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I want to be close to you, closer than anyone's ever been...


Tantric ASMR - [Sensual] [Intimate] [Intense]

I want to be close to you, closer than anyone has ever been... Sign up for an Audible.com and choose TWO free audio books! http://amzn.to/2uJ20DY Check out my Amazon Author Profile to be updated whenever I have a new audio book available! http://amazon.com/author/gaelforce Irish Audio author Gaelforce presents an array of sensual and erotic scenarios, ranging from Soft & Gentle to BDSM scenes. Gael is well known not only for his warmth, humor, and intoxicating sensuality, but his deep love and respect for women. His passion is to bring confidence and healing to his listeners. No matter the scenario, you will feel safe and valued. Using immersive soundscapes and a revolutionary 3D microphone, let Gael entice you into his seductive world. Explicit content. Must be 18 to purchase. ============================================== ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu Music by Chris Collins http://indiemusicbox.com/



Nooooo. Is there anywhere I can find this?🥺 FUCKING HELL, YOUTUBE!🧐 RUDE!


Oh no I definitely need to find this


First? Haha, first! 🥇 Achievement unlocked!


Oooh can't wait to give this a listen 😘


Another one? What ever did we do to deserve you Gael ❤️


I can actually play this on the yt page and here on patreon and make myself a private Tantric-concert! XD


Mmm, sounds like my cup of tea. Slrrrrp.


The calm music in the background + your voice + your breathing = perfection. Thank you, Gael, for yet another treat - vielen Dank! 💕


Un moment de pure douceur, tout en sensualité. Le souffle, la caresse, le murmure m'enveloppe toute entière juste à cet instant...


I MELT mel me m drip, drip... Om My Jah 🕉 beautiful


The intimacy of this scenario is almost overwhelming, in the very best of ways. :'-)


The intimacy in this is just 😍😍😍 So sensual. Me likey 😈


The most satiating 12.33 minutes. Good Lawd fella!


This was beautiful. Intense, yet calming. Your breathing was so passionate and extraordinarily, wonderfully piercing! I loved it.💋💋💋


Mmmm. The whole audio made me feel erogenic....I could feel you all around me. Your arms, kisses, warm breath... simply enchanting! Masterfully done, Gael!


Coffee, dancing to Laleh and an Audio waiting. Could have been worse.


How beautiful. I love that you went through each one of the senses. It's a fantastic combination of melting and energy running through my body. 💋❤️


Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Deeply energizing, if melted butter can be energized. The breathing, the measured pace, pausing in each sense... you're a wizard.


What a lovely way to start my Sunday! So beautiful, sensual, and intense. The whispers and breathing created such an incredible sense of intimacy -- you are becoming quite the master at this!

Kathy M

I loved the background music choice, I felt like I was at my favorite spa, getting a massage. Your breathing at the end was sublime and shiver inducing. 💗 You know you're really pretty good at this sort of thing, maybe you wanna think about making a permanent career out if it 😉

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

And this is the word of Gael the God... Sisters, let us reflect on the goodness of these sounds and feelings. Amen.🔮🌹


Hm, better be careful there. Mythology teaches us that god/human relations can have devastating results. Not to talk of wrath, smiting and eternal damnation.


W O W Need another round... XD


That was PERFECT. Thank you ❤


Now, can we have a 6 hour audio? You know, like Sting...


The background music sounds the same as the stuff they play in my hot yoga class during the relaxation stage...Now I'll never be able to get through class again without giggling to myself. Greaaaat. 😅


So many feels: Adored ✔ Intimate ✔ Intense ✔ Loving ✔ Safe ✔ Connected ✔ Sensual ✔ ✔✔💯


I love the background music. It's the kind of thing I listen to when I'm having a relaxing bath. The music and your breathing made me feel incredibly relaxed. ❤️

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 16:37:20 伝統美ですね(´ρ`)
2017-07-23 22:34:30 Amazing! 💕You surround me, consume me, until there is nothing left but the feelings you evoke, and I am left trembling in the wake of such intimacy.

Amazing! 💕You surround me, consume me, until there is nothing left but the feelings you evoke, and I am left trembling in the wake of such intimacy.

Meghan McDonald

Couldn't finish it.Was sobbing half way through.I long for something like this.


Guten Morgen sweet Sirens. A really nice Montag - Monday to everyone. My oh my... Gael is productive this weekend... :)) I had a quiet weekend.The kittens are having fun with the mice, the weather is still hot and now there are annoying Mücken - mosquitos too! Are you looking forward to your week with joy or dread? :) Here are some Fragen, ja as every day... (you know I schätze - guesstimate we had roughly 1000 scientific Fragen by now! :O) The most competent activity you do? The one food item you can never run out of? The favorite picture you´ve ever taken? Your favorite Stoff - fabric to pet? Your biggest moment of celebrity? Your one favorite item of clothing? The best cup of Kaffee - coffee you´ve ever had? Danke my dears... see you later XD


I knew I'd love this, the length of the audio, the background music with your sensual voice,your deep and slow breathing, all those beautiful words you whispered...just every single minute of it felt so close,relaxing and peaceful.Perfect Gael, perfect!!


Raquel, I always love reading your comments. 🙌


I always read everyone's comments before listening. Makes me anticipate the audio more, and hear things I may not have noticed on my own. Great group of thoughtful ladies with interesting minds here.


This is a long, boring wall of text wherein I probably have no clue what I'm talking about, so you might as well just skip down to the highlight of this post: a picture of what I imagine Frau Claudia's murder kitten to be like! <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> I was pretty hesitant about posting this because I'm still trying to wrap my mind around some of the concepts presented in this audio. I've read through the comments that people have written, which describe the audio as being relaxing, intimate, and very <i>dat sexual enerdree, tho!</i> Which I can understand and agree with to an extent 😜 But since I can often be a walking mass of contradictions, I found that this audio was both fascinating and terrifying at the same time. I went into this audio knowing essentially nothing about what tantric intimacy is, and after a cursory Google search, I'd say I still know next to nothing about it. The actual concept of tantra seems more complex than the plot of <i>Game of Thrones</i> (meaning that I read through the Wikipedia entry about it and I'm still very much scratching my head 🤔), and I'm sure it would take a lot of background reading to begin to understand it. Unfortunately I'm too short on time to delve into it more, so I've refined my mental Google search to focus more on tantric intimacy. So far I've been viewing tantric intimacy as applying the principles of mindfulness not to reduce stress levels or cope with depression/anxiety, but to (attempt to) really know and appreciate a person. I'm sure there's much more to it than that, but it's my working definition at the moment. Oddly enough, I find the concept of that a bit mind-boggling, even though honing in on your senses to experience the world around you (and the people in it) is about as "back to basics" as you can get. But to me, tantric intimacy seems like it takes that concept to a whole other level because in the process of engaging the senses to get so close to someone, well...there's surely a truckload of feels associated with that, and processing feels is not my strong suit. I wouldn't be surprised if this audio was the equivalent of a one-page synopsis of a 500-page book. A freaking <i>intense</i> 500-page book. Even though it's a generalized audio that anyone can step into, if you actually try imagining yourself in that sort of scenario, things can get really up close and personal, really fast. 😳 Making eye contact with someone is a crucial part of communication. And I don't really have much trouble with it in many situations, like when I try to console someone or be an active listener when they're telling me some pretty heavy stuff. But when it comes to being intimate with someone...looking them in the eyes is important, but I'll be damned if it isn't scary as hell at times. You can control your facial expression and your body language, but I find that you can't really control what your eyes express. So when I tried to imagine what it would be like to not just make that sort of eye contact with someone, but to maintain it throughout...I mean, there's probably so much I could discover about what a person would be feeling, but the reverse would also be true. It's a very vulnerable position to be in, which is thrilling but also a bit nerve wracking. As far as the listening aspect goes, I don't think I've ever really tried to sync my breathing with someone else's, other than in guided meditation-y scenarios (e.g., "Take a deep, cleansing breath in through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth!"). It seems like a calming way to connect with someone, so sure, I'd be down with trying that sort of thing if the opportunity ever presented itself. But listening (or feeling) someone's heartbeat, and letting them listen to/feel mine - for me, it would be the aural equivalent of making eye contact. Unless I'd pre-medicated myself with some propranolol or was trying to do some Valsalva maneuvers to slow my heart rate (which is something that probably wouldn't go unnoticed), a tantric partner would be able to tell if my heart is pounding. Which it would be, indicating that I was either really turned on, embarrassingly afraid, in dire need to use the bathroom, or all of the above. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, but the idea that the person you're with would always <i>know</i> (at least to some degree) what you're feeling, even if you were trying to hide behind a smile or something - there's that vulnerability again. I find the touch part intriguing. When it comes to foreplay and sex, obviously it's easy to get caught up in the sensations you're getting in your naughty bits. But I've often felt that surely there's more to intimacy than that, or at least there should be. With my last SO, there were times when I really wanted to focus more on feeling and appreciating touch in and of itself. But I didn't quite know how to explain that to him, so I would ask him to do things like hold me tight against him or lightly graze his fingertips across my skin. Which he did for a bit, but I think he didn't fully understand what I was aiming for (not that I blame him), and he would let me go after what seemed like a socially acceptable length of time. So I can get behind the idea of...well, I guess trying to be truly <i>present</i> when you're touching and being touched by a tantric partner. Overall, when it comes to (my very limited understanding of) tantric intimacy, it seems like you need to be receptive to the concepts of 1) really opening up to someone and allowing yourself to be vulnerable with them, and 2) embracing who they are when they open themselves up to you. And if your partner is looking into your eyes, listening to how fast your heart is beating, and seeing how you respond to their touch...I mean, you can't really run or hide from them in that kind of situation. You're basically saying, <i>"Okay, this is it. This is </i>me<i>. I truly hope you can accept what I'm revealing to you here because if not, things are about to get super awkward and I should probably get off your lap and we can just call it a day, okay? And then maybe we can go get some ice cream so that I can eat my feelings instead of having to talk about them."</i> That's a scary thing to do, and I think I'd really have to trust a guy to let him get that close to me, and to allow myself to get just as close to him. But imagine what you could get out of it - the intimacy of knowing someone so deeply, and of them knowing you? Even though the audio is only 12 minutes and 33 seconds long, you have to admit, it presents an amazing concept. The audio also veers dangerously close to my little subset of personal, private fantasies that I tend to share with, you know, no one. 🤐😳 So that means it's time for me to stop talking and post that kitten pic that I promised several paragraphs ago! 👍 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <b>Adorable murder kitten!</b><br><br> <img height="190" src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/84/ac/8184ac52621754f5fab226cb03b99384--funny-things-funny-stuff.jpg">


Patreon keeps deleting my comments😭


Do you wanna marry me Doctimus? lol joking but hats off you're the best😚


Alas, that's reason #1041 why Patreon simultaneously sucks and blows (as a website, that is). It's often helpful to copy-paste your comments in a separate document before posting them. That way if Patreon eats them, you can re-post your thoughts right away in a new comment.


Best tantric asmr ever.Well done G.


*removes earphone to make sure such beautiful soothing music isn't from upstairs neighbour's piano* lol nice touch G


God!!! Gael!!! The things you do to me with your voice!!😍😍😍😍😘😘😘