!? Hm... have nothing to chatter about tonight. Everything is quiet... the kilns, the kittens :) Right to some sexy Fragen... How often do you think about sex? A phrase or a word that you often say when you have sex? What was the best sex you’ve ever had? What does your boyfriend’s cum taste like? A place where you like to be kissed? Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? Danke for your Antworten dear Fraugen... bis dann. XD


Goodness gracious great balls of fire! I'm #69 on liking this post!😂😂😂 Hope yah feeling better G!😊


Wow! My first eclipse AND my first Fragen! 😜


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! How often do I think about sex? ...Umm... Not that often...but, more often than I should -_- A phrase or word I say during sexy time? Nothing. When I'm having 'me time', I'm typically silent. I want to shout and moan out loud, but that would make things extremely awkward. Best sex I've ever had? I haven't experienced that yet. What does my guy's cum taste like? I haven't experienced this, either... Where I like to be kissed? Beside my lips...I'll bet neck kisses feel wonderful. STDs? None, and I want to stay that way.


I have to admit, the Overly Dramatic Drama made me laugh harder than I should at the news of another's misfortune. Take care of yourself, Gael, and we'll see you when you recover. Unless NASA's missed an asteroid the size of Texas hurtling toward the Earth—in which case, well, at least everyone's credit card debt and student loans will be eliminated. #silverlinings


Poor baby :( feel better soon love


But I worked so hard to pay off my student loans! And there's still so much I want to do before the Earth is obliterated! Like seeing what happens when the Lizard Queen finally learns the location of her key that will unlock...umm...[insert backstory here]. I'm sure it'll be positively scandalous 😈


How are you... deliciousss Sirenss? I hope good and healthy? Hm?... Any newsss about the sslippery Irish morsssel? Shall I prepare to ssay goodbye to my key forever?... :(


As per Twitter, Gael's "Ebola-esque man flu" (his words, not mine 😝) has settled in his chest. Which, in my professional experience, typically means a lot of unpleasant coughing and hocking up phlegm, but signifies that you're approaching the tailend of your suffering (by which I mean you're slowly turning the corner, rather than dying). So barring a complete disaster I think he'll be just fine, but now is the time where decongestants like <b><i>pseudoephedrine</i></b> can be particularly helpful if one has a wet, phlegmy cough. Especially since post-viral coughs can potentially persist for up to a good 4 weeks or so after the rest of a person's symptoms have resolved. <i>*hint hint*</i><br><br>(I should start charging money for getting all up in everyone's business with my unsolicited medical advice 🤑)<br><br>But if Gael actually has Ebola, then yes, there is a very reasonable chance your key will be lost forever. In which case I would consult your local phone book to try to find a good locksmith, or perhaps invest in some power tools. 🤔


How are all the lovelies doing today!? I hope your day/evening/afternoon/whatever is going wonderfully! It's a warm, slightly breezy summer night over here, so I'm pretty content. I'm wondering if anyone could recommend some nice spots for a tourist to visit in Ireland? My friend and I are, I kid you not, planning a trip to Cork this winter (her friend lives there and offered us a place to stay so we just couldn't pass it up) and we'll only be there for 3-4 days so we want to pack in as much excitement as we can!~


Guten Morgen Mädls. A wonderful Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone. The kittens are defending their territory against a new cat. A big red one. I put my money on the dual terrors! XD And I have to keep an eye on little Seanie again... he´s a damn troublemaker, but I need him.... The daily dose of Fragen... would you rather... Have a rewind button or a pause Knopf - button on your life? Be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages? Go to a movie or to dinner alone? Sing like an opera star or cook like a gourmet Koch - chef? Lose your keys or your cell phone? Be on a überlebens - survival reality show or dating game show? That´s it, danke my dears... bis später XD


Hello, Frau Claudia and the rest of the lovely sirens. Happy almost-Wednesday to everyone! Best of luck to the kittens against the big cat, and best of luck with little Seanie. Can I just say that I am so glad that Tuesday is over? I overslept through my alarm, forgot my wallet and lunch for school, and was just half dead all day. Wednesday will be MUCH better as it is concert night with the hubby – Deep Purple and Alice Cooper, WooHoo! So, here are the answers to the daily dose of Fragen: Rewind or Pause: I would like a rewind button, but ONLY if I can rewind and relive moments with the knowledge I have now. There are things I would like to relive and that I would like to change. Animals or foreign language: I think I would like to speak foreign languages. I have a horrible time learning languages, so any help I could get would be lovely. Movie or dinner: I used to love to go to the movies alone when I was a teenager. I don’t get to do that very much anymore. Opera star or chef: I love to cook, and while I am far from gourmet, I can cook pretty well. I can’t sing, however, and have always wanted to be able to. Lose keys or cell phone: I love my phone, but I can easily replace it. My keys, however, are another story. I have one key for my car (it’s computerized) and it is very expensive to replace. I would be lost without my keys. Survival or dating game: Would love to try a survival show, even though I am totally not in shape enough for it. Really don’t want to be part of the dating world again.


That sounds like a really cool trip! I haven't been to Ireland personally, so I can't give you hints. However, Gael did do a ramble about places to visit when you go there. Not sure if it will help, but here is the link: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-atlantic-13182226">https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-atlantic-13182226</a>


Sssoo, I thought about it... asss long as the tassty Irishman isss weak, vulnerable and deliriousss I should take the chance, sslither over and sssqueeze the juicy sssecrets out of him... Who wantsss to come with me??...


Ooo, that soundsss like fun, your Highnessss! I am watching little tasssty humansss eat their own lunchesss and I am feeling a bit hungry myssself. An adventure with you and the sexy deliriousss Irishman might tide me over....


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? The nights are quite cool now... herbstlich - autumny. Perfect to snuggle up. :) I roasted the first Kürbis - pumpkin of the year and the kittens brought me some choice Mäuse - mice parts...(which I didn´t roast) Guess what? I have some Fragen for you... What´s your favourite... Pumpkin-flavored treat? Beach? Alcoholic drink? Celebrity? ASMR sound? Crafty thing to make? Classic movie? Reptile? :) Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis dann XD


So, the kitties are back on the prowl! Lovely..Hope the pumpkin was tasty!! Fragen time. Pumpkin treat? I love the seeds!! Those things are scrumptious!! Beach? I've been to exactly 1 oecan side beach. That was @ the US Marine Camp Pendleton in Ca. I'll say that one! Colorado only has pretend beaches I've been to a few of those. Alcohol? Mmm, lets see. I don't drink as much as I did in college (I don't think any does XD) But we made this drink that had vanilla Kahlua , vanilla Coke and milk. We called it a Tootsie roll, because that is what it tasted like. There was also this one called Pink Panties that had Gin, pink lemonade and ice cream. Both yummy. Celebrity? For awhile it's been Hugh Jackman and Dwayne Johnson. Now Idris Elba has climbed up the ranks (Yummy) If you are talikng talent then Denzel Washington!! He's a cutie too! ASMR sound? The moaning!!! Crafts? I like painting. I've tried my hand at painting like Bob Ross..not too shabby! Classic movie? The Wizzard of OZ. We watched every year. Reptile? The Queen..what ever she is. I've never seen her in all of her glory. Just her eye. Thank you Frau for the Fragen!!


Hello Claudia and the rest of this Funky Bunch!! 😉😉... 1. My Grandmas pumpkin pie!!! 2. Any beach really..i am a summer girl!!! 3.My drink of choice is Jack &amp; Coke.. 4. I am currently "crushing" on another Irish Man.. Cillian Murphy!! (My son turned me onto the series "Peaky Blinders") 5. If its real quite i use ASMR to go to sleep.. 6. Not crafty at all.. Im lucky i can dress myself!! 7. Movie: The Night of the Hunter..starring Robert Mitchum and Shelly Winters..the music alone gets me.. 8. I do like 🐉🐉🐉 😱😱 lol... Have a safe &amp; great day everyone 😁😁 ☀☀


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Freitag to everyone! Naughty weekend plans? We´ll have little a lake fair, with lots of Bier, Bratwurst and Lederhosn... it should be fun. :) I´m too lazy tonight to come up with the Fragen... So one of you Fraugen has to einspringen - pick up the slack, bitte. In the name of Gaelandia´s Sirenity-Science! Danke schön! Bis dann XD PS: Her Highness said she´s pleasssed that she is your favourite reptile... good juicy girlsss! Though Frl. Doktimus isss high up on her list again!!


<i>Himmeldonnerwetter!</i> 😧 Can I get back in Her Highness' good graces by offering up some <i>Fragen</i>?<br><br>What is the scariest dream you've ever had? The best dream you've ever had?<br>What's your favourite fast food restaurant?<br>What was your very first memory as a child?<br>What's the best vacation you've ever been on? The worst?


Ughhh.. All our different time zones kill me!!! Its Thursday night still for this gal.. But im up to give some answers... 1. Scariest dream: about 4 years ago..(please dont judge).. In the dream i was in my kitchen and my pups and i were playing about and all of a sudden i strangled one of them..woke up with tears in my eyes!!! Best dream: My Great-Grandfather passed when i was 6 and about 2 nights later i dreamt him and I were sitting on a bench in a park talking about where he was and why he couldn't come back..i wanted to go and he told me " not yet..I will come get you when its time"... I was 6 and still remember that.. 1st childhood memory.. Crawling under my crib and hiding..Best vaca.. 15..Rhode Island..he was 17 (wink wink).. Never really had a bad vaca.. OK someone else please answer..kinda opened myself up a bit here...😬😬😬😬


Oh man, it would devastate me to have a dream like yours. My pets were my best friends. The dream about your great-grandfather sounds very sweet, though.


When the thread goes from wishing our Gael to get better.. To us Ladies talking among ourselves about dreams.. memories..beaches..drinks and whatnot... I love it!!! 😁😁😆😆 Just hanging out..waiting for an audio to drop!!! 💦💦💦


This is what we do since the beginning 😉 just hanging out and talking.


With the generous help of the other Fraugen, surely I have earned redemption, my Queen! Or I've at least dropped down a few spots on the menu. Like, I've hopefully gone from being the early bird special to being the rich, calorie-laden dessert that no one wants to eat it because it would make them feel too guilty and they don't want to spend 2.5 hours in the gym burning it off. Because I'd be cool with that 😎<br><br>As an aside, do you remember how Frau Claudia recently asked the Fraugen about whether they'd prefer to be <i>eaten</i> (*wink wink*) by the Lizard King or the Lizard Queen? Everyone picked the Lizard King...everyone but me, that is. I picked whoever would do the best job, as I have complete faith that <i>your</i> sexual prowess rivals - if not surpasses - his, my Queen. Although he may have, as you put it, a "tendency to impregnate unsssuspecting tender femalesss", everyone knows that at the end of the day, quality is more important than quantity 😉 #amisafenow?


All right, all right... you get some Brownie pointsss for the Fragen and your totally understated flattery regarding my royal cunnilinguss sskilllsss... And I appreciate the intel about the Fraugen´s nightmaresss... it might come in handy one day. Muahahassss..... ahemm. You are in line with a crisspy lunch Brezn atm... Happy now?


I'm sure some of you Twitterellas have already heard this, but I <i>had</i> to post it here:<br><br><a href="https://youtu.be/KHtLW72z6I4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/KHtLW72z6I4</a><br><br>I made the mistake of listening to this (NSFW) mash up at a coffee shop. Not because of the dirty talk, mind you, because I have no problem keeping a straight face when I listen to Gael's erotic audios. But <i>this</i> - this is basically what'd you get if Gael did an 70's porno flick, what with the funky <i>bow-chicka-wow-wow</i> background music complete with wailing saxophone. I managed to limit my reaction to a twitchy smile for about 2 minutes before I lost my shit and burst out laughing, which of course drew the attention of the other customers 😂<br><br>But whatever, let people stare 😝 I'm not the only one who had this reaction, right? I mean, if you were to listen to the audio and to the music separately, they're both great. But when you put them together, it's so corny (corny in a <i>good</i> way) that it's absolute gold 😎👍


...I'm only 10 seconds in and I can't handle much more :P What the hell is this!? I mean, it's great but...not great in the way I usually consider Gael's audios to be great, lol


Guten Morgen lovely Gaelandians. Hope everyone has a nice Samstag - Saturday!? I saw there´s a hurricane... I hope you are all good and safe? Have nothing to chatter about tonight... All is quiet and I wanna go back to bed :) So right to some sexy Fragen... Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close Freund - friend or family member? What do you think an orgy would be like? Have you ever woken up humping your Kissen - pillow? How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”? Have you ever pushed the boundaries of Treue - fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush? Danke my dear Fraugen... bis dann XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you hot tamales! Do we have any Lovelies in Texas here? If so, please be careful and let us know that you're okay 😟<br><br><b>Not-so-appropriate naughty dreams:</b> I did have a couple of naughty dreams about a male friend of mine that I knew in university. He and I got along really well together and to be honest, I think we would've made a great couple. In fact, I'd long hoped that we'd take our friendship to the next level, so I'm not surprised that he starred in a couple of my raunchier dreams.<br><br>Of course that prospect went tits up when I worked up the courage to "casually" ask him what he looked for in a woman, and he said that he wanted a woman who was the same ethnicity as him. He's Chinese and I'm not, so I was essentially friend zoned from that day forward. Haven't had any naughty dreams about him since 😕<br><br>(<b>Sidebar:</b> I know that everyone's allowed to have their own preferences when it comes to what they look for in a partner. But being rejected by someone because of a factor I couldn't control - in this case, my ethnic background - well...that really sucked. I can think of a dozen better reasons to turn someone down that have absolutely nothing to do with what they look like or where they're from, and I hope that most people can do the same 😕)<br><br><b>Orgies!</b> At least for me, I think an orgy would be awkward, confusing, and I would have no clue how to approach it. Should I just jump in? Do I have to wait for someone to invite me to join in on whatever freakness they were getting up to? I think I'd probably just stand back and offer to be the person who goes on snack/coffee/condom/lube runs.<br><br><b>Pillow <del>talk</del> hump:</b> Maybe 🤐 And by "maybe", I mean yes 😝<br><br><b>The third wheel!</b> I'd tell them I was flattered, but politely decline. Sex is complicated enough when it's just a party of two, let alone three 😜 But seriously, I'm not into polyamory of any kind. I'm sure it works well for many people, but I think I'd just end up getting hurt.<br><br>(Unless the "couple" that approached me consisted of Vin Diesel and The Rock. Then I'd happily volunteer to be the filling in that sexy manwich 😍👍)<br><br><b>Pushing the fidelity envelope:</b> Nope! I can't stand cheaters, so I wouldn't want to take even a single step in that direction 🙅🏻


Fear not... tasssty humans. Your benevolent, beautiful, fabulousss etc. etc. Queen hasss a little treat for her juicy ssssubjects. It´sss a secret link into my dungeonsss... come and vissit a long lossst audio, if you dare... <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BypRzl9PJumvVkxUcGprWVoxX3M/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BypRzl9PJumvVkxUcGprWVoxX3M/view?usp=sharing</a> You better bow to me and thank me for my gracioussnesss...


Oh, MY QUEEN!!! (bows) You ARE the mossst generousss of all of the royalty!!! (bows) You are too kind to ssshare with ussss mere mortalssss! (bows) I am mossst thankful that you would go into your vault of goodiessss! You knew that we were feeling anemic and desssperate for sssome sssexinesss and you, like the Great Highnesss we know you to be, provided for your Queendom!! (bows deeply) Thank you! Thank you!! THAT was explosive!!!!


Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I comment here. I hope everyone is doing well. (If you didn't, you should check the link that Our MAJESTY just gave, I swear her dungeons is LIT AF). Other than that, I have 3 days left before I left my workplace and officially quit. Kinda look forward, kinda not. Kinda happy, but kinda sad too. On the other hand, safe to say, I am still doing fine despite few problems that I kept on thinking about. But yeah, it's okay. Things will get better, right? Hahaha. -- patiently waits for Gael's new audio coming up in anytime. I CCANNN FEEELL ITTT! XD


Things will get better, Shay. They always do... But I feel there won't be an audio drop this weekend because G has been ill and sounded like Barry White... He knows that if his voice got too deep we would all spontaneously combust into a fireball of lacy panties. (Elaine and I would be first, I feel 😅) So he's doing us a favour, really! BTW...good looking out for your lovelies there, G 👍😉 🚫🔥


Elaine, I have decided to create a section in my Big Book of Funnies that consists entirely of your quotes. Because you be droppin' hilarious life lessons all day long, and those are the <i>best</i> life lessons. 😃<br><br><b>On dating different types of people:</b><br>"...Taste the Rainbow!! Grab that bag of Skittles taste all of those flavours [...] This is not an endorsement for being a ho! Don't bring them home all at once. Don't just dump them all in your mouth at once. And take a break between bags."<br><br><i>(Note: That also doubles as handy advice on how to eat to Skittles safely 👍)</i>


<b>A theory on why a guy's man juice might taste sweet:</b><br>"I don't know what the hell he [her ex-husband] did, what the hell he ate! I think it's like the Kobe Beef cows where they are not allowed to move so they stay tender. He just sat at the computer all day, so..."<br><br><i>(Everyone please feel free to add to the list! Especially you, Elaine! 😁👌)</i>


Guten Morgen Mädls. A pleasant Sonntag - Sunday to everyone. The kittens were victorious in their epic battle against the Big Red Intruder... That is I haven´t seen him for days now o.O And for the Siegesfeier - victory celebration they brought me some ...hm... wings. :) Some einfache - simple Fragen if you like? Ja? This or that? Adventurous or vorsichtig - cautious? Touch or taste? Early bird or night owl? Secretive or open? Bewaffnet - Armed or unarmed? Buttoned up or unbuttoned? Washcloth or luffa? Dark chocolate or weiße - white chocolate? Danke my dears... bis dann XD


@Elaine....BEST DESCRIPTION EVER!!! 😆😆😆😆 Im dying...dead on the floor!!😵😵😵 you have put into words how I feel when the notification comes thru!!!!


@ Nikki- I'm telling you, lady! I'm like a giddy little school girl with a libido!!!


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Glad to hear the kittens have successfully defended the home front. I went back to work today to play damage control—yup, on a Saturday. I'll clean my home...someday... And now, this: Adventurous or vorsichtig - cautious? — Cautious, definitely. I've gotten more adventurous as I got a little older, but still play it "safe" most of the time. Touch or taste? — Touch. Food and I have a contentious relationship, but I love soft, silky fabrics. Early bird or night owl? — Night owl. Waking up before 7:30 am should be classified as torture. Secretive or open? — I'm secretive until I know I'm in an environment where I'm not going to get slammed to the ground for showing weakness. Demonstrate that it's safe for me to be so, however, and I'll basically be an open book. Bewaffnet - Armed or unarmed? — I'm dangerous either way, lol. But I am discouraged from owning firearms, so I keep a tactical baton by my bed in case of midnight intruders. Shouldn't be necessary, but one never knows in the city. Buttoned up or unbuttoned? — I don't know how people wear their shirts buttoned up to their necks. I've done it, but I don't like it. At least pop the top button. Washcloth or luffa? — Luffa. I like the suds and the scrubby texture. Dark chocolate or weiße - white chocolate? — All other chocolate has too much milk, so I've learned to like the super-dark (55%+) chocolate.