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For those of you I missed!




I would TOTALLY die if I ever got a shout out from Daddy Gael!! I would love to hear him moan my name and give me kisses. His growls are fucking life!! Ahh!! Completely love him! ❤️❤️❤️


Good Morning Everyone!


Morning Courtnie! Happy friday !

Kathy M

Huzzah!!! Have a great vacation Gael!


Yay! Enjoy your vacation, dear friend! 😘💕


😱😍❤️ Oh Gael, your sweet sexy voice demanding my kiss 😩💦 I don't smoke... but I feel as though one would go down a real treat right now 😂


Well, this is a surprise! 😍 I was feeling down today and your shoutout ramble cheered me up. Thanks, Gael. You're the best ❤️ Enjoy your vacation 😚


Hmmmm...not sure if this will top the pop rock audio! 😜 Love it when you spoil us on Fridays! TGIF! Have a great weekend!


You are the cutest and sweetest person Gael❤Enjoy your vacation and time with family...you're going to melt, it's really hot out there ☉🌡


Heard my shout out...currently in a puddle on the floor in my kitchen...someone send help🤤💀


awww when he's already such a soft person and i request soft talk and i just melt into a puddle! you're too much Gael thank you! Hv a nice vacation!!


Go raibh maith agat, a chara! I'll be sure to try the "I'm from Connemara" line if I slip into 'alternative grammar' on my travels next summer, haha! Meanwhile, may your own travels be as exciting / relaxing, beautiful & fun as you could possibly hope. Tá mé ag beir barróga mór ort!


😳. Have fun and be safe. Also wear sunscreen. 💋💋💋


I heard my name and I literally had to pause and physically prepare myself 😖 He's such a sweetheart!


💖 Hope your vacation is as wonderful as you! 🏖🏔🏝🏜🗺🌞🌈🌠


Yay vacation! Have a great time, and get some rest. You sooo deserve it! ❤


Enjoy your vacation! 🤗❤️


Have a lovely vacation! Enjoy the sun and the chance to relax and explore. Come back to us safe, refreshed, and full of great stories to tell. Safe travels, luv! (And thanks for the congratulations and the hug -- really made my day!)


Love the way you can't say my name! It's different every time! 😉CLASSIC! Have a wonderful, enjoyable, adventurous vacation!! Big Hugs!! 🤗


I hope you have a fun, fantastic, exciting yet restful vacation! Have a great time ❤! Hugs and kisses! 😙😙💋💋❤


So sweet, so funny and obviously so sexy. Your accent when you speak french, hmmm exquis, charmant, délicieux. It sounds like whispers in my ear. Have good holidays and take care of you man !


Have a lovely vacation. You're simply the best! Thanks for the shoutout. You've my day brighter.


G baby! Thanks for the recommendation! Please dont forget the vlog! I missed it since you last went to Hvar. And yeah, I didnt know you played a guitar too. Well, you are same with me. I only played song that is simple doesnt require too much you know 'fingering' (jenowadahmean xD), I did have a guitar lesson from the past but I stopped. And its been a months and Im picking it up it again. Ive never tried Plucking tho. Haha prolly should do in the future. Dont forget the vlog! Enjoy your day Sirens. Enjoyyyyy~

Misa Amane

oh my night that shout out. XD ty!


Ssoo, Herr Gael. I wissh you a nice vacation. Ssshould your plane crash in the Bavarian Alps... be careful if Frau Claudia comesss to your resscue.... I remember thisss Stephen King book "Misssery" Muahahahasss... just a little kidding... enjoy your holidaysss.


AWWW, I didn't think that fact stuck with you :) Thank you love! <3


Well, I suppose that would be one way in which Frau Claudia could finally get her "mashed potato wrestling while clad only in leather pants" audio 🤔 But I'm sure she is far too merciful to hobble Gael. Perhaps she would just lock him in a room with her fluffy murder kittens and let nature take its course 😯 A hedgehog was able to survive the kittenblitz, so Gael would probably be okay. Probably. 🤞


Ahhhhh! Excite! Thank you, Gael ⭐️😄🌺 (I'm glad you understand the shyness! ☺️) ((though I might not be as shy on the next shoutout request 😘))


Safe travels Mr Gael and happy vacation.... ☀💋


Okay, but DIBS ON THE SECOND ALIEN. then sharesies.


I know - it's cracking me up, too! it's hilarious and awesome. :-)


😍 Thank you, Gael, that made my day! 😘 Enjoy Croatia


Just listened to the whole shoutout ramble. Hope you get some much needed rest 😘


How do I request a shoutout?


I haven't listened to this ramble yet but wanted to share this link of a meditation video I saw on YT. Couldn't you just hear Gael making one like this???? bahahaha The title is F*ck That: An Honest Meditation www.youtube.com/watch?v=92i5m3tV5XY&index=110&list=WL


When Gael is thinking about doing a Shout Out Ramble, he will create a post and announce it. Then, he leaves it up so everyone who wants to can comment on the post. Those are what he will use to create the ramble. He basically just reads through as he does the ramble and he talks pretty spontaneously. Everyone on any tier can participate, so the next time he does one, jump on the thread and you can make your request.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - lovelies. Hope everyone will have a wonderful Samstag - Saturday! Do you have special weekend plans? Wreaking some havoc? Hm? I think I will stay in my little cabin for the weekend... enjoying the solitude and maybe looking for the Lizard King. Haha... Today´s Fragen... silly edition... would you rather... Experience a sharp pain in your side each time someone says your name or have a bell sound each time you are aroused? Have a large 10 inch long belly button that swayed to music or have accordions for legs? Have hair nowhere on your body or be very hairy all over and not be able to shave? Go through a whole day with your bra’s underwire poking you or have a very bad hair day? Have your feet never be comfortable in shoes or have always slighty sticky hands? Danke for your Antworten... bis dann XD


Bonjour Frau claudia🤗 (thanks ! Still Friday for me tho) So,tomorrow (as in saturday ) I'm going to the river with some friends .On sunday,there's this special event (competition)that we call"Tour des yoles Rondes" that I think i'm gonna see (or If i 'm too tired i'll probably do a "lay on my bed "time. My 1st answers 🤗:I would rather •Have a bell sound - •Have accordions for legs -would be funnier if I have to do an Irish Dance ;) •That's a good question here ;)Of course I think I wouldn't like to look like Chewbacca ,but I wouldn't appreciate having no hair either bc depending on its location, it can be very useful to protect my body from intrusions so.... hard question😁 •Have a very bad hair day-Yup !interesting question because wearing a bra is an option.Some women are choosing not to wear any bras (The "no bra "movement ) and That's pretty 👌👌👌.-hope I answered the question - •Have my feet never be confortable in shoes -I think I can handle it 😁 -.Sticky hands I don't think I could ,when I am under pressure even my hands are sweaty ,and that's just horrible😂so "Sticky hands?":Nooope😂


Finally got around to listen! You are correct about my name! Thank you for the kiss! Have a safe holiday!😙


Thank you Gael for taking time out for your ladies!! I hope you have a fantastic vacation! Be safe and relax...Well your version of "relax." Which means traversing hillsides, running like a madman, lifting, and drinking tea!


Happy Saturday everyone! Tomorrow I am going out with someone. I wont consider it a date but maybe for him it is second date. Only this date, i chose to go during the day. i just going to give him a second chance. and I told my friend to call me in the evening so I can have excuse to go home. We will see how tomorrow. I hope he will not do that touching on the thigh again. AND HOPEFULLY I WILL NOT GET ANXIETY ATTACK TOMORROW. I think im more prepared now like bitch if this duckass touching me again im going to beat his ass, no one touch me unless its G. Cause G aint need my permission. Sorry for over exaggerating. Gotta go! BYEEEEEE~


Have fun, stay safe, and go somewhere with plenty of witnesses and at least one security camera 😎👍


Good morning, Gael and lovelies ❤️ So you know that "Gaelforce compilation" audio? I was bored and I decided to listen to the whole thing... 😈 Lots of edging was happening. By the end of it, I was breathless and shaking 😍 Great way to start the weekend, don't you think? 😇😈 Lol. Anyway, have a great weekend, everyone! 😚


I hope you have a wonderful trip--you so deserve it! I'd tell you "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," but that would severely limit your options. 😂So instead I'll advise you to have lots of fun and take care of yourself. 💕


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. Einen wunderschönen Sonntag euch allen. You know I´m just too lazy to come up with Fragen tonight... ja, maybe I´m a liiittle tipsy... :) Perhaps one of you Sirens wanna ask some highly scientific Fragen?? Hm?? Ohh and yesterday the kitten duo managed to obtain a tasssty Perlhuhn - guineafowl! I think I will roast it and share it with them... hahaha... Will see you later my dears. Enjoy your day! XD


Hey there, Frau Claudia! I would be happy to provide us with some highly scientific Fragen this evening. Put your feet up, enjoy your tipsiness, and maybe the kittens will bring you another treat. Have a lovely Sunday! Here are some various Fragen ladies: --Is laughing in the bedroom okay with you, or do you prefer to keep things serious? --What’s the sexiest outfit a man could wear to turn you on? --What are five things that make having sex and making love different for you? --After sex, are you a cuddler/sleeper or one who is ready for more? There you go, ladies! Thank you for answering!


Hi all, have you all read about the latest Gaelandia project? If you haven't, check it out. Who's in for an adventure? <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473">https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473</a>


Oh my god I think I almost broke my face from smiling so hard when you said my name. You're wonderful Gael, thank you for the kisses! 💙


Dammit I missed it😳


Listening to this is like we are all in line for Santa at the shopping centres. I love listening to you ramble, Gael. When is the next one coming up?


The first song I learned on the guitar was Ode to Joy. Thank you, it's very impressive I know😏