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Come away with me to our beautiful garden.  Lay in my arms and ease your restless mind...


Gaelic In The Garden | [Irish Boyfriend Role Play] [Heartbeat Sounds]

Come away with me to our beautiful garden. Lay in my arms and ease your restless mind... Get '50 Shades of Gaelforce' & 'Moving In' FREE on Audible.com! - http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+) - https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu ► My Albums: 50 Shades Of Gaelforce & Moving In are now available on Audible and Amazon! - http://amzn.to/2wRRrRf Get them free when you sign up for Audible! Come here baby, get into bed with me and let me cover you in kisses... ♦ Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu





I always get tears in my eyes when I listen to audios like this and I'm really stressed out 😭 Are you a mind reader? Lol. How did you know I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind that are making me anxious? 😭 Thanks for this. Your soothing voice and heartbeat sounds always relaxes me ❤️


Really needed this today. ❤️ can't wait to listen to this after work.


Taking headphones along so I can enjoy this out in nature sometime today.


This is so perfect. ❤️ Thank you for the peace and presence.


So peaceful, I like the bird sounds. Listening to it while snuggling up in my new soft blanket 😊 I usually don't look at the thumbnail while I listen to your audios but, I really like the butterflies in this one.


The heartbeat gets me every time <3


What a gorgeous relaxation audio. The added layer of boyfriend to the traditional meditation audio format makes me feel that much more cared for while listening to this one. The Gaelic, your heartbeat, the nature sounds, and the images you were creating with your descriptions of the surroundings as well as hand holding, gazing into each other's eyes, and being held, all added up to something very special. This calmed me, but also made my heart flutter. 😙❤


Awww your heartbeats Gael❤❤❤


Thank you for sharing.Hope you are enjoying your vacation love😚💋😘❤


Thanks Gael for this soothing audio again. I love the heartbeat and the nature everything synchronize so much. Happy Thursday everyone, I hope everyone is doing well and happy, if not happy then it's okay, it makes you human. It's just like a cloud passing by the sun. *Hugs to whoever needs one* Oh yeah, I have two good news to let everyone know but I will keep the other one as it is a very tough and I still in the quest for it. If I can make it till the end of this month, I promise I will let everyone of you know. The other one good news is, I am getting my third instrument, Viola. But I am still in the mission to find one, as it is very hard to it in my country, a lot of Violin but I want Viola. So if any of you, happen to know any good beginner Viola, I would love to check your recommendation. I've been thinking about getting it for the past 3 months, first it was Cello, but it was too expensive. And the it was Violin, but I dont like the pitchy sound but I love it. Now I discovered Viola and really love the size and the sound of especially alto clef. Eventhough, I am still in doubt of it whether I can do it or not. I would love to give it a try. Once again, have a happy Thursday, hope everyone is doing well at work or at home (winks) or anywhere. I miss Gael, and everyone here as I been very busy with my work too. See you!


I can't wait to listen to this. I really need it today since work is particularly stressful at the moment ☺️


Happy Thursday, Shay! I'm afraid I don't know much about instruments in the cello/viola/violin family, but they do make breathtakingly beautiful music! But I'm sure someone else here must have more knowledge about them. If you don't mind sharing this info, what country do you live in? That might make it easier for someone to help recommend a viola for you.<br><br>What other 2 instruments do you play?


Hey, Gael and lovelies 👋🏻 So G, I'm not sure if you'll see this, but do you by any chance have an audio on comfort for feeling like you failed at something you really wanted to do? 😔 Asking because I quit my hairstyling class today. It was way too stressful to me. It was making me stressed out everyday. I was crying everyday. It stressed me out to the point that I had a panic attack today. So I decided to quit. Why do something that doesn't make you happy and only stresses you out and makes you cry everyday, right? Anyway, I was wondering if you had an audio in your "filing cabinet" (lol. Fiiiling cabinets 😂) of audios you already made to upload during your vacation. It's okay if you don't, I was just wondering. Thanks ❤️


I was feeling quite wound up when I started playing this. I've spent the day travelling to a conference for work. Between packing, getting to the airport, practicing my presentation on the plane  (which, no matter how hard I try I can't get under the time limit!), getting to the hotel and making conversation with colleagues, I was frazzled! But this made me feel settled again. I am now enjoying listening to the ocean outside my hotel, and will hopefully wake tomorrow refreshed enough to tackle a week of nerdy stuff and small talk with strangers. 🤓 Thanks for the reminder to breathe 💕


Listen to this Rose🎧🎶<a href="https://youtu.be/9f1SCdIQofQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/9f1SCdIQofQ</a>


Bel étranger, tu mets tous mes sens en éveil... ta voix, ton souffle, les battements de ton coeur déposent délicatement une caresse sur mon âme et sur mon coeur. Que tu en sois remercié tendre ami 🌹


Where does one find a man like this?


How did you know I needed an audio like this G ? Right now i am having a crappy week because of a left ear infection (dunno how I got here) which is one of the WORST things that could happen to a lovely😝AND IT SUCKS😠😭😠I am on antibiotics everyday ,stuck in bed most of the times feeling like a mashed potato and I have to make sure that my ear doesn't get in contact with water which means no swimming... hurts like hell sometimes but i AM GLAD i can still hear your audio with my RIGHT ear👂😋 ! Everything was so peaceful,your voice so relaxing that it Helped me forget about the pain a little .The end of it was just ...Perfect ! Wonderful audio .Can't wait to get better so I can listen to it again with 100 % of my listening skills.


Aww, I needed this after a day of being ignored and treated like an inferior instead of the knowledgable coworker that I am. Thank you.


Ear infections are zero fun. Hope you feel better soon!


Wow Gael! Reading all of the comments, it's clear to see, you have impeccable timing! It seems everyone needed this. I know I did. I listened to this @ lunch and was about to commit a mass 'slapping spree' on the people around me! (I'm kidding of course..maybe) I am very short staffed and surrounded by people that think "Hey, since Elaine is busy doing her job, and the job of the other 2 ladies who are on vacation..maybe she can do mine too! While she answers the phone, runs transactions and does research for customers...Yeah! that sounds like a GREAT idea!" I needed those birds and breeze and your voice. I needed those smooth and soothing sounds to calm my spirit, settle my heart and relax my mind. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. (And since my co-workers and customers remained un-slapped today..I'm going to thank you for them too!) Hope the remainder of your vaca is amazing!!!!


Guten Morgen Mädls. Ahh... a shiny new thread to fill with Fragen and Antworten ;) Hope everybody has a nice Donnerstag - Thursday!? Everything is quiet tonight in Claudialandia. Yesterday I was looking after my little niece, she´s 6... she should consider herself fortunate that the Queen didn´t eat her! The little Hexe - witch never shuts up... ja, I love her still! :) Her Highness told me your dinner proposals made her quite hungry... she may ssslither by sometimess. Beware! And she´sss keeping an eye on you Elaine! She´s already preparing a tassty marinade for you! O.o So, some quick Fraugen Fragen... this or that? Kunst - art festivals or music festivals? Natural or dyed hair? Plaid or polka dot? Piano or guitar? Amazon or eBay? Tan or blass - pale? Gloves or mittens? Book or movie? Rap or rock? Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis später XD


Hello, Frau Claudia and the other lovely ladies! Happy almost-Thursday to you. I am glad you got to visit with your niece – chatty 6-year-olds can be a trip and exhausting at the same time. I am glad the Queen approved of my potential offerings – did not want to be eaten! Tomorrow is a stressful day for me – we are doing ALICE training at school to prepare for the potential of an active shooter in our building. We learn to barricade our doors, fight off a shooter, and escape the building. The police actually run the training complete with guns (with blanks), explosion sounds, and a great deal of running and fighting. So stressful, but it’s worth it to get the kids ready to defend themselves. Scary the world we live in, isn’t it? Some Fragen should help me relax a bit: Art or music festivals: I really love going to music festivals. I live near quite a few great venues, so going to concerts is something we get to do pretty frequently. Natural or dyed: I lighten my hair about a shade or two lighter. I’m lucky in that I have no grey hair to cover, but my natural hair is a blah brown that I find really boring. Plaid or polka dot: I actually really like both. I prefer plaid in greens and blues, and I like small print polka dots. Piano or guitar: Again, I love them both. I can play piano a little bit, but I really would love to learn to play acoustic guitar. Amazon or eBay: I don’t shop much online, but if I do purchase something, it is always from Amazon. Tan or pale: I wish I could tan. I love lying in the sun in the summer, but my skin is very fair and burns pretty easily. So, out of necessity, I keep my skin light. Gloves or mittens: Again, both. I use gloves to drive with, but I prefer mittens for anything else. Book or movie: Definitely books. I just wish I could find more time to read for fun! Rap or rock: Rock, hands down. I like old school rap, but that’s about it. Have a lovely day, ladies!


The bird sounds really got on my tits


I've narrowed the location down to somewhere in between Narnia and Neverland 😝


This got me to sleep last night after a rough day. You're a lifesaver, Gael! 😘


I assume the ssslippery Irishman is still lazing in the mediterranean ssun? Hm? Who will give me a little report?... I will be very grateful, promissse!


Hi Queenie. Yes the Irishman has activated his freckles to become a bronzed god on his vacay. He also cut up his gorgeous legs on some sea rocks. He seems like he's having a ball. Very relaxed. Unsuspecting. Maybe you could slither that way before he leaves.


Finally got a chance to listen to this last night... but I fell asleep lol! I woke up 3 hours later to it still playing on a loop, my phone nearly dead and under my blankets -I must have fallen asleep with my phone in my hand. Looking forward to listening again tonight (hope I make it through!)


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia. A happy Freitag - Friday to everyone! Wochenendpläne - weekend plans? Here it´s going to be rather cool, rainy and stormy... perfect to snuggle up and eat tasssty ...Kuchen - cake. ;) Some random Fragen, did I mention lately that they are for Wissenschaft - science? Do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes? Would you ever take back someone who cheated? If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to aufmuntern - cheer you up? Do you have any phobias? If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly verletzt - injured? Danke my dears... bis dann XD


Guten Abend, Frau Claudia! Going to an art gallery this weekend to see an artist—not one I particularly know, but whose work looks interesting. Plus they're providing free beer and wine, and free food. This is how you get grad students into buildings, lol. And now, this: Do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes? — Horizontal for clothes, vertical for window treatments. Unless it's a pinstripe suit. Would you ever take back someone who cheated? — HAHAHA HAHA HA—no. I mean, this would be provided I was ever with someone in the first place, but no. It's not the once-a-cheater-always-a-cheater thing, it's that me trusting that person in the first place would be a BIG DEAL, and if that person can't respect that trust, I don't need them in my life. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to aufmuntern - cheer you up? — I always say I prefer to be left alone, but when I'm in a mood (whether that's angry, sad, or suicidal), I do best when I have someone to cheer me up. Typically, this involves going to the bar or a little cocktail place nearby and talking about random nonsense. Do you have any phobias? — Commitment-phobia, I suppose, although I'm not sure what you call it when you don't even get to the possible-commitment stage. Otherwise, fear of failure— atychiphobia. If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly verletzt - injured? — Well, not if I did it right. I'm only one floor off the ground. Tuck and roll. Bis morgen!


I can't help myself: <img src="http://www.favonius.com/furzefield/birds/tits.jpg">


My fellow Lovelies, for those of you not on Twitter, take a stroll over to the Community Page and see why so many of us fell victim to our eyes bulging out of our heads yesterday. 😘😘😘


As for weekend plans, Claudia, I am going to my adopted parents in Sweden. I'm just going to work there, but I have to be there. Their son, my best friend, died 3 years ago and they were so afraid they'd never see me again. Boy, were they wrong. I'll work hard, but at 5 my adoptodad will hand me a drink, and tell me stories I already know and I'll feel so at home. MMMmmmmmm.


I hope you have a good time there, Madeline, even if you do have to work. I'm sorry to hear about how you lost your best friend and they lost their son, but I'm sure you'll both be great comforts for each other 🙂<br><br>If you have any spare time while you're there, maybe go on an expedition for your Swedish dreamboat and his equally dreamy younger brother for yours truly? 😇


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a pleasant Samstag - Saturday!? Don´ t have much time tonight... the kilns are calling. :) Right to some Fragen, if you like? Ja? How tall is the tallest person you know? What do you think is at the bottom of the Regenbogen - rainbow?' What is one thing you will never do again? What do you think of open Beziehungen -relationships? Have you ever built an igloo? Danke for your Antworten my dears. XD Oh and Elaine... I think I saw the Queen whispering with the Grashopper Baron and the Centipede Count... just saying... :P


Guten Abend, Frau Claudia. Well, we'll find out about my Saturday tomorrow. :) It's nice to hit the weekend after a day of staring at code and wondering what life is. And now, this: How tall is the tallest person you know? — Sheesh...6'6" (almost 2 meters)? All the men on my dad's side of the family are very tall; I think this rank now goes to my cousin since my uncle shattered his hip and back and lost some inches. What do you think is at the bottom of the Regenbogen - rainbow?' — Nothing, for a proper rainbow is a complete circle. What is one thing you will never do again? — I'm not sure I ever did this to begin with, but I will never speak to my mother's brother. He was incarcerated when I was a small child, and for good reason: he raped and abused my mother throughout her childhood and was eventually put away for abusing his daughter. Out on parole. "Banned" from the internet. Yeah, right. What do you think of open Beziehungen -relationships? — Not for me. Pretty sure I'd be too possessive of anyone I was with. Have you ever built an igloo? — A proper igloo? No. A snow fort? Yes. Snow would slide off the tin roof of our old barn in gigantic piles, which made it delightfully easy to carve out little dens in the heap of well-packed snow.


Been meaning to comment on this audio all week, but between being really busy back at work and falling down a few Twitter holes, I really didn’t get to it. I wanted to say that I really enjoyed what you did with this one. Yes, it was a very stressful week and it was much needed and appreciated, so thank you for that! You always have the best timing, it seems – eerily so! LOL What I really enjoyed about this is how you are beginning to mix the genres a bit. I love your meditative work and find guided meditation to be very relaxing for me. But you often comment in those that you are just a voice, that we can listen or not, just work towards becoming relaxed. This new style was really different – I liked how the voice is given a context, a story. This is a person whom you “know” and is actively comforting you. It gives this a different feel, not just relaxing but comforting as well, if that makes sense. Adding in the nature sounds and heartbeat really adds to it and makes this not only calming but soothing. I joked with you before about crossing the streams when you said you would begin mixing things up a bit, but it is really working well. This type of audio would work really well as a PA or something you might be commissioned to do through a therapist, should you continue to go that route. Very well done, and I am curious to see where you go with this style next.


My concern with trying to mix guided meditation with "the boyfriend experience" as a potential therapy would be the listener/patient getting too attached to Gael (either as a fictional character or the actual person behind him). Having good rapport (or at least neutrality) with a therapist or whomever is guiding the meditation is important, but things can potentially get pretty messy if one party starts seeing the other as a close friend or romantic interest. <br><br>Since the character of Gael is essentially the "perfect man" that you can project your own fantasies onto, then sure, it's not surprising to see some listeners having a crush on Gael. I imagine many of them are more enamoured with <i>what</i> he portrays (e.g., tenderness, romance, kink, or whatever else a person finds attractive) as opposed to <i>who</i> he is either as a character or in real life. But for people who may be feeling especially vulnerable or lacking in a strong social support system, if they were listening to an audio that was simultaneously a boyfriend role play and a guided meditation as part of formal (or maybe even informal) therapy, I question whether they might be prone to develop an attachment to Gael in which they see <i>him</i> as the solution to their problems rather than themselves and their own strength and resilience.<br><br>Generally the most helpful forms of therapy (whether it's CBT, DBT, ACT, MBCT, etc.) are ones that teach the patient coping skills that they can utilize in future situations. In Gael's audios, for example, he highlights the concept of focusing on what your senses are perceiving in the current moment, and just letting any bothersome thoughts pass by rather than trying to fight them. Since it would be impossible for him to create an audio for every conceivable stressful situation someone might face, if a person could apply the <i>concepts</i> presented in his meditation audios to a given situation, then BAM! - that's an adaptive coping mechanism right there. Kinda like the whole "Give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish, you feed them for a lifetime" adage. But if someone finds themselves in a stressful situation and their thinking defaults to <i>"I need Gael to talk me through this. I don't think I can get through this without hearing his voice to calm me"</i> rather than <i>"Okay, I got this. I'm going to do what Gael suggested in his last meditation audio"</i>, then that could be problematic.<br><br>So for entertainment or comfort purposes on Patreon/YouTube, then yeah, a combination boyfriend roleplay/meditation-y audio can be a wonderful resource for people. But as a tool in the context of formal therapy? I'm worried that that could be a slippery slope 😐


Okay, so I had a thought after listening to this (I'm so behind, I know!). When I was pregnant with my daughter, I went to Lamaze classes, and the lady teaching them always remarked that I just couldn't relax. I really tried, but the more I tried the more tense I became, and the whole thing was counter productive. But I had 👌🏻 primo drugs when giving birth, and it was quick, easy, and nearly painless, and I thought, "Ha, Lamaze! Who needs it?! Just give me drugs!!" 😂 Then with my second baby, I was prepared for a similar experience, but the doctors were "busy" and I got 0 drugs. OMG, if it was possible to die from pain, I would have. ☠️ But somehow I survived. 😂 Anyway, in hindsight, I wonder if you've ever considered doing some sort of Lamaze/giving birth guided meditation? I know you've done stuff for pain management before, but that seems more for chronic pain, and the pain of labor is relatively short (thank heavens!) but super intense. And the main thing they try to teach you is to relax, but that seems impossible when it feels like your body is turning itself inside out; however, you are magical, so I'm convinced that you would be able to say just the right thing (as you always do) to help poor mamas get thru. I'm thinking about trying for baby # 3 (I'm insane, I know 🙄) and I can tell you right now, I would be willing to pay an unholy amount of $ for a Gaelforce labor meditation if I had to give birth again! (I'd pay even more to have you come be my labor coach😉😁)


I've never been pregnant or given birth, so I certainly can't imagine how painful labour must be (although by your and many other women's descriptions, it sounds horrifyingly painful and I'm pretty much defaulting for the epidural and nitrous oxide if I'm ever in that position 😱) In your experience, Laura, was the delivery room quiet enough that you would've been able to clearly hear an audio and focus on it if you'd had one? Or were you thinking more of an audio to listen to and practice along with beforehand, given how chaotic delivery rooms can get?<br><br>I tried listening to Gaelic in the Garden yesterday afternoon in my hotel room, but I found that I couldn't even focus on it if there was any sort of background noise (e.g., my dad was watching TV and my mom was barking advice to the characters on the screen of the YouTube video she was watching). So if I had my earbuds in to listen to an audio while I was in labour, I'd probably end up shouting, <i>"Okay, everyone needs to shut their cakeholes right now! I'm trying to do some Lamaze in Gaelic and I need to concentrate!"</i><br><br>It's a unique idea, though! I'd probably opt for a Seanie-guided labour audio myself. If I'm going to be in unspeakable amounts of pain, I want to at least be able to laugh my way through it as I hear, <i>"Push, beour, push! Push that damned langer out through that hole of yours! But I'm gettin' some of that hole later tonight, right, luv? Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, beour. I know you're wrecked, like. Jaysus, what is that there la? That round ting with the hair, right by the beour's- oh, fuckin' hell! Is that the- what is he doin' to me hole?! Stop pushing, beour!"</i>


Happy Saturday everyone. Well well, I managed to get a listen to G's J.O.I last night after some quite intense battle running back and forth from the toilet. Hahaha (stomache situation). Demm the J.O.I was good. Glad everyone is enjoying it as well. Too bad I didn't get to sleep alone last night. --- By the way, I already found a place that sell Viola with a good price. Now... The problem is, I am actually in a huge dilemma whether to buy a VIOLA or VIOLIN. I prolly watched too much videos this few weeks to see the difference between these both two. But I still couldn't finalise anything. (TnT) Halpp


Oh how I love this! Love listening to the sounds of nature. Thank you G this is relaxing and your heartbeats OMG! Love it!😘😶❤


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Sonntag - Sunday to everyone. Had a chaotic day yesterday with unruly kilns and students, but now everything is under control. Yay! :) Did/will you look for the Perseids tonight? Here it was much too cloudy :(...Hm, maybe tomorrow... The Fragen ... would you rather... Lose your smelling sense or Zunge - tongue? Dye your skin purple or see everything in purple tones? Eat your weight in bananas or cheese? Always say yes or say no? Get pulled over for speeding or for going too langsam - slow? Be really flexible or really muscular? Enough for today, danke my dear Fraugen. Bis dann XD PS: Her Highness sends her regardsss to you Elaine and she won´t come for you or send any of her many-legged lackeys or the kitten assassines (as long as you behave) You are safe for now... you may thank her. ;) And pssst... you should praise her tail if you wanna please her.


Guten Abend, Frau Claudia! Unruly kilns sound rather dangerous. Pity the atmosphere did not oblige for your stargazing. Here, there's too much light pollution to see any but the brightest meteors. And now, this: Would I rather... Lose your smelling sense or Zunge - tongue? — I'll axe the sense of smell. Losing my tongue would make it prohibitively difficult to chew the food I could no longer taste. Dye your skin purple or see everything in purple tones? — I...suppose I'd dye my skin purple, though frankly, seeing in purple monochrome doesn't sound TOO miserable. Difficult to identify dangerous things, though. Eat your weight in bananas or cheese? — Bananas. Cheese sounds like a recipe for disaster. Always say yes or say no? — "No," definitely. "Yes" can get one into a lot of very unpleasant trouble. Get pulled over for speeding or for going too langsam - slow? — I've been pulled over for speeding, but going too slow is less dangerous to others, perhaps, so I'd prefer that. Be really flexible or really muscular? — Muscular. I'd be more useful in the lab that way.


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a good Montag - Monday!? I saw quite a few lovely Sternschnuppen - shooting stars earlier this night. Now my neck hurts from staring up... haha Oh and the kittens brought me a Wühlmaus - vole... yay! They always ruin my Radieschen - radishes. Shall we stay in this thread, to keep the ideas thread clean? Haha... So... let´s start the week with some assorted, slightly sexy Fragen... Do you rasieren - shave or wax your bikini area? How long does sex usually last with your boyfriend? Do you wish your Möpse - boobs were bigger? What’s the hottest novel you’ve ever read? What’s your best sex tip? Danke my dear sirenic Fraugen. Bis dann XD


Hello, lovely Frau Claudia and the rest of the beautiful Fraugen! Happy almost Monday to everyone. Did not get to see any shooting stars in my neck of the woods; too many storms and clouds last night. I had a nice ice cream date with the hubby this evening, the last of the summer as we both go back to school tomorrow. I am looking forward to having kids tomorrow – hopefully, I will have good classes. Here are the answers to your slightly sexy Fragen: Shave or wax: Shave or use Nair. I have really sensitive skin and the one time I tried waxing my area I wound up with a horrible rash and bruises. Never again! Sex length: When we were younger, more energetic, and didn’t have a roommate in the form of a child, we could go pretty long, 45 minutes or so, usually several times a weekend. Now that we are older (age being relative of course), when it does happen, it’s pretty short, about 20 minutes or so. Anything longer and we run the risk of either waking the daughter, being interrupted by the dog, or pulling a muscle! LOL Bigger boobs: Nope, no way, no how. I’m a D cup (have been since my daughter was born) and, while I like being larger, it’s a pain when it comes to buying clothes. I also have to be careful of bras I wear as my boobs can cause back pain if I’m not careful and supported. Oh, to wear a button down blouse with a sexy demi-cup bra again… Hottest novel: I love early Sandra Brown. My favorite by her is A Kiss Remembered. Can’t say that it is super, erotica-level hot, but I felt it was pretty steamy, and I loved the characters and the storyline. Best sex tip: If you cook/eat spicy food before having sex, make sure that you wash your hands REALLY WELL. Trust me on this – I have painful, firsthand experience! LOL


All right, Patreon flatly refuses to let me reply to the Fragen, Frau Claudia, so I'll just post it here... Guten Abend, Frau Claudia. Huzzah to your vole-hunting murder-kittens! Monday should start for me with a research meeting and maybe some moving of equipment—hence my wish for muscles! But Sonntag was a mad push to get that final comic page done. Got all the lines and colors laid in; just need to finalize the dialogue! And now, this: Do you rasieren - shave or wax your bikini area? — Shave. And not very well, I might add. How long does sex usually last with your boyfriend? — Let's break this down: The equation here is (duration of sex) = boyfriend*(time/encounter). Since boyfriend=0, (duration of sex)=0. Hehehe. Do you wish your Möpse - boobs were bigger? — Yes. My boobs were bigger before I dropped ~20 lbs (~10 kg) I couldn't afford to lose. The weight is back now, but the breasts are gone forever. Now I can't find bras small enough for me! D: What’s the hottest novel you’ve ever read? — Ummm...ehehehe...one that I wrote. ^^;; A friend of mine stumbled on an early draft of what is now known as The Shower Scene by accident while reading through another section. I was out of the room at the time and came back in to find him staring up at me from my computer with something between shock, amusement, and utter embarrassment on his face. To this day, he says that nothing I write will ever surprise him again. (The Shower Scene was Chapter 2 of this novel's sexy-times—alas, the novel is not eligible for publication due to intellectual property rights.) Eheh...ehehe...*hides* What’s your best sex tip? — Have it, I suppose. :P Some other Fraugen like to chime in with real-world experience? ;)


Fragen ... well, I'm a little out of touch with myself and the rest of the world right now. So here are my answers. (Like that makes sense!) Mowing the grass: I haven't figured out how to shave and get it done RIGHT. I never shave everything off; I am a woman and I have hair down there. But I like smooth lips. I do shave, use a trimmer and wax. Depends on how much time I want to spend on it. But I do like a neat little garden down there. Sex with the bf Which boyfriend? But when I have one, it can be anything from half an hour to up to a couple of hours. Bigger boobies? No, no, no. I have 75 G euro size. I'd consider a reduction if I wasn't so afraid of the operation and complications. I HATE my breasts. Why would I want bigger ones? What’s the hottest novel you’ve ever read? I like Susan Swann. Don't remember the title. I didn't like that the man was the dominant one and the woman the one who discovers she likes being ordered around, but the sex was hot and the sense of adventure too. Best sex tip: Don't be shy to ask for what you want. Don't underestimate the power of tenderness.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone! I just came back in. I sat on my swing watched the night sky... there´s a hint of autumn in the air already. Hmm... I love Herbst - autumn.Today is a official holiday Maria Himmelfahrt - Assumption of Mary. It´s said that it´s a good day to pick wild herbs... Just a few quick Fragen, `cause it´s a Feiertag - holiday :) What really makes you zornig - angry? What makes you lachen - laugh the most? What is the best party that you’ve ever been to? Have you ever got lost in a maze? What are you wearing right now? Danke for your Antworten, luscious Fraugen... see you XD


Hello there, Frau Claudia and the rest of the luscious Fraugen and sirens, happy almost Tuesday to you! Your evening sounds lovely, Claudia! I love when you can smell a hint of fall in the air, my favorite season of the year. I am so looking forward to it and cooler weather. I survived my first day with my new students. All in all, they were a good bunch, even got a few hugs from some of them. There are a tasty couple that I may send to her Highness if they give me lip – I’ll give them a few days to straighten out! Here are the answers to your quick Fragen: Anger issues: There are a lot of things in the world that make me angry, such as injustice, racism, etc., but those go without saying. The thing in my life that angers me the most is people being incompetent in their jobs. I work hard to teach my kids the best that I can, taking classes so that I can further my knowledge and understanding of what I am teaching. It really bothers me to see people placed in leadership roles who don’t know what they are doing, who have little knowledge of what they are teaching, and even less love for their students. I bite my tongue until it bleeds most times. Laughter: For the longest time, not a lot of things were making me laugh. Comedies on TV or movies really weren’t funny to me anymore – felt like I had heard all the jokes before. Since I’ve joined here, though, I have started laughing again, being silly on Twitter, and started enjoying myself again. Having fun with friends, being silly with people, and just finding things to be joyful about are making me laugh. Best party: In college, I went to a rave with a group of friends. At the time, raves were illegal in the city where I was. Of course the rave I went to was above an auto repair shop two doors down from the local police station! The music and light show was incredible, the crowd was totally energetic, and I had the time of my life – drug and alcohol free, thank you very much. I remember at one point this really sexy guy in a black shirt and his equally cute friend lifted me up on their shoulders while we were dancing. Always wondered what happened to sexy guy. Really cool – even wrote a terrible story about the experience. Got lost in a maze: Nope, can’t say that I have. Current clothes: Right now I am wearing a purple t-shirt and leggings as I am going to bed in a moment. There you go! Have a great day, everyone!


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. Hope everyone has a somewhat pleasant Mittwoch - Wednesday!? Nothing to chatter about tonight... just that the mosquitoes are really hungry this year, annoying little bloodsuckers! Today on the Fragen menu... what´s your favourite? Thing about reisen - travelling? Breed of dog? Occasion to dress up for? Baby boy name? Dinosaur? Style of Tanz - dance? Cereal? Carton Katze - cat? Danke for your answers... bis dann XD


Hello, Frau Claudia and the rest of the lovely sirens, hope everyone has/is having a wonderful Wednesday. Been on an emotional roller coaster ride today, and the past few days, thanks to my lovely friend MS. Realize I have been a bit short with people and may have been a bit harsh in my posts here and on Twitter. I apologize if I hurt anyone’s feelings – usually I don’t realize it’s happening until a day or two later. A flare and symptom irritation makes sense since my schedule is wonky with the new school year and added stress. Feeling more myself, and more positive now, so ready to answer some “what’s my favorite” Fragen: Traveling: I love all aspects of travelling – seeing new places, meeting new people, experiencing the life of where I am visiting. I prefer places that are off the beaten path that are not usually tourist destinations. I really don’t like crowds or typical spots. Case in point – I go to Boston and don’t visit the typical city sights, I go see Emily Dickinson’s house for the day. It was like Disneyland for me. Dog breed: I love all types of dogs; I’ve had a dachshund, a German shepherd, a cockapoo, and now a goldendoodle. Of those breeds, my favorite is my goldendoodle, Sammi Dean. She was the easiest to train, is very smart, doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, and is just the sweetest dog ever. Dress up occasion: I have to chaperone our Homecoming dance every year, so I have fun dressing up for that. I also like to dress up if I am going somewhere nice with the hubby. The most fun I had dressing up was my wedding day – I loved, loved, loved my wedding dress and had so much fun getting ready for that. Course, I was just as happy to take it off at the end of the day! LOL Boy name: Had my daughter been a boy, she was going to be William Angus, or Gus for short. (With a last name beginning with Mc, the hubby wanted something that sounded Celtic). I also like the name Brennan James. Dinosaur: I’ve always been interested in either the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Triceratops. Dance: I love to watch ballet. To dance (which I don’t do well at all), I like ballroom or swing. Cereal: I eat just about any kind of cereal. I love Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds and Lucky Charms. Cartoon Cat: Garfield, of course!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to everyone! I´m working on some new clay recipes... the first results are schrecklich - terrible! Exactely as I expected... Hahaha Hm, I will figure it out... eventually. And the kittens are respectfully watching a Igel - hedgehog, they seemingly can´t decide if they should attack or not. I hope not. :) The Fragen... dies oder jenes - this or that? Truth or dare? Talk before thinking or think before talking? Work or play? Real or artificial? Naked or overdressed? Fight or forget it? Plastic or glass? Letter or postcard? Air conditioner or ceiling fan? Checks or stripes? That´s it for today, danke my dears... bis später XD


Guten Abend to Claudia and the Fraugen! Clay recipes...hmm...sounds like what happens when I bake muffins. I'm still working on plumbing projects in the lab. Told my advisor not to fall and die when he got up on a stool to make some connections. I've already switched advisors once. ;) And now, this: Truth or dare? — Truth. There are some things I just won't do, but so long as it's something about me, I'll answer most questions. Talk before thinking or think before talking? — Yes. :V Work or play? — I do so many things outside of work that I suppose I have to answer with "play," even though so many of them (like the now-completed 11-page comic!) feel like work sometimes. Real or artificial? — I was going to say this depends on context, but I think I almost always prefer the real thing to the imitation. Except where price is concerned. Then I'll usually accept the imitation because I'm poor. :P Naked or overdressed? — Overdressed, I suppose. I've been nearly-naked in front of strangers before, but that was an appropriate context (and not swimwear!). Fight or forget it? — I never forget, but I don't always fight, either. Mess with my friends, on the other hand, and my "Gryffindor pants" go on and may Heaven, Hell, and the world help whoever has done the wrong. Plastic or glass? — Glass. I like the heft and texture, and it cleans up better than plastic, with fewer aftertastes. Letter or postcard? — Postcards. I collect 'em. Air conditioner or ceiling fan? — Yes. :V I use my ceiling fan to push the chilled air down to floor level since my vents are on the ceiling. Thermodynamics says it would get there eventually, but thermodynamics takes too long sometimes. Gotta get some classical dynamics involved here. Checks or stripes? — I prefer stripes. I think the only checked item I own is a small kitchen apron that I never use. Bis später!


Darn Patreon for eating my comments!! Trying again! Hey there, Frau Claudia and the lovely Fraugen crew and sirens! Happy Thursday to you all! The weather here is very hot and tropical, with the humidity being very high. Luckily the air conditioning in my classroom is working – 34 kids in a small room can make it really warm! Cannot wait for fall to get here so I can begin enjoying being outside again! The answers to your this-or-that Fragen: Truth or dare: It would depend on what the dare would be. I don’t mind answering questions (lord, look at what I’ve answered here alone LOL), but I am a chicken when it comes to taking a dare. Talk before thinking or think before talking: Think before I speak. I can ramble with the best of them when I get really nervous, but I find I put my foot in my mouth more often than not. I like to think a bit before I say something if I can. Less chance of offending someone (especially when I think something is funny that clearly is not) or embarrassing myself (which happens quite frequently, I’m afraid). Work or play: I like to do both, really. Fortunately, I have a job where I can make what I do more play than work. I much prefer getting my kids up and doing something or discussing and dissecting literature (which is more play to me than work). Finding ways to make what I do enjoyable makes going to work more rewarding. Real or artificial: Depends of what it is. For most things, I prefer the real deal. But for things like fur, I prefer artificial. Naked or overdressed: Overdressed definitely! I would never want to be naked anywhere but the privacy of my own home. No one wants to see that! LOL Fight or forget it: I’m a total pacifist in just about anything. I hate confrontations and will avoid them at all costs. Not a healthy way to be, really, so I am actively working on that. Better to be a pacifist who can defend herself then a doormat who gets stepped on. Plastic or glass: I guess I prefer glass. Never really thought about it, to be honest. Letter or postcard: I love postcards. I was actually part of a postcard exchange group a few years ago, so I got postcards from all of the world. Still have them! Air conditioner or ceiling fan: Air conditioner, no question. Heat causes my symptoms to flare and keeps me from having any energy at all. I need to keep where I am at a cool temperature, usually around 72 degrees C, in order to function. Checks or stripes: Neither, really. I prefer small print polka dots or floral prints.


Oof, 34 kidlets all in one room? For me, that's the stuff that nightmares and rupturing brain aneurysms are made of 😱 What grade are you teaching this year? I think you were teaching high school students before, right? And Laura teaches university students? There are so many teachers here that I have trouble remembering who does what, but it's good to know that the task of educating the next generation of youngsters is in your ladies' capable hands! 👍


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a happy Freitag - Friday!? Special weekend plans? Hm? :) Don´t have time for Fragen tonight... there´s a jummy, horny man in my bed... eager to pleasure his tasssty Queen. Hahaha... So one of you Fraugen has to ask the daily Fragen today. Remember it´s for science... so nothing inappropriate! JK XD Danke my dears... bis dann. :)


I'll give it a go, why not? Would you rather... Be a Viking or a pirate? Be able to fly or be able to read minds? Have all the powers (and limitations) of Superman, or have all the powers (and limitations) of Don Juan? Have your own private island or your own private city? Be written in as a character in your least-favorite book/movie/TV series, or spend two weeks in a submersible while mapping the ocean floor?