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Hello My Lovelies!

Are you ready to get up them steps?  Take the world by the horn and show it who's boss!

Our PA Tier Draw winners this week are;

♦ Cameron Katzen

♦ Jillian Nichole 




Good day Gael! 😘 Congrats ladies!


Congratulations ladies!


And have a great week everyone!


Good morning, Gael. Hope you're having a better day than I am 😚 And congrats, lovelies. Have a great week 🙂


Congrats beautifuls! ❤ Gael, have a lovely week!


Congrats, ladies!!! Happy Monday, indeed. 😄


Dé luain shóna duit, a chara! Congratulations, Cameron & Jillian! So excited for you!


Congratulations, lovely ladies! Enjoy! Gael, hope you've had a great day and have an even lovelier week! 😙💕


Yes I'm ready to start off this week with a bang! Congratulations ladies! Good morning G! Have an AMAZING week everyone! 😊

Misa Amane

Congrats guys ^^


Love the minion pic, by the way. Lol 😂😂


Minions! Bello! Also, congrats, ladies!


Congrats ladies!


Glückwunsch, Mädls! But Herr Gael... are you abroad? It´ s already afternoon! Or is that the weird Gaelandian time zone?? And awwww... your world has one horn, is it like a unicorn? Ja? ...or maybe you were thinking about another one-horn-thingy that we should grab?... XDD


Congrats ladies!!! 💖💖💖


💖Happy Monday to all of Gaelandia! ! 🤗 I hope everyone's day and week is full of love, light, and joy...seek it out, find it in the smallest of unlikely places. ❤❤❤ Comhghairdeas, Cameron and Jillian! Have a lovely time with your PA's! 💕


Na wunderbar und herzlichen Glückwunsch ihr Lieben🎉🎊💋


You mean a rhinoceros? 🦏<br><br><b>Edit:</b> I should probably be more specific and say "You mean an Indian or Javan rhinoceros?" Because other types of rhinos have 2 horns. Which kinda defeats the whole <i>Get it? He was referring to a penis! 😆</i> part.


Bonjour Gaelandia, hello everyone, belle semaine à vous, have a beautiful week 🌺 Félicitations les filles congratulations ladies, I'm happy for you. Enjoy 😍 ! Bonjour Gael, joli semaine à toi cariño. Que l'inspiration et la créativité soient avec toi... that inspiration and creativity be with you. French kisses, baisers doux et frais 💋


Congratulations Jillian &amp; Cameron!! 🎉


Congratulations ladies! Hope all have a good week.😊

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 18:01:05 服装といい表情といい行動といい全部エッチ過ぎるんだ😍
2017-07-24 17:19:56 Congratulations, girls! Happy Monday to you all! 💕😙

Congratulations, girls! Happy Monday to you all! 💕😙


Congratulations, Cameron and Jillian!! :D :D


Hope y'all have a great week. I'm going to be pretending my teacher summer is almost over 🍷


Congrats, lovelies!


Congratulations girls! Enjoy!


Congratulations ladies!! You will love your PA!!


Congratulations ladies!! Have a good week everyone. 😊


Congrats! Felicitations🤗👏👏!!hello G and everyone,thanks!Happy Mday and Have a great week too! hem...As a new Member of Gaelandia (or G worshiper,Siren )lol,I would like to know more about this : What is it about , exactly?can someone help me understand plz?( besoin de quelqu'un pour éclairer ma lanterne😁😁)


Do you mean what the draws and PAs are about? A PA is a personal audios, which is a custom audio that Gael makes specifically for someone based on what he/she wants to hear (e.g., an erotic audio, a comedy one, a ramble, etc). Currently the only way to get a PA is to join the $4.99 tier, at which point your name is entered into a draw (like the one above) to win one. There's a bit of chance involved in terms of <i>when</i> a person wins the draw, but to try to keep things fair and accessible to as many people as possible, everyone in the $4.99 tier gets a PA at some point.<br><br>I hope that answers your question! I'm sorry that I couldn't answer it <i>en francais</i> because I don't speak French. What a bad Canadian I am 😧🇨🇦


Doctimus Prime Perrrrfect thanks!!(lmao 😂No worries at all😁...I also speak "creole" (translation: "pani pies pwoblem😁...Mwen ka palé kréyol Matinik tou! )and i am sure it would be much more difficult lol😂😂😂 (i té ké pli difisil di matjé'y !)


Congratulations Cameron and Jillian!! Woohooo!! Enjoy ladies!!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope your Dienstag - Tuesday will be pleasant. Here it´s a rainy, cool night... it´ so nice to be able to snuggle up in a blanket without sweating like a pig in heat. :) Btw... today is Jacobitag - St.Jacob`s day. Traditionally it has been a rather bawdy holiday for the Almbauern - alpine farmers but now most of the old traditions are forgotten... I guess I have to do something raunchy to honour the old mores! Hahaha... Let´s start with some sexy Fragen... What’s your most outrageous sexual fantasy? How many sex toys do you own? Where’s the most inappropriate place you’ve ever masturbated? Which sexual act are you best at? What’s the biggest age difference you’ve had between yourself and a sexual partner? Who’s the most inappropriate person you’ve ever fantasied about? (Please don´t say Seanie o.O) So, that should do to honour St. Jacob... haha... danke Schätzchen. XD


Congrats ladies! Enjoy!


Good Lord, Frau Claudia, what exactly was St. Jacob the patron saint of? Debauchery? 😝<br><br>The humidity in my part of the world is just awful. Whether it's pissing rain or whether there's nary a cloud in the sky, I always seem to wake up looking like a feverish mess, what with my nightshirt clinging to me with sweat 😓 I can't wait to head back to my hometown for a vacation because at least it's more of a dry heat there.<br><br>I'm not that much of a superfreak, but I'll try to answer the naughty <i>Fragen</i> as best I can 🤔<br><br><b>Number of sex toys:</b> Well, I suppose that depends on what qualifies as a sex toy. If we're including the whole gamut from vibrators to nipple clamps, I have 6.<br><br><b>Biggest age difference between myself and a partner:</b> 15 years. He was older.<br><br><b>Most inappropriate person I've fantasized about:</b> Hmm...probably a supervisor/mentor I worked with almost 4 years ago when I was still in the training stage of my career. I'd heard rumours that he often seemed a bit aloof, but by the end of our first day working together, it was clear that we were going to get along extremely well. Because he wasn't actually aloof - he was just socially awkward (it takes one to know one and whatnot). Our senses of humour were really similar and we were always cracking jokes and bantering in the office.<br><br>You know how sometimes you just effortlessly <i>click</i> with people? He was someone I clicked with. Being around him was such an enjoyable experience that my 2-month work placement in his office was probably one of the happiest times I've had within the past 4 years. I was genuinely attracted to the guy, which was a damned shame because there were a couple of reasons why I could never act on it:<br><br>1) There was a power imbalance, what with him being my supervisor. It would've been unprofessional to have been more than friendly colleagues, at least before I'd even graduated.<br>2) He was about 11 or 12 years older than me, although I'm not really all that fussed about age differences (within reason)<br>3) Did I mention he was married and he and his wife had a set of adorable twin girls? Because he was totally married and had kids, which pretty much sunk the battleship before it had even sailed.<br><br>I felt guilty about being attracted to someone that I had no business being attracted to for multiple reasons. So the fantasies I did have were more along the lines of "Well, here's what I wish would happen if we were in an alternate universe". Oh well - such is life! 🤷🏻‍♀️<br><br><b>Most inappropriate place for a ladyfap:</b> Hmm...probably in a grassy field not too far from a suburban community 😳 The place was more or less deserted at the time (only the occasional dog walker or bike rider happened by), and I made sure that my SO at the time was keeping an eye out to warn me if anyone was approaching. I also had both of our jackets draped over me for extra privacy. <br><br>I didn't mind the outdoorsy part. It was more the "we're technically in public" part that I felt iffy about. I know some people find the <i>"Ooh, are we gonna get caught?"</i> aspect to be a turn on, but it made me more uncomfortable than anything else 😕<br><br><b>Sexually talented at...</b> Oh gosh, I don't know. I don't even feel all that qualified to answer that question - you'd have to ask someone who's been on <i>Doctimus' Wild Ride</i>, of which there have been very few people. I'm talking very, very few people. 😯<br><br><b>Most outrageous sexual fantasy:</b> I'mma pass on this one. Answering 5 out of 6 isn't bad, although I'll own the fact that my answer to the "Which sexual act are you best at?" is lacklustre 😝


Herzlichen Glückwunsch Lovelies.Congrats :D


Guten Morgen Sirens. A happy Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone. :) It´s still raining here and nicely cool. The kittens retreated into he barn, hunting the resident Siebenschläfer - dormice. Did you know fattened dormice were a highly esteemed delicacy... still are somewhere in eastern Europe. They were kept in special clay pots with little shelves... ja, anyway. :) Here are some quick, tame Fragen... this or that... Noise or Silence? Run or Walk? Strawberry or Blueberry? Yellow or Purple? Camera or Digital Camera? Clean or Dirty? Bad or Good? Birds or Horses? Salt or Pepper? Latte or Expresso? Danke for your Antworten, as always... bis dann XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy carbon-based lifeforms! <br><br>It's actually a bit cool here this evening, so I'm warming up with a giant ass cup of coffee. I normally wouldn't advise this because it's actually 9:30 pm here, but I'm in for another long night. Almost done-ish with my paperwork for the evening, but there is the pile (or two) of laundry that still needs to be done. I've found that lately I'm about as exhausted when I get 7 hours of sleep at night as when I get 4 hours of sleep, so I might as well just use the difference to get shit done. And then I can go into a profound coma once my vacation starts!<br><br>But much like there's always room for dessert, there is always time for <i>Fragen!</i><br><br><b>Noise or silence:</b> ¡Silencio, por favor! Stick me somewhere by a waterfront or on a mountain in relative silence and solitude, and then I'll have myself a recipe for perfect peace 😶<br><br><b>Run or walk:</b> I LOVE going for long walks (the beach part is optional). If there was a person who somehow embodied the act of running, I'd tell them to go jump in a lake because I just dislike them so much<br>❌🏃🏻‍♀️ ✅🚶🏻‍♀️<br><br><b>Strawberry or blueberry:</b> Strawberry. Preferably dipped in chocolate and sensually brought to my lips by a sexy man devoted to pampering me. I'm sure this is attainable 😉 - I just need to find the right man from the right escort service. Unless Madeline has finally found me the Swedish dreamboat that <del>I insisted she get for me</del> she promised me 😝<br><br><b>Yellow or purple:</b> Purple!<br><br><b>Camera or digital camera:</b> Camera. I don't really use either, but traditional cameras are built to last while digicams only seem to last for 2-3 years. Case in point: my mom still has a fully functional Nikon camera from 1980 (it's older than me, ffs), whereas my Canon PowerShot died after about 2 years.<br><br><b>Clean or dirty:</b> Clean. Like how I wish my apartment was.<br><br><b>Bad or good:</b> I don't know if this is supposed to be a deep, philosophical question, but I'm just going to err on the side of caution and choose good.<br><br><b>Birds or horses:</b> Horses. Their neighs and snorts and whinnies are adorable. Some birds have really sweet songs, but after about 5 min of non-stop chirping at 4 am, I've had my fill of the feathered bastards 😒<br><br><b>Salt or pepper:</b> Salt. It's not that good for you, but I'm not a fan of pepper at all.<br><br><b>Latte or espresso:</b> Normally I'd pick latte, but espresso is the reason that I've been able to blast through <i>Fragen</i> and why I'm getting them good ol' palpitations right now. I'll just pretend that the thought of being fed chocolate-covered strawberries by a sexy man is what's gotten my ticker tickety-ticking away! 💓<br><br>(Haha, but no, I'm kinda starting to regret adding that shot of espresso into my coffee. I'm pretty sure I've crossed the line between being alert and being overly hyper 😳)


Happy Wednesday all. Part 6, is it?..It's up on the community page. Please enjoy, comment, critique!!


Ooh, Part 6 made me hungry! Mostly for fancy appetizers, but potentially also for Montgomery 😝 If he can finally make that leap from cocky and <i>"I want to possess you"</i> to humble and <i>"I want to protect and take care of you, but still treat you as an equal capable of doing things for herself"</i>, then we're in business 😍<br><br>I can't wait to see what goes down between him and his brother, though 😯 As always, muchas gracias for sharing! 🙌


Damnation and boiling nastiness to Patreon for eating my text! Should have visited them when I was in SF and gave them my Very Nasty Look. Anyway. It's not been a good week so far. I'm in the middle of an 'eek, is this IT?' thingy re: work. I succeeded in starting my own when I was at my very worst. Let's just say a double depression was the easy part of it all. And now I am a respectable working person with an actual income. Although I'm still scared to spend any of it. Like, yesterday I bought two new boob catchers. I should have become a bra maker, 's all I'm saying. Now that would be a REAL rags to riches story. Are they made of gold brocade and silk? No, no. But still! Anyway, like Gael I'd like to help people. Of course translating web marketing is helpful too, but I mean really helping. With words. To change things. I'm thinking life changing situations. Rituals with words. I wanna make people cry. Tears have cleansing power. And then give people something new. Seeds to grow. Garble, garble ... anyway. Antworten. Noise or Silence? Silence. Noise hurts. Run or Walk? Walk. My body is not made for running. Strawberry or Blueberry? Hmm, both! Strawberries are summer, but blueberries will always remind me of happy afternoons in Swedish forests. Yellow or Purple? Purple. Always purple. I love purple. Camera or Digital Camera? If I had the skills, the analog version. Clean or Dirty? Clean, please. But how! That's the question. My house exploded, Again. Bad or Good? One can't exist without the other, I guess. Birds or Horses? Birds. Yes, they can be irritating little buggers, like doves. OOOh-wooh! Oooh-wooh! Shut it, pestilential flying disasters! But blackbirds are cool. And sparrows. And jays. and kingfishers. And robins. Salt or Pepper? Without salt, things taste horrible. Ever tried bread without salt? Yu-u-uck! I like pepper, freshly ground preferably, but if I have to choose I go for salt. Latte or Espresso? Lahhhte. I'm a latte girl.


Proper bras for proper bosoms are stupid expensive. I think I told you before how my well-endowed sister-in-law has to pay a small fortune for her over-the-shoulder boulder holders. I suppose I'm quite lucky in that the size of my lady lumps is somewhere between the square root of 0 and an A cup. So my girls get to live in sports bras all the time because conventional bras in your average store no longer fit me properly! And sports bras are much cheaper than high quality, well-fitting brassieres. The downside is that if I ever attempted a sexy strip tease for a man, there's going to be that awkward interlude when I have to awkwardly struggle and wriggle and swear my way out of my sports bra, which is going to make me look like a female version of Seanie 😳<br><br>What do you think your dream job would look like, Madeline? To help people with words - would you write self-help or motivational books? Inspiring poetry? I'm curious 🤔


"Damnation and boiling nastiness.." that's a great phrase, MM ! Have you seen the ones at La Perla? A good bra can run almost $800. USD with 750 matching panties!


Hi, Annie! I'd never dare wash the La Perla stuff, not even by hand ... let alone wear them! I wear 3-piece Prima Donna bras (extra side support for extra perkiness), they're the only thing that look right on me. Luckily they only cost about $ 120 USD and I only buy matching panties when I have a someone else, which hasn't happened since the pre-cambric era. By the way, if I had the money to buy a La Perla set, I'd rather buy new bookshelves and hire someone to repaint my apartment.