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Come relax with me under the star, we'll snuggle, I'll tell you jokes...


My Prettiest Star | Lovers Stargazing Role Play

Come relax with me under the star, we'll snuggle, I'll tell you jokes... ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



I love looking at the stars so this was perfect. Oh god this would be like the worlds perfect date for me...i'm simple i know lol but i loved this it was sweet and ughhh more please.


Double treat today! You are too generous! 😙


Just learned that my lovely friend went into hospice care yesterday, so I'm going to save these 2 audios when my heart needs a smile. I'm sure they'll be the perfect cure. Thanks.


That's one of my favourite Bowie songs. Thanks ♡


This may have flipped my ASMR switch. Your laugh hits me right in the gut. So sweet. I almost teared up. Almost.


This was very sweet and touching, it made me feel so snug. It certainly made me smile. :)

Kathy M

Sitting here with a silly stupid grin on my face. This is one of those times I'd really want to give you a hug 🤗


So sorry to hear about your friend. Thoughts and prayers for you both. ❤


I am feeling sufficiently spoiled today! This was just too sweet, even your really corny jokes. 😊 Having the sudden urge to grab the hubby and head to the mountains to watch the stars tonight! 💕


Love the bedtime boyfriend audios ❤️ And your jokes aren't bad. They all made me laugh 😂😂❤️


Lushh ❤️


This had such a sentimental feel... very, very sweet! Those jokes, tho... I rolled my eyes so hard.


Nickname....The Big Dipper!!!! Yessssssss!!! 😈😍


Cricket sounds at night, stargazing, gentle whispering, cuddling, neck kisses... <br><br> *deep, contented sigh*<br><br> I love snuggle audios. They make me imagine burying my face under a man's neck, which feels so warm and intimate. If I could make a suggestion, maybe add the feel of the warmth of a bonfire or of your body shielding the listener from the cool night air. That would be lovely. <br><br>Thanks for these audios even during your busy month! ❤


I like the idea of adding the warmth of his body shielding the listener from the cold. I was actually thinking the same thing yesterday. I was freezing cold and I was thinking of being warmed up by his body heat 😅💞 Maybe it would be just as good in an audio. You know, like him saying "feel me holding you, protecting you from the cold," or something like that 💞


Guten Morgen Mädls. A really nice Donnerstag - Thursday to y` all! I` m tired today and wanna crawl back to bed. So just some quick, silly Fragen... Would you rather... Go ice skating naked or take an ice bath? Drink Baileys from a shoe or stirred with a used toothbrush? Hop on one leg or walk on all fours überall - everywhere you go? Cuddle a porcupine or wrestle a crocodile? Make love on a trampoline or in a bounce house? Ride a Pferd - horse or a cowboy? Danke for your answers... as always XD And I have some sexy Fragen for tomorrow. Das deutsche Wort - German word... Kinkerlitzchen - knick-knacks How to pronounce it (somewhat) <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=Kinkerlitzchen" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=Kinkerlitzchen</a> Bis später my dears...


These are my absolute favorite audios!! You never fail to bring a sense of being cherished and protected, really in everything you create.


Good morning! Still Wednesday night here, but how's Thursday morning treating you so far? 😎 Ugh. I'm tired too. I want to go to bed. 😴 So, would you rather questions. Fun! 😁 I'd rather go ice skating naked. I can't stand the cold, and I'm sure they're both bad, but I think taking an ice bath would be worse. 😂 I'd rather drink Bailey's stirred with a used toothbrush. Drinking it from a show sound gross! 😷 I'd rather hop on one leg everywhere I go. Lmao. Walking on all fours, I'd look ridiculous. 😂😂 Cuddle a porcupine or wrestle a crocodile? They both sound bad 😅😂 But I'd say I'd rather cuddle a porcupine 😂 I would rather make love on a trampoline. The bounciness of the trampoline would just add to the pleasure. 😉 I would rather ride a cowboy. I'm sure it's much better than riding a horse! 😏😍😂 Looking forward to the sexy fragen. Have a great day 😉


It doesn't get much better than this love. The perfect date for what sounds like the perfect weekend. You should really thank whichever one of your muses inspired this one. 💕💋💕


You had me at beer G. 🍺😳😁


You and your beer. 😂 When did he say anything about beer?


Cat...I kid you not...The same thing happened to me when I was typing in Pegasus!! I was like TF?? 👀😂💀


This is lovely! Sweet and Caring Gael, love it! Thanks :)


Such a lovely, relaxing treat after coming home from a crazy night at work. Thank you thank you thank you! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Did I hear a train in the distance? Cause I freakin loved it - I live near the train and it's a part of my daily life, the sound. Felt like being in the garden and watching the stars. &lt;3


Perfect to start the day. Just beautiful! ❤️


Really liked this one 😊☄💕


Time to add "having a picnic in the middle of the night" to Doctimus' To-Do List! The man on the moon joke is also going into Doctimus' Big Book of Funnies 🌖👍 Corny jokes aren't bad - they're still funny in their own way 😄 I'd say that the only "bad" jokes are ones that are downright offensive (e.g., racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) or otherwise mean-spirited.<br><br>Overall I thought this was a sweet, adorable audio. 🤗 It's not too often that I've heard an audio that calls attention to how lovely a listener's smile is, even though smiling is something that we all do several times a day. Smiles can convey all kinds of emotions, from delight to mischievousness to even sadness (like when you see the tight, forced smiles that just don't have the same warmth and feeling behind them). Audios singing the praises of a listener's breasts or ladyjunk are never in short supply, so it's always nice to hear an artist focus on something as pure and simple as a smile, especially since smiles tell you much more about a person than their naughty bits ever could. 🙂&gt;&gt;😼 &amp; 🍈🍈 or 🎾🍆🎾 (sorry, I'm pretty much just having fun with emoji at this point)


What a lovely way to end the day. So sweet. Thank you!


Come on... tasssty femaless... I´ m bored. Entertain me, tell uss something interessting... hm?


To keep on with the "wonders of the cosmos" theme, how about some interesting astronomy facts, my Queen?<br><br>1. The Sun's core releases the equivalent of 100 billion nuclear bombs every second. This energy is emitted as heat and light. 🌞<br><br>2. If you got too close to a black hole and were sucked into it, its gravitational pull would stronger at your feet than at your head. So you would basically be stretched to death (well, you probably would've have died from lack of oxygen in space first, but leave to a douche-y black hole to desecrate your remains). 🌑<br><br>3. The "space between the stars" that Gael speaks of <i>does</i> seem calm and quiet, but it's not completely devoid of matter. You can find a few atoms of gas in every cubic metre of space. ✨<br><br>Hooray for science, amirite? 🙌 🔭<br><br>(For more fun astronomy facts, check out this site: <a href="https://www.thoughtco.com/weird-and-amazing-astronomy-facts-3073144" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.thoughtco.com/weird-and-amazing-astronomy-facts-3073144</a>!


Really love this one 🌼


I literally said 'nooo don't go' when the audio about to stop 😢😨


Guten Morgen lovely Sirens. Hope everyone has a pleasant Freitag - Friday? Naughty weekend plans? Ja? The sexy Fragen... Kama Sutra edition... What are your general thoughts and experiences with it? And ja, of course the Kama Sutra is more than just about sex and sex positions... but it´ s fun to talk about them. So... what do you think about the following positions? Just look up what you don´ t know auswendig - by heart. Hahaha... (Sorry I couldn´ t find a really good source :( You have to Google around a little) ... the G-Force (ja, that´s a real thing! Hahaha) ... the Suspended Congress ... the Fold ... the Pair of Tongs ... the Milk and Water Embrace ... the Seduction ... the Landslide Danke for your answers... bis später XD The German word - das deutsche Wort der Geschlechtsverkehr - intercourse How to pronounce it... <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=Geschlechtsverkehr" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=Geschlechtsverkehr</a>


Aw this was sweet! I love your 🌽-y jokes😊!


I absolutely agree! It's nice to see a guy knowing where you face is😁. I don't know if you got my "note" about another story under the "July draw". Not a continuation of the other "fantasy". Just another (partial) example!😊


Dang girl! Tell us how you really feel!😆


A pleasant <i>Freaky Freitag</i> to one and all! These are especially naughty <i>Fragen</i>, Frau Claudia! I must confess that they made me feel quite virginal because not only did I have to look up all of them, I didn't even think some of them were physically possible. Unless, you know, you're among one of the talented contortionists in a Cirque du Soleil show. <b>The G-Force (har har):</b> This one can be pretty fun as long as your partner isn't slamming into you like a jackhammer. It has the potential for some really deep penetration, but if a guy's hung like a porn star, you're probably going to risk perforating an internal organ 😮 <b>The Suspended Congress:</b> I've never tried this before, and I'd probably be a bit hesitant to give it a shot. I tend not to have the best luck when it comes to positions requiring one or both partners to stand up. 😯 <b>The Fold:</b> I didn't even know this was a thing because it looks like the guy has to be insanely flexible for it. 🤔 I've yet to date a Cirque du Soleil performer so I have not tried it. 🎪🤸🏻‍♂️ <b>The Pair of Tongs:</b> Good Lord 😳 Do I <i>look</i> like I have the upper body strength to pull this off? (Hint: The answer is hell no.) <b>The Milk and Water Embrace:</b> I've never tried this before, but now I totally want to 😈 I've tried almost the same position in the past but with myself and my then partner facing one another, so I'm curious as to how different the sensations would be when you have your back to your partner. I'm single and not <i>that</i> bad of a catch, if I may say so myself. Just going to throw that tidbit of info out into the universe there for all the eligible bachelors of the world 😝 <b>The Seduction:</b> I'm all about doing things in the name of science, so I attempted getting into the position the lady has to be in for this one. I'm flexible enough to do it, but damn, does it ever make my thighs ache after awhile. 😣 I'd probably be able to tolerate all of 2 minutes of sex in this position before going into <i>"Fuck this noise, people weren't meant to bend like this!"</i> mode and calling it quits.<br><br> <b>The Landslide:</b> I...I can't even imagine how someone would've thought this one up. 🤷🏻‍♀️I mean, did someone out there actually think, <i>"You know what sounds like fun? A man crab-walking his dick into a woman's pussy and then just going at it and thrusting like that!"</i> Because that is <i>exactly</i> what this looks like 😆 Has anyone actually like tried this position? If so, and if you're inclined to discuss it, how bananas** was that sh*t? 😝 <i>(**Sorry, I know, I hate that song, too</i>) 🤐 "Baby, let's have wild, passionate <i>Geschlechtsverkehr!</i>" Yaasss, that is absolutely the sort of dirty talk that will drop a thousand panties 😜


I snuck a listen in between vacay stuff. So, so sweet. The way you say, "You're beautiful," I can almost believe it. 💕And then when I finished listening and went back inside the hotel, the guy working the counter said I looked "radiant". You make us sparkle like stars, Sir. Thank you! 💋


Hi there, Friday lurkers! I know you are there... naughty girls. ;) How` s your day so far? Hm? I just got 2 dozens of terracotta lizards out of my kiln.They look quite good. I hope the customer will like them... and I made one with a tiny crown. My own little lizardy Terracotta Army! Ahahaha...


Mine's going good Frau Claudia, nothing special. Would love to see your army but possibly you are bound to customer privacy regarding your creations. I am sure your customer will love them and surely the Lizard Queen will be most impressed with your skill in creating her likeness. Have a lovely rest of your day!


You're bad for my health 😍