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 I've had a terrible day and I need my friend to comfort me... 




Friends with Benefits Here is what I loved: Everything. And I’m not just trying to be politely positive.This 20 min audio took me at least a good hour to listen to. Because I listened to some parts multiple, multiple times 😬😇! I didn’t want to miss a thing. I wanted to be there. I wanted to feel there. I wanted to touch there. Maybe the title is throwing everyone off or something but idgaf about that. I actually think it’s quite appropriate. It made me feel like these two will realize that they actually really love each other one day. In conjunction with the other audio when he thinks she’s asleep and he tells her how he really feels. He clearly has more feelings for her than being just fuck buddies and that makes it all the more hot to me. I loved the rate of speed.. they took their time. It doesn’t (and can’t because it’s told in a 1st person like all the others) explain how she feels. But she too is taking her time. It appears as if they both have unexpressed feelings that they feel they can’t speak of for fear of ruining what they have. Maybe it is due because of the unwritten agreement everyone makes when they enter into a fwb relationship. Allllll that being saId... like I mentioned above, I like how slow they took it. Again it seemed like.. without saying anything they wanted to be with each other as long as possible. I love that when he asked her to do things to/for him, he wasn’t as demanding and lustful as we hear quite a bit of (NOT complaining) in other audios. Rather he seemed more ________(insert better word for “earnest”), sensitive, gentle and dare I say LOVING?! in his requests. Even his wants and needs seemed to be a genuine soul connection. All of these things made this audio unique and sexy in such a wonderful way. Lastly is my very favorite part of this... the actual climax and comfort afterwards. That is so fucking sexy and for me! This kind of connection is a need if I’m going to feel free enough to let go during the wonderfully wild sex. You having that insanely deep mind blowing orgasm without being extremely vocal, I truly believed that it was the best one of your life. And that was soooooo hot💧. Now we get to the bestestest part ever. Probably my favorite thing I’ve heard you do up to this point. (Abridged version)!“I just want to stay inside you. I could sleep like this.” *pulls out* “feel my dick. Feel how hard it is again for your pussy. That’s what you do to me” Do I really need to explain why this is so fucking hot? This is a solid 10💦 out of 5💦. Kisses from a unicorn 🦄 -`ღ´- ♥‿♥




I'm getting some wine before I listen to this!😉 UPDATE: After listening to this audio, my glass of wine went down faster than you do on a 💦💦💦😻😻😻. 😂😂❤️💋


The vacation death toll begins...😂😜💕💋


Thanks alot G!😊😁💖 I'll comfort you anytime with .....hugs and ...😉😁


Wooo! I'm cheering right now! I wanted an audio where we are your rock!!!! I paused so I can type....on to the rest!!


Awwww, shoulders and ears are always there for support and whenever they are needed. Hugs and kisses might be just what is needed too😘😘🤗🤗


Hey all! Thank you for everything! Stick around because the timer is set and there are lots of audios ready to drop ❤️ Hugs and stuff!


Would love to comfort you 😉 I'm going out to the movie theatre, though. Maybe I could comfort you there 😈 My inner bad girl coming through! 😋


Oh, here we go 😂😂 #Deathbyaudio 😈😂 Hugs and stuff back! 😘


Lovely sexy man, c'est bon de pouvoir prendre soin de toi de cette exquise manière !


Lean on me when you're not strong I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on- Bill Withers


My Sunday is officially made 😍


**INVOLUNTARY COOCHIE CRINGES*** *drops the mic** 🎙️ and that's only 10 minutes into the audio!! This is pure voodoo I tell ya!!


OHHH YES!! This is giving me life! Going for round two and didn't even step foot off of the bed for a break, and to top it off, this was about you being taken care of, YES!!! 😍😍 😘 My degree of being turned on is off the charts! 💦❤️


OMG!!!! Just finished...WOW! I looooove being the one giving you pleasure..calming your mind while working up your body!! MMM This was exquisitely satisfying...not that none of the others weren't. But to have you lying there and letting me run various body parts all over you..giving YOU the pleasure YOU need...panty moistening material, here, Gael. Mmmm, thank you baby!! Ready for round 2!!!


It's so nice to hear what it's like to take care of you, to make you feel better. I loved the way it ended, too. So loving.🔥😚❤


Oh, oh, can I do the 'ding ding' bell sound Elaine?


My legs are weak


It's all about the ending❤


God, I want a round 2 hahah

Kathy M

Are you fuckin' shittin' me?!?!? That's how you end it?!?! 😡😋😂🙄😋💕🤣😂 You!!! You!!! Why I oughtta!!! Thought it was winding down and I got a goofy ass blissful smile on my face then you end like that!!! My brain is yelling, "come back, don't you dare fade out now, noooooooooooo" *goes outside to yell at the clouds* *thus endeth the rant* But srsly that was beautifully sensual and toe curlingly good! Thank you! 💗💕💗


Well I learned a good lesson... Do not listen to an audio while cooking dinner!!! Once the smoke clears... Im ordering take out... But it was SOOOO worth it!!! 😍😍😍


"I could sleep with this in you." On second listen, that line f'ed me up.😛 Those are the words of a man that knows he's in that good-good!!


💣🔥 BOOM. Perfection. This is what I'm talking about 🙌🏼🌟🙌🏼 The "friends with benefits" title doesn't interest me, but this... this puts me in a sensual trance. 100% bliss. You nailed it Gael, this could have been my PA xoxo 💋


OMG right? My ex would say that to me. He'd pause after entering, close his eyes with a deep breath in, take the feeling in for a moment, and then say he could live in there! haha! -- and in fact, he did fall asleep several times that way. Additionally, he was quite the stunt car driver and so he referred to this as perfectly parking a car, honey I'm home! 😂😜 🏡 🚙


Why do I have to be at work when this gets posted 🙄😣😥


OK, I'm kind of afraid to say this, and I hope no one gets angry with me...but this one...didn't do it for me. The audio itself was good, very sensual. It was the 'friends with benefits' thing that...irked me. I just...don't really...I can't grasp the whole FWB thing. It just seems kind of scary to me. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about; I've never had a relationship like this before, so my opinions here could be irrelevant. And I'm afraid to say too much more because I've never experienced something like this because I don't know, and I might say something stupid. It's just the...whole thing of having sex with someone who's nothing more than a friend, and will never be more than a friend, that I don't... understand... I'm not saying anything bad about anyone here who does like the audio, or that the audio itself was bad or poorly done! It's just not my cup of tea.


"I could sleep with this in you." 😱😍 That is just the sexiest thing I've ever heard 😍😍😍


Hi Kris G... I feel where you are coming from.. I listened to this for a 2nd time (1st time i burned dinner..scroll up 😄) and thought really " friends w/benefits??? But as I listened it occured to me.. Ppl think of making love/sex/fucking..that you have to be in a "relationship"...well being friends is a relationship is it not?? 😄 and do not be afraid to say something.. I have only been on here a few weeks.. but I find the ladies on here lovely!!!


You shouldn't feel afraid to express your thoughts on Gael's audios here, Kris. This community is supposed to be a safe and welcoming place for listeners to offer feedback on his work. At least in my mind, as long as that feedback is expressed respectfully (which I felt yours was), it shouldn't matter whether it's positive or negative, or somewhere in between. And if anyone is going to get angry at you for your thoughts about this audio, then they're going to have to get mad at me as well, because I feel similarly to how you do.<br><br>There certainly were some things about this audio that I enjoyed. I know I've seen people make comments about wanting to hear an audio where Gael's primarily the one getting the lovin' from the listener as opposed to the other way around, since the former is much more rare than the latter. In addition to switching things up a bit, this audio shows how responsive Gael is to listener feedback, which I'm sure we all appreciate.<br><br>Another aspect of the audio that I thought was unique was the whole "sex while spooning" part. I don't know if I've ever heard another GF audio describe that kind of position, although someone please correct me if I'm wrong. It sounds like a really intimate position in general in that both partners are in close skin-to-skin contact the entire time, and as Gael pointed out, the big spoon can whisper sweet or spicy nothings into the little spoon's ear. And the part where he talks about wanting to fall asleep while he's still inside her? I mean, that's pretty damned intimate. But these were portions of the audio where it felt like there was a bit of a mismatch to me - two people in a close, intimate embrace, but who might not have an equally close, intimate connection.<br><br>I'm sure we all know that no single audio is ever going to please <i>everyone</i>, and even though this one didn't really do the trick for me, I'll bet $1000 that it's going to do the trick for a lot of people. Which is totally fine - different strokes for different folks. If I was in Gael's shoes, I'd probably feel under pressure to try to cater to as large an audience as I could. So I do applaud him for exploring different dynamics and themes in his audios in order to provide more well-roundedness to his work. Do you know what this audio made me think of? One of Amy's <i>Fragen</i> from the other day - the one about the difference between having sex and making love. I still would have difficulty trying to write down my thoughts on that, but one approximation I would use is that "Friends With Benefits" is having sex, while "Take Me" and the erotic Irish picnic audio are making love. I felt that, at least for me, this audio didn't quite have the <i>oomph</i> that many of Gael's other audios do. There weren't as many sweet kisses or breathy sighs, and even the climax of the audio sounded a bit subdued and quiet, rather than the passionate explosion you usually hear. And while you could tell that he was clearly enjoying himself - the "That's what it's about - the pleasure" part (which isn't verbatim, but you get the idea) - there didn't seem to be that same connection between Gael's character and the listener. It just sounded...different. Different from what you often hear in GF audios. I know the "complications and bullshit" part was said in a light-hearted manner, but I guess I just really like hearing the complications and bullshit in his work 😝 What I would be curious to hear now is an audio with the same core concept (Gael getting the sweet lovin' from the listener, novel positions to enhance the closeness), but instead of the characters being friends with the benefits of lovers, they're lovers with the benefits of being friends. Then I think you'd get "having sex" AND "making love" rolled into one neat, sexy little package 😎👍

Gri (Sassy_One)

I was like, 'Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn't go straight to kill mode on the 1st day, he's away, so he'll treat us gently' and you go and BOOM! Mindfucked! 😳 And finally you let the listener take care of you! Fucking long time coming!!! TY, ya langer!😋


Oh, I also liked the part where he insisted that the listener refer to his junk as his willy. That was awesome 😆

Kathy M

Agreed! Thank you and your willy!!! Well done! 👍😊💕

Kathy M

Bahahahaha!!! ICC, the newest syndrome sweeping through Gaelandia 😂👍💗


I've never listened to a GF audio and felt nothing. Until this one. Am I cured?

Kathy M

You got nothing? Not a twinge? A tingle? An eye roll? Nothing? 😳


(After reading Doc’s post before I posted this, I realize we had ENTIRELY opposite takes on this audio – interesting how that works sometimes!) Okay, was going to leave this one until tomorrow, but I can’t sleep, so decided to give it a listen. I was a bit curious about the title as I just watched the movie “Friends with Benefits” the other day, so I wondered what would be the scenario. Personally, I am not a person who could do the whole friends with benefits thing. I would think it would ruin the friendship first of all, and, second, sex for me is more about connection than gratification. I’m not knocking the practice, I just know it’s not for me. And, after I listened to this audio, I’m not so sure that this is what I would consider the traditional FWB idea. To me, FWB seems like nothing more than just straight sex, a mutually agreed upon act to satisfy an itch. The couple are friends, they enjoy each other’s company, so why not mess around a little, no strings attached? Two consenting adults participating in an enjoyable physical activity. That definition is not what I heard here. This to me wasn’t sex, but lovemaking, and that is a huge difference! I’m not saying this was a romantically linked couple, that they were in love, planning on sharing a life of wedded bliss, but there is definitely love in this relationship. She comes over to care for him, to provide him comfort in his time of need. He recognizes her beauty and kindness, treating her with respect and caring. He laughs and jokes with her, completely relaxed in the other’s presence. The tone of voice he uses is quieter and sweeter, not because he is tired, but because he seems lost in the experience. Even the final position he uses where he wraps her in his arms, and then wants to “fall asleep in her,” does not shout plain old sex to me – this experience is different, it meant something to him. Do you have to be in love for the act to be considered “lovemaking?” I don’t think so; you can love someone, care about someone, and still not be romantically involved. Sex, to me, becomes lovemaking when you add the elements of caring, of shared intimacy, of something more than just pleasure seeking. Of course, we don’t have the benefit of knowing what happens next with this couple, whether this is how their time together always is or if this time was different. (Part of me wonders if this is a continuation to another Friends with Benefits style audio Gael did before, one where he cares for the girl but can’t tell her.) What I can recognize is that they do truly care about each other, and this seemed more than just about scratching an itch. Very well done, Sir Gael! Can’t wait to hear what you have left us next – I just hope we all survive the experience! I can just imagine you evilly giggling, rubbing your hands together, as you set the timer for your offerings the next couple of weeks. You may come back to a group of brain dead lovelies! (Interesting audio idea…just saying!)


For the making love vs fucking aspect. I believe its subjective. The tempo/pace of the sex has nothing to do with it. You can fuck slowly/sensually doesnt mean you're in love. Women screw themselves with this thought pattern. "Oh he's looking me in the eye and saying nice things he must love me". 😒 This is an issue of self esteem, self worth. Plus he has his dick in you he's gonna do and say whatever it takes. Hell I've been fucked by candlelight and made love to on a couch with the tv on. Slow stroking feels good and feeds his ego why wouldn't a man skilled in sex do that. How does he act outside of sexual situations? Thats the measure.

Monique (Mimzz)

Not gonna lie, but I LOVE friends to lover audios because that's what happened to my relationship after we just said screw it all let's be together 😏. Great job sweets!


Shit just got REAL! 🔥


It's interesting to read everyone's comments and see how we all had slightly different takes on the audio. The audio was probably open-ended enough that it could be interpreted in several different ways, and a person's own experiences are likely going to influence that interpretation. Sometimes I don't always like open-ended, ambiguous approach (e.g., it's been 16 years since I read the book, and I still haven't forgiven Lois Lowry for the ending of "The Giver"), but it can be extremely useful in the realm of erotic audios, where people's tastes and preferences can vary by miles. Just as Gael the character can be whoever you want him to be, the scenarios in GF audios can be modified to your liking - all you need is your imagination.<br><br>To make this audio line up more with my own tastes, I could take what I thought were the elements of intimacy that were present (e.g., the spooning, wanting to fall asleep in that position) and use that as the basis for an additional 2 minutes that I would tack on to the end of the audio. In those 2 minutes, the characters could have a conversation wherein it's revealed that the scenario was a roleplay one or both of them wanted to try, they both enjoyed it, and now it's back to the regularly scheduled program of being lovers with all the complications and the bullshit. And then cap it off with a joke or wacky sound effect 😎<br><br>There we go! Don't feel the need to change your tastes to suit the audio - change the audio to suit your tastes! 👍


I absolutely agree with Cat about this audio.I also and already said it's all about the ending, the rest didn't work for me too...nonetheless I know it's a matter of personal taste/choice or preference...Gael is giving his best but he can't be always perfect, nobody is!!! sry to say that, but no Cat you're not cured, it's just the audio!!!


Lol, are u sure? Cuz I'm still confused about why it didn't work for me when theoretically this could have been a PA for me from the start. Even the willy part, I refer to his willy as Willy all the time. William H. Boner, respectfully. So I'm sure its me, I know its not him.


Hmmm... This audio has the growls, the moans, the lovely parts about you being pleasured, some sweet new sentences ("sleep with it inside" thing)... but... idk... I'm thinking maybe the FWB theme is affecting me. It dimishes the intimacy because, although the characters' bodies are close, they are still protecting themselves from being emotionally vulnerable to each other by having no strings attached. But that's just me. <br><br> Still looking forward to your next audios, Gael!


I agree with you that sex vs lovemaking is a totally subjective idea. I guess where I was coming from is the difference between loving and being in love. You can care for and love someone in a purely platonic fashion. Being in love is different to me. And you are right in that it's how the man behaves away from sex that defines him, but with this audio, we don't get that. Is maybe that what caused you to not be as affected by it, Cat?


Intelligent banter – I love it! I guess when I was listening to the audio and thinking about what was working for me and what maybe didn’t, I focused more on the storyline and relationship aspects of the couple. I find it fascinating how so many of us had different takes on just what was happening with this couple. Was it the title – which to me seemed ironic and to others dead on? Was it the ambiguity of the lead-up to this evening (where some saw her as used and others saw her cared for)? Maybe it was the issue of the ending being somewhat confusing – are they going for it again, where do they go from here? I’m not sure these are all problems with the audio as opposed to the levels of belief and experience that we each bring to the table. Not sure if I could say this audio “worked” for me in a physical sense; I enjoyed it and appreciated the imagery being created, but I found myself focused on the scenario as opposed to the physical gratification. I’m not sure if that is wrong with this type of audio; but then, for me, the ones that truly floor me in the sense that Vale and Cat were talking about are the less-story oriented audio and more focused on the intensity of the physical act. Different strokes for different folks, I guess (pun may or may not have been intended!)


I'd say that at the end of the day, almost anything goes! Maybe the listener is actually madly in love with Seanie, who's still learning the ropes when it comes to sex (bless his inexperienced heart). Until he becomes a sexual guru, she uses her FWB arrangement with Gael to light her fire, but just imagines that he's Seanie when they're going at it 😝<br><br>...too outlandish? That might be too outlandish. This is what happens when I let my imagination take the wheel 😯


Ok so Amy (or everyone who cares to read this 🙃) I never think about what the couple are or are not to each other before or after whats going on in the audio. I usually just take it for what it is. BUT if I were to analyze the audio (as I'm listening to it again) I would maybe say it should have been called "fuck buddy" because I didn't really get a sense of friendship other than he kept reiterating it so she/(we?) would not get it confused while he was "making love"/slow fucking her (us?) and that kinda made me feel like the ending would be more, "hey, thanks for coming over, but get your shit, cuz you can't stay the night here" (except in the nice Gael way) Which is real life. So there is a level of intimate but not too intimate in it. I do think he was catering to the "when can we take care of you" crowd and this is what he thought of to get it done, and probably not too much more thought went into it than that. Only he knows.


Just listened (and read everyone's comments). I actually got butterflies in my stomach just from the title of this because I love friends become lovers stories (my own love story is one, in fact), so I felt like I knew where this was going from the start. I was expecting it to turn into more: I expected a declaration of love at the end. I was ready for it. And then (after all the incredible hotness), it didn't come, and I was a bit sad. I can't imagine having that experience with someone I wasn't in love with, and if I weren't in love at the start, I would have been by the end, for sure. But I'm a big old sap who reads too many romance novels, so I'm sure that was my fault. 😂 My 13 year old self was devastated when I went to go see My Best Friend's Wedding for the same reason--not the ending I wanted. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But like I did with that movie (and like Doctimus said she did with this audio), I'll just make up my own ending: sometime after this audio, Gael declares his undying love for his "friend" and they live happily ever after. 😁 That way those who don't want the schmaltz can still enjoy--I'll just provide my own! 😂


Monique, that was my love story, too! Aren't those the best? 💕


I never got this friends with benefits thing. 'Hey, wanna come and hang out? We could have sex, maybe?' 'ok, I'll bring condoms and beer. Any favourites?' 'Yeah, I like the extra thin ones' 'I meant the beer.'


I remember listening to a British Filth audio a few years back where the scenario involved Matt and the listener picking up a guy in a club to take home for some no-strings-attached MMF fun. Although it wasn't my cup of coffee, I still thought it was a sexy enough audio. But I couldn't help but crack up at the end where Matt essentially said to the third wheel, "Okay, we're done here. Now grab your shit and go!"<br><br>I suppose you do have to give people credit for calling a spade a spade 😝 I never know what to expect with any GF audio anymore, so as far as the audio being called "Friends With Benefits"...well, it wasn't false advertising 😜 Although I also got more of a booty call/fuck buddy vibe than a BFF one. I would think that a BFF would've at least offered him a cup of tea or a hug or "Do you wanna talk about it, champ?" before sexing the stress away 🤔


So sweet! Can't you write your idea of how it should have been down for the sexy project I'm working on? I'm sure it would be a beautiful story! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473">https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-dirty-13439473</a>


Very interesting comments! I don't post often but...I feel like we experience the fwb life through gael and other artist we listen to. They provide a level of comfort and entertainment while they are "on" and then we go on about our real lives after the audio. Or we should... I see this piece as an expression or extension of the very real concept that G is our friend and he is there to comfort although he portrays this in the reverse. I also think the audio was sweet with some detachment. Not a negative detachment, but one in which there is a clear understanding regarding the dynamics of the relationship between the two. The need to "make love" is not the purpose its really just a comfort audio between him and the listener as a friend. Not too deep imo...but still a good piece for variety's sake at the very least.


Major plot twist -- Seanie as love interest while Gael is merely the boy toy. Interesting concept...LOL


This is a very interesting comment, why don't you comment more often miss bodyguard?


I am so glad I wasn't the only one who saw the intimacy there -- I thought I was going nuts or just too tired and stressed when I listened. (Do plan to listen again, just to be sure!) And I agree with you about the preconceived notion of FWB -- I know that I have that to an extent. Does lovemaking automatically mean you're in love with the person, or is it the act of loving someone and experiencing an intimate moment with them, regardless of there being no romantic feelings? (I seem to have this thought on the brain this week! Probably too hyped up on caffeine!)


As someone with a long-distance friend-with-benefits - of whom I am rather fond - I liked this one a lot. FWBs *can* be quite intimate, not just some kind of fuck-and-run arrangement. And I do like to make him feel better with sex when he's feeling down, there's something comforting and lovely about it. ☺️🌺💖


I agree with Amy, I was more focused on the storyline. Although the idea of friends w/ benefits kind of strange for me. I'm nervous to express my opinion (as usual) It just seems like the guy just called her to comfort him by having sex. Sorry if I offend anybody. I guess I'm just confused on what's going on. Probably if the ending will be like both of them have mutual feelings i.e. expresses what they really felt about each other and evolves to being lovers later on I would be ok with it . I have experienced having a guy as a best friend, and we did not have the urge to be intimate like the one in the audio. We had what you can call a Platonic relationship for a long time. But that's just my opinion.


Don't be nervous, Therese! I always look forward to reading what you have to say. 😊


I think there are some glitches going on. I can't see my last post, but Doc was able to reply to it. Damn you Patreon Predator!!!!


Hi everyone how are you all? I hope you're all well and having a lovely day. 😊 I'm quite quiet in these streets and seeing that the banter has happened I doubt that anyone will read this but I'm gonna put my opinion down just because I wanted to see if anyone could relate. Firstly Gael thank you for the audio the fact that your are giving us little nuggets of your voice whilst on holiday is just awesome. Even though you are on holiday you are still maintaining true to your craft which shows dedication so thank you!! I hope you're enjoying your vacation Woop Woop! I have to agree with Cat on this instance. I didn't feel much at all when I listened to this audio. When you talked about how you felt in the beginning I really felt for you then because being a workaholic I KNOW what it's like to feel run down as eff and when you do have time to sit for a minute sometimes looking up to find that pursuing dreams can sometimes lead to loneliness is an actual thing. Now I know you're a voice actor so maybe I'm reading too much into the start about whether you actually feel that way sometimes or not but I wouldn't be surprised if you do and because I have only heard you be positive the fact that you shared that moment with us (if it was a moment) makes me appreciate you more so thank you and big hugs to you lol. Now onto the next part. Now remember that audio on YouTube 'confessions to a friend' (I think that's the title 😳). That had the whole 'let me cheer you up because you're down because of a boy' theme so there was a lot of dialogue and at the end she kisses him and it's soooo passionate and omg (I just love that audio) lol I think the disconnect here is in that video there is more of a build up the listener has time to empathise or sympathise with both the voice and the receiver of the voice which leads you to at some point starting to think just kiss him already and when it happens you're totally into the scene by then that going to the bedroom is the obvious next step. In this audio I feel that because it started with a dialogue the build up needed to create that anticipation is not that strong which I think is why I reacted the way I did. If there was more of a build up where the listener gets into the same wavelength and at the point where they're like ok let me take you the the bedroom and then it happens then it would have been 🙌🏻 there just wasn't enough dialogue for me at the start to set me up for the audio. Now I know all of gaels audios don't have dialogue some just go straight in and don't leave you time to think lol and I've reacted to them instantly too but here I couldn't help but relate it to the idea that you see in movies sometimes where the guy calls the girl over and says he's upset but really wants to f. I knowwww Gael isn't like that!!! I know that wasn't his intention these were just my thoughts my opinions I'm not attaching them to anyone. If there was a bit more dialogue at the start maybe then I would have felt more but when the bedroom stuff was going down at the end that was 👏🏻👏🏻 yes yes yes lol. Ok that's my 2 cents again this isn't to cause offence it's just how I'm making sense of my reaction. Have a good day ladies xx


The powers that be at Patreon probably saw your post and thought, "Nope, this Elaine lady's posts make too much sense. And we can't have any of that because this is Patreon, and Patreon is not supposed to make sense! Out mandate is to facilitate chaos through our website, which is sorely lacking in functionality!<br><br>"Now this Doctimus chick, on the other hand...her comments are usually 95% nonsense, so we'll leave her posts alone."


I listened to this while setting an English test for my class. Fingers shivered over some of the alphabets on the keyboard.


On subsequent listen, I've got to upgrade my comment. Y'all, this is intimate and sexy AF. The vulnerability of (existential) loneliness, the voicing of feeling good and intimate connection thru pleasure is smoking hot. Comments about the closeness/coziness being dialed back are spot on, but this audio is unique in my hearing. I just brought a man back to life. It moved me.


Meeee tooooo to every word of this.


I love this discussion and the various viewpoints, so I'll add my 1 cent! I loved this and was turned by it because, not only do I view this scenario as "FWB", but I also see it as a possible early phase, before the relationship developes into something more. I've witnessed and experienced wonderful relationships develop from FWB situations. This for me, in essence, is an early stage before the, "Move in Series." 😌😘


My word, I need a friend like this. 😘


He didn't get turned on by Willy, but he did with DICK.


i do enjoy this audio a lot! i like to care for G in return and a guy being vulnerable with u is intimate. im bit sorry for the people who didn't get turn on by this audio, not meaning anything bad i just feel bad the audio didn’t do it for u this week. :P i like that he explore more plot ideas. 2 cents that no one ask for: 

i understand this could be rly up to how people feel about fwb coz female getting turned on or not is quite dependent on the emotions and build up. maybe u expect sth different from the title, like the friends confession thing (which i dig and wish he could do more of those and i will pretend thats how the couple eventually become xd). 

 maybe not everyone has watched the movie or get the concept or just didn't agree with it. i think fwb is tit bit different from fuck buddies in the sense that, in this audio especially, that friends care about each other and wanna make each other feel better, platonic or not. but they would also offer what each other needs which is relieving sexual needs, or even intimacy, but without the complication of making it into a romantic relationship that takes effort to maintain. i think ppl could be turnt off by this becoz it feels weird like a guy is USING a female friend’s sex as a way of comfort. but they are mutually benefited from the enjoyment. it is like G giving us sexual enjoyment thru audios, just giving us what we need xd and he does care.

 And fwb would also know how to make each other feel good in bed and give each other that coz they can be honest about their sexual preferences. Friends that have their chemistry and passion. thats quite hot. oh and i love that they’re not just fucking like rabbits Xd i like that he still appreciates her, tell her he likes her kisses and how she feels and all that, and be intimate with her. call her baby and good girl and kiss her and hold her all that rly does it for me &gt;u&lt; anyway, i just try to clear any negatives u feel about this audio, if it makes u feel better.. but at the end of the day, if it isn’t ur thing, it isn’t ur thing. Hope next audio make u come twice as hard haha xx


Gael is so much cuter and sweeter than other guys I've heard stories of that are FWB with some of my gal pals 😅


If I am your friend I'd totally pursue you after this! Damn! You're such as Bae 😘😘😘


I'm almost certain I'm not the only one here that has experienced this, but I have had "postcoital dysphoria" after sex before. The very first time I experienced it was after a fwb encounter and it embarrassed me so bad that I completely cut communication and stopped seeing that guy. I didn't know at the time that it was a "normal" (or so they try to say it is) thing to some times get emotional and even some times cry after sex. So, with having that looming around in my mind, when it comes to my sex life I try to consider that I may have a moment of postcoital dysphoria afterwards and if I have a fwb, I want to it be such as the one in this audio. I find it gets more triggered by the "okay, you're done? I'm gonna leave..." type of sex. I guess I'm the type that craves the intimacy of the experience more than just the sex, even if it has to be role played. Or maybe as the older I get I realize I don't like meaningless sex? So confusing! Lol I'll be 34 in a few days and I'm STILL learning about myself.


Sorry this is really late, but I've always really wanted to know how best to approach guys about this sort of thing... like just simple, fun, no strings attached... any thoughts? Personal anecdotes? Let me know ;)


I'm sure that if you did want a NSA arrangement with someone, you'd still want it to be with a guy you could trust and depend on. I'd imagine that there are meet ups for like-minded people looking for NSA relationships, just like there are meet ups ("munches") for people in the BDSM scene. That would allow you to at least narrow down the pool of prospective partners to men who are actually looking for NSA fun, and then you could go about getting to know a guy the same way you would get to know someone else (e.g., discuss common interests, expectations, see if the two of you get along well).<br><br>Of course I would still apply the same set of precautions to finding a NSA partner that you would use when dating (always let someone know where and when you're going, make sure your first couple of meetings are in a public place, have your ride home arranged in advance, etc.)


I don't think we ever stop learning about ourselves, especially since we all change over time to some degree. But I get where you're coming from - sex doesn't seem all that appealing to me if there's no intimacy or connection involved 😐


A flipped version of this would be really cool, I think! Where she's had a terrible day and he gets her to come around by kissing her neck, hugging her from behind. You do the low bedroom voice so well i wouldn't be able to hold out long 😍