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For those who I missed!

Patreon omitted some of you so if you want me to say hello tomorrow fire away!




Ooh! Arent we lucky!


You're so cute x


You're so good to your sirens. 🎧 ❤


I'm pretty happy with my shoutout. Thank you ☺️ I could not stop blushing. Lol. That cheeky laugh, though 😂😂🙈


Hmmmm I did get a cheeky moan and a growl.... Dare I push for more? Let's live on the edge a little!! Would LOVE to hear you say my name (Crystal) and GIVE ME YOUR KISS 😘 Maybe a cheeky little bite of my lip for being so greedy 😈


<3 aren't we one of the best communities out here!? look at the love!


Never stop you're AMAZING !!! Café ok, viagra ok and may be bananas...


Il ne s'arrête donc jamais. I agree with you Barbara !


Hi Gael, I so do love your quirky little rambles. Keep at it, luv.


Shout me out! I missed the last one because I've been so busy with work but I promise to be a good girl and give you the attention you deserve now. You can even growl at me to get it if you want. 😉


Hi Gael! Would love for you to say something sweet and something in Gaelic. Love your giggle.


I didn't actually ask for anything last time... can I get a surprise something something? 😜❤

Kacie Kelly

Hello again Gael!! Thank you for answering my question :) My younger brother is in Ireland right now, so I will definitely send him your recommendations! You mentioned visiting Boston though, and I was wondering what you thought of it? And also if you plan to come visit again~


"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold..." -Bob Marley ❤ The lovely Nikki made a suggestion on pronouncing my name. Its like saying Ferrari with an M. 😉 Hope that helps G!


Hey Gael, I love you soooo much❤️❤️ I'm thankful for what you do, because without you I wouldn't get any wet dreams😂 if I get a kiss you will make my day😘 and will always support you❤️ love you Gael❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi sweetie! You did pronounce my name right!! Thank you love! P.S. Can you whisper my name again and a kiss please???!! ❤😙💜

Misa Amane

Hello Gael! (name's phonetically said "mee-sa (like "say" but you leave off the "y")). Could you surprise me? ^^


Ooh I feel like being greedy🤤. I didn't ask for anything sexy on the first shoutout...So if you have time for a moan and a kiss for me I'd be ever so happy☺️. Your rambles and your kisses are the best!


I would love a sexy shoutout...I don't have anything in mind, so surprise me please 😊

Kathy M

Hey Gael, just a big thank you for making the world a bit brighter for us, giving us laughs, positive enerdree and you know...the other stuff 😈 You're a real love 💗😄👍


Gael! Can you be any more awesome!? You are such a ray of sunshine! ☀️Thank you for all you do sweetness!


Oooh, I am so tempted to be greedy 😋 But I'm not going to be. Lol. I'm just going to say thank you for what you do. Yesterday I wasn't feeling good about the way I looked so I listened to your "sexy is you" audio and I just think it's amazing how you can make us feel empowered and beautiful just through an audio 😍 So yeah, thank you 😚😘 I will never stop supporting you. Nobody could ever convince me to stop ☺️ Oh, and what the heck. May I have some neck kisses, please, sir? 😉😏


My first comment ever because I am shy! Thank you for all you do, Gael. ☺️🌸 (if shouting out is being done then "Cosmic" is just as it sounds! Like the galaxies and planets and star stuff ⭐)


Just a hello please☺ By the way,what's another name for a dental xray? A tooth pic😄 Get it?!


Ah! You called me trollie! Now I demand you call me a naughty girl in your sexiest dom voice!....please?


Hi Gael! I would love a shout out! My name is Ariel! I would love for you to tell us the strangest sexual fantasy you have ever had! No holding back!


More kisses and snuggles🤗💕


Just in case if you missed me in previous ramble, ask Seanie what's the story and if Trump blocked him on twitter,cause they did block me, because of him...they even hacked my Acc and made me invisible....big deal right....Amy and Katherine they know 😂 Thank You, Vale!


Hey! Amazing news! I love your audios, keep up the great work 👍🏽


How are you, Anamchara? Thank you for doing this again! As a keeper of the faith i wanted to let you know that my sisters and I (your worshipers and born again sirens) are ready to receive you in the church we built in your image. ⛪ We are listening. Do you have a word for us? And how do you say "bow down" or "kneel down" in your beautiful and sacred language? 😇 Thanks for helping us being our better selves... I hope you feel all the love and energy we are sending your way! We'll be waiting, on our knees, for you to heal us and feed us again... Amen!


OMG, a story worthy of Alfred Hitchcock😭😭 The case of your Twitter account really has become a very serious matter.👻


Hey again xd could i hv a request :p Would you talk to me softly like i'm a puppy?🐶 Hooman life, adult life is hard and im just a clueless puppy soul trapped in a human body☹️ wouldnt mind a pat and a kiss on the head xd Always love your comfort! TY☺️💋


I told myself I wouldn't do this when I saw this posted earlier, but after hearing the first ramble I'm sad that I didn't request something specific. Who knows when the next ramble may be....so, to be fair to the ones who missed out completely, if you get the chance will you please give me some kisses while saying, "hello my goddess" and whisper "you know you can't resist me". (Thank you for all the smiles, giggles, laughs, gasps and other many things 😘)




YAASSS, I love it! 👏😆 You were also the one who told the "What time do you see the dentist?" joke, right, Lori Lynn? Are you in the dental profession? 😁


Hi Gael I have been lurking around these parts for a while and this is my first ramble. Please can you get Seanie to tell a joke that would involve him taking off his little boy shorts that he got for his Birthday? Also a shout out to Doc Optimus for her comments and her responses to making people feel better.


Why does Santa Claus have such a big sack? He only comes once a year.......... What do a penis and a Rubik’s Cubes have in common? The more you play with it, the harder it gets.......How is sex like a game of bridge? If you have a great hand, you don’t need a partner.......What do you call a guy with a giant dick? Phil!... ......What did the O say to the Q? Dude, your dick’s hanging out........What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? Hold on to your nuts, this ain’t no ordinary blowjob...... Sorry, but I'm not sorry.


Hey Gael! Happy anniversary to us! As near as I can estimate, I found you on youtube 1 year ago this week! I'd take you out to celebrate but it sounds like we're both a little busy with work right now... would you settle for a long, slow kiss? 😙 Your neck looks pretty kissable too 😉.


Hi yall🤗( it 's 1:00am when i am writing this ) Thank you Mr G❤!While I was listening to You Gael, I couldn't stop having a freaking stupid smile on my face when you said my name😁😁 (and of course I was in public so I would've understood if some people would've been like WTF with this girl?lmao). Btw ,you pronounced Martinique right !("Ma-"arrr"-ti-ni-k")😁but you made me smile even more when you said "Happy Bday !"because I forgot to mention that MARTINIQUE is the country where I live 😁😁😁(it 's a small French department (an overseas departement - bordered by the Altantic Ocean and the Caribbean sea -not far from North America and South America) which is a part of what we call "LES ANTILLES FRANCAISES" (GUADELOUPE is another one!🤗!,but there are other regions such as FRENCH GUIANA(pronounced "ga-ya-na"or GUYANE(en Français) "gu-e (like "e"in english) -ah-n"(Hope it helped a little☺),REUNION etc.) So I usually speak French and another typical language of our country which is :"Creole"🤗(English isn't my Native language but I want to improve it tho😁😁) Martinique rhymes with Authenticity,Sun (most of the time),beatches (some awesome ones)🤗 and most importantly : Exotism -so When i send kisses ,smiles etc-.from Martinique , it 's always full of Sun,coconut palms, avocados,pineapples,mangos,passion fruits,sugar canes ,melons & watermelons and bananas believe me😁😄😄 ) Anyways,loved this Ramble💛 (My First One yey!)and this little misunderstanding was sooo Cuute 😄😊😊humm..oh,Maybe I should add Martinique to my nickname then 😁... did you just give me an idea Gael?😁😁💛💚💜💟 -Sweet ,sensual and Exotic Kisses from...Unknownwoman😁-


Hi! First time doing this. Thank you for giving me solace, and for helping me feel not so alone. Hugs and kisses from Texas, USA. <3


You're so sweet! Thank you for all that you do. No one can talk me through a panic attack the way you can--changed my life! Hugs and kisses to you!😘💕


D'aww, that's mighty sweet of you, Eve! I'm in good company here with the rest of you lovely, supportive ladies 🤗 And I think that joke is an awesome request - we know that Seanie drops them short shorts when he and his elephant affectionately shake hands! 🤝 (But with their trunks)<br><br>(<b>P.S.</b> Love the shirt! 😉)


(I'm not sorry either, Mercedes! Thanks for the jokes - they have been added to the Big Book of Funnies! 😁👌)


Loved the shout out! However, You are my "HOLY GAEL" not "HOLY GRAIL" Play on words XD You are such a cutie patootie! *Smooches!* I just wanted you to know this, that's all!


Bonjour, Mlle (ou Mme?) L'inconnue! Nous comptons plusieurs francophones ici, dont des françaises, des canadiennes, et des américaines comme moi. Il se peut que tu rencontres même d'autres françaises des DOMs ou des TOMs. En tout cas, bienvenue chez les Sirènes de Gaelandia!


I waited 'till all girls who missed yesterday's ramble had written something, but I was really curious to ask you if you actually listen to asmr and female erotica in your daily life or if you find more satisfying to write and create them? (I'm saying that because being a photographer I really like to take picture but i don't feel always comfortable being the model! XD)


I love attention so I'm leaving another comment to get some ;) can you whisper sweet nothings to me


and also like, take a sec, hydrate, stretch if u need it boi


Hi Gael. I'm very bashful. But would you grab my ass, kiss my lips and bite my neck. Please and thank you.


I would like a simple work safe shout out, just whatever you come up with.


Hi Gael! Guess I should change my name to Li-tee-shuh (Gael's SHEILA)!!! Lol! If you're up for a redo, can I get a Hi and smooches!!! 💕 Have an awesome day!


and thanks for all the orgasms, I come daily, it's great for my skin


Good morning, how sweet of you to to come back for those of us whose messages were misssd, and to share so much of your time and your spirit with us yesterday. At the end of the day i felt like I'd spent it among dear friends. Looking forward to a shout out...only request is that since you missed my name last time....that you savor it this time. ♡ Nikki


And if you're so inclined, I wouldn't say no to more of your sweet kisses and some sexy whispers. 😁😘


Im in the mood to play with my guitar, any songs recommendation from you G?


Savour it like a wildebeest 😎<br><br><img height="195" src="https://i.makeagif.com/media/12-01-2015/mGuIsP.gif">


Thank you for answering my question on the previous shout out! 💕 I knew that M&amp;M bit was coming when you said my name. 😂 You could have also said it as "Elizabeth... Mmmm..." LOL Maybe next time? Have a great weekend! XOXO


"Amy Mac," huh? That's a new one -- I like it! Thanks so much for answering my question in the last ramble, and thank you so much for all you do for us, both here and behind the scenes. Would love if I could have an anniversary shout out -- married 20 years in just a few weeks! Hugs to you!


Now <i>that's</i> going the distance! Happy early anniversary, Amy and Mr. Amy! 🥂🎊💑


Now that those missed have had time to jump on this thread: A Ghael, go raibh maith agat as an beannacht lá breithe! Má tá go leor ama agat, agus má nach bhfuil sé i bhfad ró-santach a iarradh... ba mhaith liom póigín. 😎😊 (I'm not nearly as good at speaking Irish as you give me credit for, y'know. Writing's much easier -- I can use my dictionary, &amp; look up genitives &amp; verb forms when I need to.)


Neck nuzzling hugs and kisses on mah cheeks😘