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I miss you baby, but I had an idea to help us feel closer...




This is so sweet! It reminds of the sexy scene in the movie called "Her" directed by Spike Jonze when he said "I feel you here with me." This is one of my favorites! 💚


Mmmmm I miss you too 😘😘😘


Oh my "good" morning! I swear my alarm just rang! Pure sync! Have fun Gael with your trip, hugs from the other side of adriatic sea! 😘


Morning G! How's Croatia treating ya? 😊 💕💕


Good mornin! 🤗 I love it when I get goodnight presents! Are ye still melting?


Miss you too G! Did you get any tan yet? Stay cool and hydrated😂😎 those whisper tickles my ear BTW😉😂Shiver me timbers Matey!


Happy Friday to you! Can't wait to listen 💋💖


<3 everyday i hear your voice, i feel cradled in ur arms :)


❤ lovely. Hope you're having fun!


What a delicious way to bridge the distance. Shiver inducing! You made me bite my lip several times. Your breathing and moaning here was phenomenal! I could practically feel the bed shake. Your whispers, the ear switching and nuzzling, I need to catch my breath. I miss you too. ;) My God, that was sexy. 😚❤


Lol, I see what you did there, sir.


I'm sending a growl your way, love🐯 Grrrrr! Enjoy your trip😉


A TALL glass of water and a PAPER BAG are needed for this one!! 😜😜 Over here hyperventilating! ❤️ And the closer moans in the mic were a sneaky treat! Enjoy your vacation.😎




Good things come to girls who stay up past their bedtimes, I see. 😉 I felt like you were right here with me, but then I always do--that's kind of the magic of you. 💕 I especially liked the longing in your voice when you said "I miss you," and the left ear kisses. I miss you, too, darling. 😘😁 Now off to sleep. Goodnight, all. 💜

Greek Goddess

Delicious morning treat 😍🤤🤤


A quick question for those of you who have those fancy ASMR headphones 🎧 - are you still alive and if so, how close did you get to going into cardiac arrest during this audio? Asking for a fr- ah, screw it, I'm asking for my own benefit. I'm still contemplating investing in a pair myself, but holy crap, this was intense enough even with standard earbuds 😳<br><br>With audio erotica becoming more and more popular, and with more artists always springing up on YouTube, GWA, Soundgasm, etc., it's easy to lose sight of how much an audio artist really puts themselves out there for their audience. I have no idea how much, if any, of this audio was...well, not acted per se, but perhaps embellished? Like, whether this was Gael just plain going at it, or if it was more of a tantric thing, or something similarly profound. Either way, it takes a lot of courage to actually let people see (or rather, hear) something so personal that most people tend to keep it to themselves or to a very limited number of individuals. And if it's for the purpose of wanting to bring some measure of enjoyment or pleasure to others, well, that's still pretty damned brave.<br><br>So Gael, I salute you and your massive (metaphorical) balls! I'd salute your literal (or would it be figurative in this case?) <i>liathróidí</i> as well, but fortunately I have enough social awareness to recognize boundaries that shouldn't be crossed 🤓👍


I haven't even listened to about 5 min of this and had to stop because I got way too hot and bothered and my roommate was in the room. Will have to listen to the rest when I get some privacy. This boy is too much lol 😘😍


Gorgeous Doctimus, first I listened this audio then I swoon, je tombe en pâmoison... I swoon... Cet homme est exquis, this man is exquisite. Yesterday he apologised for not doing PA during his holidays and this morning he give us the most universal and amazing and intense PA of the world !!! in french we use to say : "Chapeau bas l'artiste". Just right now no need more words, I just need silence and water, a lot of water. Bisous ma chère, good friday to you !


Le manque, le désir, le plaisir...


I'm with you Doc - I experienced this audio as deeply intimate. I'd say the same for many of the others as well - the collection explores intimacy. Triggers in my brain (pysche? Soul?!) go off. It's good and I look forward to it; I am also baffled how so much can be delivered by someone unknown to me - like tapping into the universal. The man said he was gonna change the genre....


Ahh yes, what this does for me... is indescribable. But then, you do know already, right, lol? Love you!!! Muahs!! Much, MUCH needed listen right now...

Gri (Sassy_One)

Morning, G! You think we been missing ya and wanna stay close? That's lovely! Admitting you can't part from us completely!🤓😋 Sexy audio! TY for the weekend snack!!


What a nice surprise this audio was so early in the morning, I loved waking up to it. So beautiful 😍 ❤️


...😳 Those growls. Those shivery breaths... you had me doing some shivery breaths of my own 😍😍😍 So sexy 😋


okay, I listened to this. I agree with Emanuelle when she says that this could easily be a PA for someone of us. I felt the intimacy and privateness of it, and the fact that the breathing was the most relevant thing made it even more intense. (usually I'm into the "actions sounds" but I found this pretty catchy as well!) Being an owner of "ASMR headphones, I can say that I loved this! (They tounge sound killed me, I actually had to take my earphone off!)


Amen! 👏🏻


I always sit down listening to these type of audios (as a precaution), but at the 2:15 mark was where I actually had to go lay down. Then the ear nibbling and onwards; back arching, gasps and tingles aside, it was like he was laying down right behind me with one arm around my waist. So to answer your question, Doc, I came pretty freaking close to cardiac arrest with this one.


Oh my 😧 Clearly we need to design a GF audio survival kit. I'm thinking it should include bottled water, a towel, emergency panties, an extra set of earbuds, a defibrillator, and some epinephrine to be administered by IV during CPR in case a listener <i>does</i> go into cardiac arrest.<br><br>What say ye? Best idea, or bestest idea? 🤓👍


Brilliant Doc. Can I really only like this once?! How bout some dark chocolate for sustenance?


Well, chocolate <i>is</i> an aphrodisiac, after all. It could be used to help fuel Round 2 of Defying Death by Audio 🍫👍


Am I the only one that didn't love this? Seemed too far away from the microphone, and i have the good earphones. The close moments were wonderful but were only a few seconds at a time :( i prefer when Gael is all up in my ears.


*suspirando até 2057*💗


Oh my god, Gael. 😍 Those whispers...


If I was yours and you sent me this while you were away, I would jump you as soon as you came back home. Holy sweet jesus this is hot!


I believe Gael is not using 3Dio for this one right? But the whisper sounds so freakin real. -- I have one coincidence story related to this audio title. I went for a movie with my friend just now, I won't let you know what movie is it or else you will kill me due to the spoiler. In the movie, the daughter is playing hide n seek with her father. So she gave her father a note written 'Find me' on it. Then, the father went inside the house, as he went inside, there is another note laying on the floor, he picked it up, and before he opens it, Gael's notification came, I just look with one glance the audio title is 'Closer' and I look back to the movie. The father opens the note. In the note, she wrote 'Closer'. --shhhuutt upppp!!


oh how we miss you Gael, I'm listening to this again meanwhile waiting for your return! I do hope however that you're having a lot of fun during your holiday and catching some tan! i'm not that lucky when it comes to tanning, i either burn or getting no results at all XD anyway, don't forget to stay hydrated and enjoy the trip mwah!! ❤️


<i>Found you!</i><br><br><br>Ahh, that was a creepy movie 😱 I love horror movies!<br><br>Have you made your decision about a viola vs. violin?