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So here it is!

BTW! if you didn't comment this still may be fun ;)

Love ye loads!




Yaaaaayyyyy 😍❤️❤️


Haha! I love the picture! 😆


I love bigbutt and I cannot lie.


Wow 89 mins, that is a long one! 😉😉❤️


An hour and a half?!! 😳 You have some stamina son! Cheers 🤗


Ahhhhhhh. My first shout out!!!!!


Never too much Gael!!! 🎧❤️


Side stepping?? Better not have!


Sayonara Graelsan. Aligato !


Yay! Love you loads back! ❤ You are so sweet to us! 💋


From now on, you'll be Count Gaelcula, king of italian-vampire accent! XD you're lucky that you're cute! XD


😱😱 You can't GROWL without your dick in your hand??!! PLEASE!! GAEL!! Don't let me stop you 😈😉


Someone give the kid in the picture a medal for being more awesome at the age of 5-ish than I've ever been in my entire life 👍🏅


Oh, you've seen the new Trainspotting! It's a film I need emotional strength to watch and I've been so nervous about the sequel. If you say it's good, though, I'll give it a go. Mwah. Also, thank you for the passage. Love it.


Bloody hell, I love it when your hidden geek comes out, not gail, not sean, just you....makes me smile


I just lost all my sense of calm after hearing you say my name 🙈 thank you for always making our day !


Thank you Gael! I loved how you said my name with all of your cute signature energy! Kisses and hugs! 😙😙😙 Have a great weekend❤!


Don't worry you pronounced my name right😂😂Kudos to you!




Thank you for my joke, and my kisses ❤️I have a joke for you... What do you call a monkey with some dynamite? A baboom! 😂😂


I laughed way too much when my nephew told me that one, I have the sense of humour of a 10 year old 😂😂


My first shoutout😫❣️I named myself after my favourite drink - haven't had it in years but I'm glad you think it's cool😊Thank you so much, your shoutout made my midnight.


And that Air album👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


Wow the stuff about the pets was so nice. I needed that. Just this morning my rescue rabbit died and it was hard. I'd only had his for a few months because he'd been dumped in a park. But I know he at least got a good home for a while and was loved 😔


Maybe I'll get a greeting next time.....felt oddly like romper room (tv show when I was a kid). I always waited to see if Miss Molly could see me in her magic mirror. She never did...but it created this sense of connection with all the other kids who I imagined were watching and waiting, too. Have a great day everyone! <a href="https://youtu.be/td1KAgrYUGA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/td1KAgrYUGA</a>


You say that as if it's a bad thing! 😛 I'm adding this joke to my collection 👍


I think my comment got lost in the coughing pause... 😢 still listening... Hoping... Gotta keep the faith 😇

Kathy M

Ermagherd! This Patreon is exactly like an adult Romper Room!!! Love it!!! 😂👍💕


Mine too. Still had lots of smiles while listening though. I just arrived, and expect to be here a while, so maybe next time!


Really enjoying these two new rambles on my Friday night 😊 Yes for Air! 🎶


It was SO needed. My dog Jaanet died 4 years ago. I still miss her every day, and was in tears last night for the first time in a while.


My first ramble! Thanks for the shoutout! You're lovely.


Hearing Gael tap into his inner Jay-Z just made my entire day 😅😅😅


I was laughing my a$$ off too 😂 Seanie is the best.


Thanks Seanie! And no, I don't look like a car.


Oh my. you are a good man, aren't you... I mean, in addition to being goooood, man. brill of you to encourage privacy and care about online relations. it's hot in a different way - like watching a man with a baby.


I already have Seanie nudes tyvm 😋

Kathy M

Thanks for the fun and lovely ramble! As for revisiting old GF style I say yes! I'd sooo love another take on Morning Quickie! Fast and Furious Take 2 😂


Haha, thanks for the German greeting! 😚 You did really well. So interesting that you actually had German for five years - impressive! You are always welcome to visit Germany - well, I could only show you around or recommend places in the North of Germany (since I'm a Nordlicht). Places like Eckernförde, Rendsburg - maybe a few parts in Hamburg too. 🤗


Thanks Gael...things are a little better today. Talking about painting the house so staying?? At least for now anyway. Thanks for the hugs and kisses. You are truly AWESOME!!! &lt;3 tá tú mo laoch

Greek Goddess

Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy!Finally you pronounced it correctly! 💋


Oh wie schön Magical, ich war letztes Jahr in Hamburg und vor paar Tagen in Berlin :)


Ah! Gael called me a troll! : (


@Magical Lala, der Gendarmenmarkt und Berlin bei Nacht ist toll, besonders der Fernsehturm.Die Menschen sind verschieden aber sehr herzlich und freundlich...in HH war ich nur beruflich unterwegs.....sry Laura Patreon ate my comment


Finally finished listening! *Phew* (can't believe it took me almost five hours to get through) Thanks so much for this, and for answering my question, even though you hate talking about yourself. And I would love some old-style Gaelforced audios -- bring them on!


Thank you so much for the shoutout and kind words, Gael. And from other patrons too. And you got my name right on the first try, it's Jay-ss. ❤️❤️


Gael my gratitude for the fun. I enjoy hearing you when you read our comments and when you pronounce our names. I love the way you are so sorry sometimes. C'est trop mignon, j'adore. Surtout ne change rien. Nice saturday ! (Perhaps with fever after all the work you perdormed and all the coffee you drank-drank? Drunk ? Pfff I don't remember. Ah Gael c'est difficile de vieillir, it's pretty hard to age... 69 years old. Fuck ! But it's good too. See you soon young man with an old soul, you see what I mean ?


You are 69? If that is so, then I'm NOT the oldest one here!! lol But hell, age is just a # after all, doesn't mean you have to act any different!!! It's all a state of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter...and if anyone matters, they don't mind.


Thank you for the bear hug, Gael!! :D :D


That is high praise coming from Gael who also fancies himself a troll when it's done properly. ;) You're in good company!




Listened to this late.. But thanks for the "hi" back 😳


Thank you, Gael for the shout out!!! That was my first time getting one and I looooved it! The entire audio was awesome!!


I finally got to listen to this--so much fun! Thank you for the kisses. 💕And yes to uploading the old-school Gaelforce audios! I've only been listening to you for a few months, so I'm mostly unfamiliar with your older stuff, BUT the older ones I have heard are so, so hot! Thank you again! 😘


Best ramble ever,also thank you so much for the shout out....and YES YES YES to CLASSIC OLD GF AUDIOS...I love your mind-blowing mind.Do it please👏


That gasp when you saw my name was hilarious but don't feel bad about pronouncing my name. You'd surprised what people say!! It's actually simple. It's pronounced (Li-tee-shuh). Thanks for the shout out! All of the rambles today are like Christmas in July!!


Yes Letitia I laughed so much when he tried to pronounced your name, so funny. Here in France we write your name "Laetitia" is it latin ? Thanks for the fun!!


LOL, that was precious, Bobby must be hanging out with the ponies in the meadow a lot I guess. No worries horses are just large puppies with hooves anyway😊 Thanks for the ramble! Condolences on the loss of your family dog, and friend.💛


Air by Moon Safari. It's on Spotify! YAY! I love love love these rambles, Gael. They make me smile and help me relax. And it's always funny to me how you laugh at the end of doing sexy requests like that one with the 'oozing + moist' in one sentence. One moment you're all hot and sexy and tingly and then you go like 'heheheheh'. What a switch!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Stay cool and adorable, Gael.


I missed this :(


Hanno, he has another shout out thread going for those ladies who didn't put in a request the first time (and those of us who are simply greedy 😂). You should check it out and make a request! 👍🏻