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"Dangerous things happen when a meeting of the minds occurs between Sirens."  

-  This was an audio project sent to me by our own DJ Tara H!!!








I'm late I know but what's the name of the audio where he says "Uhh you're gonna to make me cuum" ?


WOWZA!!! (Falls to the floor from exhaustion)


Annnnnnd......yes...just yes.


OH MY!!! 🎧❤️






Thank you Jesus 😇


YES! She did it! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻THANK YOU, Tara! 🤘😈

Gri (Sassy_One)

dangerous things...you couldn't have said it better😈


Oh my goodness...😳 Tara, you are awesome! 😁


🥇🏅🏆🌟👍👏🎉 God Bless You Tara!! I was not prepared, but I THANK YOU, for giving us this gift.




Poor Gael, you didn't realize what you were unleashing when you created your Patreon account did ya? Haha! 🙊 Such a beautiful, dangerously sexy group of women we are! 😈


Hydrated?? I'm worried about being able to walk again! 😜 🎧❤️


I am not going to be able to use my hand tomorrow


💖Kathy got her wish!!! Thank you Tara!!


My 1st day here on Patreon...thx for the warm welcum😉😉👏👏


💖Welcome Valentina! 🤗 You picked a fine fap-day to arrive indeed!


Thank you lovely Tara, you are so talented! Loved the Rumi audio and I know I'm gonna love this! ❤❤❤


💖Tara, I am also most appreciative of your work as well! Thank you!💕


A unicorn's not the only thing getting horny when our Chieftain cums! (Thank you, Tara!)

Rose from Ash

Holy hell... I just wish Patreon would stop freezing >.


How fucking dare you!!!!!


OMG.........that is all. Tara - you are a genius <3


Tara, nice! As a newbie here, I only recognize a couple, but I can tell you I'm going to have a grand time playing pin the orgasm on the audio.😆


I think it's going to be very hard for me to keep a straight face 😳 Thanks, Tara! 😈 This is so sexy so far 😍


I would SO win at a game of name that audio. 😂😂 That ending tho. Whew.


This idea totally came from a conversation a few of our Sirens were having here on Patreon, and one of which came up with the title!😉


I'm not even close to having a moment to listen and I'm blushing already.


Tara, this is brilliant -- Take a bow! Wonder what amazing project we can suggest next...

Kathy M

Tara, Tara, Tara! A million thank yous!!! What an amazing job putting this together. I'm breathless. And of course kudos to Gael for giving us so many heart stopping, pussy clenching orgasms to begin with! I loved the transitions. The whole thing is a lusty feast for the senses! 💗💥🌠😈👍🔥💦🥇🏆🎧🎆💞


YESSSSSSS!!!!! Thanks to You and Cat for having the conversation!!!😍❤️❤️


***in this group of sexy ass women*** Hi my name is "Zuri" and I'm a Gaelforceaholic and a closet freak!!! I've been sober ZERO days. And I'm fucking glad to be here!!


Gael, do you have ANY idea how many orgasms you've 'played a hand in' 😉👌😈


Ahahahahaha she did it! Hooray for DJ Tara! :) Saw this notif after rowing practice and laughed out loud. My teammates were like, "Haha what's funny?" And I was like, "hmmm... oh nothing nothing..." 💋😶 im too shy to have a listen while outside so... *sigh* delayed gratification mode=ON.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Samstag - Saturday to everyone! Have nothing to plappern - blather today, so right to some Fragen... :) What´ s your favourite... ... cookie? ... 80` s movie? ... cover song? ... breed of Hund - dog? ... nursery rhyme? ... thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours? ... hair colour? ... superhero? That´ s enough... danke for your Antworten... bis dann XD And I´m too lazy for a German Wort... faul - lazy. Hahaha...


Happy Samstag, Frau Claudia and ladies!<br><br>My favourite...<br><br><b>Cookie:</b> I'm going to go with Oreos on this one. I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't like Oreos 🤤<br><br><b>80's movie:</b> Hmm...Ghostbusters 👻👍<br><br><b>Cover song:</b> Lacuna Coil's rendition of Dubstar's "Stars" ✨<br><br><b>Dog breed:</b> I think Scottish Terriers are adorable 😍, but I confess that I have no clue as to what their temperaments are like<br><br><b>Nursery rhyme</b> Peter Piper (picked a peck of pickled peppers!) I will give $10 to anyone who can successfully say it in a state of sweet inebriation 😝<br><br><b>Thing I've done in the past 24 hours:</b> Indulged in the sweet nectar of the gods known as sleep 😴 <br><br><b>Hair colour:</b> The mermaid hair look is absolutely stunning! Too bad I'll probably never have hair long enough to attempt it 💇🏻<br><br><b>Superhero:</b> Deadpool 😎🤜🤛


So, are we dubbing this the official audio of the Fappening? Or the Acockalypse? Or perhaps it could be used to commemorate such holidays like Wanksgiving, <i>Schwanz</i>aa, or Hairy Palm Sunday 🎇🎆<br><br>My shitty puns aside, a round of applause for Tara for putting all of this together! 👏 I'm sure it must've taken a lot of time - the transitions were very well done 😃👍 <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> I initially started listening to this audio while I was taking a break from paperwork, slouching down in my chair and sipping some tea. But I was only able to get through about 15 minutes of it before I felt that I <i>had</i> to get back to work, or to at least do something else so that I wasn't only focusing on the audio. I know this sounds silly, but I felt a bit...awkward and bashful listening to this compilation. 😳I mean, it didn't contain anything that I hadn't heard before, but I'd previously only heard these clips within the context of the original audios from whence they came. I was trying to think of why I was cool with listening to the original audios but felt a bit odd listening to this, and my best guess is as follows: In Gael's audios, the scenarios are fictional, but the orgasms are real (or at least I think that's what he's said before). Even if one considers the orgasm to be the <i>pièce de résistance</i> of any audio, it's typically not over 40 minutes long and it's usually preceded by some sort of storyline that establishes the fantasy. But this compilation was 47 minutes of <i>actual</i> fapping and exploding, even though you did hear him make some references to the listener's role as conveyed in the original scenario. When I was doing nothing but drinking tea and listening to the audio, I couldn't stop myself from thinking, <i>"Okay, although "Gael" is a fictional character, I am basically hearing his real life counterpart actually having the Big O. Over and over again. Now, the fact that he actually makes these recordings in the first place suggests that he has no problem with people listening to him do this sort of thing. But it almost feels like I'm intruding on his private time, you know? Kinda like if you accidentally walk in on a friend when they're spanking the monkey. I mean, there's nothing wrong with jerking off and almost everyone does it at some point, but it's usually something that happens behind closed doors and out of earshot from strangers, right? At least if you don't want to get arrested for public indecency, that is. Man, am I just being weird about this? I'm probably just being weird about this and I need to stop thinking about it because that'll only make things weirder. Maybe I'll just use this as background elevator music and get back to work."</i> I'm proud to say that I did have the discipline and mental fortitude to get more work done! 🤓 But <del>hearing this compilation admittedly decreased my efficiency by about 70%, so </del> I recommend not doing things like driving or operating heavy machinery while listening to the audio. 👷🏻‍♀️⚠️Safety first, ladies and gents ☝️ <b><u>tl;dr</u>:</b> You should probably just listen to the audio and ignore my rambly nonsense above because I'm the poster girl for socially awkward women who overthink <i>everything</i> 😝 But please enjoy responsibly and don't listen to the audio while you're operating a motor vehicle 😮


This was really well done, Tara! I couldn't help mentally guessing (and knowing) which orgasms go to which audio (bonus points for putting in some favorites). And the ending was perfect!


Thanks Kris...that ending was Cat's idea...it summed up the audio really well!


OMG, I think that a warning may be in order, maybe "Choking/Suffocation Hazard" would be good because I know I stopped breathing multiple times. It was amazing Tara, amazing mix and superbly done... and Gael you have never sounded better. Thank you for sharing it!


It's 12:10 Saturday morning! I just finished this "titi"lating tid-bit! 😍 GIRL! I have to clap my hands and stomp my feet for this!!! Thank you! Thank you!!! THIS is what I needed after the sheer insanity I endured on Friday!!! I was so wound up coming home. Loud music in the car didn't subdue it. A good meal couldn't quell it. And I was just too frustrated to have a drink (I only have one when I'm in a good mood). You broke it down to the nitty-gritty! No "niceties"! Just down and dirty! 😈😏 You made my day... weekend!!! You made one of my "Go-To's". I applaud you my dear! 👏👏👏👏 BRAVISSIMO!!!!!


That moment you can't find your headphones so you have to wait for the following morning to buy new headphones to listen to the audio. ITS PURE TORTURE!!!!! 😫😭😭 I'm so close to just say fuck it and listen to it on maximum volume


Yasss, thank you Tara!!! 😍😉👏👏🎧


Not safe for work but Im listening it during work. XD


Finally found my headphones! Tara. You. Are. AMAZING!👏👏

Greek Goddess

Tara thank you!It was a great idea!Gael you're such a bad boy 😜


Apologies for going off-topic, but have any of you had issues with Patreon processing your payments? I noticed that the number of Patrons seems to have dropped from 664 to 620 overnight, which seems unusual. When I logged in this morning, I saw a message saying that Patreon wasn't able to process my monthly payment, even though my PayPal transaction history indicated that it had gone through. If this is something anyone else has come across, it might explain why our numbers dropped by over 40 Patrons 😕 (i.e., they got Patreon'd because it's such a sucky website)<br><br>(<b>Edit:</b> Cardlin seems to be down by over 200 Patrons, so maybe there's some kind of site wide issue.)


Now it says, 612! 😱Must be a bug somewhere. 😒 I haven't seen any messages for mine.


Careful dear...you may combust! You are a brave one! 🙊


Fuck! I had to 'take' this one in sections.....well done Tara ...hats off to you for having the stamina to make this 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I haven't listened to all of it yet, but I think 'The Fapture' is upon us! 😂

Ileandra & Raven

Hoooleeeeey fuuuuuck. I wish I had something more coherent to say, but no . . .


How about another reaction vid after you've had time to gather your thoughts? 😜


Holy shit batman. I barely got through just 4 minutes. Fuck me.

Rose from Ash

Oh sweet jesus... I could barely handle them on their own, but combined? Holy fuck...


faints x_X


My goodness, Gael is the king of edging...fabulous. Nothing like listening to the begging and pleading and desperation....wonderful, sexy, beautiful, intense.


I still haven't finished this I can't listen to it altogether omg 😩

Bridgett Brewer

Damn I need to download this to my phone uuuuuugh fuuuuuck!!!!




Sooo while I was listening to this I realized that I know which audio a lot of the "endings" came from haha..... Is that healthy 😂😂😄


Every time I think I've found a favorite recording something like this pops up lol


Oh my faints ❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥


GOD... I'm dead 🌋😍