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Out there, you’re always the boss… always in control.  

But in the bedroom you’re mine and you do what I say.




This end (orgasm) is still one of my favorites!! DAMN ❤


Literally what I dream about after a long day in the office.


Goodness you're keeping us all busy the last 24 hours. 😉🎧❤️


I liked before even listening to the audio because I know it's gonna be pure perfection👌🏾😍😍


I don't think this is lunch friendly, Gael... so Imma wait a bit XD I love my food way too much...


I was just about to get my Gael fix on this boring workday Saturday morning when, BAM!, new post! THAT'S what I'm talking about baby!!! Woohoo!


I was lured by "business trip". Better not be click bait! 😒😂😂😂


L❤ve that creative mind of yours! And your dedication😍😘


Good lord Gael, let a woman sleep! After 47 minutes of scorching hotness last night, I don't think I can take anymore! Oh I forgot, there's no sleeping in this harem!! Just have to suck it up I guess!😈


Hmmmm. All business with Gael is like entering the Pleasuredom. This is exquisite. What a lovely way to begin a new month, thank you, generous and kind Sir. 💋


Tenth? Tenth! Which seems odd given that this was posted 40 minute ago. Methinks a bunch of us succumbed to death by audio last night 😧


Wahoo!!!!!!! Thank you Gael! You are brilliant!


Yeah! What do they know? If this is the result of mixing business and pleasure, please, mix away, Sir!💋


I loved every minute of this - this is just the perfect audio for someone *coughmecough* who needs to give up control from time to time. Thank you!


Yesssssss!!!! I love the type of business you handle in your suit and the way you handle it....... excuse me while I sway back and forth!!!😍😍💋


Oh, thank God 🙌 my Patreon pledge didn't go through the first time, and I was having a bit of a panic attack😅 it's up and running again, so it looks like smooth sailing ahead cx


OMFG yesssss ;D


For someone with no time, you sure are doing a great job creating it just for us. I can't wait to listen to this...my 🐯twitched a bit at the title 🙈 Now, to find the time...🤦🏾‍♀️


He came...he conquered. I surrender....


Yes! This was amazing -- love it when a man takes control, and in his business suit, no less! What a wonderful way to start my Saturday -- thank you! <3


This one left me all smiling, giggly and out of breath. And blushing a little 🙈 This was so sexy 😍🔥 Thank you, you sexy thang 😉😜


First, those 47 1/2 minutes of heaven last night, and now this?! Thank goodness I was still in bed when I listened...! You're just too good to us, Gael.


Ach... why always the suits... :( When will you finally give in and wear some decent, über sexy leather pants Herr Gael? XPP


LEATHER PANTS!!! 😂😂😂💀🔥🔥🔥 How abt a leather suit?!... Wait... that will be Seanie! 🙊💀😂😂😂


I haven't listened yet (waiting for tonight), but given that I have at least 4 business trips coming up in the next 3 months, I think that this audio might be getting a fair few listens from me (must remember to pack my ear buds this time - I forgot them when I went away in May!)


OMFG!!!! You are about to ruin my 95 days straight of doing my Irish lesson on Duolingo!!! Too busy listening to your sexy voice. I will have to make the one that Tara did wait until I go do "Politics" category. Oh and btw, I have another favorite phrase to add to the other 2 you use. Add "Oh lookit that!!" Be still my heart!!


Ripping the panties.....yes! As someone who has to be in control all the time for work and life, this was a wonderful escape. Great audio ;)


OK, I've listened and now I can't wait to be alone in a hotel room with this audio in two weeks time! 😈


I'd rather see him handle business "out of his suit". ;-)


Oh my god. Yes yes yes. But next time, smack my ass harder.


Fuck me. Damn. Loved the panty ripping. And I love when a man takes over and takes what he wants. It's tiresome being a take charge woman who has to make all the decisions at home and at work. You can take me anytime you want love. 💕💋🔥🔥🔥


That orgasm was astounding!!


Well, since I'm new around here... Thanks for the welcum, Gael.


NSFW? Sorry didnt see that~ xD


So, I'm new around these parts and this is my favorite audio I've listened to so far! Exactly what I needed today. Thank you so much for this, Gael! ♥️

Ileandra & Raven

I haven't listened to this yet. I'm holding off with a view to record a reaction vid. Lordy, lord, but the expectation is killing me!


i'm just getting around to listening to this for some reason... and good GOD, that orgasm!!!! 😧🤤😍


THIS!!!! is how "Cumtrol" really ends for you baby😵💦 23:29-23:35 😩💦


Oh. Holy. Shit. 🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥


That was UNHINGED in the best possible way. Wow. I haven't commented before, but I was compelled by this post!


Oh my 🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️