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Hello Lovelies!!

I am back on my feet, feeling good!   Thank you for all the well wishes and craic!  I'm so excited to be back in front of a mic!!

The draw this week will be 2 people to make sure my voice is in good condition, but I plan to increase the number again very soon!

Our winners this week are:

♦ Catherine (Cat!)

♦ Agitated Orphan!



(Man-Flu survivor)




Welcome back, luv 😘


So good to hear you're feeling much better🖤 No rest for the wicked 😈


So glad you're feeling better! ❤️☺️


...and congrats, ladies 💛

Jasmine sanfi

So glad you are good Gael.Now it's time to be back in the game.Take care and have a good week.A big hug from Italy 💙


Brave man! Surviving the man flu!


Yay for being a survivor and not a victim! :P Congrats loves!


congrats to the draw winners! and welcome back Gael, looking forward to hearing new audios from you 😉 I'm glad you're feeling better love ❤️❤️


I don't know if I'm more excited that you're feeling better or cause the game of thrones finale is on tonight. Both cause tingling in the lady parts so it's very confusing. Lol

Gri (Sassy_One)

Hey, ya! LOVE the pic. Is it a warning on things to come? 😏


so happy to know you're back on track! ;) have fun with that mic <3


Well done winners 😂😂and I'm glad you're feeling better, any husky voice now is on purpose then💕💕


So happy to hear you're better! I don't know what we'd do if you hadn't survived! 😉


Whoooo Happy to hear that G 💛!🌺🌺🌴 what a Survivor🏅! Congrats Lovelies💜💛!!!!


Omg that picture! Happy you are back and feeling good 💚 Gonna miss that sexy rasp in your voice 😜 Congratulations girls!


Glad to hear you are feeling better! Congrats to the lucky ladies!!


💖 So good to hear you're back on top, Gael...which is where I prefer you to be! 😜So much yes, please to that pic! 💋 Well dear Cat, you wanted him to come play with you. Apparently wishes do come true!! Congratulations to Cat and Agitated Orphan!


Happy to hear you are feeling better. You had me worried for a little while


Congratulations ladies!


Yay! A healthy Gael is a happy Gael, and that makes for some happy Sirens too!


Congratulations Ladies! Gael, so happy you survived the man-flu and are back! ❤️❤️❤️💋😘😀


Congratulations ladies! Yay for us having healthy Gael back! Glad you're feeling better. ❤


Glad to hear you made it through that dreaded man flu! ☺️Congrats ladies!


Congrats ladies!! Enjoy all that you can handle!!! Let your fantasies run wild!! If anyone can catch them, it's Gael!!! Gael so glad you're on the up and up!! I know the Man Flu is near terminal! So glad you pulled through!! Great pic by the way!!




Hey ladies! Does anyone else find hands arms and (ahem) other parts of the male anatomy sexy as hell when it's all veiny and stuff? For me that just signifies a strong male with intense virility!! I can just see myself mapping each and every one of them with my fingers, tongue, and (muffled word)...Daaa-yum!!! I just love it! Look...look at his hands..wooo!!


Yay! It's wonderful news to hear you're feeling better Gael!😄Now, this makes me happy. Kisses ❤. Xoxo


Ooo oooo me! Me! ✋I'm a hands, arms, and back girl!! There's just something about them!!


Excited that you're 100! Congrats ladies! Enjoy!


Guess who's back...back again....Seanie sry I mean Gael is back....tell a friend!!! Congratulations sweet ladies🍾


😂 Why not both? 😉 But honestly rn I'm more excited for Game of Thrones. 😂 (Sorry, Gael.)


A week off work and a PA? Yay!


Yay! You've beaten man-flu once again!


Wow! What a pic! 😊 Welcome back GForce😊


We literally brought him back to life😂😂 #twittergifs


I'm glad you're feeling better


So happy to hear you are on the mend Gael and a Man-Flu Survivor!! I just told hubby about an hour ago that I think I am getting a cold. Sneezing, sinuses draining which is irritating my throat and making me sick to my stomach. I told him it was probably YOUR fault for sending your Croatia cooties through the computer. bahahaha I did hear that the new flu shots for this winter have an ingredient to fight the Michigan strain (WOW we have our very own strain of the flu here!!!). Not something we necessarily want to be known for. Anyway, it's nice to hear your voice again. Oh and Congratulations Cat and Agitated Orphan!

Monique (Mimzz)

Nice to hear from you again sweets! Continue to get well soon and congrats to the draw winners! I cannot wait for my draw win 😜


Guten Morgen sweet Sirens. A nice Montag - Monday to everyone! It´s a warm, quiet night... a soft breeze... hmm. I love the smell of autumn... plums and hay, warm rocks, a hint of muddy pond... Yesterday I picked my Zwetschgen - plums and preserved them. They are really good this year, so tasssty and sweet! :) I´m too lazy tonight for Fragen... one of you Fraugen has to come up with some, bitte. Danke my dears... bis später XD


Good to have you back, G! And congrats, girls! :D


Glad to hear you survived the dreaded man flu, Gael. :P Can't wait to hear what you have in store for us.


Guten Nacht Claudia! It's still Sunday where I am. Hmmm Fragen fragen fragen. What is your favorite color? What is your favorite past Halloween costume? What is your favorite sports team (American football is starting soon. War Eagle!) ? Are you excited about the holidays? Or do they stress you out? Do you have a B.O.B (s)(battery operated boyfriend)? What's your favorite one?


Congratulations, ladies! I don't have to tell you what a great time you will have with your PAs -- enjoy! And I am so happy you are feeling better, G, and that you get to be the "man with the mic" again. Pace yourself now, busy bee -- no one wants to see you go through Man Flu Part III: the Return of the Killer Cough.


Oh no 😧 If you are coming down with a cold, I hope it passes quickly, Marcia! And thanks for pointing out that tidbit about the flu shot, which <b>everyone should get</b> (provided they have no contraindications) in preparation for the 2018 flu season ☝️🤒


I swear, I've not met Gael nor have I shared any snogging outside of my dreams....so how did I get his man flu? Coughing like crazy, and my voice is a wreck. Poor Gael, I feel your pain, glad you're on the mend.


He's invaded our brains!! Not only is he picking out our deepest desires, he's leaving his mark and giving us his man flu germs!! :(


I hope you ladies have lots of fun with your PAs! I know how much fun they can be 😜 I actually won mine several months ago...but then my laptop crashed, I had deleted the email and didn't have it saved on any flash drives, so I thought it was gone forever. Luckily Gael came to my rescue tonight and re-sent it. Time to catch up with an old friend 😜


I have mine saved on a memory stick so if my laptop crashes, I won't lose it.


So glad you're feeling better! 😘 Congratulations, girls! 🎉 Happy start of the new week to you all💕


Welcome back! (....So long, 'Barry 😕') Hehe! Ummmmm, can we take a minute to talk about this picture? That little line of hair from the belly button? Omfg. And the bulge. I saw comments about hands and veins above, and nobody mentions these two things? Wth? That 'Maybe hair' (may be chest hair/ may be pubic hair)... 👅💋💦. K, I need to start my Monday now. Thanks a lot.


Other than he is a "Man-Flu Survivor" . Gael also survived being eaten as a snack by our Queen Lizard (again). XD


Glad you're feeling better Gael :)


The slippery langer recovered too quickly! I even had a sssexy, juicy crew. willing to help me with my erotic/torturous quessstioning :( One day I will dine on hisss tasty flesh and sssuck on his bonesss!...


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a beautiful Dienstag - Tuesday!? I made some little Baldrian - valerian stuffed toys for the kittens... too cute how they cuddle and slobber on them! Awww... Some freshly picked daily Fragen for the Fraugen... What is your favorite summer activity? What is your favorite movie Zitat - quote? What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Where is the worst Platz - place you could get stuck? How many Bücher - books have you read so far this year? When I dance, I look like…? Enough for today, danke for your answers my dears... see you XD


Good evening, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy Gaelandian Fraugen! Happy almost Tuesday to you. Your kittens are very lucky to have you and your homemade toys – maybe they will thank you with another gift. LOL The weather here is lovely, very cool with a hint of fall in the air. Soon, the leaves will begin to change and fall will be here – perfect camping and hiking weather! Here are the answers to your freshly picked Fragen: Summer activity: I’m not much for summer activities as I don’t do too well in the heat. I do enjoy going to the beach and spending time at the local pool. My favorite of all, though, is being off of school for the summer. Favorite movie quote: “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.” First thing in the morning: After I hit snooze on my alarm three times, I get up to take a shower. Worst place to be stuck: I hate to be stuck in traffic, even though I love my car and have a great radio. I just hate sitting still in my car when I would rather be moving and getting where I want to go. Number of books: I read twelve books during my last semester in grad school this year. I hate to say I haven’t read a book this summer – taking a break! Need to remedy that now. When I dance, I look like: a Weeble-wobble! I enjoy dancing, but I am really terrible at it. No coordination whatsoever, coupled with really bad balance and no rhythm. Have a lovely day, everyone!


Hi Frau, Hi lovely ladies! I am home again. I spent 2 weeks in my second home in Sweden, with the parents of my best friend. I always feel so at ease, so in the right place there. As soon as I got home, I got very tired. It can't be work, because I worked very hard in Sweden too. Weird! Anyway, some answers. Summer fun: standing in the sea and feeling the waves go back and forth. What they said in the movies: 'I've always wanted to do this!' - Professor McGonagal in the last Harry Potter movie What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Grunt, mumble something obscene and wipe the cat hairs off my face. Where is the worst Platz - place you could get stuck? Eh ... a butcher shop. Yuucccckkkk. How many Bücher - books have you read so far this year? No idea. Many. When I don't fall asleep with a book in my hands, it's not a good night. Mind you, if the cutie pie from last week would be in my bed, I wouldn't mind not having any books. When I dance, I look like…? I don't know what you look like when YOU dance, Frau Claudia, but I look like a chimpanzee on steroids. You should see me belly dancing. Well, you can't because I'd close the curtains first , hahaaa.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-21 17:42:10 寝バックがいっちゃん抜けるんやから
2017-08-29 22:55:33 I KNEW IT WAS TERMINAL MAN FLU!!! Haha, but jokes aside: glad you're feeling better. :)

I KNEW IT WAS TERMINAL MAN FLU!!! Haha, but jokes aside: glad you're feeling better. :)


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A nice Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone! Yesterday I taught some students how to make a paper kiln. I love when they listen and are alert and ask useful questions. But it drives me crazy when I have to explain the same simple thing over and over again... aarrrghhh. My respect to all Lehrerinnen - teachers who don´t würgen - strangle their annoying students and throw the unconscious bodies in the Queen`s dungeons. XD The daily Fragen... for science ;) If you could win any award what would it be, why? If you could teleport where would you go? How many Schlüssel - keys do you have on your key ring? What fortune would you want to get from a Glückskeks - fortune cookie? If you could swim in any Flüssigkeit - liquid what would it be and why? Use one word to describe your computer ability? Danke my dear Fraugen... bis dann XD


Hello Claudia it's still Tuesday night here but since I'm cooped up in the house, I'll go ahead and give some answers to your Fragen😊 Paper Kiln- I would definitely pay attention if I was in that class of yours. If you could win any award what would it be, why? Probably Employee of the year - I have a bad case of presenteeism although if I am contagious or with a virus I would call in. Other than that I am always @ work. I am a workaholic. They can even call me if needed during sick time and vacation to answer questions. Sometimes when I can't finish my task @ the office, I can continue finishing it @ home when I get off🙄 If you could teleport where would you go? Spain to do some genealogical research. How many Schlüssel - keys do you have on your key ring? 5 keys-car,2 house, mailbox and office keys😊 What fortune would you want to get from a Glückskeks - fortune cookie? "Don't be afraid to smile, you never know who is falling in love with it" If you could swim in any Flüssigkeit - liquid what would it be and why? Just water😊 I can pick chocolate but that would be sticky😂 Use one word to describe your computer ability? Satisfactory😊 thank you again and have a lovely Wednesday Ladies!😘


Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gents! Please allow me to interrupt your current scrollfest for 60 seconds to deliver a completely unsolicited shameless plug, for that is how Doctimus do! One of our lovely Lovelies, Amanda, is going to write a play about emotional abuse. She's looking for people who would be willing to come together (not in the naughty way) to share their views on the topic. For more details, I'd strongly encourage everyone to check her post on the Community page. Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of whether or not you've experienced emotional abuse first hand. I know it might be a pretty heavy topic for some of us, but being able to have a non-judgemental discussion about it in a safe environment could very well be helpful and therapeutic. (Also, it's apparently okay if the conversation occasionally drifts to Gael-related topics. So consider that an incentive to participate! But the most important incentive of all is helping out one of our own, who in turn will undoubtedly help out many more people with her work 🙂) So for those of you who are so inclined, get thee to the Community page to check out Amanda's post! (And Amanda, if I've gone too far up in your business with this plug - again, not in the naughty way - just let me know and I'll delete it faster than you can say, <i>"Doctimus, this post is a 10 on the Richter Scale of Inappropriate Social Interaction!"</i>)


Whaaaaat, Doc! I'm not mad at all, just shocked and a little flattered that you would go out of your way to plug this~ I was thinking of sharing a little something in these threads after work tonight, so thank you for doing that in my stead &lt;3 And yes, if anyone is interested, please ask me any questions and/or check out the Community page for more info! I've already gotten a couple people interested, so I'm currently looking for an online platform that we can use for discussion, like a private chatroom with myself as a moderator, or something to that affect. I don't want to do it on Patreon at the risk of the thread getting eaten, or us delving into more private and/or triggering topics that we don't want others to see.


Claudia, are you sure you didn't mean paper kilt? Easy to tear off for our convenience?


You know what. I give up on writting any long comments. Patreon seems to despise every long comment I made. (Dear Your Highness, if you found my comment in Patreon stinky dungeon(again), please do not retrives it.)


I don't know if I'm correct, but it seems that phone comments get eaten more often than laptop comments. Or is that just me?


OMG 😭😭


Are you just now finding out you won the draw? 😃


Awesome! ENJOY!!!!


CONGRATS Cat and Agitated Orphan!! Much love!! Oh, and to you, too Mr. Lovely. Glad you are better!!


P.S.~ Glad you can use those imaginary knees again, too. Hehehehe!


Holy fuck I just listened to this....