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This is a mashup of a story telling series I did last year.  Sit back, relax and hear some crazy stories from my life against the backdrop of a cozy Irish cafe.


Tell Me A Story | [Romance] [Boyfriend Role Play] [Storytelling]

This is a mashup of a story telling series I did last year. Sit back, relax and hear some crazy stories from my life against the backdrop of a cozy Irish cafe. 'Moving In' Available on Audible.com! - http://bit.ly/2ohwR7s ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



I love your stories, and that's a great send off for your grandad


First >_> lol


I love that you have intros to your audios now. So creative! 😍


Third? Where is everyone?<br><br><b>Edit:</b> Ahh, methinks they're probably listening to the audio! I'll sadly have to save it for later on - I enjoy a funny story as much as the next lady, but watching a 25-minute YT video would obliterate my data plan 😧<br><br>Although audio is your primary storytelling medium of choice, have you ever thought of writing an anthology of your stories? Half of them seem almost too absurdly hilarious to be true, but if there are actually parts of the country filled with Seanie-esque people, I suppose I can see how your anecdotes are grounded in reality 😝


JUST AS I WAS GOING TO BED! To sleep, I mean. Caressing my pussy, I mean, kitten. (And I am *unanimous* in that! - geddit?) Sleep well, everyone whose Monday is closer than wanted ...


In bed, dear Doctimus. Now spin us some of these lovely walls of text so I have something to procrastinate tomorr... later today, will you?


Luv, luv, luv the new intros!!!! You are the hardest working man in ASMR audio and we love it!! 🔊😘 The stories are so creative and funny!


I loved this. It reminded me of sitting around with my family, hearing them tell stories about when they were younger. It was really comforting to me. I'll have it on repeat for sure. 💖


Love, love, love these stories! Had me in stitches over here like!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A pleasant Montag - Monday to everyone. I had a wonderful lazy, hot (weatherwise ;)) weekend. The blueberries are ripe, the lake is cool, my man is horny... perfection! Bahaha... Earlier my kitten and his friend fought a Igel - hedgehog. I think the Igel won... and nobody was hurt just a lot of hissssing :) So, if you are in the mood, some assorted, sexy Fragen. Would you rather... Wrestle nackt - naked in a pool of Jello (btw, we call it Wackelpudding - wobbly pudding or Götterspeise - food of the gods) or chocolate pudding? Only ever have sex in bed or only ever have sex outside the bedroom? Tease with hot wax or with Eiswürfeln - ice cubes? Accidentally send a dirty text to your boss or a sexy voicemail to your mom? Date someone who refuses to kuscheln - cuddle or who refuses to go down on you? Make love on a beach or in a Jacuzzi? Danke for your answers, as always :) ...see you later.


Storytelling audios are my favorites!


Guten Tag, meine liebe Frau Claudia! Sexy answers incoming: 1. Edible naked wrestling medium of choice: Jello, by a mile. It'd be easier to clean off afterward, I think. 2. Where to fuck forevermore: outside the bedroom -- there are just so many more options! 3. A Song of Ice *or* Fire: Tease with hot wax. I have meh-to-meep! memories of my few experiences with ice play, but the once that I had melted wax poured onto my nipples &amp; stomach was fantastic. (Granted, I suspect the difference of being at least partly technique. The ex-boyfriend who was into ice liked to hold it straight-away against my clit with no warm-up or teasing first, and preferred to abandon it rather than try a different approach. Ouch!) 4. Misadventures in erotic correspondence: Sexy voicemail to my mom. Again, no contest! The other could make me literally unemployable, and mom's silent judgment won't land me on the streets! X-) 5. Cuddling vs. Cunnilingus: as I learned from my marriage, refusal to do either means we're incompatible, no matter what else he or she has going. 6. Sexytimes by the sea vs. Tumbling in the tub: In the jacuzzi, please. The shore is such a romantic setting, but eventually you discover the hard way that sand is nobody's friend!


Just want to let you all know that part 5 is up on the community page. Enjoy!


Yay! I'm excited to read your next installment. 😘


Chip pan story!! My favourite 😂👨🏻‍🚒🥔🍳🚒🏚


We really enjoy your ssstorytelling skillsss... though Ireland sseems to be a quite Seanieesssque place. I have to make ssure to never accidentally ssslither there... :(


You read my mind, Gael. I was trawling through old videos looking for these last night before bed 😊


I can't listen yet, I have a shitload of jobs. No Fragen either, though they're very nice today! Here's my own work haiku. Monday. Why the hell Do project managers Drive me mad? I am tired.


Your Nan had 6 girls and 7 boys? My great grandmother had 10 I believe. I couldn't do it. Well I suppose I could have if that was my lot in life. Of course I've heard these before but you have a real gift for story telling old man, so they're always nice to hear.😊


I'm a sucker for good stories, even when I've heard them. But, when the stories are good and the storyteller is enjoyable to listen to, they are fun to hear every time! Thanks so much for sharing these again, and the new intro is really cool. And, seriously, when you find the time, write your stories down and publish them -- they are too great not to share!


I´` d like to ssee the "The Adventuresss Of Young Gael" as a crude, artsy sstop motion film... but pleasse no musical versssion! Ewwww....


I think you have yourself one too many syllables in there, my friend! But it's Monday, so I'll allow it because I am nothing if not flexible. 😏


I love to hear your laugh, it's irresistibly contagious! ;) You sound really comfortable and in your element when telling stories, and as a result, I'm left with a warm feeling of contentment. This was so absorbing, I could listen for hours. :)


Guten Morgen sweet Sirens. Hope everyone has a lovely Dienstag -Tuesday!? I have a little treat for you. One of Gael´ s old long lost audios. Enjoy! <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BypRzl9PJumvZzlfc3doNmIxS0k/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BypRzl9PJumvZzlfc3doNmIxS0k/view?usp=sharing</a> And of course I have some Fragen as well... would you rather... Do it in 32° weather or in 100° weather? Make out at the movies or in the back seat of a car? Play teacher's pets or play doctor? Get a massage with peanut butter or maple syrup? Be a celebrity yourself or a celebrity wife? Danke my dears... enjoy your day... bis dann XD


Ooh thank you Frau Claudia..Please may I have another! X] Oops wasn't done there. Still Monday evening her in CO. But I hope you are having a great Tuesday! Now for the Fragen: 32/100? Definitely 100 degrees. I realize you can warm each other up if it's cold but you will be sweating eventually. 32 dergee on sweat is not pleasant. So I'll take sweating in 100 degrees. Movies or back of a car? I'd just pick the back row and have me some lovins in the theater. Teacher's pet/Doctor? I'm pretty good with anatomy so I pick doctor. I dare a guy to tell me to touch his corporsa cavernosa! Go on. I dare ya. Message with peanut butter or syrup? I HATE being sticky (with sweet stuff) so I pick peanut butter (make it chunky and get your exfolliation on!) Me/Spouse celebrity? Me. I would love to be an actress. I would do my best to make my SO feel welcomed and accepted. That's it. Thank you Frau!


I have to admit I had a tear in my eye when He was telling the story about his grandpa! :(


Perfect ending to my Monday. You're such a great storyteller, in so many different ways. This was really lovely ❤️


My grandpa was one of 14 kids, and he and my grandma had 6 of their own. Needless to say, I have a lot of cousins 😂


Ahemmm... Herr Gael! Sssee, everybody lovess your storytelling... maybe it´ s time to mix the storytelling with some intenssse fucking/mating ssscenes... that would be utter perfection!! Hm?...

Kathy M

Not even if the tastiest morsels live there? You still wouldn't venture from your cave?


Like an Irish version of <i>"Arabian Nights"?</i> Where <del>Scheherazade</del> Gael has to entertain the listener with a new tale each night? But instead of escaping execution, his reward would be getting laid 😯<br><br>I'd say that idea has potential. Or he could just record a raunchy Part 2 for ALL of the Bedtime Stories audios 🤔


Ow, guys, I have a phone call with an Irishman scheduled for tomorrow. For some reason I have mixed feelings about this. I mean, it's job related. And they want me. I mean, They WANT me. But not in that way. Which is confusing. Hopefully he sounds like Beaker from the Muppets.


I'm so glad it is a phone call - He won't be able to see all the lip biting you do if his accent is yummy! Good luck!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A happy Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone! Again it´ s really hot here. I´ m tempted to go for a little nightly swim. Though it´s said that at night the Seefräulein - (a kind of female water sprites) come to the surface and drag unsuspecting men down into their castle and have their wicked ways with them. When they are satisfied they drown the men :( But I´ m no man so I should be safe!? Anyway, here are some quick sexy Fragen... Do you prefer to be on top or on the bottom? Have you ever used a butt plug? Would you like to be caught masturbating? How big is too big? What do you enjoy more cuddling in the morning or at night? Danke sexy Sirens... see you later. Though should you never hear from me again the Seefräulein got me... please send someone to avenge my wet, pleasurable death, danke! XD


Happy almost-Mittwoch, Frau Claudia and the rest of you sexy beasts! I doubt that the Seefräulein would get you, but if they try, you can always offer to lure a man to their castle in exchange for your own life. Sisters before misters, and such 😎👍<br><br><b>Top or bottom:</b> Well, they each have their perks. But overall I'd say bottom because it makes me feel safer and more protected (kinda like the guy is shielding me from the outside world). I find there's just something sexy about the feel of a man's weight on top of me (provided he's not inadvertently cutting off the circulation to any of my limbs 😧) Plus I tend to let the guy take more charge, anyway, and it's generally easier for him to do so in that position.<br><br><b>What what in the butt butt?!</b> Nope, I have not used a butt plug before. In fact, no object has ever plundered my booty before, which I am more than happy with 👉❌🚪<br><br><b>Caught in the act:</b> I wouldn't mind being caught ladyfapping by a SO. Because what might happen is that he'd come closer to get a front row seat to the performance, and perhaps engage in some audience participation by manfapping. Which in turn would get my motor going even faster and...well, you can probably see where I'm going with this.<br><br>A huge AW, HELL NO! to being caught by anyone else, though 😵<br><br><b>Size queen or not?:</b> I find this difficult to answer because my partner count is likely much lower than average. So I haven't exactly test driven a lot of disco sticks. Thus, I don't really know what's too long of a schlong, or what's too thick of a dick. But I'd imagine that as long as a guy was being gentle and considerate, you could probably make most sizes work in some way.<br><br><b>Night or day:</b> I'd pick night. It's nice to fall asleep in someone's arms after a cuddle session. Plus mornings are more likely to be rushed, and there's nothing that kills the moment like the thought, <i>"Shit, I have to be at work in 40 minutes! Is there enough time for a quickie?"</i> (Answer: No, there isn't. There never is 😔)


Be careful of those sprites Frau! They may just go after men, but they can get jealous of your beauty and put you in peril! It's soo very hot here in CO. I think I can make dinner on the patio- no- I mean the actual tiles of the patio! Top /bottom. It really depends on whether or not I want to be in control of the lovin's. Sometimes I love to feel the weight of a man's body on mine sometimes I don't want to be pinned and immobile. Sometimes I want to put on a show when I'm on top. Sometimes I just want to be held tightly. But if i just want powerful, rough, unbridled, wild sex I think the the bottom is key. Butt plug? Nope! Not me anyway... Would I like to be caught ? Hell to the Nah! However, if it was my my man...it would just turn into something delicious! Too big? This one guy (I've spoken of him once before) he was almost too big. I'd say he was at least 9" long and very thick. He knew to be careful and was beautifully skillful with it. If he didn't know how to use it, that thing, could have given me an un-needed apendectomy! Morning or night I've never really cuddled in the morning. But there's nothing like falling asleep in someone's loving strong arms. That's it. Thank you Frau Claudia!!


Oh gosh, Mr Irish 'I want you!' called. Lovely dark, gravelly voice. Definitely more on the 'Sir' kind of things. He could be wearing a suit ... tried to make him say enerdree but to no avail! Anyway, I already passed the deadline for my current job and angry project managers are yapping at me, so ... byeee!


So he was more of an Irish Sam the Eagle than an Irish Beaker? Now we'll never know what an Irish "meep" sounds like 😞<br><br>If you ever have to talk to him on the phone again, here's what you do:<br><br>Madeline: "Knock knock!"<br>Irish Sam: "I- I'm sorry, beour, what was that?"<br>Madeline: "You know, a knock joke! So...knock knock!"<br>Irish Sam: "Ohh, a joke! Fucking savage, beour, I love jokes! Because I'm all Irish, like, and we Irish feens are all about the craic! 'Who's there, la?'"<br>Madeline: "Enerdree."<br>Irish Sam: "Enerdree who, beour?"<br>Madeline: "Muahaha, I got that on tape! Now take off your belt, do some ASMR with it, and repeat after me - 'Are you going to give me your fucking kiss? Hmm? Please give it to me, baby!'"<br>Irish Sam: "Whaa-? ASMR? And ya want a shift? I don't know what- are- are ya taking the piss on me, luv, or are ya langered?"<br>Madeline: "And then growl like Gael does and whip out your mickey!"<br>Irish Sam: "You've got to be codding me, like, beour. Me mickey? And who's Gael?"<br>Madeline: "You don't know who Gael is? Don't all Irish people know each other? From what he says in his rambles, sometimes it seems like Gael knows half the fookin' population of Ireland, including Conor McGregor! Haha, did you see how I said 'fookin' there? Anyway, why don't you tell me about your Celtic Warrior?"<br>Irish Sam: "..." *click*<br>Madeline: "Hello? Are you still there?...Hello? Ah, no matter - I'm sure he'll call back!"<br><br><br>Can you tell how bored and lonely I am in my office right now? 😟


Poor doc. I know everything about being unemployed. It's slightly more depressing than the shitload of work I have right now. I'll probably see sunrise before I'm ready. If unemployment kicks in Doc, get networking. (even if you are a social awkward dumbass like me) LindkedIn worked for me. I applied for some pretty odd jobs, just contacted interesting people and suddenly people started asking for me. I actually escaped unemployment by writing! And it worked! I should tell you the story about how two Dutch people from Spain wanted me to become their employee slash third member of their 'free and open relationship'. Enjoy your holidays dear Doctimus! I hear Alaska is nice. Or come to Europe and hunt Seanies!


I'm very fortunate in that the demand for people with my skill set is far, far greater than the supply. All I'd have to do is announce that I'm interested in starting up my own office and several rural towns in Canada would throw me a six-figure signing bonus if I agreed to a 5-year service contract. I'm in a rare and unique position in that there is no shortage of work for people like me and I've no shortage of money at the present because even my temp jobs are quite lucrative.<br><br>But as they say, money doesn't guarantee happiness. If I set up my own office, I could be making a six-figure income easily. I don't care about things like a huge house or a fancy car and expensive clothes. If I can make enough to help support my parents in their retirement, and to set aside fund for my own potential future mortgages/retirement, and maybe some investments in mutual funds, then I'm content with that.<br><br>Having more money never made me happier, though. Well, other than when I donate it to a good cause. But ironically the positions that I'm <i>not</i> qualified for are the charitable, non-profit ones who require people in my field to have more work experience than I currently have. And...well, I can't really negotiate the year I was born, so it is literally impossible for me to have accumulated as work experience as they require as the present time.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears. Let´ s stay in this thread, shall we? We don´ t wanna mess up the ramble... Though I remember the "Epic Ramble" thread... oh my, that one was truly messed up ... hahaha. As you see the Seefräulein didn´ t harm me, so we can have another round of scientific Fragen... The best Sunday Nachmittag - afternoon you ever had? Your favorite cooking or kitchen smell? The kindest thing you ever did for a Fremden - stranger? Your favorite household cleaner smell? The hübscheste - prettiest natural landscape you´ ve ever seen? Your best hair day ever? Danke for your Antworten... bis dann XD


Hi, Claudia! Best Sunday afternoon? This was fairly recent. It was the Sunday after my family and I got home from our vacation this past May. The weather was nice, everyone slept in, I helped make breakfast for everyone, we ate out for dinner, and we talked about the vacay the whole day. Everyone was happy and together. Favorite cooking/kitchen smell? Freshly baked bread. This is one reason why I'm trying to bake more. Kindest thing I've done for a stranger? My mom and I were selling 'meat-and-3' dinner plates to help a business, we did okay, but not as well as we hoped. On the way home, we gave our last plates to a few homeless people we passed in the city. Favorite household cleaner smell? Pine-Sol. Prettiest natural landscape I've seen so far? The fields and hills of Wales. I was on tour over there when I was part of a choir years ago; when I first saw those green fields and hills as we drove down the roads, I was speechless. I've never seen fields that green before then. My best hair day? Any day my hair doesn't fly off like I have static, and that's very rare. I have to work hard to keep this hair neat and in place.


Ok, JOB COMPLETE. I worked for 19 hours in a row. Now I'm going to bed. Wish Gael could tell me a bedtime story. A Lullabye, perhaps?


Madeline, I can see why you have your name. I'd be 'MAD' too if I had to work 19 hrs in a row! Sleep well my cuckoo bird, sleep well!


Greetingsss juicy Sirenss... I ´ m bored, I tried to lure some humanss into my cave but to no avail. Now I´ m waiting for the KIng, maybe he will bring me a little treat... ? Tell me how´ s your Thursssday so far? Did you eat anyone tassty yet?...


Whatsup, Queenie! I was honoured you chose to share 5 random facts with us the other day. And they were fascinating facts 😊 My Thursday was a bit busy at work, but the icy weather here has warmed up slightly, which cheers me up no end . I...umm... haven't eaten anyone today, no. If the King brings you a little treat, how will you show your thanks? (*Wiggles eyebrows).. a little lizard loving? Bow-chica-bow-wow 😉😙


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a happy Freitag - Friday!? Yesterday we chopped and piled up a lot of wood for my kilns... my whole body is sore. I need an intense, oily, sexy massage... And the kittens brought me a Ringelnatter - ring snake. Some assorted Fragen if you are in the Stimmung - mood?... Would you rather... Take a bubble bath or a steamy Dusche - shower? Use vinegar as eye drops or eat a bar of soap? Travel alone or with a bunch of most annoying people around? Wear your pants in opposite direction or wrong shoes in each Fuß - foot? Have your man dress as a manly lumberjack or a sharp-dressed man? Sit in genius crowd and act smart or sit in bunch of morons and act stupid? That´ s it. Danke for your answers... bis dann, my dears XD


Hello, Frau Claudia, happy Friday to you! I am hoping that your wish was granted and you got your oily massage as opposed to another “present” from you kitten. We’ve returned home from our lovely vacation at the beach. I took some very nice pictures and will post on the community page later. Here are the answers to your questions from yesterday and today: Thursday Fragen: Best Sunday: The best Sunday I’ve had in recent memory was the Sunday I returned home from my camping trip. I had a leisurely breakfast after breaking camp, drove through Skyline Drive for a while, and then took my time going home, just enjoying my sense of peace and relaxation. It was a much needed reprieve. Cooking smell: I love when things are baking in the oven, especially when I bake cookies at Christmas time. The house just smells so good, reminding me of when I was growing up and my mom used to bake all of the time. Kindest thing for a stranger: It was several months ago during the winter. The temperature that night was supposed to be well-below freezing. I stopped at a local convenience store to pick up a cup of coffee on my way home from class. When I went into the store, I saw a young homeless man sitting outside of the store looking really cold. So, when I picked up my coffee, I bought him a large coffee and a hot sandwich. When I left the store, I gave them to him. I don’t know if it helped, but I like to think it did. Household cleaner: I prefer lemon scented or green apple scented cleaners. Prettiest landscape: I am a sucker for pretty places, so it’s tough for me to pick! I love the coast (the prettiest being Acadia National Park in Maine) and the mountains, especially in the fall and winter (Shenandoah National Park is beautiful!). Best hair day: Still waiting for that one! Any day my hair basically does what I ask it to is a good day. Friday Fragen: Would I rather – --bubble bath (even though I’m not supposed to soak in the tub) --vinegar because I think the pain would go away more quickly than the soap taste would --travel alone, which I prefer anyway! --backwards pants as I am klutzy enough without wearing shoes on the wrong feet --sharp dressed man, as my hubby looks rather good in a suit and tux --genius crowd as I really like having intellectual conversations when I go out with people