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Are you ready to listen to me get my rocks off?

Make your own rocks!





I'm crying! You even manage to make pop rocks sound sexy for Gods sake... Gael - The Food Edition. "Next week: Gherkins" LMAO.


Nope just no


I dont know why I feel the calling to comment on this from like a year ago+. Lol. But I also now feel the urge to find some pop rocks, put them in my mouth and while they are popping, close it over my bicep. Haha guess you just brought out the “weird” in me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just wanna know how it feels. *brb heading to the market*


I was going to skip that one because I thought, you know.. I"m new to this and that was just a bit .. more tmi feeling than I was comfortable with.. and then I read Pop Rocks Sexual. And, now I have to know.


Just heard this thanks to Heidi K's advent calendar. What a hilarious way to start my day. Laughter is contagious.


I'm crying XD


All day everyday Gael 😘


Funniest thing ever.


This is awesome😂 tingles everywhere😗😌


💖 😄😄😄Pop those rocks, baby! 😁


💖You are such a goofball! 😁😁😁


😱 Triggering my ASMR like CRAZY 😜


💖Are those VEGAN pop rocks?


You really lost your rocks this time! Lol! I loved it though! 😂😙


💖 Nothing sexier first thing in the morning than a dry, furry mouth full of pop rocks! 😋😂


Silly boy...it did give me goose bumps and giggles though. 🙃 🎧❤️

Kiara. B

It was so hard to keep a straight face through this entire video, ended cracking up laughing XD Nice Gael, you're always funny 😘


Laughing and shivering uncontrollably over here!!! Thank you Gael!


Well, gotta say that's not what I was expecting!lol. This is definitely a wonderful way to wake up in the morning though. Thanks for the early laughs dear!!


First,I thought it was cereals 😂but damn I just couldn't stop laughing."will you marry me"got me dead lmao😂😂


Gaelforce. Ever the trailblazer, the maverick, breaking boundaries for your listening pleasure. 😆 I couldn't contain my laughter! Cute! It actually did make me all tingly. 😉😙


Oh hey 😏


😁 loved it! Excellent audio to laugh along with

Lois Geal

Omggg 😍😋❤️

Gri (Sassy_One)

You're fuckin' brilliant even when bored😂😂😂


Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if you would go down on someone with your mouth full of these? ...for science of course!! XP




Okay I'm officially in love with you now😊😂


😂😂😂 SILLY ASS!!! Now I'm convinced I'm nuts, this has me laughing and a bit turned on!😋😍


Only you could make a mouth full of poprocks sound....sexy? 😂😂 Please promise to hide any Coke products and the poprock's recipe from Seanie while you're gone. I have visions of Seanie Does ASMR: PopRocks and Coke. God only knows the mess you would return to! 😉😂😂😂 <a href="http://www.snopes.com/horrors/freakish/poprocks.asp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.snopes.com/horrors/freakish/poprocks.asp</a>


"I'd love to fell your body next to mine" *loud POP* I literally choked on my coffee there.

Kathy M

You lovable goof! 💗😂🙄💕 You pulled out the marry me card fantasy with a mouthful of vegan pop rocks. I think we can comfortably say nobody in the history of all audio has ever done such a thing! 😂💕💗




Oh my you're insane Gael lol


I already choked on my coffee ☕😜 and I'm wearing a white dress


I was still a lil' turned on lol. What does that say about me? 😳😂😍


Ja, maybe one day he will become a true ASMR Artiste... but I´m still waiting for the 3 1/2 hours long "bag of crisps crinkling/page turning/tapping against the magic mic" masterpiece. Achh... perhaps eines schönenTages - one of these days? Hm?... ;))


"I was bored." That sounds like fake news, son.


You are a little bit weird. [But I like that] 😘


Ah, now I want some pop rocks. Too funny!!


baby don't try to be sexy with ur mouth filled with pop rocks lmao! but damn this is asmr af &lt;3 what a nice friday night surprise at my timezone


You are just too adorable! 🤣🤣🤣 This made me laugh so hard. Lmao 😂 Thanks for cheering me up, G 😘




Hey, Gael! I have to say that I didn't expect to feel the tingles but i sorta did when you did the ear to ear pouring thing. And also every time you giggled and breathed so close to the mic was 👌👌👌. Happy friday!


OMG!! I am at my desk laughing so hard I'm snorting!!!! 🐷 I can't stop!!


Pop rocks are usually one of only a couple of non-verbal ASMR triggers that work for me. (Usually I only get tingly somnolent bliss from softly-spoken, gentle content in certain tones of voice.) This was such a weird mix of giggling and tingles! Well played, sir -- you totally trolled my tingles! 🤣

Kathy M

I've never tried pop rocks, always afraid they'd fly down my throat, I'd choke and die and that's my irrational fear for today 😄


LMAO I have got to have my sister make these with the kids!


Ooh, ooh, can I play the flute? *looks innocent*


MAYDAY MAYDAY we have lost him finally !!! Actually he needs help. Nous l'avons définitivement perdu, cet homme est fou !!! Je ris tellement, je pense que lesvoisinsm'ont prise pour une folle !!! Merci so much Gael, thank you beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup. This is one of my favourite audio, really !!! "Will you marry me" ha ha ha !!! And this sense of humour about yourself, this is your force, ce sens de l'autodérision, c'est ta force. Surtout ne change rien si c'est bon comme ça...


Yes dear Claudia, as you say "perhaps" or not ! and your comment make me laugh too. Danke !


A downright lie, I'd say! Or aren't we allowed to say that anymore?


Oh my god, Gael, no, I was laughing so hard - thank you, Gael. xD That is some serious Pop Rock though! Kinda jealous... the Pop Rocks I had back then as a kid never was this pop-rock-y. Your giggles here are - you are such a huge dorky goof. Thank you xDD


Oh goodness this was so funny!!


I'll let you in to a secret, giving oral sex with pop rocks in your mouth is very......interesting


Oh god, I love you so much XD


Hmm... possible audio idea? 😈 Gael, please do this 😍🔥


The shudders from the tingles I got from :40-1:00 almost made me yank out my ear phones. Lol Then the laughs afterwards, especially the "Baby. Baby." after a spoonful. 😂


I'm so sad I have to hold off on hearing these until after work 😢😢 I'm tempted to pop my headphones in but I'm afraid of how I might react to this in the office lol from the comments it seems like it's mostly funny but if he let's even just one moan slip I won't be able to keep it together


Ok been hearing some good reviews on this audio, now I can't wait to listen to it after work since you tagged it as NSFW 😂😂


OMG this just about killed me with laughter... So very much what I needed today.


For reasons I don't know (or perhaps for no reason at all), I woke up completely sad this morning--totally blue. And like my own personal raincloud, that sadness has followed me all morning. I was hesitant to listen to this because of my bad mood, but I shouldn't have been. It didn't make the sadness go away (not even you are that magical), but it did give me a reprieve, an umbrella to hold up against the deluge. Thank you for the smiles you give us--they are so appreciated! xx


You should say " I love you" in your audios more often. You sound so sweet and sincere.💖


Fab experiment😆😆😆! Thanks so much for the laughs🤣🤣🤣! Have a fantastic holiday and enjoy yourself😎🌻😎!


Oh my gosh, I can't even XD XD!! You are so goofy!


This is so fun


Hullo everyone! Did you read about the new project on the community page? Hope you'll all participate! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473">https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473</a>


Aww, Laura ☹️ Are you feeling a bit better? I know life is like a sine wave and we're always going to have our good days and bad days, but I hope those dark clouds clear for you soon. At any rate, no one is expected to be all sunshine and lollipops 100% of the time - sometimes you need a day or two to feel down just to get it out of your system.


Thank you for the laughs and tingles! 😂 😍 Love this mic ..... the feel of your breath on my ears gives me the shivers 💖🔥


"Kiss me" While you're foaming at the mouth? No thanks.


All I could think about was how you were going to drown/suffocate, and how I was too busy laughing to care. XD


Gael: {noshes on some pop rocks} ✨✨✨ "Oh baby, will you marry me?" Me: .......... Well, that escalated quickly. 😜


I was laughing in stitches! I KMSL when your tongue began to feel furry and also itchy. I love Pop rocks candy and I used to stuff my mouth with it so I can relate🤣🤣 Cheers to your funny experiment👍👍


Man, Gael! Do you know how fast I opened this notification!?!?! I was getting excited!! Sitting in my car waiting until my shift started. And then.....I ended up laughing my ass off!!! I love that you can be "seriously" silly! "You are so fucking sexy"..(pop!pop!pop!)..My mouth is dry..,(pop!pop!pop!).."Slip your tongue in my mouth" (pop!pop!pop!).."please" (pop!pop!pop!) People were walking by looking at be like I was crazy! Your ass is Silly! I love it!!


How the fuck did you make poprocks that hot?! Not fair... You make suck at making poprocks but you succeed at audios that's for sure


You're such a character gael🙄😂


This is the most delightful man in the ever-loving world.


You are quite funny. "Less talking, more nibbling please"


Bahahahah 😂 OMG that was awesome!!!


Omg I love you 🤣🤣 I admit I read the comments before listening so I kinda knew what was coming (not you 👀😝) and I still lmao so much I spooked my cat off the bed. I even got some tingles too damn. "So furry" 😂😂


And here I thought I was the biggest dork in the group 😂😂😋


Haha love the silliness😂


So far you have put me to sleep with breathless orgasms, cuddle sounds and and snuggles, centering and calming meditations, and last night with a full on GIGGLE FIT. Loved this!


Hilarious! He can't even keep serious while he does it. Trying to sound sexy while they explode in his mouth. Let alone occasionally he sounds as if he is almost drooling or gagging. Bloody brilliant. 😆😂 Although I wonder what the rocks tasted like?


He has quite the repertoire, doesn't he? A little something for everyone!


Pretty safe to say that no matter how dorky you think you are, Gael will always have you beat. 😂💖


You sound like a big kid! Literally a kid in a candy store XD! So fookin' goofy and endearing. What color did you make the pop rocks and what flavor? If you didn't flavor them, no wonder they were gross, citric acid and baking soda, blehhh.<br><br>I'm glad you finally get to take some time off. At least think about sleeping in until 7 or 8-ish and catch up on your rest ya sexy fookin' Irishman. XP XP <br><br>Thank you for sharing your gift and for being such a genuinely good guy. You make the world a brighter place and bring joy to a lot of people. I consider myself very lucky to have stumbled across you. Safe travels love. 💕💕💕💋💋💋


Don't play, you know you'd say yes. 😂😘😛


Dear Gael, this gave me good Asmr. Tingles all over my ears and brain. I am shocked, so do more experiments like this one thanks😇


You sound like Sean Connery with your 's's coming out all furry, you ginormous dork 😂


Dang Gael. 😂


Pop rocks sound like a good idea for woman to do to their man 😜 That would be a funny and cute experiment.

Tayla J

When i felt your breath, my heart stopped..then I busted out laughing. 😆


😂😂 lol a mess, a entire hilarious hot mess


Very funny lol


Lol! You're nuts ... we love it!! 😉


OMG. Dying laughing :D


I wanna know how you got through any of it without laughing, this is so ridiculous! Smh 🙄 I love that you're so silly 😂🤣😂


I love this one one of my faves ❤️❤️😂

Andy Tyler

Okay um don’t take this the wrong way but... the fuck? 😂😂😂 what the actual fuck gave you the idea of making pop rocks sexual 😂😂😂 this is hilarious I love it


Absolutely loved the audios I've heard so far but hadn't realised how much I needed to giggle until I heard this one! Thank you 😊 and keep those audios cumming....ermm I mean coming obviously! X