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I forgot to announce - I will not be doing PAs while on holidays.   It'd be a nightmare to try to find quiet time to record and set up my mics, so I don't have them along with me.   

Melting in Croatia,



Hope you're all keeping well!




Hiya gorgeous! X


Enjoy your holiday ❤️❤️❤️


Have a nice holiday!

Greek Goddess

Enjoy your melting lovely 😝

Kathy M

Delegate to Seanie? Make him earn his attic keep 😄😳🤔


Gael is gelting in Groatia. I hope you are doing well and happy there. I am well packed with schedule of working here. I need Vitamin-Sea so bad too.


That's what holiday's are for 😊enjoy your time off, you have enough to worry about with Seanie hiding in the luggage 😂😂😍❤️


Lol of course you shouldn't work on your holiday! Just have a good time!


Melting eh? Now you know how we feel 🔥💛☺️


Are you seriously apologizing for NOT working on holiday? Enjoy yourself, luv! Explore, rest, recharge -- just remember sunblock and water are key!


You are melting? Nah I don't believe...I think rather those ladies from Hvar are melting, by seeing you lol


You shouldn't have to work on your holiday!!! Enjoy your summer vacation Gael. Melt away! Just like you make us melt on a regular basis☺️


Um, duh. Stay hydrated, have fun, try not to leave a trail of broken hearts.


Oh, don't worry about it, G. You're on vacation. You're supposed to have fun. Not worry 🤗 Stay hydrated 😘


Enjoy your time Gael. You spoil us so much the rest of the time. You deserve the vacation. ❤️


Enjoy your vacation! No worries😊💟

Gri (Sassy_One)

Such a drama king, you won't melt!🙄 Man up and enjoy the weather!! (Love you! Enjoy your time off! 😜)


Enjoy you're holiday


💖 Seriously Gael? We all kinda knew that was a given. Here, have a bit of advice...R-E-L-A-X 💋💋💋


So considerate, but I suspect we all knew that. 😘


Ooo, a Seanie PA. Now that could be interesting...LOL


Don't burn or drown

Kathy M

Good gawd those are my nightmare ways of dying. Get outta my head! 😳😱😂😂


Apparently I can't either. Sorry.


Enjoy yourself! No need to apologize! That is what holidays are all about...a break from work. ☺️

Kathy M

Personally I'm amusing myself picturing Gael lugging the Box O'Ears onto the plane 🤔😳😄


Melting? Welcome to my world! Stay safe and enjoy 🌞 😎😘


Everyone seems to have the "wear sunscreen and stay hydrated" bit covered, so I was racking my brain to try to think of other travel tips I could add:<br><br>1) Don't keep all your money or traveler's cheques in one location ⚠️<br><br>2) Be on the lookout for pickpockets (it doesn't matter if the target is totally ripped or 95 lbs soaking wet - those thieving hooligans will go after anyone!) ⚠️<br><br>3) If, through some hilarious mishap where something got very lost in translation, you accidentally find yourself in one of those...err, <i>special</i> bathhouses, don't drop the soap. Unless you're into that sort of thing. In which case go drop that soap like it's going out of style (but play it safe!) 🔙🔚✔️<br><br>Nah, but really, please relax, have fun, stay safe, and don't use up any of that precious, precious enerdree worrying about us. We have the Lizard Queen to hold down the fort and keep us in line!**<br><br><br><i>(**This will get my name dropped to the very bottom of your To-Eat list, right, my Queen? 🤞)</i>


@Kathy ROTFL 'Box o'Ears'


Sirens! Lovelies! Girls! Ladies! My mailbox is hungry. Please help me feed it or it will die. *snrrfff* I am referring, of course, to The Not So Secret Project. Find more here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473">https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473</a>


Very good advice Doc ( if i have the ok to call you that).... My Uncle stopped a pickpocket from occuring in Italy a few summers ago.. An older lady not paying attention.. Gotta keep them eyes open!! 👀👀


Gael....the whole point of a "holiday" or "vacation" is to NOT work. Have fun and take lots of pics for us to see when you get back. You sooo deserve this time away!! We love you!!


You're the hardest working guy I know, always working so hard *ahem* 😳for us. 😂Seriously, dude, you make us melt every day--go and do some melting of your own. 😉 We love you!! 💕


Of course not! You should be relaxing and having fun down there anyway =P Enjoy your vacation, Gael! Seriously, <i>enjoy</i> it ;)


Just to confirm, did you say earlier that I could submit a drawn picture for this project? I'm better with pictures than words, so I'm just making sure.


Of course, it would not make sense to work on a vacation...defeats the whole purpose of a vacation....so have fun and enjoy yourself!!!


As if you even had to mention it.. A holiday isn't a holiday if you're still working! Enjoy your time relaxing and be careful you don't burn whilst melting in the sun. ☀️


Hee, hee, I love the MEH's.


I heard all this comments as a love song for you beautiful artist. Respire, explore, découvre, perds toi, émerveille toi, fais de belles rencontres, amuse toi, goûte, savoure, accueille chaque émotion chaque sensation chaque pensée comme un cadeau, bois à la source de ta joie, de ta paix, de ta vie... AIME et SOIS AIMÉ Bel ami


Cayla best comment !


There isn't much content here for 1.00 tier patrons...also, didnt used to have to wait a week for newly unloaded content.


The tiers were revamped several weeks back. Gael is hoping to eventually pursue a full-time audio career, and he had to adjust the tiers accordingly in order to be able to generate income to support himself. Given the amount of time and effort he puts into these recordings, and how gracious and generous he has been the entire time, I don't think waiting an additional week is an unfair thing to ask.<br><br>Beyond having to wait that additional week and not being in draws for PAs, people in the $1 tier have access to the exact same material as the other tiers. He also had an abundance of material on YouTube and the Gaelforce Playroom. Angie has created some very helpful libraries to make accessing these audios easier, which you can find on the Community page.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears. A lovely Freitag - Friday to everyone! Weekend plans? Something... dirrrty, maybe? Well I will prepare 200kg red clay... that´s a truly dirty job. Haha... Oh and the kittens brought me a dove tonight, well half a dove. XD Right to some dirty Fragen... During sex, do you prefer to have music in the background, or for it to be be quiet? How do you feel about sex in Gruppen - groups? Have you ever not been in the Stimmung - mood, but still had sex because it made your partner happy? Would you rather watch girl on girl porn or guy on guy porn? What is your most frequent sex fantasy? Danke for your answers dirty Sirens. Bis dann... XD


Guten Abend from my end, Frau Claudia! And happy first anniversary to Gael et al! Alas, for today's Fragen I have very little way to offer in the way of answers, but I present them nonetheless: During sex, do you prefer to have music in the background, or for it to be be quiet? — I've never put on music in the background. This is mostly because it distracts me from whatever primer(s) I'm using to get myself in the mood to use my toys, and it takes long enough as it is. How do you feel about sex in Gruppen - groups? — To me, two is a "group," so not my cup of tea, lol. Have you ever not been in the Stimmung - mood, but still had sex because it made your partner happy? — Never got that far. Replace "sex" with making out, though, and yes—all the time. Would you rather watch girl on girl porn or guy on guy porn? — Tough one. Girl-on-girl, I guess. What is your most frequent sex fantasy? — Actually enjoying it? Haha. I dunno, I don't have a particular scenario or anything that always gets me going.


Apparently, from what I read above, it is/was Gaelandia's Birthday (depending on your time zone)? I am kind of bummed I only discovered this - and you all - in March this year, and missed out on so much fun. But I am very thankful for the last few months! It has been a wild ride of learning, laughing and loving (myself and you) 😉 Thankyou, To that guy 'Gael', the other guy 'Not-Gael', Seanie boi (and his elephant and hyena of course) and every single lovely in here. Now, do we get a national holiday? 🎂🎉🍾🍻💗💋 xxxx


I'm with you, Miss LJ -- I joined in March, too. Being here, though, has changed so much about me and my life, all for the better! I look forward to continuing the ride with you all!


Guten Morgen Mädls - girls. Hope everyone has a nice Samstag - Saturday!? It´s still too hot here, but the night is a truly beautiful velvety summer night...hmm. The moon is almost full, a balmy breeze... Just one thing bugs me...last week some kids from the village made some clay windchimes in my workshop. Apparently they hung them up in their yard... the jingle-jangle is driving me crazy! Well, it´s my own fault... shouldn´t have let them make something jingly. Hahaha... I have some silly Fragen... would you rather... ...be addicted to Schokolade - chocolate, work or sex? ...apply lip gloss all over your face or brush your Zähne - teeth with shoe polish? ...be sent to space with your enemy or alone? ...ride a Schwein - pig or a whale? ...have sex in the Antarctic or in Death Valley? Genug für heute, danke for your answers... bis später XD


Guten Abend from me, Frau Claudia! Well, come Samstag morning for me, my shared-garage neighbor is going to take my car to be washed. This is simultaneously sweet and an indictment against the state of my car next to their spotless Lexus. ^^; But they're doing it to treat me, which is very nice of them. Now, then, would I rather... ...be addicted to Schokolade - chocolate, work or sex? — Oh, some Schokolade, please. I'd get more done if I were addicted to work, but I'd probably have less fun. (Then again, if it's an addiction, doesn't that mean I find it fun? Hmm...) Still going with chocolate. Om nom nom. ...apply lip gloss all over your face or brush your Zähne - teeth with shoe polish? — Lip gloss on the face, definitely. Too many memories of polishing boots with socks, lol. ...be sent to space with your enemy or alone? — Allll byyyy myyyyyselllllf for sure. Do I get to pick the destination? Because there's some neat-looking exoplanets from the Kepler mission I've got in mind... ...ride a Schwein - pig or a whale? — Whale for sure. Gray whales are so friendly and curious that they come right up to boats just to see who you are. Sadly, this is how they were hunted to extinction in many parts of the world. But it means that whale-watchers get some neat encounters now! ...have sex in the Antarctic or in Death Valley? — Hmm. Antarctic, I suppose; they've got a base built down there, so there's adequate shelter and lots of science for me! Yay!


Ohh ssso quiet... tassty females? Tell me what´ ss happening in your realmsss!? Juicy scandals? Riotsss? ...Love, peace and harmony?...


It's a quiet, relaxing day in Docville, my Queen. Life is so much better when you actually have time to do things like sleep, read (for fun), exercise, watch movies, and all of the other assorted stuff I like to do.<br><br>I unfortunately gained a bit of weight during the weeks leading up to my vacation, so I need to get rid of that 😒 I'm trying to think of it as having done a stressy, dirty bulk (ate too much crap, didn't exercise enough), and now I need to crack down and do a non-stressy, clean cut (eat non-crap, bust my ass on the treadmill/elliptical).<br><br>I could probably achieve a similar effect by getting a tummy tuck and some liposuction, but I should probably try the good ol' fashioned route first. I figure by trying to reduce my percentage of body fat, I will seem less appetizing to you since I would be a lower-calorie meal 🤢<br><br>What about you, my Queen? What havoc is on the menu for you to wreak today?


Guten Morgen my dear Fraugens !? :) A delightful Sonntag - Sunday to everyone! Yesterday I made a ton of pizzas in my wood burning kiln for a horde of hungry Buam - guys. I slaved in the heat of the sun and the fire for hours, my face and my arms are still prickling from the heat. At least I could satisfy all the men ;) and they danced a traditional Schuhplattler for me... hahaha. Some assorted Fragen, if you are in the mood... What would you sing at Karaoke night? What drei - three things do you think of the most each day? Ever lost anything down the toilet? If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? So, that´s it for today. Danke for your Antworten... bis später XD


Happy Sonntag, give or take a few hours, Frau Claudia! Were the Buam wearing lederhosen? There can be no Schuhplattler without lederhosen, ja?<br><br><b>Karaoke night!:</b> Me refraining from singing is a public service, so I wouldn't sing at karaoke night 🙅🏻 But I suppose if I <i>had</i> to sing something, I'd pick The Offspring's <i>"Why Don't You Get a Job?"</i><br><br><b>3 things I think of the most each day:</b> Work, household chores/errands I have to do, and wondering what the future has in store for me.<br><br><b>Down the toilet:</b> I think I accidentally dropped my toothbrush into the toilet once, so that was a write off. But I don't think I've lost anything else.<br><br><b>Friends with myself:</b> Sure, I'd be friends with me if I was another person. I wouldn't expect me (well, her) to go to huge parties or clubs, but I could go to the movies or to restaurants with her. I would also have a shoulder to cry on because she'd be a good listener.<br><br><b>Change clothes in a car:</b> I haven't, now that I think of it. I either leave the house wearing what I need to wear, or else I'll wait until I get to where I need to be and then change in a bathroom stall or something.


This is going to be an interesting afternoon, you guys. My mom still has a bunch of mothering (and smothering) left in her, but since my brother and I are too old for that, she does the reasonable thing and unleashes it on my niece and nephew. So she insisted that we take my nephew to the zoo, and my bro will be dropping him off here in about an hour.<br><br>I love my nephew to pieces, but I'm also pretty awkward around kids. Even more awkward than I am around adults, because I constantly have to remind myself what developmental stage they're at and adjust my speech and behaviour accordingly. My nephew is four, so he's at the point where he generally listens to what you tell him to do, but he still has enough sass to disobey you from time to time and run you ragged in the process. 😣<br><br>My mom's a pretty good disciplinarian (she raised <i>me</i> and I'm as pure as the driven snow 😝), so I'm counting on her to crack the whip if my nephew really starts acting up. But she always assigns me the laborious of chasing after him when he runs off, which is ALL THE TIME because he has as much enerdree as Gael but lacks an understanding of how to expend it in a sensible fashion.<br><br>The last time we took my nephew to the zoo, I had to run after him after he started chasing one of the peacocks. However, the peacock wasn't having any of that shit and it whirled around and started chasing and trying to nip at <i>him</i>. He promptly screamed and jumped into my arms, shouting that "Auntie Doctimus had to make the bad bird go away!", and then I had to haul ass out of there because the peacock was still pissed and now chasing both of us. I would've burst out laughing if I wasn't so mortified at the situation, since people were staring and laughing. When I texted my bro about what happened afterwards, he replied, <i>"Well, you're stuck with him for the next 6 hours, sucker! Haha, thanks for babysitting though! I'm going to take a nap 😎"</i><br><br>Any tips on how to be one of those cool, chillaxed aunts who's great at dealing with kidlets? I have a small supply of oxazepam with me, but coping skills are typically superior to benzodiazepines 🤔


Awww, Doc. I have a niece and nephew aged 2'ish, and I am absolutely obsessed with them! 💕I am all about fun and silliness with them, as I dont get to see them often (video chat with them maybe once every two weeks and see them every 6 months). I just don't care how silly I look, I am going to get down on their level and do/say ridiculous things that they enjoy. I am convinced one of my brothers will record these interactions and post it on Facebook, and ruin my street cred, but I honestly don't GAF... its worth it to me.... My motto is "as long as I hand them over to their parents alive, it's all good". Meet them on their level... its the best feeling ever!!! Have fun! I just video chatted with my niece, who told me she loved me with the same excitement she told me she is going to push the 'red button' (to hang up)... how can you not just laugh???


Guten Morgen Sirens. Hope everyone has a nice Montag - Monday!? I had a lazy, rainy Sunday... and now I have nothing to chatter about. XD So just some daily Fragen... What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the Rasen - lawn, clean the bathroom, or Staubsaugen - vacuum the house? Are you verwandt - related or distantly related to anyone famous? If you had a warning label, what would yours say? That´s it for today. Danke as always. Try to enjoy your day... bis dann XD


Hello, Frau Claudia! Happy almost Monday to you and the other lovely Fraugen and lovelies! This is my last night of freedom/summer break as we start back to school tomorrow. It’s just professional development week, so no kids until the following week. So long, summer! I hardly knew you! Here are the answers to your daily Fragen: Last movie and thoughts: The last movie I went to was Wonder Woman. I absolutely loved this movie and I am really looking forward to the sequel. Dishes, lawn, bathroom or vacuum: I would prefer to wash the dishes. I find it very relaxing, actually. We hire someone to mow the lawn because our front yard is a steep hill, I can’t stand cleaning bathrooms, and my hubby vacuums the house. Famous relation: I have two. My father’s second cousin was a major league pitcher for, the San Francisco Giants, Florida Marlins, Texas Rangers, Atlanta Braves, and finally the Boston Red Sox. The other relation is a cousin of my hubby – he is the creator of several famous cartoons. Amy’s warning label: Caution: Contents under pressure. Becomes shaken when stirred.


Hi Mädls... Can I get a "The Irishman does Croatia" report? ;)


Without knowing anything because I don't do Twitter, I say: he's melting, while running. Probably enjoying the surroundings. Island hopping. Without a boat, because hopping in Gael-ish means hopping and the man can do anything, while reading philosophy, catching up on social media and writing new scenarios at the same time!


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone. Have you seen the partial Mondfinsternis - lunar eclipse? Here we could just see the end of it :( Oh, and you Amerikaner - Americans will see a total solar eclipse on 21st :) I remember the one back in 1999... it was too cloudy to see it... meh... Here are some quick Fragen... What´s your favourite? One hit wonder? Thing in the sky? Boy band? Sport? Thing at a buffet? Fictional place you’d want to visit? Website? Asian dish? Saying or phrase? Danke for your Antworten my dear Fraugens... see ya XD And thanks for the Gael report, Amy!


Hallo, Fraugenmaster Claudia! (Aren't I good at making up words? 🤓) The sun hasn't set yet in my part of the world and it's also a bit cloudy, so I'm unsure how much of an eclipse I'll see tonight. I tend not to have much luck with this sort of thing, but I'll keep an eye out over the next few hours 🤞<br><br>My favourite...<br><br><b>One-hit wonder:</b> One of the most sensual songs in the world - Chris Isaak's <i>Wicked Game</i>. (It's listed on Wikipedia as a one-hit wonder and we all know Wikipedia is right 100% of the time)<br><br><b>Thing in the sky:</b> The stars. Having spent most of my life in cities, I hope to one day see a shooting star that I can make a wish upon. And then be utterly disenchanted when it doesn't come true.<br><br><b>Boy band:</b> The Backstreet Boys 😝 I'm not ashamed to admit it!<br><br><b>Sport:</b> In terms of watching or playing? If we're talking favourite sport to watch, then men's beach volleyball 😈 Or maybe figure skating, because it's graceful poetry in motion. If we're talking about playing, then I basically suck at everything. Perhaps weightlifting? I think I have the potential to get good at that eventually.<br><br><b>Thing at a buffet:</b> Dessert! Cake, pie, brownies, cookies, tarts, ice cream, chocolate fondue - you name it and I'll more than likely eat it 🤤<br><br><b>Fictional place I'd like to visit:</b> Hmm...Rivendell from LotR.<br><br><b>Website:</b> Because of its sheer usefulness, I'm going to have to go with Google.<br><br><b>Asian dish:</b> Sushi!<br><br><b>Saying or phrase:</b> <i>"Everything's going to be okay."</i>


Another day without Fragen for me. I don't know what possessed me saying yes to that big job. And it's not even a blowjob. Btw, keep them stories cu... coming, you know? If not, scroll down on the community page till you get to 'getting dirty' and read how you can help make the world a more sensual place!


Aw, don't work too hard Madeline. And I just sent you my submission. 👍🏻


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone. It´s cool and rainy tonight. The kittens are snuggled up behind the kilns... probably preserving their strengths for the next killing spree... awwww. XD Some Fragen for the never-tiring, dauntless Fraugen... What motivates you to work hart - hard? On a scale of 1-10 how lustig - funny would you say you are? Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse (ja, or a Cowboy), or drive a car? What song would you say best sums you up? If you were to make dinner for me (or Her Highnessss), what would you prepare? Danke, as always. Enjoy your day... bis dann XD


Good day to you Frau Claudia. It's a cool cloudy night here in Colorado. Just finished pruning my grape vines. They were running rampant. I think these little goblins around here are pilfering my grapes. May I please hire your kittens to guard my crops. I bet they are better than Hell Hounds. Fragen time. Motivation? I work hard to help the people around me. I need people to be happy with the service I provide and I have to do my best. How funny am I 1-10? I would say maybe a 6-7. I like making people laugh/smile (doesn't happen all of the time though) Everyone deserves a happy moment in their day. Bike, horse, car? I'm going to choose the safest one. I can't fall off a car, get bucked off a car, get bit or kicked by a car. I can stay warm/cool in a car, Song? Right now it's DMX's Party Up. It's the one that goes "Ya'll gon' make me lose my mind" Because two people are on vaca right now and I'm going to go crazy!!! Dinner for Frau? I would make you a nice minestrone soup accompanied with crostini drizzled with a garlic infused olive oil. For Her Highnessss? That's easy...Doc XD


My comments never save lol


oh wait that one did. Ok, I was saying I was hoping this post was going to have audio. Buuuutttttt I guess since Gael is sick, I'll allow him to not have a new one yet. 😂 I'll listen to old ones (again) to tide me over. I may have a Gael addiction. 😳