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Happy Friday!




Halllllooo from chicago.


What??? I actually made it into a live chat???


Morning, G!

Kathy M

Hey Everyone!


Happy Friday! 😘


Hello, G...ladies!


Hello Gael


Hey Gael! Hey everybody!! This is like an early birthday present!!


Hello G


Morning love.


We missed you


Good morning everyone! I was about to go back to sleep but eh... I can wait!


Good morning all! I've always dreamed of touring Ireland!! I will definitely take this into account if I ever get to.☺️



Gaelforce (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 16:39:13 痛みが効かないならくすぐったみを...やはり強気娘をくすぐりでわからせていくのはたまりませんなァ( ˘ω˘ )
2017-07-21 14:35:42 Awwww! I'm around! Cooking up goodies 😜

Awwww! I'm around! Cooking up goodies 😜


Morning from Philadelphia!!

Kathy M



good morning Gael! Today is my birthday so I am excited of this! Thank you and have a wonderful weekend! <3


What's shakin' Gael


And ofcourse good morning/good day to all! (it's night time here in the other side of the world)


Happy afternoon Gael, hello sirens!


Yum yum Gael! I deserve a treat after this week. *been working like a BOSS*


Good morning - dashing around trying to get out the door but wanted to pop in to say hi!


Happy Friday everyone!!


Morning, Gael! 🤗


Hello G! 😙 How are ya?! 🤗


Good morning, G! How are you? 😁


I can't believe it. Was driving when the notification came I had to park by the roadside😂


Morning Rosie! I am good! You?


💖Good Happy Friday, Gael. Hope you have a nice weekend. Much love to you! Muah! 💋


Wahoo! Hi Gael!!!!! *hugs* where's Caryne!!!!!!!!


Been at home today with fever and throat pain, I really was hoping for some Gael to cheer me up! 😊🦄


You better have answered T's questions or prepare to be trolled for life!


Gael, this is random...but I had a crazy dream about you the other day. You recorded a video ramble while you were laying on your bed and had your face blocked. 😜 I get to "dream of Gael", and it was a face blocked ramble, what?! 😒😧😜


Have a lovely chat everyone, off to work I go! Sad, I'd rather be here😕


Whatcha cookin? 🤔


Ok I'm out. Sorry love, already frustrated with the app crashing on me. I'm sure you already have some info on the issues here. Mmmwwahhh!


Hello hello hello!!!! Good morning... or afternoon... night...


"Welcome to an Irish PA" Lord What was I thinking 😂😂😂


💖Oh Gael...did you get your itchy butt cheek issue taken care of? 😁😁😁


Hi! Hope you survived this work week, have an awesome weekend! Your new ramble looks interesting ☺️


Gotta go sleep now. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone! 😄😄😄


I can't wait to listen! I've been to Donegal several times to visit my father but I have never had the opportunity to visit the rest of Ireland (with the exception of a quick trip to Dublin and Galway). I would love to explore some of the Gaeltacht areas a bit more. My sister use to go there during the summer and she it quite fluent in Irish. Would there still be any monolingual Irish speakers in those areas? When we were on our way to visit my sister, we stopped in o e of the shops to ask for directions and my father said the guy didn't speak English but I'm not sure if he was pulling my leg:)


I was frustrated at first but I'm better now! 😋 Happy it's finally Friday. This week felt like it was dragging on forever 😫😂


Oh sure! The Gaeltacht is alive and well! I speak a little about it here Ceann tra rocks!


Oh... look who´ sss dropping by... the juicy Irisssh man...


Hello everyone!


And is it currently pissing down with rain over the water in Eire, like it is in the SW of England? ☔


Woooo! Hi, Gael!!! Hi, everyone! 🤗🤗🤗😙


I can't wake up this morning. I need some enerdree!! 🤗


Hi ladies and Hi Gael! I'm a bit late, but I'm here! How are you?


I'm about to tattoo a client... gonna miss all the fun, buuuu

Ileandra & Raven

Stuck on a delayed train with no idea when we'll start moving again. This should keep me sane. Thank you, Gael! ♡


On my way to the tattoo shop so I'll be in and out (hehehe) of this chat 😞 when I'm not fetching snacks and watching someone totally not cry lol


Ohhh no! I may bore you to sleep and then you'll wake up at home Boom!


About to get on a boring conference call! Ugh! But I just want to stay here with you ladies and G! 😣 The struggle.


It's fookin crashin like the Atlantic waves to the shore of Eire 😜


Greetings, everyone! And potentially farewell everyone, because I'm about to do an endurance session at the gym after only 3 hours of sleep and with the start of a cold! So in case I die, it's been swell knowing you all! Remember me fondly, have a drink in my memory, get the Lizard Queen to avenge my death, and such ⚰️


Bonjour Gael^^ !! happy Friday ,hope you're doing well §§ Love , kisses and hugs From Martinique ! I'm really thinking about visiting Ireland ( studying maybe :) Ooo that would be awesome !!)Thanks for sharing , What a Beautiful country !!


So I was able to listen to about nine minutes of the ramble. Sadly my break is over now and I have to go back 😞 But thanks for this! I've always wanted to go to Ireland! If I ever do, I'll listen to this and take notes on it so I don't get lost 😂 Have a great day, G and lovelies! 😚


Knowing your passion for nature and untouched landscapes I'm sure you would Romania, Gael! I've been to Transylvania last year and it's breathtaking! Apart from a certain vampire, there's so much to explore!


Someone say coffee? I'll take three! 😆😴


It's a coming Susie! I can't wait! All the children are insane Waiting for the summer rain


I'm totally laughing at the song commentary, G lol "Probably came out blue"


Aye, send some of that rain to Oregon!


@Trish mmmm coffeeeeeeeeee


She could go skinny dipping. Maybe she's part of the polar bear club.😜


No, no. Doctimus, I absolutely forbid you to die, d'ya hear?


Hey , Ashlee! How are ya girl? It's been forever!


"counties, fuck, not countries" ☺️ Teehee




This trek would take 3 months.

Kathy M

Tanks for the tour! Looking forward to the ramble! 😚💕😄


There's a big conference in my research field next year...guess where? 😂 I just about fell off my chair when I got the conference announcement! Had to make sure I wasnt being 'punked' 😊


I totally missed the live stream! Anyway I just want to say I love how much you get excited when you talk about Ireland! It's so sweet! ❤🍀


😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍 Hello All!!


Thanks G Happy Friday! Looking forward to it later!💋❤


Now I really want to pay Ireland a visit! Especially to that pub you mentioned in your ramble! I'm a singer and I would love to be surrounded by all that musical history...and a pint of half & half of course😛


Missed the live action fun...darn work meeting. I'm sure a jolly time was had by all. Looking forward to listening to the tour. Have a great weekend Gael and everyone! 🎧❤️


Thanks so much for the tour, G! Maybe someday I'll get there 😊 Have a lovely rest of your Friday and a peaceful weekend! 😚💕


ah i was out with frds! but a ramble is enough to look forward to ❤️


Ireland Tourism Board should sponsor you! You describe these places with an affection and joy. A trip to Ireland is now #2 on my list. :) Have the greatest day!


I laughed and laughed at the story about the pot! What kind hearted people to be so concerned about it, of course he couldn't look them in the eye after such a big hullabaloo was made over it. Having to sneak it out like a dead body, I can just picture him carrying out a rolled up rug! Hilarious!😂😂😂🤣Have a great weekend ❤! 😙


Is there a short cut to the attic in this???


O the F K?!. The whole time I'm like "But how do I get to your house?" I'll be good I promise.


Gonna have some dinner and wine, celebrating my diploma! Thank you all for the lovely messages on Twitter, and for all the love and support you gave me since September when I started the last 2 semesters of this crazy journey! <3 And then I'm gonna listen to this awesome looking ramble! xoxo Ps. also, thanks Gael for keeping me calm and sane during these last months - your audios definitely had the desired effect! ;)


Uggghhh. 🙄 So I don't mean to rant, but this has been the worst week ever. Tons of embarrassing things happening non stop. Today I was washing one of my mannequin heads, I put shampoo in it, I washed it out, and then I see it's ridiculously tangled to the point that I can't work with it anymore. It won't come out, period. So I put it away before anyone saw it and I started washing the other one. This time I didn't put shampoo in it because I knew it would get badly tangled. So one of the other students came to me and asked me if I'm okay and if I need help. I said I'm okay but I also told her that the other mannequin head is really tangled. She asked me to bring it. So I did. And everyone saw it. Everyone. Even the guy who's fingers I accidentally touched. I'm pretty sure I was visibly blushing. I could honestly feel my face heating up. It was so embarrassing. And to make it worse, I just found out that the guy who's fingers I accidentally touched, he's trying to get the tangled out of that mannequin's hair for me. As if it couldn't get anymore embarrassing. Again, sorry for ranting. I feel like this is the only place I can do it without being judged. Okay, I'm going to go and crawl in a hole now and never come out. Lmao.


Hey! It's ok to be a damsel in distress sometimes 😜 I suspect my boyfriend of tightening every lids on every jar when he has a chance so i have to ask for some help. It makes him feel strong and needed. 💪


The rambles are just intriguing to me. Hearing you speak in your "regular" voice with the humor, the accent, and the genuine heart you have for your experiences and personal insight is just awesome to me. It's a rare find. Anyhoo, thanks for the "tour" because Ireland is on my travel wish list!! Toodles!!!!💛 Oh, enjoy your time off. It's well deserved!!!!😎


Yayy! I had this idea in a corner of my head for a future PA! My area has cheap direct flights for Dublin and Cork, and I checked the travel time by train for different cities, from Dublin, and I'd love to travel across Ireland by train! Was supposed to do it this year but things changed and I hope I'll be able to do it in 2018. I saw there is a Tralee-Dingle steam train too. I'd love to experience that! 😊 🇮🇪


Loved this. I love traveling and this interested my a ton. Thanks.

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Loved the beautiful tour! Now we need you to personally walk with us on this tour 😘😂


This tour was really informative and interesting. I'm actually hoping to visit Ireland within the next five years, so this will come in handy on where to go.


this is awesome very interesting love it xxxxx