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Get comfortable baby and grab your toy.  Let's get dirty together.  

Don't worry... I'll tell you exactly what you need to do....




wow...I usually can't that quickly, but that was wow


I know this was posted a few years ago but damn ☺️😳☺️


2 dirty audios in one day! Yay!!!


Why do I have to be at work right now? 😔


Perfect timing Gael, just out of the shower. It seems it's play time 😍


Yes, sir. I'll happily do whatever you'll tell me. 😁🎧❤️💋


like if I needed another excuse to buy me some sex toys! naughty boyy ahaha




Haven't listened yet but already have the tingles from the description. Damn you're good Gael.


Got ICC (involuntary coochie cringes🤣🤣) just from the title alone! Damn G!


I'm driving right now and I do not dare click on this link. I am wondering if I put my Vibe on the charger. If he says coochie I'm going to fall out and get your face though


I have never ever heard anyone cum as sexy as you do 🔥😍 Those sexy giggles at the end and the high pitched moans and growls 😩 So sexy. My legs started shaking while listening to this 😍


Kinky shit. Cum in her slutty ass mouth next time and make her suck that precum off that toy. Otherwise....I liked it. A lot.😜😝😝


I meant giggle fit not get your face I'm going to fall out in a giggle fit stupid autocorrect


I am breathless, just by the sound of your voice. The images you are able to paint in my mind, they are nothing short of divine. You are expert at channeling passion into perfectly crafted gems. This was sumptuous. 💋❤


Well looks like my Friday night plans are now sorted! 😉 Can't wait to listen to this later... 🎧


Unbelievably HOT and Sexy. 🔥💋Need this running on a loop 😜😜!!




😳❣️ Can't wait to listen!!!


oh geez, i got chills reading the caption before i even pressed play. if you knew how badly i've wanted another audio like this. i think i actually remember sending something about it to gaelforceplayroom on tumblr. have a great friday/weekend everyone, i know i will 😍😍😍


Clearly, I have only recently been on the receiving end of proper dirty talk. Amen.


You dirty man! *scoots bucket of filthy mud closer...

Gri (Sassy_One)

Sage, would you recommend that I listen to the audio?🤓 Haven't heard yet, so your honest opinion might help me decide🤔


Lol, I think your autocorrect has a good sense of humor.


See. Damn. This comment right here has sent yet another pair of panties to the laundry bin. And I haven't even gotten to the audio.


Did you..did you just suck my pussy juices off my dildo... TWICE????? O...M...G!!!!! That was the HOTTEST thing you've done to date!!!! I listened to this at lunch time and my nipples were hard for the rest of the day!!! I couldn't do anything about my 'affliction' at that time or right now, for that matter. But rest assured there will be some LAP-SLAPPIN' later on tonight!!! Damn Gael! I'd toss my panties at you if you weren't so damn far away. (That's like a standing ovation in "pussy-lingo")


Omg these are my initials lol 😂


Damn buddy, that was one hell of a ten minute ride!


I always love when early-style Gael comes out to play! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all of your work and appreciate what you are doing with sound and scenarios and feels, but sometimes it’s just fun to break away from that and revisit what made me hooked in the first place! Sometimes you don’t want to think or analyze or imagine what is happening in an audio, but just be told what to do. I tried this style from other artists early on, but I never really liked what they did. Either they were too clinical for me, created impossible Twister-style-contortion moments, or I just felt creeped-out by their language or the idea of them “watching” me. Yours were always different – instead of a watcher or an instructor, you become a “participant,” which is what sets them apart for me. And, I must say, as you’ve been doing this longer, you are getting so much better at it! The pacing, the way you involve yourself in the moment, letting the listener know you’re enjoying this, too, as well as just the play suggestions themselves make this probably one of my favorite audios to date! Well done, sir! What a wonderful way to end a very busy conference week away from home – thank goodness I didn’t have a roommate my last night so I could actually enjoy this! LOL


My apologies for this in advance, Superfriends. This comment ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be 😬 <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> I've always had difficulty playing along with JOI audios in the past - oftentimes the pace just didn't match up with where I was at, and it felt awkward to have to keep pausing or fast-forwarding the audio to try and stay in sync. That's why I usually just stick to listening to them, and I still do enjoy them provided that they're delivered well. I've heard JOI audios in the past where the artist would instruct the listener to do almost everything that I like doing myself. But I would get absolutely nothing from those audios because of the tone that the artist used. I'm not expecting to hear a flowery, guided meditation-like audio (<i>"And then as you slowly exhale, lovingly caress your clit like you would caress the petals of a rose!"</i>), but some JOI audios just sound downright mean. The artist would act as if it was his own personal peep show designed to suit <i>his</i> tastes, and he would throw around phrases like, <i>"That's it, be Daddy's fucking filthy bitch! Show me that you're the whore I know you are!"</i> I know that those are just words in a fictional scenario, and that some people are into that sort of thing, which is fine as far as preferences go. But there's nothing that makes me want to flip off a guy and not do a damned thing he says more than him being gruff and unkind when he's issuing orders. I've never heard anything like that in Gael's JOI-ish audios, which is why I enjoy listening to them even if I'm not actually following along. I know there's been some discussion about people wanting to hear more Vintage Gael, or a return to audios from the days of yore. I can't say that I was the biggest fan of his earlier work, but everyone has different tastes and I'm sure that a good many people here really loved the Literotica/SoundCloud audios. But I suppose none of us really know what he has planned next - for all we know, he might release his dirtiest, most hardcore audio to date next week 😯 Or maybe he'll release something completely new that we've never heard before. For me, that's part of the fun - not knowing what'll happen next. There are some audio artists out there who churn out the exact same audio over and over, and even if it's the kind of audio that I like, it does eventually get tiresome and I stop looking forward to the next one because it's not anything I haven't heard dozens of times before. Whereas some of Gael's recent releases have been on completely different ends of the spectrum - the hilarious shower audio where he pokes fun at himself, the intense tantric ASMR audio which was something else entirely, and the somewhat more detached Friends With Benefits audio, to name a few. Heck, the only other artist I can think of at the moment who has just as much (or possibly a bit more) variety in his audios is Cardlin. Back in 2006, one of my favourite bands released an album that had a completely different sound compared to their earlier work. A lot of fans were disgruntled with the album, and they accused the band (which was based in Europe) of selling out and changing their sound solely to try to break out onto the American music scene. Whenever the question of "What do you think of the claims that you've sold out?" came up in interviews, the band's response was basically: "What we hope our fans will understand is that we're constantly growing and evolving as artists. We've always tried out different sounds in our albums, but it just so happens that this album is probably our most different one to date. We recognize that maybe we might lose some fans over this. This saddens us, but we know that a new sound will bring new fans. Ultimately we wouldn't be happy if we weren't able to explore new ideas and be innovative with our music, and if you lose your passion for making music, then what's the point of continuing on with it?" I don't consider myself an artist, but I still understood where they were coming from. I would be appalled if someone told me that I was only allowed to work in one setting, with only one specific set of duties, for the rest of my career. Not that I don't love what I do, but how would I ever be able to learn and become better at my job if I have to do the same thing over and over again? I think it's worth pointing out that I did enjoy the band's 2006 album. I thought their 2009 album was awful (they again tried a completely different sound), but their 2012, 2014, and 2016 albums blew my mind. And each of those albums was unique in its own way. As Gael continues to diversify and explore new avenues in his audios, I'm sure there'll be audios that I won't be 100% thrilled with. That's always been the case. But I'm still excited to see what he comes up with, and I bet a lot of other ladies and gents here are as well. 😎👍


I have to admit I didn't realize J.O.I was actually a category in this genre of entertainment!😐 I honestly thought it was something Gael just came up with!!! 😄 Boy am I a Doofus! I just googled joi and saw the meaning of the acronym!! (Excuse me while I laugh at myself, shake my head and face-palm). ...Ok done.. With all artists there are going to be somethings you drool over, somethings that are just 'Meh' and things that make you say "I can't". I was not drawn to the BDSM audios. Don't get me wrong I love an alpha and dominant Gael. I don't mind having my hands restrained by other hands or a slap on the ass in the throes of ecstacy. I think it's just the "expected' roles of the participants and the "staged" setting is too controlling for me. I have personal issues with that, there. That's just me tho' For those that love it? Do yo' thang ladies! Live it! Love it! I am really diggin' the latest audios so far, tho'. I really didn't catch on to the differences in these. I really need to listen to these JOI audios again. (No..for real...well yeah for that reason..but..just hold on and read) I guess there has been no depiction of actual 'sex'. (Like I said I need to listen to them again). And it was more about the woman (what else is new, huh Gael) But for the reason of me doing me and him being extremely turned on by the act, would be the reason these are highly erotic to me. And this particular one above...Super Nova Hot!!! I have been loving these very much and look forward to the next installment!


I dont know why but when he said "get your fingers out the way"... that did it for me!! 💦💦😍😍


I knew i shouldn't have listened to it while cooking ,shut. Ended up burning 4 pancakes here....lol ,anyways that was freaking intense gael !!💦💋 and Damn ,God knows how many times I replayed 3min17 ... it was the SEXIEST "Oh FUCK !" that I've ever hearrrrd (My favourite 😍😍),Gosh 😩😩 I really need to cool down now😫😫


I learned my learned my lesson last Sunday.. cooking/Gael do not mix!!! 😂😂🚒🚒


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I thought I was tapped out after listening to several of your offerings through Amazon/Audible today. Nope. I don't even know how many orgasms I've had today between you and my husband. But I can't think of a better use for a Sunday. THANK YOU!


Didn't need a toy... Or my hands for that matter! 😉 Your voice and my imagination was sufficient (and that's NEVER happened before, in any erotic experience/scenario/ audio etc. T.Y.S.M for the J.O.I 😈😘


Hiya! I'm a newbie. Also a voice actress and formal phone sex actress, I'm in awe of you. If I ever win a drawing, you'll have to peel me off the floor.


Welcome to the community, Nathalie! What sorts of projects have you worked on as a voice actress?


I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that reading the file name phonetically makes a little too much sense...hehehe...


Who needs a toy when your deep strong voice is there❤


I Googled JOI... Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc...um, no.


Anyone know if Patreon is notified when an audio is downloaded?


You can get a notofication by mail or on your phone. Check your settings :)


Can I please have my own real life Gael? 😍😧😭😍


Either you join the ever expanding 'He is mine, for real'-club, go on Tinder, or wait till the doorbell rings and it's the man you always wanted. I wish I know how you did it. I just want a skinny nerd with a great sense of humor. Preferably colour blind because I just got my hair done and MAN it's ZZZZZINGGGG!


I just woke up and saw this and my day has been Made omg


I laughed so hard reading everyone comments x'D . Oh god. I will have a listen when I reach home. (Usually i dont follow the 'nsfw' rule, but since my earphone is not with me.... Welll DANG IT)


But my stomache is having some party I think I need to hold this audio first. X/


Oh Jay-sus I havent even heard the audio again and im all exited


Oh man.... I saw the title last week and I have been waiting patiently. I love toys and have a small collection. ;-) But I'm at work and I'm going to visit my parents right after. I might not get a chance to fully appreciate this audio till Monday. 😰


I would be hopeless in this kind of situation, I would just want to fuck


You are a gloriously dirty man, Gael. ♡♡♡


I've been out of sorts for a while, so I've put off listening to this until today... good god, man I'm glad I waited. You've never yet failed to please me but sometimes you really nail it with pacing and word choices. I expected it to be good but this was brilliant. The whole scenario, but especially "get your fingers out of the way"... so sexy and real. Love it


Add to the mind numbing orgasms tag please… you help take me over the edge on a long neglected self-care night. I appreciate your efforts as an artist, G ❤️‍🔥 you truly are one of a kind. Love your work on the Quinn app as well! 💚


So I only joined a few days ago but I've binged a whole load of Gael's audios (i mean, he is pretty addictive right?) But I made myself wait for this one. Aaand... Sweet Jesus was it worth the wait. I could fall asleep but I need to go and change my sheets and take a shower ... Fuck. That was intense.


This was posted on my birthday a month before I discovered G and his amazing work. So I’m going to take this as a late birthday gift and enjoy. 💜