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Your attention should be on my lecture, instead you're focus is turning me on from your seat in the front row...  Are you sure you're not pursuing a degree in seduction?




Okay, so I FINALLY managed to get to this NSFW audio (learning how to sort through backlogs of audios using the "filter" function is still sort of new to me I suppose), and while I'm not a big fan of the whole "spanking/punishment" thing, everything after that was one great big turn-on...and that finish? OMG...you think your voice isn't sexy, Gael? I and the rest of the Lovelies beg to differ. We SERIOUSLY beg to differ! ;-D






My all time favourite!


Mmm! You make a really good dirty teacher.. being taught a lesson for distracting him during class now that's a lesson I wouldn't forget 😉 ha ha! Though I don't think I would stop the distractions


Ohhhh love.


I would never miss this fucking class


My vivid imagination was not prepared 😆🤣


Okay, my ovaries have gone missing because of your hot voice, I'm almost angry at how sexy this is. A man shouldn't have this much power! Anyway, best 25 minutes of my life.


I'm at work right now but I'm so ready for this! My ultimate fantasy. 😍😍😍


I'm so ready for this. *hits play* is this what it feels like to be early to the party? I love the feeling!


This looks so good!! Saving it for the train ride to Paris tomorrow 😜


3:23 😂 😂 I'm rofl 😂


Well Sir, I will be missing the class for today 🤒😷. Saving it for tomorrow😊 Good night😘


Oh hell my evening is covered. Librarians and professors....lort have mercy.


Well I was planning on going for a run. Change of plans 😳💦


Kinky... 😈 I think imma save this for later tonight 😛


Excited to hear this tonight!

Karalyn Gibbs

What a wonderful birthday present!!


Sir, sorry sir, I just couldn't get out of bed. I was listening to your audio. It was so interesting that I spontaneously engaged in self study, sir.


Oh fuuucckkk. Hardness 1. Wetness 0. Pwned. So good.


By the way, Happy (belated or early) Birthday Gael...I'm not sure where in the Leo spectrum you fall but I hope you enjoyed it or you do enjoy your birthday and I wish you many more 🍾🥂🍰🎂...


I can take that as a rave review, then? Because right now I have the choose between listening to this audio or earning continuing professional development credits as part of my job, and I must say that reading about the management of functional constipation and irritable bowel syndrome can be quite riveting. 🤓 <br><br>But I trust you, Madeline, so I'll see what Professor Gael is covering in his lecture.


Why didn't I get any hot profs at my school!? Now I feel duped :( Brilliant audio as always! Spanking is not my cup of tea so I could have gone without that, but the rest was phenomenal~ I think my favorite part was honestly the build-up in the first half, especially hearing a flustered Gael try to lecture. It was cute and funny but also sexy, all wrapped up in one fantastic package :)


Well, that was different! The frantic pace of it! And the word choices were quite different.. I want to say 'raw'? Lots of surprises in this one 🌡🔥🔥 Welcome back! I missed you! 😂😙


Love this!!!!


I wish I could listen to these more often. My life kind of sucks right now and listening to these helps me get through the day sometimes. It takes my mind off of things. Plus they help when I'm lonely af. Life kind of caught up to me though so I'm so behind. I feel like I can't even connect to the community on here because of it. Thanks for making these though. They are awesome :)


Can I be teacher's pet?😍I am feeling absolutely mind blown right now, because this is one of my top fantasies of all time- being disciplined by the professor, then taken on his desk. I hadn't dared to dream I would ever hear it told as only you can, with your sexy, silky voice. The lead up in class made the scenario feel quite immersive, so getting wrapped up in the story was even easier. I loved this so, so much. Hot as blazes.🔥🔥🔥💋💋💋❤❤❤


Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that things are rough for you, Savannah 😟 Don't worry about being behind - I'm sure we'd all be glad to talk about any audio you want, and it's not like these audios are going anywhere anytime soon (they are, I'm sure l, immortalized in Angie's master archives 😜). Sometimes life can take the front seat for a long time, but make sure you send it to the back seat every now and then so that you can de-stress and recharge those batteries 🙂


Doctimus Prime - You're right and thank you :)


Hi all!!! I didnt even listen to this yet and I'm already in love with it!


😂😂😂😂 I burst out laughing at 3:56 and I had to stop myself. Lmao 😂😂😂


I had a professor's aide in Spanish during college ... Le sigh. This makes me think of him. He was "muy caliente" - I certainly paid attention in that course but not as much to the teacher as I could have xDDD


Hot stuff! Sheeeeet!


A+ Professor Gael? I think I love him.


OKAY, STOP THE DAMN PRESSES!!!! I'm only in a little over 10 minutes and needed to stop for a second. There is some extra bass, sexiness and dirtiness in your voice starting at the 10:10 mark! Good Gawd....cover me I'm going back in! UPDATE: HOTTTTTT 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 I would say my panties are on fire but they're too 💦💦💦


Just got back from shopping. It was just as I suspected it wold be 8-0 I have a Broncos game to watch...hold on...BRB....So I had to go in the bathroom and get a spider for a screaming girl, my goodness!! Anyway...I'm going to save this for later. But I'm reading all of your comments..and I'm very intrigued. I'm usually not drawn to the 'punishment' audios but I'll give this a go! I want to hear the differences in his voice that you guys are gushing over. So I will set up office hours for later on tonight! Enjoy guys!


Welp, here's something else I can add to my list of Things That I Totally Wish Would Happen In My Office But Will Probably Never, Ever Happen In My Office 😲<br><br>I know a few of us ladies talked about the crushes we had on our profs during our university years - there's just something sexy about well-educated men in positions of authority 🤓 I can't say that my fantasies about my organic chemistry prof were ever this intensely erotic, but it did make me a bit wistful for my days as a uni student 😝 I'm guessing that this included some of the ideas from the Ideas for Audios thread, including the part about <b>[SPOILER]</b> the listener essentially taking a shot of man juice. I'm personally ambivalent when it comes to that sort of thing having never done it before myself, but I imagine that it's potentially one of those "you either love it or hate it" things for several people. Given that there's people on both ends of the spectrum, I thought this was handled well in the audio - it was included (last I checked, I think this idea had almost 20 likes), but I don't think it was described to such a degree that it would be a total turn off for many people. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect at the end. Part of me wondered whether it would be more of a <i>"Well, we both got what we wanted, so why don't you just go to your next class and I'll go grade some tests"</i> sort of deal, but I'm glad that wasn't the case. Even if there was a "it's purely about sex and the thrill of trying not to get caught, and nothing more" dynamic between the characters (which I suppose there could've been, depending on what's your preferred interpretation of the audio), I thought the ending was sweet. Like, I got the sense that Gael's character actually cared about the listener's character as a person, rather than just the <i>hit and quit it, fuck it and chuck it</i> dynamic you often see on TV or even hear in other artists' audios. Not that there's anything wrong with that dynamic if that's what floats a person's boat, but I guess it's just something I'm not too keen on myself. <b>Overall verdict:</b> This audio was much, <b><i>much</i></b> more fun than reading about the management of IBS and chronic functional constipation (and you know <i>that</i> shit's important since these conditions affect 14% of people globally!) 🤓 So good call, Madeline, and nicely done, Gael! 👍


Yeh the part about holding her in his arms forever made me sigh xD

Rachel Baird

Glad to have you back. You were missed by a very lonely, sad, and depressed girl. Ready....set....listen...😏


Interest is peaked! But I have to wait till later! Dagnabbit!😔


Lol 😂 "tink". I love how he can't say his "H's"


Makes me want to go back to school - damn! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Love the ending, both where you came and how you handled after. Class act (that wasn't meant to be a pun! 😂) ❤️💋


There were a couple of times where he moaned and his voice got super deep which I didn't realize was a thing I found sexy but omg was it ever. Lol. Gael, when your voice gets deep it's really hot! Also, the ending where you cuddled and called her amazing (heaven). And the whole "you went too far" and "crossed the line this time". Hot. Lol. This took me by surprise. Lol. Now I must listen again. 😅😂😅 PS play guitar for us, damnit! 😂


You chose the Broncos game over this audio? It's like I don't even know you at all, Elaine 😧 <br><br><i>...plus I can think of balls that are much more interesting than this one:</i> 🏈


WTF! At the 9 minute mark and forward I think I stepped into the fucking MATRIX!!! This man just channeled my inner secret FREAK!! Knocked this one out of the PARK! His voice in this was...oooooo!! Fuck it... I'm going back in!! Holla!!✌️😎


"You are gonna be my fucking sex toy, you're gonna do anything I want". Umm... yeah pretty much.


This doggone website...keeps eating my comments! *sigh* One more time... Funny enough, I was actually interested in the lecture at the beginning XD But when the good stuff began... Wow. Hoo boy, uh...yeah. I got a tiny shiver when he wanted to speak to "her" after class. I love that deep, commanding voice! And all those growls (the Leo in him was loud and proud in this one!) And I'm so glad I saw Tara's comment before listening because, my goodness, I was NOT ready for 9:48 - 9:52! And then, around the 13:56 mark, this happened... Me: Please don't do the tongue sounds, please don't do the tongue sounds, not the tongue sounds, please...! *Gael does the tongue sounds* *I almost fall out of my chair and barely squeak out 'Holy shhhhh...!'* Also, as the listener being put into "her" shoes, when I listen to these audios, I have felt sexy, desired, wanted, like a freaking queen or goddess, etc. But this was one of the few that made me feel naughty and dirty. Like, actually naughty and dirty, like I was being a 'bad girl' (being "punished" for "misbehaving"). But the ending really surprised me. Like Doc said, I was expecting him to send "her" away right afterward, saying 'I'll see you in class', like most other teacher/student fantasies have gone, but that bit of aftercare when he held "her" was very nice. It made me think, 'Wow... So "she's" <i>not</i> just a sex toy to him.' Not bad at all, Gael! I kind of liked this one. If I ever want to feel like a 'bad girl', this will be one of my go-to audios!


Ok Sir! I learned 3 words....Oh My Lawd!😉😊💕


Yay! A teacher audio – been waiting for this one for a while! I wasn’t sure what to expect when you hinted at one coming the other day – were you going to be the student or the teacher? I was very happy you were the teacher in this one. Being a teacher, I have to comment on a few teachery things. First, the slide projector – I loved this! Can I just say that I miss slides? There is something about real film projected on a screen that is so much better than a PowerPoint. As a sound effect, this is far better than a computer because who wants to hear the click of the mouse? The hum of the projector, the satisfying “clunk” of the slides advancing, was much more interesting to listen to. Second, the phone. Shame on Professor Gael for not having his phone silenced or, at the very least, his notifications turned off. Now you know what I go through when you post audios while I am in class. I always keep my phone silenced now, but the day I got my PA several months ago, the notification for my email went off in class, mid lecture. I checked it at a moment when my kids were working and saw that my PA had arrived. I was a grinning mess after that – don’t know whether or not my kids learned anything as I was wondering what was on my PA. So, I have no sympathy for Professor Gael’s predicament! LOL Being a student, I loved this scenario! The teacher-student role play can be overdone at times, I think, but this one seemed fresh and new to me. I know I’ve commented here before about having crushes on professors and fantasizing about a tryst after class. For me, it was always older professors, men whom I found fascinating to listen to and learn from. There is something about the forbidden nature of that fantasized moment that just makes it that much more exciting (and, you were absolutely right about the possibility – nay, probability – of him losing his job if this relationship were discovered). The moment you created between these two was so sexy and satisfying – the way your voice shifted from nervous Professor Gael to Alpha Gael, the control of the situation that you took, and even the “punishment,” which to me seemed more playful than hurtful, all worked seamlessly together to create something sexually charged as well as somewhat romantic. The ending is so sweet, showing that there is, hopefully, a future here (I’m going to assume she is really a good girl who is not trying to just raise her grade). Very nicely done, as always, Sir Gael! From the story, to the great use and mixing of the sounds, I found this to be a very enjoyable experience. Now, when can the tables be turned and she becomes the teacher and you the student? (Unless, of course, you have already done one I haven’t heard, in which case, Cat always sends me the audios that I missed. LOL)


Oh, and one other thing I neglected to mention. I don't know what you do in real life, but have you ever thought about lecturing? You have a wonderful way with telling stories and your pacing is quite good. I would bet you could hold a class in the palm of your hand quite easily if you tried. Just saying....


He could hold plenty in the palm of his hand if he wanted to😍. I don't think there is one where he is the student. I'm sure there will be though. It's only right.


Indeed Amy, he would be great at lecturing but I can guarantee that if he ended up teaching anything, the swoon factor by the students would be off the charts!!! Van Halen comes to mind..."Hot for Teacher"!😍


Ok...Whooo!...Damn...Let me just...(shivers-and I haven't even put this to good use yet)..Ok..here it is. Let me get this out of the way. Not a huge fan of the spanking for punishment. There it is. OK, loved the lesson at the beginning. Loved the 'cock' and 'he wanted to cum' flubs. That deep voice, Gael! I don't think you know what that does to one's 'quiver center.' And how you sounded frustrated...a little bit peeved was kinda hot, Gael! That was new and I liked it! I would love to "distract the fuck out of you!" The urgency in your voice and breathing undoubtedly ratcheted up the arousal. Now while I don't like punishment I do love the dominance! Being told to get on my knees, open your pants...Shit! And then you said..."put your hands on my thighs, yeah, put your hands on my big thighs..." O...M...G..Big thighs are my weakness! I could have "finished" right there (if I was doing what I plan on doing later) And then you said "tongue that fucking cock head" in that voice! UNDONE! Do you hear me? I loved how you can hear the exertion in your voice when you lifted her and when you scooted her closer. The pussy licking was exceptional! I usually can't get ito it but this session seemed more visceral, like you needed to lick that pussy and that was sexy! Then the fucking...Oh Fuck! The way you described how wet she was..priceless. And now, we finally get to taste you. "Sucking the cum right out of your cock...?" Boom goes the dynamite!!! Fuck me!! (PLEASE) The hottest, erotic, ending...Dayum!! You just continue to amaze, astound, arouse, ascend!!! Thank 'the fuck out of' you, Gael!!! Welcome home!!!


That's it! I'm going back to college! Professor Gael can rock my world any day, I mean EVERY day! Holy damn! The growls, the authority in your voice, everything was outstanding! Now, when are you going to be the student? Hmmmm? I wanna see(hear) Gael hot for teacher!!!!


Horrendous lecture. Good sex. Hope you don't slip into audio mode and describe everything when you're actually fucking.


Omg You mean you don't want to hear lectures on mythology? I give them during sex.. Nothing turns a woman on more let me tell ya 😜


You can find me in the library if ya need me... 😜😂😂😂


Were you all like 'let's dance' In your mind while looking at him?? 😜


I think people are beginning to see where the next Audio-book is going 😂❤️


Hiya Phyllis Thank you! I am a little disappointed that I have a head cold but I'm happy at the same time that I got this done Yay! I can't wait to work on the recent ideas thread 😍


Elaine! YES!! There is no number on the Richter Scale to define my"QUIVER CENTER" when I heard this!! ❤️ Aftershocks keep on coming!!!


Runnin' and erotic is a bad idea! I had many an incident Nina 😂


Finished shopping. My Broncos beat the 49ers and I finally got to spend some "quality time" with this audio. Hot ending to a pretty good day..well it's 3am...so explosive start to a new day! xP


Haha I play a little piano.. very badly too Imma utilise it in an audio soon Ya like that idea? Thank you Cin ❤️


Awww honey You can't be lonely when you've got us! We are here to lift your spirits and show you how amazing you are!!! Happy Sunday Rachel!


Soooo when is Teacher Appreciation Day?! 🤔 Hmmm? Just asking because I'm sure we have "GIFTS" to show our appreciation for your instruction Sir!


Why Patreon eating comments? It's disappointing!!!!


Sign me up to Professor Gael's classes any and every day! *fans self* Best thing to come home to.


It is What I do is copy mine first and if they are digested I regurgitate them again 😂


Gael! I'm a history major, so this makes it so easy to picture!!!!!


Hey, Gael! I loved how you tried to keep your cool in class and then unleashed your urges in the back room. Oh my gosh... Your voice sounded so excited and eager; it was so hot! Fave lines: "You know I like it like that" and "You are gonna get fucked on my desk." AND that finish, spectacular! ❤💋❤💋❤


Heya 👋🏻 Good morning 😝 So I finally had a chance to listen to this audio. All I can say is daaaaaamn... 😈 This is actually one of my fantasies. Being wanted, eaten out and fucked by a sexy professor 😛 The audios where you eat out the listener always make me so wet. Especially when I picture you doing the things you're doing to the listener, to me. When you say "feel my mouth around your clit," I picture you doing that to me. When you say "feel me tongue fuck your pussy," I picture you doing that to me and it always gets me so wet 🤤😍🔥 I'm getting turned on again just thinking about it. Looks like it's time for round two 😈🔥 Very sexy audio. Me likey 😈


Been waiting all night to listen, just finished work and a friend calls.."want to grab some breakfast?" Nope! Sorry I have a lecture to attend! Ah hell, I guess I shouldn't blow off a real friend for hot sex with an imaginary professor.. *sigh*


Sure you should. At least for 25 min. Then go to breakfast.

Rachel Baird

Your voice is fantastic, Gael. Your accent is sooooo sexy. I love accents. I would give anything to have a sexy accent like that😘😘😘😘

Rachel Baird

Please don't say that!

Rachel Baird

It breaks my ❤️😭


Yes!! I would love to participate in this particular holliday. Aren't you suppose to give a teacher an apple? Well I don't have one at the moment but I got something you could drop in some "apple"-bottom jeans. That's close right?


Delicious as usual! &lt;3 I really love the extra effort you put into adding sound effects. I love the classroom sounds, the giggling students, the hallway sounds, etc. It really adds a whole new dimension and makes it feel more real. I think this is just one small thing, of many, that sets your work apart from others. Also, I love the audios where you mention that you are uncut. ;-) SO yummy!


I wonder if he hasss a lecture about the copulatory behaviour of mythical sscaly creaturesss...


Well DAYUM. That was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!! Bravo, Sir 👏🏽👏🏽


Now that Marcie Renee mentioned it, that is one thing I've always wondered about - the part about being uncut.<br><br>I know we're never given detailed descriptions about what the character of Gael looks like because he can essentially look like whoever you want. Descriptions like "big arms" and "big thighs" are fairly non-specific, so I can't imagine them really interfering with what a listener might picture in their mind's eye when they listen to an audio. From an anatomical standpoint, there certainly isn't a huge difference between circumcised and uncircumcised tallywhackers. And as far as sexual preferences go, both are fine by me and any general sexy fantasies I do have tend not to get <i>that</i> detailed, anyway 😝 So I'm not bothered if an audio artist describes his manrocket as being cut or uncut, but what do the rest of you folks think? Do you find hearing the description of a character being uncut (or cut) interferes/improves/or is irrelevant to the fantasy? I think the only time Gael maybe got a little <i>too</i> detailed in his description of his character was the audio when he refers to his "blue eyes" (I think it was the Sensual Sunday Morning one on YT?). Given the avatars he uses on Patreon, Twitter, and YouTube, I'm sure most listeners go into the audio knowing that it was <i>made</i> by someone with blue eyes, but it's still easy enough to envision an individual with a different eye colour while they're listening, if that's what they want. But if I was listening to Sensual Sunday Morning having no clue whatsoever about what Gael looks like, and then I heard him actually mention having blue eyes in the audio, I think I would be a bit taken aback, even if just for a couple of moments. I speculate that that may be why there aren't any other audios (as far as I know of) that are as detailed, which is probably for the best. (And for the record, I think all eye colours are sexy, except for when someone's sclera turn yellow, red, or black, giving them the jaundiced, vampiric, or demonic look respectively. That's when you know it's time to see your local ophthalmologist and/or priest to get that shit checked out 😱)


Hey, Doctimus! Happy Sunday 😎 To answer your question about a man being cut or uncut, I think when Gael mentions him being uncut, I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I think it's sexy when he mentions that. It just makes the pleasure much more intense for me, and it's already intense enough without mentioning he's uncut. But when he says something like "feel that uncut (for lack of a better word - I'm just saying what he says in his audios 😅) cock moving deep inside you," that just makes the pleasure much more intense for me 😍 Makes me wet just thinking about it 🙈 And I know this is a judgement free zone, but I still feel like I have to say "please don't judge me for thinking him saying he's uncut is sexy" 🙈 I personally love that he mentioned he has blue eyes. Blue eyes are just so mesmerizing to look at. I've always loved blue eyes 😍 When I meet someone for the first time, it's always their eyes that get my attention first. There's this thing that Ed Sheeran said once, "Granny Sheeran told me when I'm looking for a partner, to fall in love with their eyes, because eyes are the only things that don't age, so if you fall in love with their eyes, you'll be in love forever." I think that's the sweetest thing ever. And I'm one of those people that thinks people's eyes catch my attention. I love blue eyes, brown eyes and green eyes on men and women They're so pretty ❤️ And are you a fan of Supernatural? The "yellow, red and black eye" thing reminded me of the yellow eyed demon, Crowley with the red eyes, (being the king of hell and all that 😝) and black being demon eyes. That's pretty cool if you are also a fan of Supernatural 😁


fuck yeah, that's what I was talking about in the suggestions post: storytelling! I just love to get into the fantasy and the situations you create. I just loved the lecture part, I found myself looking around like I did in my uni classes (the pen-biting part made me blush because I used to do it ALL THE TIME!) The professor/student scenario is so tempting by the way, I'm so grateful my professors weren't as hot as you are sir, cause I would have been a bad girl! Happy belated birthday Gael, I hope you passed a wonderful day! &lt;3


Ohhhh, that was so worth waiting and building the anticipation, this scenario is one of my favs and you knocked it out of the park. The lecture part was sooo cute, and creative. I love when you spin us a tale. That dark, hot, totally in charge voice of yours when you pulled her aside 🔥🔥😩. Oral and fingering, yes!!! Finishing in her mouth, yes!!! Well done prof, well done.


Decided to save it for later because...guess what?!I was studying a little( yup 😲 gotta keep that head full ya know,even on vacay) What a coincidence... And I have to say... It was pure torture but it was worth the wait😁 1. The INTRO and the sounds in the background:YES!I LOVE when you create the scene like this ,I am diving into the story even more❤Ended up laughing ma' ass off when you lost control in front of your students ... 2.Freudian slips,uh? mmmh ...Well...Keep making these slips Monsieur Gael... it's so funny AND HELLA seXXXy🔥🔥🔥!!! Wonderful audio ~well done Pr.G💋. @Doctimus Prime : well I really don't mind the description because I can "Feel "what he's doing to me ...hum to my ears..which is such a turn on. I have to admit that in this one, I felt like there was lots of descriptions and DAYUM! THat was hot🔥. When i am listening I don't picture anyone else BUT that sexy Irish Man,Pr,Boyfriend,etc. (or now that i remember : maybe my ex-neighbour? (who was hella hot btw) Well ...not anymore .lmao.it was at the begining and fun fact Gael himself ,is 100 times sexier :Irish voice Power😈😅 )... My imagination is on fire when he does it. Ps :I have doubts here...Gael's eyes are blue in rl ? He never really mentioned it so i am verrrrrrrry curious..is it really his eyes picture?? (dumb question i think...sorry,need some curriosity affirmations here😈😈)


i was so into this but oh gosh, the immature side of me ended up coming out. i couldn't help but laugh when you said "i'm gonna stretch my pussy out" around 17:32, even though i knew what you meant. it sounded like you were talking about yourself 🙈😂


Don't worry, Hannah - my inner 12-year-old laughs at all sorts of likely inappropriate times during Gael's audios 😝 He might be saying a completely benign or really sexy thing, and it'll make me think of something funny, or my mind will turn it upside down into something humorous. The important part is that you're enjoying the audios - <i>how</i> you enjoy them is entirely up to you, and I don't think there's a right or wrong way to do that 🙂


I'm pretty sure the eyes picture is actually him. (Or in the unlikely event that it isn't, he's at least been consistent about posting pictures of the same not-actually-Gael person. Which would admirable in terms of dedication, but otherwise somewhat odd 🤔)


Ok so super embarrassing but I have to share because I can't stop laughing at myself now. So last night while listening to this I may or may not have strained my shoulder. Without going into much detail as to how that happened (😬) I'm a fucking disaster and honestly it doesn't surprise me 😂 So anyways this morning it got worse because as I was getting ready for a family event I had to manage to keep a straight face while making up some totally bullshit excuse when my mom asked why I kept wincing as I was curling my hair. Gosh mom idk I guess I slept weird and my arm is sore?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ As soon as she left I almost burst out laughing. Anyways yeah super awkward but I had to share hahaha. Hope it makes someone else laugh as much as I have. God I'm a mess 😂


Wow, y'all been busy in here! I only just got to listen.... So, this was🔥🔥🔥 Yeah, pretty much what everyone else said. 👌🏻👍🏻 And, I found this very interesting as a professor myself, because while I have never been distracted in this way by a student (thank heavens! 😳) my husband has sat in on a couple of my classes over the years, and every time I turn into a stuttering, blushing mess, even though he's doing nothing at all to "tease" me (except be his usual handsome self). He thinks it's hilarious. 🙄😂 So I really liked the sweet ending and the idea that she is not just another student, but that she is in a relationship with you, maybe just sitting in for the day. Makes me wish I had a single office instead of a shared one for the next time hubs comes to watch me teach. 😉 And, just by the way, I was super into your "lecture" at the beginning! You were really engaging--you could totally teach if you wanted to. Though I imagine you'd be like Indiana Jones, having to sneak out his office window to escape the throngs of undergrads who were desperate for some of his "extra credit" 😂 And on that note, I'm going to bed, because (fittingly) tomorrow is my first day back to school, and I've got to get some beauty rest before I meet my new batch of students for the semester. 😁 Goodnight, all! 💋


Well, I've found out that Gael ordering me to do things and laughing while doing it is a MAGICAL combination. Wow.


Oh my goodness, how funny! 😂 I'm sure there are many lovelies who have experienced Gael-induced injuries; you are not alone! 😁


Angry/annoyed Gael really does something for me too.


Well, good luck lovely Laura for the next time your husband visits you during a lecture...I think this audio may come to mind, and it will be blush central all up in your face. 😙


Oh. My. Oh. Damn. 21:00: Gael: "I'm going to stuff your...." ME: **cums hard af and without warning, and can't even finish the audio.** Looking forward to trying again tonight. God loves a trier :)


Girl. Spontaneous orgasms. It's why I can't leave this place.


Just out of personal preference, it all seems too rushed! Like its on fast forward... I prefer things to happen slowly, a huge build up.. the kissing and stuff is far to fast for my liking.. BUT, thats just one girls opinion.. Im sure a lot of others would disagree with me and love this!


How did I miss it the 1st and 2nd time around... Did he really say "stuff your PANTIES in your mouth"??!!! Had to replay that like 8 times!!!! 💦💦👅👅


Um Gael I don't mind you plucking ideas right out of my head but I would appreciate it if you let me know before you go spelunking in there, it's a tad dark sometimes. But to be more serious 10/10 thank you sir this was every bit the professor/student fantasy I've had. You're magic, honey.


Is it weird that I was actually enjoying the lecture and wanted it to go on longer? I just loved Professor Gael's very engaging tone, and interesting and fun way at delivering info! 😍👨🏻‍🏫👍! Also this audio is extremely hot, sexy and different! How your voice kept going deeper throughout and at perfect and unexpected times, and those sexy laughs...just perfect!! Definitely a new favorite! 🔥❤️🔥❤️


I've never hit replay so much listening to an audio until this one. 😂😍😍😍


I finally got to listen to this one and I gotta say holy smokes! That was insanely hot 🔥🔥 Annoyed Gael telling me what to do in between all those mischievous laughs. Yes please! Give me more 😍 If this is what our fantasies do to you, why didnt you ask us earlier? 😂 Brb I need to change my panties (y'know...the ones you stuffed in my mouth? 👄) 😘


Great work, as always, and H O T (as always). Gael, unlike some audio artists, you EARN every cent contributed. Thank you so much.


I would never miss this class if its Professor Gael that's going to give me a lecture. Honestly tho, I freaking enjoyed the lecture soooo much!


I'm digging the lecture part too. Accent thick. Love how you say giant.




My new favorite &lt;3 I've had a student/teacher fantasy for a looong time


God man control you breathing


This is easily my favorite 😍