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If you have the enerdree 😂


Its Ramble time!

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Jeez youre on fire boy!


Soooo much Gael in one day. I have got nothing done at work today. 🎧 ❤


You are spoiling us today! 😭💕


You are keeping me company during my cooking marathon today. 👍🏻 Makes everything lots more fun. 💕 Thank you!😘


Someone needs to hide the coffee. Seriously.


G, I can't keep up with you! 😂 Not complaining, though. Somebody's all high on coffee! 😂😂😂


How did we get so lucky to get 3 in one day. How much coffee did you have to consume to get through that much?


You should rest that jaw of yours Gael! 😉


My goodness, my head is spinning today! So chatty! If you could bottle that enerdree and sell it, you'd make a fortune, then you could record to your heart's content. Thanks for giving me something to listen to while I'm online tutoring tonight!


Ha ha ha claro que sí guapa. Om est en train de nous mettre le feu à toute la toile !!!


I am always game for hearing you tell stories. My enerdree is up to the task, no problem, sweetheart!😂😘


Always have energy for you Grrrrraelll ROAARR !!!


Why become french ?


Haha! Someone is full of it today! Spoiling us with your lovely banter! I could listen to your lovely, Irish accent and giggles all day long! Bring it boi!


Just finished listening to all three and am patiently awaiting my gold star for effort🌟. But seriously thank you for all the love and enerdree you spread among us today. Also, put down the coffee cup.


It says bananas! 🍌Oh great now I have this stuck i my head..."Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! 🍌🍌🍌🤣


'And they have a drink here called banananananana daiquiri.* * Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling banana, but she didn't know how to stop it' - Terry Pratchett, Witches abroad


I think I got called trollee lol! Whoops!


There have been times when I've felt like my life was long string of embarrassing moments, so I do sympathize with you as far as the escalator story goes, Gael. I mean, I've never gone so far as to snatch up a stranger's child in a well-intentioned rescue attempt 😧 But I did make a little girl cry once after I swatted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich out of her hand and sent it flying halfway across the room when I volunteered at a daycare several years back. Now before any of you call me a monster, 1) the daycare staff had posted a memo that she had a severe peanut allergy (like the kind that send you into that little nuisance known as anaphylactic shock), and 2) peanut butter and jelly sandwiches pale in comparison to much more palatable culinary delights (i.e., peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches). So not only did I save her from death's cold, bitter grasp, I also subtly taught her a thing or two about not settling for inferior meals. Remember, kids - aim high, reach for the stars, strive for the best of everything, etc etc. 💫 I like to use science to justify the more embarrassing things I do, so when Gael mentioned seeing the show about escalator injuries, my first thought was, <i>"That actually does sound like a legit concern, so I'm going to find a study to back it up!"</i> And lo and behold: <a href="http://www.academia.edu/20865604/Escalator-related_Injuries_in_Children" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.academia.edu/20865604/Escalator-related_Injuries_in_Children</a> (SCIENCE, you guys! 🤓) For anyone who has more fun things to do than read retrospective analyses (i.e., everyone but me), this paper reviews the different types of escalator injuries that rolled into a pediatric emergency room in the U.S. over a 5-year period. Half the kidlets were of the really young variety (2-4 yrs old), many of the younger ones weren't holding their guardian's hand, and almost a quarter of them were injured <i>between the last step and comb plate whilst stepping off of the escalator</i> (aka the part of the escalator that gullible 3-year-old Doctimus believed was trying to eat her since that's what her older brother told her 😱). And a lot of these injuries weren't just your typical scrapes and bruises of childhood. Half of the kids in the study had to be admitted to hospital, with a number of them having severe lacerations, amputations of digits, and degloving injuries (the more squeamish among us probably shouldn't Google Image search the term "degloving injury", although the name is pretty self-explanatory if you think of a person's skin as the "glove"). While I can appreciate why a mother would flip out if some stranger barrelled through a crowd of people and suddenly snatched up her child right before her eyes, what if the little girl's shoelace <i>had</i> gotten caught at the top of the escalator? The story could've ended a lot differently when you think about it 😵 So as someone who sees a lot of significant and often preventable injuries in little kiddos through work, I'll give Gael an <b>A+</b> for good intentions and quick thinking, even if the outcome was more of a <b>D-</b> for social etiquette. 😎👍 Oh, and an <b>A++</b> for sheer hilarity 😆 If I was a bystander in that scene, once I saw that everyone was okay, this would more or less have been my reaction: <img height="190" src="http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--O4I6LS9g--/c_fit,w_320/18odxx0fevt7wgif.gif">


Bring it on G! I've got plenty of enerdree now after a bag of dark choc covered expresso beans lol I'm totally wired up😂😂


I started to listen to this earlier on YT until I heard you say you did a Ramble on here. I quickly dropped it to rush here for the REALLY good stuff. I promise to make it back there in a while to finish listening to it.


Guten Morgen Mädls - girls. Oh my... Gael was a busy guy yesterday. So many posts, it´s like an overdose :) A wonderful Samstag - Saturday to everyone. Weekend plans? Something relaxing/exciting/annoying? I have to keep an eye on my "Little Seanie kiln"... so just some quick, sexy Fragen... if you have the enerdree? XPP Would you rather... Have sex on the kitchen table or on the kitchen floor? Give oral sex, or receive it? Have sex in a tub of hot chocolate or honey? Have sex once a week or Sex 3 times a day, EVERY day? Be told you suck at kissing or that you suck at giving blow jobs? Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis später XD


so much rambles these two days! (is it one day? #timezoneProblems) we're so spoiled thank you sweet guy! take a good rest too!


Guten Morgen (give or take 8-9 hours), Frau Claudia and the rest of the Sexy Justice League! My weekend will be spent tying up loose ends at work and cleaning my apartment before I go <a href="https://youtu.be/crIk87-mPzY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">home for a rest</a>.<br><br>More spicy <i>Fragen</i>? Well, I'm nicely drugged up on decongestants right now, so down go the inhibitions 😝<br><br><b>Banging on the kitchen table or floor:</b> Hmm...probably the table. It would likely be cleaner, and the floor seems like it would be really hard on your knees/back/ass after awhile. At least on the table you have the option of bending over it, sitting on the edge, lying on it, or whatever your imagination comes up with. Just sanitize the hell out of it when you're done - you know what they say about not f*cking where you eat (but just take it more literally than figuratively). 👍<br><br><b>Giver or recipient:</b> Well, as much as I like laying back and being pampered, I do believe in fairness and reciprocity. So I'm a fan of both, which is why 69 is a really swell number 😈<br><br><b>Hot chocolate or honey:</b> These both sound like bad, yeast infection-inducing ideas (there, I said it!), but if I had to pick, I'd go for the hot chocolate. At least it'd be warm and easier to maneuver in, where honey would be thick and sticky (albeit delicious).<br><br><b>Sex once a week or 3 times a day:</b> I'm going to go with once a week because between having a full time job and managing all the other aspects of my life, would I realistically be able to find time to hump 3 times a day? Probably not. Sure, it'd be a downer if I was really horny and had already met my weekly quota, but I could still make out and get all grabby with a hypothetical partner. We'd just have to make that once a week session really count - it would probably be more electrifying if the sexual tension had been building up all week, anyway 😯<br><br><b>Sucking at blowing or sucking at sucking face:</b> I'd rather be told that I suck at giving blowies. I'm sure most people need practice to nail the technique down, and even then, every guy is probably different in how they like being pleased. I'd probably spend more time kissing a partner anyway, so I'd rather be half decent at that.<br><br>Finished the <i>Fragen</i> just in time to take my chicken out of the oven! Keep your fingers crossed that I don't get salmonella! 😬🤞


Marcia! Your presence is humbly requested on the Community page! We're playing a game and we're hoping you can join in on the fun: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/13044367">https://www.patreon.com/posts/13044367</a>


so erm for all of us who have trouble getting motivated to do some exercise I wonder if we could have like alpha sgt Gaelforce going through a few 15 rep x 3 sessions (and I don't mean sexual).


Yay! Seanie made it into the ramble! ❤️ Speaking of escalator injuries, saw some news a while back about two incidents resulting in loss of toes/feet in China due to poor maintenance, and it made me kinda nervous every time I neared the "jaws" at the end of those things. 😱


It's a good reason to take the stairs instead! Not to mention that it's healthier for you and can make you feel like a boss. <i>A boss named Rocky Balboa.</i>👊😎<br><br><img height="190" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/382KHGeAfisOk/giphy.gif">


One sleepless night and finally made it to the evtl. last ramble...respect Gael you can talk so much lol where comes that enerdree huh?Once again thx alot for the shout outs,your irland ramble,for telling us interesting stories and sharing your experiences...continue to"spread the lols" and have a nice weeknd champion!❤❤


If Gael creates a workout audio... *excited, giddy feels*


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears. Hope everyone can enjoy a peaceful, relaxing Sonntag - Sunday! Have nothing to chatter about tonight...everything is quiet XP So some Fragen, if you like? Let´ s make it easy... This or that? Reading or writing? Singing or dancing? Library or museums? Gold or silver? Roses or daises? Leather or lace? Snow White or Cinderella? Digital watch or analog? Apples or oranges? Danke for your Antworten... bis dann XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia! No misbehaving kilns or fresh animals corpses courtesy of your infamous Murder Kittens? Perhaps this is because the new moon is on July 23? 🌑<br><br><b>Reading or writing:</b> I don't think I can choose - I enjoy both! But I do learn a lot through reading, so I suppose it would win out in the end. I could always channel my creativity through other ways, like flailing around with absolutely no rhythm whatsoever and calling it interpretive dance...<br><b>Singing or dancing:</b> ...but with that said, I'm much better at dancing than I am at singing. Which says a lot about how shitty my singing voice is 🙅🏻<br><b>Libraries or museums:</b> Hmm...libraries. I'd a bigger fan of books than I am of paintings/sculptures/other works of art you'd find in a museum.<br><b>Gold or silver:</b> Gold. I also like the look of silver, but you can essentially get the same effect with white gold. 👑<br><b>Roses or daisies:</b> Roses! There's more variety in colours and they smell lovely! 🌹<br><b>Leather or lace:</b> Leather. I don't really wear leather, but lace can get damned itchy sometimes 😦<br><b>Snow White or Cinderella:</b> Can I pick a more badass Disney Princess like Mulan, Merida, or Princess Leia? If not, I guess I'd go with Snow White. But Snow White from Rammstein's music video for "Sonne", so that I could live with the band. 😎<br><b>Digital watch or analog:</b> Things like Apple watches or other ones that have a bunch of unnecessary bells and whistles would feel a bit too ostentatious for me - I prefer a <i>timeless</i> classic analog watch ⌚️ <br><b>Apples or oranges:</b> Oranges! 🍊


Good morning, Claudia here are my answers. Reading or writing? Both Singing or dancing? Both Library or museums? Museums Gold or silver? Gold Roses or daises? Roses Leather or lace? Lace Snow White or Cinderella? Snow White Digital watch or analog? Digital Apples or oranges? Oranges. Have a lovely Sunday!


Guten Tag Frau Claudia, 1st time participating in a Q&amp;A, hier sind my answers: 1.Reading 2.Singing&amp;Dancing 3.Library 4.Silver 5.Roses 6.Lace 7.Snow White 8.Digital 9.Oranges cause I'm allergic to Apples 🙂 Have a nice day.Bis demnächst!

Kathy M

Fleas the size of American footballs! What a visual 😂😂😂