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I can be anything you want.  

( revisiting Gael of old haha)






OM”G”!! Lol that was fuckin incredible, mmmm, added to my list of favorites


Fuck i love when he says the c word🤯


“I can give you anything you need” 💋


Please and thank you. 💋


Its not even 9am here! 😉 I guess its really never too early to be naughty! 😘 Hope you're having a good Saturday G!


Oh good MORNING! Well, this makes me want to go right back to bed! Promised my dog, Emily a walk around the lake this morning so I guess I will have to look forward to enjoying it later tonight! I confess I also kind of enjoy going thru my day knowing a treat awaits at the end of it. 💋💋


Good morning G! Busy 🐝 again early in the morn 😊 You got my name right BTW on your last ramble😉 Have a lovely Saturday!💋


Mmmm happy Saturday to you, gorgeous fecker 😙


You already are dear Gael, you already are. 🎧❤️💋


Well, good morning 😍 You sir, you have a gift 😋😉


I normally listen with a glass of red, but I guess coffee will suffice, no?


It's Saturday night here. I was preparing to sleep when this came on. Made my hair stand on end. Marvellous piece


That "obey me" bit? Yep 👌


Whatever I want takes longer than 10 minutes, but sure, you cum first and THEN we'll get to the fantasy part.


Yummm one of each please... err two of ea... ALL OF THE THINGS!! I WANT ALL OF THE THINGS!!! 😱 😌



Kathy M

I hope you're happy with yourself ! Ya done did kill'd me. D E D 😵☠️👻😇


So...this is the quintessential audio that's fun for the whole family, except replace "family" with "general 18+ populace", yes? 😃👍 If someone (i.e., Angie) was to design a Gaelforce business card, "I want to be your fantasy" would make for a good tagline 📨<br><br>When I first saw the title, I thought it was going to be a remastered version of the "I can be your dreamfuck" audio from the days of yore. Although now I'm not 100% sure if that audio ever existed because I would've heard it a couple years back and I sometimes get audio artists confused. Can anyone confirm if that was a real audio, or am I high on life and/or phenylephrine right now?


Am I the only one that had this song automatically pop into their head? <a href="https://youtu.be/mq-Ru6kQhE4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/mq-Ru6kQhE4</a>


I loved this! My head is spinning! Just when I get my mind around one scenario, you switch it up to something else to entice. Then that long moan at the end, good God!😍 This was 🔥🔥🔥!


Loved this! So many fantasies to choose from....are you up for all of them? Maybe this was the trailer for things to come? 😉 And off the subject, congratulations on "50 Shades" being number 1 on Audible AND both "Moving In" and "50 Shades" on Amazon! Incredible news, and I hope you get to celebrate! 💕


hehehe :D There is something in my folders from the Frau that was named "Fantasy" and started with "I can be anything you want me to be, baby..." or something like that - might be the old version of this. Gonna check it for you later, not when my Mom is around xD


I know this will be delish! Unfortunately, I'm up a little later than usual. I was up late finishing rambles. 8D My cat got tired of me hitting the snooze button and gave me the heimlich maneuver with her entire body!! 8-O I'll have to save this delectable treat for later. I was thinking about the shout out you gave me: about my name being Irish. I kept my ex's last name (his dad's family was of Irish decent- hence the name) for my daughter's benefit. But I benefit as well. I like my maiden name, but "McNally has so much more flair. I use to call myself "Plain Jane Elaine (blank)" (Here's a funny tid bit.- I hope) When I first got married and people would notice my name they would say "Oh, so you have Irish in you?" I would say "Yeah! About 3-4 times a week!" 😆Now people just ask me if I'm Irish. I tell them, in my best Irish accent, (which is pretty good- but if I do it too long it starts sounding Jamaican 😃) "100%! My whole family hails from the Emerald Isle, lad" If you want the punch line just look to the left at my pic. (It's usually men who ask. I even had one guy, who's last name was also McNally, to take a picture of me with my name plate at work- he was so excited!)


Yes - he's back! Missed this so much. Great way to start the weekend ❤️


That was amazing. &lt;replay&gt; I could listen to you touch yourself All. Damn. Day.&lt;/replay&gt;


DAMMIT GAEL...I surrender...I just completely surrender! You've just totally fucked my brain! I'm waving the white flag, my hands are in the air, I'm turning around, putting my hands against the wall and assuming the fucking position! HOLY HELL!!!!💋😘🔥💦

Kathy M

Oh dear! Ya done kill'd Tara too!!! Good going Gael! Now who's gonna make us mega orgasm remixes!!! Ya feckin' eejit! 😋😚💗


Totally! Though, I sure wish he could have all the success/money without the fame. I'm sharing him with plenty of other sirens as it IS. Gah! Back, you frothy wenches, back!


Haven't heard it yet but after reading just the comments I don't think I'm ready! Oh dear!


This is my punishment for checking Patreon while I'm at work -_- I have to wait another 5 hours before I listen... And I know it's gonna be worth it...!


No girl! I was right there with you! XD. I wouldn't mind any of those places with, uh, you know who!!!


I'm kill't! I wasn't ready....I wasn't. You can suck me up with a wet/dry vac...... I'm done..🥀💀


Haven't listened to it yet, but dont need to too know its awesome Gael! Saving it for my dessert tonight, yummmmmm!


This wasn't that bad G. Keep it going! 👍

Meghan McDonald

Gael you ARE my fantasy.My dream.EVERY bit of what is wanted.


oh my god this was too real


Gosh, i'm impressed. This reminds a lot of litearotica's Gael (as you said). Rougher, more intense, each sensation so clear that I could almost feel your breath on my back in some parts. I really love when you take your time for your pleasure, it's a big turn on! Threesome stuff: i had shivers, seriously. Wooo


Ahhh... it´ s like a damn tasssty déjà vu... deliciouss male...


I look ethnically ambiguous, so whenever people ask what my ethnic background is, I like making them guess just to see what they come up with. If I want to mess with them a bit, I'll have them guess in the middle of summer when my skin is at its darkest. I often get mistaken for being Hispanic or East Indian, but then people will say, "Oh, but that can't right because your last name sounds German!" You know, as if they temporarily forgot that interracial relationships are a thing 😝<br><br>The most funny yet absurd example of this was when I was a working the graveyard shift with an ER doc a few years back. We were waiting for a test result to show up on the computer system around 3 am and I could tell that he kept looking at my face, then down to my ID badge, then back up to my face.<br><br>ER doc: "That's a German-sounding last name you got there, eh?"<br>Doctimus: "Yep."<br>ER doc: "You don't really look German, though. Is that your husband's last name?"<br>Doctimus: "Oh, no, I'm not married."<br>ER doc: <i>*looking confused*</i> "Oh. Hmm...are you adopted?"<br>Doctimus: <i>*raising eyebrows in a "Are you kidding me?" sort of way*</i> "Uhh...no, I'm not adopted. I'm what you get when a white dude has a kid with a brown chick."<br><br>He looked mortified so I quickly laughed it off and said that I got those kind of comments all the time (even though I'd never gotten the "Are you adopted?" line before). But I did still find it surprising because many people are of mixed ethnicity and it's not like you can really draw clear-cut lines between races. As Russell Peters once said, "The whole world's mixing. One day we're all gonna be beige!" 😝


Ho mon dieu ! Hmm, Her Highness speaking some french words. So exciting to me...


All I can muster is, holy hell, man!


When you posted consecutive JOIs I was wondering when you'd unload. And now here it is! YAY! I loved every fantasy you said, especially the 1st (on your lap, surrounded by your arms) and the 3rd (controlled and slow). Glad you had this release, Gael. We love it when you take care of yourself too, so please do. 💋


Well, excuse me while I go change my panties. I will definitely be revisiting this one. Holy fuck Gael. 😍😍

Greek Goddess

We love the "old" Gael too! 😍


Finally got to listen, and oh my stars...! Those purrs and giggles after you came were my favorite part; they were so sexy and cute X3 You did good with this one!


Oh, dear. I was not prepared for that...much... enjoyment. A pleasant surprise. But oh, dear.


Rhea! Long time, no read! *hugs you*


Well, fuck me 6 ways from Sunday*, this was a delicious little bite of retro-Gael indulgence. We must've been ana-mhaith indeed! *Which, tbf, is basically what you've offered us here. ;-) ;-P ;-) Specifics: there's an intensity to your voice, almost an urgency in this one -- it's one of my favorite tones, and from the other comments, it sounds like it works for a lot of other Lovelies as well. And the array of varied delights you've offered up for our imaginations is fantastic.


I finally listened to this yesterday, and YES to it all!! SO erotic! So salacious! So scintillating!!! The excitement in your voice as you asked each question had me shaking my head like an idiot! Yes.....Oh yes....Please Yes!...Hell yes!...Shit yeah!...Oh Fuck baby, YEEEEEESSS! (Ahem) It was...wait..let me just listen to it one more time..just to be sure.


I concur. I also was skeptical of my initial reaction, so embarked on a careful study (you know, for science)... and after meticulous review (say, 12-16 times), I've concluded that HELL YES I'M YOURS. Clearly needs more study.


This is the right song for this audio: <a href="https://youtu.be/l-bv8J5ws2Q" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/l-bv8J5ws2Q</a>


New to Patreon... And let me just say Gael... You have woken up the Goddess in me!!! Thank you!! :)


Does it really turn you on, knowing how much we want you, knowing that you're our every fantasy? Cause it sure sounds that way, and the urgency in your voice is...everything. 💕 Thank you for this. 💋


Hey, Nikki! Welcome to the community! Always nice to see new faces around here 🙂


I think I may need an intervention with this one.


One of the best part of this for me is that you are owning being the fantasy, with your humble ass. Its good to be King, huh?


An MMF threesome is at the very top of my "fantasies to make happen" list, so the bit about being treated by two men at once was heavenly. thank you, sir 😉😍😳😘🌺




BOOM! Mind blown! Holy hell, man!!


Holy Arrrgh! That was H-o-t💨🔥🔥


Raw and urgent. A freight train.


Happpy Sunday King G, and to all fellows residents of Gaelandia. Yeah about the date. Hahahahaha, okay I think it went very smooth. He did not do anything of the touching like my waist or anything. Only when we go to eat and talking he sometimes put his hand on my lap. Thank God his car is in the workshop so we use Uber and he paid it for me (I wanted to pay but he insisted) and he even treat me a lot. (I insisted to pay but still hes faster to put the money so yeah haha) i think i only get to pay for his mineral drink. (Facepalm) Most importantly, I didnt get anxiety attack at all during it. Maybe because its not night and yeah theres a lot of witnesses so I have the courage. Altho, i would say, i just think him as a friend for now, I dont know yet. We talk a lotttt. About various topic. Oh yeah, i didnt even prepare what cloth to wear like I usually do, I just woke up and randomly choose and even just wear sandals instead of shoes because im so in the lazy mood. I'd say, I'd need to know him more first. And G baby, thanks for the two uploads in one day. It was so amazing one. I had amazing day. And I am so tired now. See you tomorrow! Gotta go.. BYEEEEEE~


it is always a mistake to listen to his nsfw audios before i arrive at the late night comfort of being completely alone and uninterrupted. it's so hard to wait but even harder to stop the audios because ur legs start clenching and body reacting to his urgency. :$

Lois Geal

You're every woman's fantasy...no question. Whew 😩🙏🏼😍


I can't choose which is sexier, it's all sexy and just... YES!!


yes gael you are our fantasy no doubt about that


You are over 34,000 women's fantasy!