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My poor baby is sick.  Let me help you feel better.


Sick Day - Loving Boyfriend Taking Care of You [Heartbeat & Rain Sounds]

My poor baby is sick. Let me take care of you ♥ Get '50 Shades of Gaelforce' & 'Moving In' FREE on Audible.com! - http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+) - https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



This shouldn't be tagged "work safe" the heartbeat ones are always deadly. Such a sweetheart. Happy Sunday love! 💕💋


Love when I get these notifications😊😙Happy sunday G 😙and ever1🌴💖🍍💜


HA! to heck with Gatorade....GAELORADE RESTORES ELECTROLYTES! 🤗 😘😍


My favourite kinds of audios. The ones with the sounds of your heartbeat 💞 Puts me to sleep whenever I listen to one of them ☺️


Just what the doctor ordered, thanks Gael i feel better :)


Too sweet! The sounds of the rain and your heartbeat together are perfect :) And I actually wanna hear your bad jokes, but these two...oh my lord, Gael, why? XD


Lovely and comforting 💗


You uploaded this just as I called into work sick!


I'm in the middle of a grassy field surrounded by people, so I can't listen to this at the moment. Is it as effective as the pseudoephedrine and Tylenol I've been slamming back for my summer cold? Or is it more of a "sexual healing" audio? (E.g., Will it get my white blood cells all hot and bothered, thus distracting them from actually mounting an immune response?)


What a lovely, caring audio! Your soft tone, your jokes, the rain sounds, and your heartbeat are just so calming, like being wrapped up in a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer. I love feeling cocooned like that, even when I'm not sick. :) This would be effective to fall asleep to anytime. I loved it.❤


Love it so sweet of you😊 Thanks for making Merary feel better now😉


Aww. You are so sweet! I would love the bed side mannerisms of "Nurse Gael." However, you'd have to do alot of coaxing to get me to take some Milk of Magnesium. *Blech* That stuff is too chalky! And the consistency UGH! Maybe some ear nibbles. Or to settle my tummy, how about some ginger "G-ael' Mmm, now that's good for what "G-ails" ya XDD....Ok..ok...I'll stop...but you did it too!


What a sweetheart to care for one who is sick😘 Its very much needed.


Tendre, doux Gael... ta voix comme une berceuse, elle enveloppe mon coeur, mon corps, mon âme toute entière. Alors je ferme les yeux et au creux de ton souffle avec toi j'écoute le silence. Car tes silences sont encore plus beaux que ta voix. alors mon être empli de gratitude t'envoie en retour tout l'Amour du monde. Paix à toi sweetheart...


The sheep story is true! I heard it today and laughed my head off <a href="https://www.google.ie/amp/www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/shoppers-left-gobsmacked-after-man-10812801.amp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.ie/amp/www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/shoppers-left-gobsmacked-after-man-10812801.amp</a> Lmao


It actually rained while I was recording so I improvised over it ❤️


That was so funny! Thanks again and enjoy your holiday!💋💕


I once saw a man with a parrot on his shoulder in the grocery store! One of these huge birds. The man did not look like a pirate. I also met a giant bat in a shop once, only it wasn't a bat but a well-known Dutch artist wearing all black and a flowy coat. I didn't know him, but I did live in a house that had been his, and I got invitations for posh parties all the time (well, they were meant for him) so I felt I did know him a bit. Still he looked like a giant scary bat and I LOVE bats, in general. Just not when I am shopping.


I always love the sound of the rain falling it always brings me comfort and have a calming effect. Love the heartbeat sound as well.😊 This is perfect also as a sleep audio😌❤


A festival of some sort? Summer colds suck. All colds suck. But yay for Tylenol and pseudoephedrine. I seriously hope that there is proof that orgasms are good for you when you're sick. They're always good, but if they'd have practical side-effects that would be great.


Relaxing audio for mind and body...getting more restful sleep and waking up refreshed.Well done😌


In future I'll skip your ❤beats.It's dangerous!!!


I adore you for this ending!


I've never wanted to be sick so much in all my life.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a nice Montag - Monday!? Danke, Amy for asking the Fragen! :) I had a really nice weekend, how was yours? Though it´s over now and it´s Monday yet again... igitt - ugh. So just some quick, simple Fragen... this or that... Antique or brand new? Bare feet or shoes? Beard or Schnurrbart - mustache? Low calorie or tastes great? Bracelet or Halskette - necklace? Bar soap or liquid soap? Abs or chest? Paper clips or Heftklammern - staples? Apple juice or cranberry juice? Asking questions or answering questions? Danke for your Antworten as always... bis später XD


Hi, Claudia! My weekend was pretty good :) Save for bills I had to pay...ugh...but other than that, it was good :) My mom and sister freaked out over a king snake that visited our backyard for the second time while I was at work. It got away to our next door neighbor's yard and disappeared. Antique or brand new? It depends on what it is. Usually brand new, but if it's something like a piece of jewelry handed down from my family, then antique. Bare feet or shoes? In my house, yard, and the beach, bare feet. Everywhere else, shoes. Beard or mustache? I kinda like both, but I'm leaning more towards beard. Bracelet or necklace? Necklace. Bar soap or liquid soup? Which ever has longer lasting suds. I did find a bar soap that produced suds that lasted a whole bath. Abs or chest? Both, please @_@ Paper clips or staples? Well...stables keep paper together better, but paper clips prevent tearing holes...they both have their perks. Apple juice or cranberry juice? I like both. Asking or answering questions? ...I'd prefer to answer them. I don't want to seem like I pry, but I should ask questions more.


I work in health care so it's impossible for me to <i>not</i> notice certain details, but I just wanted to point something out about Gael's liquid remedies (the Gatorade and then Milk of Magnesia, just to make that clear for the superfreaks out there 😝).<br><br>I'm sure the audio can be used for any illness you choose, or if you're just feeling down rather than sick, if just want something comforting to listen to. But when he mentioned the Gatorade for rehydration I thought, <i>"Ah yes...maybe we're talking viral gastroenteritis type of sick here, with the pukesies and the runsies. Gatorade's a good choice for short term symptoms. 👍"</i><br><br>But then he mentioned Milk of Magnesia to help settle the listener's stomach. <i>"Ooh, please not that 😬 Milk of Magnesia is a laxative, and if someone already has diarrhea...well, I don't think that story will have the happiest of endings. How about some Gravol or PeptoBismol? Or for people who want to go the all-natural route, some ginger? Helps with the nausea and upset stomach without sending you into the <b>bowels of Hell</b>.</i><br><br>(To help make up for my shitty joke, if you find yourself dehydrated and without something like Gatorade around, here's a handy oral rehydration solution you can make with common household ingredients: <a href="http://rehydrate.org/solutions/homemade.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://rehydrate.org/solutions/homemade.htm</a>)<br><br>All that aside, I really enjoyed the audio 🤗 Although I might've gotten a little <i>too</i> into it at the point where he basically tells the listener not to worry, that he won't tell her one of his bad jokes because I promptly protested out loud, <i>"What?! No! No, I didn't turn down the joke! I want the joke, dammit!"</i><br><br>(<b>Spoiler alert:</b> He totally tells a bad joke anyway. 😃👍 <i>Twice.</i> 👍👍)<br><br>And damn, I wish things like the sheep story actually happened in stores here in Canada. The only "crazy shit goes down in a grocery store" stories that make headlines here are ones where a bystander films a customer being a total racist/sexist/xenophobic douchebag to a store employee, and the clip subsequently goes viral 😒 I think the world would be a better place if it had a bit more light-hearteded absurdity, and a lot less harassment-bordering-on-a-hate crime. Although the part about the sheep's owner and the security guard getting into a fistfight wasn't so stellar 😕<br><br>As a sidebar, was the sheep actually named "Chops"? And if so, did the owner ever try to justify bringing him into the store by saying, <i>"But this is just me mutton, Chops!"</i><br><br>To help make up for <i>that</i> shitty joke, I'll officially give this audio Baby Doctimus' seal of approval! 🤘😎 Just pretend that it was the audio making me smile for the camera rather than the photographer waving a puppet around and talking in a silly voice, even while he's slowly dying on the inside <br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/WHoTcED.jpg"><br><br><i>(Oh, the things I find when I crash at my parents' house! This is probably the only picture I will ever post of myself where you can see my entire face because there's no way anyone would recognize me on the street today based on what I looked like when I was 2. Except I still have stupid hair that does whatever the hell it wants, so I just comb it in a random direction and hope for the best 😝)</i>


Oh, don't stop, Elaine! This is the audio to launch a thousand bad jokes! 😆


Did you ever go to the parties? And if so, did you go dressed as a giant bat?


Milk of magnesia and Gatorade ....oh you in for a world if hurt 😭 lmao ....


Oooo, I just want to squeeze you!! Look at little face! You are adorable!! "MOM", is what they use to call in commercials, is just for that 'one' problem. And the stuff is nasty! But that's just me, I can't take liquid medicine: makes me gag! If there is not a pill form, I'd rather stay sick. Yep big ol' baby here!


What a sweet thing for you to do, love. Heartbeat sound is very peaceful, (and sexy if it belongs to you), and if it belongs to your significant other 💏


Aw man, this one got me right in the feels! I'm a little embarrassed to say that I remember the exact day that I first listened to Gael (it wasn't that long ago, if that makes it any better): I was laid up with a horrific stomach bug, sick as could be. I was the last one in my house to get it, so I sequestered myself away and let everyone else carry about their business while I felt like I was dying. On the second day, I felt well enough to be bored (but not well enough to do anything crazy like sit up 🙄) and started browsing through meditation videos on YouTube....and the rest is history! I always look back and wonder what if I hadn't been sick, lonely, and bored that day? Maybe I would never have discovered our magical guy. So this audio transported me right back to that first day, laying in bed, feeling miserable and alone, only now I have Gael's bad jokes and heartbeat to keep me company. Brought a little tear to my eye. 😢 Thank you for all that you do for us; love and appreciate you so much!! 💕


Eh, don't be embarrassed. I remember mine, too, which is objectively more "embarrassing" than yours, imho. Tumblr blog collecting female-positive sex stuff. Wandered to his old Literotica. Say hello to that lovely voice. Now, I pretty much need his audios to get to sleep at night—and that's through three separate doctor-prescribed sleep aids. This man reading "Goodnight, Moon" could probably stop a war.


Can I just say that this audio was sorely needed today, even though I’m feeling fine? After taking twelve hours to drive what my GPS SWORE would be an eight hour trek up the road, then changing its mind to ten hours, finally landing me at my destination after lying to me all day, I was cranky and tired and just plain blah! So, what do I do to self-medicate – a Gaelforce Audio, of course! And this one was the cup of Gatorade I needed (sorry, but I wouldn’t touch Milk of Magnesia with a ten foot pole – ick!). I enjoyed sweet and attentive Gael, nursing his baby with offers of food, drink, cuddly kisses, and of course the obligatory bad jokes (really, G, your endless supply of eye-rollers is legend!). If that were me in real life, I’d be a horrible, grumpy patient, begging you to let me sleep, but your baby seems a saint! The part that I loved the most, though, and really needed, was the rain/heartbeat ending. It was serendipitous that the rain fell and you left it in – it made the audio. Nothing relaxes me more than rain, and this was so soothing after a really tough day. Added to that, I was a good girl and brought my big a** headphones with me on my trip, and I was wrapped up in the sounds! Thank you for this! Waiting patiently now for Part Two of the story: Taking Care: Baby, You Gave Me Terminal Man-Flu! Speaking of headphones, I wanted to once again encourage the ladies here to get themselves the best pair they can afford, preferably a stereo pair that fully covers the ears, to enjoy the work you are doing. Ear buds, while nice to have for public listening, just can’t do justice to the work you are creating, whether it be with the 3Dio mic or the mixing you are doing on Audacity. With good listening equipment, the sounds and experience are that much more intense, be it rain falling, a heartbeat, a whisper, or a mouth full of poprocks – almost like the sounds get into your head. Okay, public service announcement over!


I got myself some noise cancelling earphones. So much better than earplugs.


I would want to say heartbeat sounds are very calming and it is so warm to feel like sb is physically under my right ear, it almost feels warmer than the left ear. i enjoy it but at the same time i think i have the issue where i think the heartbeat is too fast than i expect a calm person's heartbeat to be.. and the frequent beating makes me nervous and make my heart race too lolll i think its just me. coz u know the machine that measures blood pressure on ur arm at the hospital? i always get my heart accelerating when my blood pressure is being taken. im aware of my heart condition being observed and measured and that makes me nervous. then it always makes me look like i have high blood pressure lol

Kathy M

Just lovely 💗💗💗 I love to make jokes and yank your chain from time to time but seriously, you have the most beautiful voice. Audios like this are so soothing and heartfelt 💕


Loved your heartbeat💗


Hey Cath! You are not alone, I have white coat syndrome at the doctors too when they try to take my BP. Lol..also to answer your question about headphones, here are the ones I love...ALZN Active Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headphones, Wireless Over-ear Stereo Earphones with Microphone and Volume Control, they also have ones that are wireless ear buds and are comfortable for sleep. You can find them on Amazon. Have a great day, and btw I loved your request on the last shout out ramble and Gael fulfilled it so sweetly, my favorite moment of that ramble!!


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears. A pleasant Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone. Don´t have much time tonight... "Lil` Seanie" (the kiln XD) is making ominous sounds O.o But here are some quick Fragen... What is the one thing in which you simply can’t stand failing? What was your Kindheits - childhood nickname? If you are in a situation where you are very dreckig - dirty, extremely müde - tired and very hungry, would you eat, take a nap or take a shower first? Can you wiggle your nose or your Ohren - ears? Danke for your answers... have to go now and spank Klein Seanie a little... XD


Hello there, Frau Claudia and the other lovely sexy sirens milling around while the Mayor is gone. We can have fun without him, can’t we? Sorry that Lil Seanie is acting up – maybe he will settle down after a good spanking? I’ve been enjoying my conference, but learned today that I am royally f***** this school year with how my school wants me to teach the class and how the conference mediators are telling me I have to. Trying to just breathe and not worry about it. Some quick Fragen will do the trick I think! No failure: I tend to be a highly competitive person irl and I hate to fail at things, even though I understand you can’t win them all. I guess the biggest things I worry about – and the only ones that really matter in the grand scheme of life – are being a failure as a wife and mother. I could handle failing at anything else, but not that. Childhood nickname: There’s not much you can do with Amy. I was called “Aim” (which I hate to this day) or toothpaste (as in Aim toothpaste). My mother called me Amily sometimes. My cousins called me chipmunk or squirt (still do, unfortunately). Dirty, tired, hungry: That is usually how I am when I come home from a camping trip. I usually clean my hands and eat first (more because I am really mean and nervous when I’m hungry). Then I take a shower, put on comfy clothes and take a nap. Wiggle it just a little bit: Nope, I can’t wiggle either one. I can cock my left eyebrow really well, though! There you go, my dear! Ahhh – feeling the peace of answering some Fragen. LOL Have a good day!


Hi Claudia, hi sirens, I am in a foul mood today. My work sucks, I am tired, I feel weird, my body is a nuisance. I don't even have the energy for Fragen!


Ssso you wouldn´ t even run if sssomething would sslither up behind you and tried to eat you?... jussst curious... (it´ s too hot to run after prey today)...


Guten Morgen sweet Sirens. A wonderful Mittwoch to everyone! It´s really unusual hot here, yesterday we had 38°C - 100°F. But now the night is beautiful... the crickets zirpen - clitter (that´s how you call it?) like crazy, the moon is so schön, the air is so sweet with wild thyme... hmm... I will go out and just sit down on the prickly,burnt grass for a while... Some random Fragen, if you are in the Stimmung - mood? Ja?... So... tell me, what can you smell right now? What can you hear? What´s in your pocket? (If you have any :)) What time is it? What´s the colour of your Höschen - panties XP? Of your shoes? And what’s one question you would never answer? Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis dann XD


Hello there, lovely Frau Claudia and the rest of the sweet and sexy sirens! Happy almost-Wednesday to you. It sounds like you are having a lovely evening, Claudia, and I hope that the temperature is more bearable for you tomorrow. Had a lovely evening here, as well. Went to the beach on the Cape (Cape Cod) and waded in the icy water for a bit. Ended the evening at a bar on the beach with ladies whom I met at my conference and may have converted them to the ways of the Force (Gaelforce, that is!) Really have to watch drinking wine in mixed company! So, your random Fragen answers: Hear/Smell: I am in the dorm room where I am staying and I have the window open, so I can smell the night air, which has the faint hint of fall and leaves in it. I am hearing my fingers typing on my keyboard, the air conditioner outside, and a plane passing overhead. Pocket contents: I am writing this in my pajamas and I just realized they have decorative pockets on the front. Sadly, nothing fun in those pockets. Time check: It is 11:28 pm. Panties and shoes: They are cream-colored lace in the front, and sheer cream colored in the back. Right now I am barefoot. Question I won’t answer: Gosh, there are so many questions I never thought I would answer here and I have. I guess anything too identifying. More worried about people where I work finding out about me on Patreon or Twitter – really don’t think they would understand.

Ileandra & Raven

!!! is that your actual heartbeat, Gael? Wow . . . that's crazy intimate. Way more than anything else I've heard you do. Wow. ^_^


dangerous right?perhaps you could do a reaction video to this ;D


This is so sweet and comforting. Gael has the best laugh and I love his dad jokes. Almost makes me want to be sick just so I can have him take care of me.