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I'm doing a ramble this Friday or Saturday..
If you want me to say 'hi' leave your comment below 🍀❤️

Hope you are all climbing over the hump!


P.S Phonetic name pronunciation help is always appreciated!  ❤️ 



Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.🍀 Oscar Wilde


Hi.....original enough?


Oh my HEART!! Hi Gael *giggles* 😍


Hi ❤💛💜💙💚!!!

Kathy M

Heheh I'd like to climb all over you! I'm sorry that was terrible 😱😳😜😚😁


Hiya, Gael! 🤗 if ye be taking requests...surprise me with something that will make me blush and giggle! This time use, Patricia tho. Le do thoil agus go raibh maith agat! 😘


Hi Gael 😳


❤️❤️❤️heyyyyy yasss have a great week love!


Hey Gael. Hope you are having a nice day.


Hi pretty boy!!! ❤️ hope you'll have a hella of a week as well! 😘😘😘

Ileandra & Raven

I would love a 'hello,' Gael. I'll not be able to listen to it straight away, as I'm out and about, but it would be lovely to look forward to it when I got back. ^_^


My first ramble!!! Can you growl and whisper my name please?!!!! Hope you have a awesome weekend! 😚💜 P.S. I'm curious to hear how you will pronounce my name! 😉


Hi Gael or hallo in Dutch!! Have an awesome week love ☺️


Yaaaay!! Please say hello to me, a Gaelforce Newbie and I'll climb over all humps deemed necessary ☺️


It would be a waste of a Ramble if you didn't do one of your famous breathy and DELICIOUSLY orgasmic 'growls' for us 😍❤️ Just saying 😉


Hi and Good morning! I'll be listening while making a boring 11 hour drive back home so THANK YOU!! LOVE the rambles! Best week wishes to ya! 😉


Muahs! And Hi 😁 also send nudes.


How are you G? And more importantly, how is Bobby??? We need a Bobby video playing in the water again. He's so cute!!! Since he's not an indoor dog, how do you keep the little fella warm during those rainy cold winters??


Sing one of your current favourite song to me. MUST BE MORE THAN 10 SECONDS! A lil muah for Shay and wish that my day goes well is enough. I love u too G!


Oooo, my first ramble! Hello, sir! ❤


Hi Gael!!!!!😍💛💜 Kisses from Aussie😘😘😘😘


I have a challenge for you accent man: try to say hi to me in the best italian accent you can get (Mario and the godfather are not good inspirations you know!) 😂😂😂😂


Hey there!😚😚😘or should I say Salut!(Bonjour Gael💚💙💗💗💜Happy to join you here😍Have an amazing day❣💙💛 (Big kisses from Martinique Gael 😙Mmuah!😙) Oooo I would LOVE to hear you say an early "Happy Birthday !" ( 6th of august😁😍.I am a Leo too Rrrrr🦁 and sooo Proud😊)


Morning, Gael! Hope you're doing well! Always wondered how you began doing meditative audios (asked as I'm sitting on the beach watching the sunrise and listening to the waves). Kisses & hugs to you!


Hey Gael! I hope you're doing alright this Humpday ❤! I would love to hear a Hi from you! This'll be my first ramble. Yay! Xoxo😙


I´ ll give it another try... the location of the key, tasssty annoying human? Hm?...


💖Hiya Gael! I hope you're "humping" along very nicely today, as well 😉


Hi Gael, hope you are doing well with all of the July busy-ness. Always sending you love and support!! I hope it's a wonderful day fo you!! 😘😘❤️


Hey, Gael! *bear hug* hmmm... if you're playing a song as background music to this ramble, could you dance to it for a few seconds? Doesn't have to be sexy. You can be as goofy as you want. Just have fun with it. 😉😉😉 ~Joan


Hi! 🤗 Happy Wednesday to you, sir. 💋


My 1st ramble with you and I'm very excited lol....hope you're having a beautiful day.I would love you to say Salam (hi) Valentina🍀....and tell a bit about your Croatia vacation?Are you good prepared and what will you pack in your luggage?😉🙂


Gaeeeeeeeel, can I pls have a little hello? Would love to hear how Bobby is doing ☺️ (also pls wish me a late good luck for my trip to Toronto in 16 hours...I'm quietly shitting myself)


Just sending you tons of love and fox licks, and a big thank you! :)


Hi Gael! I hope you're celebrating "Hump" day ♡ An encouraging shoutout to get through yet another week would be so great! :) with some loving Gaelic thrown in the mix for this sweetheart. It always make me smile when you talk in Gaelic... I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Hai Gael! Thank you for everything you do. May you please say hello in Gaelic? I love when you speak Irish and growl 💜


Hello G happy Humpty Dumpty Day! Yay! Another ramble! Just want to say Grazie Mille il mio amico! Have a good weekend my friend😘😊


Hey, G! How are ya? 🤗 So I'm not sure if this is a normal ramble or if it can be a naughty ramble, but I'm going to give a shot at a naughty request. This is my first naughty request, so I'm very shy about it 😂😂🙈 Okay, so I would like you to make spanking sound effects as if you're spanking my ass and say "Naughty girl. Do you like when I do that? Hmm? When I spank your ass like that? You have been very naughty." And I would like to hear that sexy growl 😉 And maybe call me Rosie a few times? Please? 😅 Thank you ☺️🙈 Happy hump day! 😉


I'm always up for a ramble! As far as a request, hmmm? An attempt at my name would be nice. Haha 😉 Just a simple Hola! Hope you have a great rest of the week! Love ya G! 😙


Ramble about your favorite author (classic or contemporary). Please. And bring me something from Araby. :)


How YOU doin'? ;) How is this month of madness going for you? Hope you are still having fun, and not just surviving life atm! Do you ever have time to go through the threads and comments here, and do you enjoy them / find them helpful in any way (for getting inspiration, insights, feedback)?


It's Wednesday? Oh noes! I'd like an encouraging shoutout to help me finish my shitload of work. Btw, it's Mehh duhh Lynn, but you can also call me Gary, that's not my real name either. Any variation on Mary is though : )


Hello lovely Gael, could you please say hi Gill and tell me a joke and a kiss, thank you 😍


I Gael! Just ramble, love. It'll be nice to hear from you. Hope you're doing well.

Kelly S

I'm not gonna lie... If you could take a beat and give me some words of encouragement ("you can do this girl", "keep fighting!", that kind of thing) I would really appreciate it. Then I can cut that part out and have that to help me through this long, difficult process I'm stuck in.


Hiya Gael 🤗 I've a question- Have ye been to Belfast or N. Ireland? If so, is it much different than the rest of Ireland? Do you think it will be one country again anytime soon? 🍀🇮🇪


Hi Gael! You're the best.


😂😂 you're a persistent little lizard Queenie.👌🏼


The best way to pronounce my name by the way, is to use the boys name Mike and add -uh behind it hahah, sounds weird but maybe it could help hahah 🙈

Kacie Kelly

Hello Gael!! Greetings all the way from Massachusetts ~ I do have a quick question though. I've been to the motherland once and visited places like Dublin and Donegal, but in case I were to go back, are there any places you recommend visiting that people sometimes miss?


Ahh, that's exciting, Amanda! But don't worry - there's no need to involuntarily void your bowels once you reach Toronto because it's a fun city! Besides, your energy is better spent swearing and getting all road rage-y once you get stuck in traffic here 😝 <br><br>(Haha, but no really, beware the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardiner Expressway because the congestion there can get pretty bad 😕)<br><br>I hope you have a safe and fun trip! If you ever find yourself in a pickle, there's a few ladies here who live in Ontario (and I think Camille is actually in Toronto) who might be able to help 😃


Ah! I'm here late! Pull my hair and tell me to go do my homework please!

Kiara. B

Hello Gael! How are you? My name is kiara and I would really like some body encouragement if that is okay, I would love to hear some body positivity and maybe end it with a kiss. Thank you and you're the best, you never fail to make me smile 😊


Hello Gael! Always enjoy these rambles of yours. Just give a growl and tell me I've been a bad girl. That's all I need. 😉 🎧❤️

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Hiiiiii 🌹 hope your week is moving along good and you're not stressed out💕 my name is Dawn I would absolutely love a hello from you in a very sweet way. 😘😘😘😘


Dia dhuit, a chara! Could you give me a belated birthday shout-out, le do thoil? (If it's not too late to request one. Otherwise, just any hello. *grin*) And yay, ramble!!! Looking forward to it! X-D


Could you please say my name and tell me I'm your good girl?? Thank you for all you do!😋😘

Kathy M

Good question 😄 wondered this myself ☺️


Hey Gael! Pretty much anything you say would make me blush 🙈 my name is pronounced Ar-she-ah. Have an awesome day 😊


Hi, Gael. First ramble, also first time commenting on a post. (Been a little scared to up until now.) I was wondering if you could give me some comforting words or such. I lost someone very close to me this week and hearing your comforting audios always seems to make me feel just a little better.


Hello, Gael, new patron here. Be rough with me don't hold back. Please, just whisper naughty things into my ear; I've been very naughty. 💖😘


If you make it this far down the line, I'd appreciate a quick hello. 😊 Do you have a favorite work of art or a favorite painter/sculptor? Thanks, love! 😘


Hi Gael! Loved Loved Loved my PA! Thank you!! Please say "Hi, Elaine" in your sexiest voice. Smooches! You're the best, my "Holy Gael!"


don't know if you'll get this far but it's worth a shot, Hi!!😊


I demand a ssshout out! I never had one before... Ssay my full title it´ s... "Her Highnessss The Lizard Queen - Ssscaly Empress Of All Thingss Ssslithery - Devourer Of Tasssty Humanss - Sexiesst Female Of The Realm...... "


Gaellllll, Hello my dear! I would like a sweet, sexy shout-out followed by neck nuzzling kisses.💕💕


Hi Gael! I would love for you to say something naughty AND something sweet. And my real name is Erin.


How are you, Anamchara? As a keeper of the faith i wanted to let you know that my sisters and I (your worshipers and born again sirens) are ready to receive you in the church we built at your image. ⛪ We are listening. Do you have a word for us? And how do you say "bow down" or "kneel down" in your beautiful and sacred language? 😇 Thanks for helping us being our better selves... I hope you feel all the love and energy we are sending your way! We'll be waiting, on our knees, for you to heal us and feed us again... Amen!


Good morning beloved. I'm new here. Will you teach me a Gaelic word or phrase to whisper to you? Those sweet and sexy whispers feel like a magical incantation, deepening the hold of your spell. ♡♡


Hi Gael, hope you and Bobby are well and happy, sending you both hugs and kisses 💓👄

Greek Goddess

Good afternoon lovely.You've tried a few times but you didn't pronounce it correctly 😝My name is Eoanna.The problem is in the first two letters.The first sounds like the "e" in "English" and the second like the "o" in "pot".You have to emphasize in the first "a".Thanks! 😙


Okay, so Gael, you might find this funny. Yesterday, something embarrassing happened. I go to college for hairdressing. I've been here a month and two weeks. There is only one guy student here. So yesterday, we were in the same room together, it was after lunch, we were both putting our lunches away, we both reached for the fridge, and I accidentally touched his fingers. Pardon my French but, FUCK. NO. 😳 I was so embarrassed. And to make it worse, I was wearing high heels and I lost my balance and almost fell on my ass in front of him. 😂 It was so embarrassing. So I've decided to avoid him until this embarrassment goes away. And of course, we are ALWAYS in the exact same room at the exact same time. Life has a funny way of working, doesn't it? 😉 Hope you got a laugh out of my little story. Lmao 😂

Kathy M

Hi Gael, hope all is well with you and yours 😄 here's a big hug from me to you 🤗 with a sneaky little pat on your butt while I'm in there ☺️ muah!


Yes, I was just thinking we needed another ramble, and here you are. Looks like you've got your hands full, so you can just say hi to me and move on about your day. On every occasion I've heard you say my name, it has been pronounced perfectly, which is not often the case with most others that try. Methinks your accent forces the correct pronunciation...and I can dig it 😊


Hola! Greetings from Argentina :) I should be studying but lately, I've been a professional procrastinator. Now I just need one of the sexiest voices I've heard to tell me to sit down and do what I need to do. So...could you do me a favour and ask Seanie to do it?


The "hump" stuck it's foot out and tripped me. I fell flat on my face. A few words of encouragement would be nice (see PM). Oh and my name is pronounced Mar Sha (like the oldest girl in the Brady Bunch if you are familiar with that old show). Have a good one.


Happy Wednesday love! I still want you to sing Swifty to me. You know I'm only going to keep asking until you do. XP XDD<br><br>And no cheating this time ya langer! <br><br>Aaaand because I need a good laugh (bonus points for you if you can do it without laughing).....<br><br>Pretend you're about to unleash the Celtic Warrior but instead of your usual lines, shout out "Release the Kraken!" instead. XP XDDD &lt;3 &lt;3


Happy Wednesday, Gael! I just want that bear hug.


And if you are taking requests, may I have some kisses please? 😘💕


<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9OFpfTd0EIs" width="560"></iframe>


Actually, I imagine you leopard crawl into Patreon, chuck the audio like a grenade (drop it like it's hot), and yell RETREAT! 😉😂.


Hi, Gael! I'd like a super sexy, naughty shout out! Something to do with being a good girl! Thanks! ☺️☺️☺️☺️


Gabbie, frishawn, and philotes said they're so horny and u love them long time.


Gabbie wants u to ramble on her pussy🙊


Frishawn said the 3some audio is overdue


Philotes said to call her a filthy tramp


I want my rick james shout out. thanks boo


Dance for Philotes! Dance! Dance your Irish jig for her!


3some?! Can't handle more than one woman, huh??? Celtic warrior can't stand up to the challenge? Too much pleasure for one man? Need viagra?


You left me alone so long I've had to resort to playing with with girls! Again! Oh well...They're more fun and prettier too.


Read this Rick James -P.I.M.P. THE S.I.M.P - " Excuse me baby, but my name is Don Wonder And I wonder if I could buy you a drink Cause I got something I need to run on you"


Gael don't u skip us!! Lol


Gael what about our questions from the old ramble? Lol...i dont remember what i asked....im sure it was filthy


Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that, Jace! I hope you're doing okay. Losing someone you care about is always really rough 💐 <br><br>There's nothing wrong with observing the comments here, but I hope you don't feel too scared to post your thoughts! We're a friendly bunch and we're all here to lend an ear and support one another as best we can 💕


My Queen! You should demand the King say your title ten times as fast as possible!


Hello Doll Face, use the words moist &amp; oozing in a sentence, please, but you have to try &amp; make it sound sexy 😂😂


I'm a Ramble Virgin! I would love to hear you tell me something super romantic in that sexy seductive voice, so I can dissolve completely mmm 🤤😋😛😍🤓


Well this weeks hump feels more like a mountain but I'm tryinggg. I hope the rest of your week is good! 😊 If I may, I request a simple "hello"! And.. what are some of your favorite dishes to cook?? (Do you even have time to cook? Lol) This vegan needs some new ideas 😋 Thank youuu 😘


Cool! I love listening to your rambles and corny jokes. 🌽 My friends and I want to visit distilleries in Ireland and I mainly just want to go hiking/camping somewhere there aren't bears, poisonous snakes, and mountain lions prowling around (nothing like being put in your place by the food chain). Since you're an outdoorsy guy, do you know if the distilleries are near some public camping and trails?


Looks like it's going to be a lot of "hi"s, Gael. ^_^


I would be glad :)


Hello Gael, my name is pronounced E-ma-nu-el-le. I would love a "happy birthday" (27 july) with a gentle kiss. Thank you so much. Bises


Oh yes, please Gael. How about a little dominant Gael scolding me for teasing you through dinner with your parents. I think a spanking is in order. :) (name is pronounced GENE)


Can I just get a hi and a kiss? Seems like you'll have your hands full with this ramble. Good luck 😘


I would loooove if you said hi to me, Gael! &lt;3


Herr Gael just say my name... it may be a little tricky for you but it sounds like... Clau-di-a oh-soo-luh-wan You think you can manage it? Just try your best... danke! Bahahahaha....


Hey hey can I get a hey hey x


I'm so far down the list I don't know if you'll get to me 😕 But if you do get this far hi Gael 😉 Can you please rap jay zs rap from drunk in love. Pretty please oh and don't worry I have added the lyrics below to your convenience 🙃🙃 thank youuuu 😘 .That D'USSÉ is the shit if I do say so myself If I do say so myself, if I do say so myself Hold up, stumble all in the house Time to back up all that mouth That you had all in the car Talking 'bout you the baddest bitch thus far Talking 'bout you be repping that Third I wanna see all that shit that I heard Know I sling Clint Eastwood Hope you can handle this curve, uh Foreplay in a foyer, fucked up my Warhol Slid the panties right to the side Ain't got the time to take drawers off On sight, catch a charge I might Beat the box up, like Mike in '97, I bite I'm Ike Turner, turn up, baby, no, I don't play "Now eat the cake, Anna Mae!" Said, "Eat the cake, Anna Mae!" I'm nice, for y'all to reach these heights You gon' need G3, 4, 5, 6 flights Sleep tight, we sex again in the morning Your breasteses is my breakfast We going in, we be all night


Technically meant to be said in Spanish but in English it's been pronounced like this, Meh-rah-ree. 😁 No worries on the pronunciation. I get called 'Mary' more times than not. That's what I get for having a unique name. Oh well. 😉


Beyonce: Never tired, never tired I been sippin, that's the only thing keeping me on fire, me on fire To me it's feeling like all of my entire life I've been drinking Boy, I'm Marylin I want your body right here, daddy I want you, right now Can't keep ya eyes off my fatty Daddy I want you We be all night, love ❤


Question- Which of ladies would you allow to take Seanie's virginity? Tina,Melissa, WildSage,Frishawn,Philotes,Crystal, or Gabbie?


Hey there! You have so many comments already so I doubt you'll even get this far but just in case it's pronounced Charisma just like the word [ka-ris-ma] 😊


If you get this far, hi Gael😄. Would love a Hi 👋🏼 back😁


Oh, don't worry. You know how his days seem to have more hours, right? Well, that's because he has a secret turbo button. (If that sounds like an innuendo, it's because it is meant as one.)

Kathy M

And should singing Swifty get the Celtic Warrior's attention then please feel free to truly unleash it 😄😊😳👍💕

Kathy M

Do you think Seanie can do more reaction audios? I hate to see him needing a safe space or get uncomfortable but I think they serve the greater good 😊


I'll have a hi if you reach me ma love 🤗😁


Hi Gael, so looking forward to this ramble.. I've missed you! Any shout out would be nice as I've just finished my final exam on Monday and especially a low and sexy "good girl"... not quite brave enough to ask for anything more naughty! Hope life is treating you well.xxx 💖💖


Would love a hi please :3 x


Hi big cat! 😸😉


By the way name is pronounced Te-reese in US or Teh-Rez in Fr which ever you prefer😉


Hello, Handsome Hot Man. Please give me an audio hug and kiss. XO


I am taking my first proper holiday in six years at the end of this month. Would love a nice send off, big hug and some whispers. No names please :)


Hello Gael, I hope everything is fine with you. So... I have an old dog (12 years old) who looks a lot like Bobby,(he's also little fat and so cute). I know he's at the end of his life, so I wonder if you can lend me Bobby sometimes. 🐶 I would also like you could sing part of Chelsea Hotel #2 or Take This Waltz by Leonard Cohen (or any of his songs). Please! ps.: About phonetic name pronunciation, I don't know how to do. If anyone knows, help me! 😳 Thank's


Phonetic name pronunciation is how you would sound out your name. For example, "Sofia" is phonetically pronounced "so-FEE-uh". So is your name pronounced "cath-EE-ann"? Or "cat-TEE-ann"? Or a different way?


Hey Gael, so recently I've been having really bad anxiety and have self doubting myself a lot lately. It's gotten so bad that I have a panic attack and I can't breath. I'm in urgent need of reassurance, encouragement and hugs and kisses, please. Thanks💕


Can you sing a snippet of "head over feet" by Alanis Morissette?


Hey Gael, Im studying to get into law school. Can you say something to distract me haha. Or just a Hi! Thanks 💕


New patron and super pleased 😏 Thanks for the escape.


Please throw a Hi my way Soo zee lol


Hey, Gael, it's Chantelle (Shan-tell)!!! If you make it this far, I just wanted to thank you for fulfilling my request in the last shout-out ramble, it meant a lot to me...just one question: In some of your ASMR videos, you say something in Gaelic that sounds like "bug bean" in English, it always sounds so sweet when you say it, and I can't help but smile when I hear it...would you mind telling me what it means???


Hi Gael, I'm a new patron. Love your audios and am intrigued by the art of ASMR. Looking forward to hearing more of your work. Michele (mi-SHEL)


... 😐 I like when you say 'Oui Oui' with your usual joyful tone... 🤗


I'd like a hi from you cause it would make my entire day, no other big reason :)


Just a hello or something would be nice


Hello Gael. Please try not to ovedose on coffee 😁. Why does Seanie say: 'what's the story?' all the time?


Hi Gael!! Hope you're having a lovely day!! I have a question...If you didn’t have to worry about money or a job, where would you like to live in the world? Thanks ❤️🌹

Gri (Sassy_One)

Can I get a "Hola, lovely Gri" and whatever else you wanna add to it? Thanks, Sir😉


I will take you up on that one. A dimple "hello" will be too easy though. How about a German "Guten Tag, Laura" (or an easier greeting "Hallo, Laura")? Oh, already looking forward to the German words with Irish accent. xD Have a lovely day, Gael! Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich! 🤗


Thanks for all the hard work Much love from California! -Sierra


Gael, thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! Much love! 😊

Kathy M

Hi again Gael 😄 do you own or have you ever worn a kilt? 😄 kthxsbai 💗


Yay, another Cali girl! Hey, neighbor! 👋🏻😊


Hola, Gael 😊 Just wanted to say thank you for all you do for us, and it does not go under appreciated! Just a thought, but maybe you could do an audio where the girl is the one pampering you, and giving the back rubs and ear tingles 😉😆 anywhoozle, have a good week Mr. Force and thanks again c: P.S. it's blazin outside over here 😰hopefully Ireland has seen some cooler days lately?


Could you please say "Halo Ria, apa kabar?" It means how are you in bahasa indonesia 😆.. Thank you for all of things you do for us.. 😘


Tss... just meager 191 comments till now. :) Herr Gael I` m wondering about something... would you reveal the colour of your car? Dankeschön... XPPP


Hey Gael. Can I please get a Happy Birthday shoutout? It's my 21st so it's a mile stone one! 😊👏🏻


Happy birthday, Meggie! Congrats on being of legal drinking age <i>everywhere!</i> 🍻🎉🎁 Hope you have an awesome day!


hi gael! ive been hitting the gym extra hard lately and im loving how my body looks - any chance of a sexy shout out or encouragement? 😂💕

Greek Goddess

Yaaaaaaaayyyyy!!Finallyyyyy you pronounced it correctly! 😂😂❤️❤️❤️