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Hello my Lovelies!

I hope you're keepin well and have had a lovely, relaxing weekend!

I've a bit of an announcement for July.  My job is almost doubling my work hours because of people going on vacation.  So where I was busy before, the month of July is going to be mad.

I know I've been doing extra PAs and extra audios here and there - because I LOVE creating for you all so much.  But in July I will only be doing 1 PA a week, in an effort to keep my promises and finish the work that I need to.

I hate to do it, as you know I'd much rather be making audios but with the extra hours at work, I don't want your PA's to suffer in quality because of my lack of time.

Also I apologize for not being able to answer messages as much as I'd like, it's 100% a time issue right now.  I appreciate all the love and support and mails.  I try to read as much as I can on my breaks.

During July, if there is something urgent or anything that you need to make sure I see, you can email;  gaelforcepr@gmail.com  - the message will go to Sweetz (PR from the GaelforcePlayroom on tumblr) and she will be there to help with anything you need.

I can't wait to be able to leave my job and record full time.  I've so many ideas and not enough time to record them!  In the meantime, we'll soldier on together!

Thank you all for being so encouraging and understanding while I'm trying to balance everything.  It means so much that you're always cheering for me and supporting me.  I never take it for granted how lucky I am to have you.


The draw winners this week are: (The numbers are your Patron number just in case we have some lovelies with similar names)

♦ Carrie B (4048799)

♦ Crystal G (5130386)

♦ Lucy M (5386908)

♦ Wendy W (6257895)




Up late again hun?

Misa Amane

Good luck with all of the extra work!


Oh my god!!!


Take care of yourself just like you take care of us. We'll be patient with you while you're busy at work. 💋

Jasmine sanfi

You don't have to worry at all Gael.Even if it's less than usual it's still something and i personally appreciate every single sign and audios you give to us.Im sure that soon you will be able to quit it and make this your full time job but for now...do what you have to,we all waiting for you for sure.Can't wait to hear new audios.Send you a big kiss and a big hug from Italy.


I have people at work who are on vacation right now so I feel your pain. Take care and we'll see you when we see you~


On a serious note, just make sure to take care of yourself. Don't overwork that beautiful mind of yours. We will, as always, wait for you. Love you. 😊


We have all the time in the world to wait love!Take care of yourself ❤️


Don't wear yourself out fussing over us love. Make sure you take time out for you to rest and recharge.<br><br>I think we can all be patient and understanding, given how hard you work for us and how much quality content you produce. I'm sure we will all still be here when it's over. 💋💕💕


We appreciate all the hard work you put into every single audio. Please don't burn yourself out, we understand life happens and just appreciate anything you can do. It's important to not overwhelm yourself. I'm sure I can speak for everyone in saying that your audios have helped me through some really crap times where I've been severely overworked, so just take care of you ❤️❤️

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 23:01:55 Congrats lovely winners! G, I'll say it again - don't know how you do it. Take care &amp; do what you need to do. We've got your back! Have a great week. 💖
2017-06-25 22:13:20 Congrats lovely winners! G, I'll say it again - don't know how you do it. Take care & do what you need to do. We've got your back! Have a great week. 💖

Congrats lovely winners! G, I'll say it again - don't know how you do it. Take care & do what you need to do. We've got your back! Have a great week. 💖


Your slow down will also give me time to catch up on more of your audios. See - I'm "silver lining" this news already. 😂😜


Congrats lovelies!!! And...Gael, I think maybe you fail to realize just how well we understand you. I am a busy working mother with a whole slew of personal and professional obligations. My schedule becomes so hectic that it actually is difficult to make time to listen to you...you know? Example- I STILL haven't found a chunk of time to listen to my PA, which I have been very eagerly anticipating. Now that it's here, I have to create the space for it. So, do whatever you need to do to take care of YOU...because that's why we're here. The audios are phenomenal, but they can't happen if Gael doesn't take excellent care of Gael. We will be here for you, just as you have been here for all of us. Keep going, keep growing...we adore you 💚


We're with ya, big guy!!!


Oh, don't worry about that. We understand you're very busy. But you know, we worry about you sometimes. Just don't overwork your sexy self 😉 And to be honest, I'm sure most of us can't wait for you to be able to record full time. I love seeing people succeed and be able do the things they want to do ❤️ We'll always support you. Nothing's going to change that 😘 Enjoy your week, and congrats to the winners. Enjoy your PAs ❤️ Ps: Remember, we all adore you and worry about you. Please don't overwork yourself ❤️


💖 Blessings for you, dear Gael. It has been said that "absence makes the heart grow fonder." Although you aren't leaving us, you slowing down on recording will only make subsequent posts from you all the sweeter! 🤔🤔🤔 Maybe we can turn the tables and issue YOU a few Friday challenges, hmmm? 😈😉😄


👍 We'll try our best not to burn the place down 🔥🔥🔥👩🏻‍🚒 😘♥️


Congratulations, lovelies!! Enjoy! And, Gael – I love how you worry so much about us and what we need, that you want to be sure that we are all taken care of. That is such an admirable quality to have, and we all love you for it! But you are one man with a life who has adult responsibilities while there are over 660 of us here and over 24,000 on YT (congratulations on those numbers, by the way!!). Please don’t feel guilty or apologetic about not having enough time to do everything you feel you need to. It’s so easy to become burnt out and stressed with the pressure we put on ourselves; take it easy and take care of you, too. Do what you can when you can, and we’ll be patient and supportive! I think we do a pretty good job of entertaining and supporting each other when Mr. Mayor is busy – that’s the lovely community you’ve helped us build here. Thank you for that, as well!


Take it easy😊 can I come and help with your work load 😇although you might get even less done😈😍


We are dedicated to sticking with you. We understand that you have obligations sweetie! We don't want you to suffer in any way, shape or form so please make sure you take care of yourself during this time of madness! Love you for letting us know what going on! 😊. Remember to be good to you!! Smooches 😘


I think this idea should go forward with development. Anyone else concur? 😎😈


Congrats to the winners!! :D And Gael, no worries. Life comes first. We'll still be here :) And don't forget to take time for yourself.


Do what you have to, please take good care of yourself. We'll be here 😘 Congrats on the PA's ladies!🎧


Congratulations you lucky ladies!!!! Your ears are gonna get fat from all of that "ear-candy"!!!!!!!🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬


No problem Gael just don't overwork yourself. Take care of yourself and we are not going anywhere! We're here to support you😘 I know how it feels to be shorthanded at work trust me been there and I guess still is lol. Take care dearie! Congratulations ladies!


<i>Your ears are gonna get fat from all of that "ear-candy"!!!!!!!</i><br><br>I cannot believe that I've gone my <i>entire</i> life without hearing the ear candy phrase used in such a way. Now I have to make up for lost time by slipping a similar sentence into every conversation I have for the next week. 😀


Ugh...yes, I have been there, and it is the absolute worst. A bit cyclic, really. You overwork yourself to the point of illness, then you are forced to somehow lighten the load which, naturally, tends to grow in your absence. Return to roughly 70% of your former self to 140% of the work you left behind...it's exhausting, tiresome, impossible. I hope you are feeling much, much better, dear 💚


I second the motion, it would give Gael a chance to unwind after his long work days...#letsdoit


💖No promises about that but if it hasn't burnt to ashes from all the HOTNESS in HIS audios, it's pretty much fire resistant!! 😄😄😄


💖 Congratulations to the lovelies from the draw! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! 😊😊😊

Kathy M

Congrats ladies and thank you Gael for the heads up. Sweet of you to let us know 💕💗💕


Geesh Gael that message was so sweet, I literally have tears in my eyes. It is so obvious that you really want to make sure we have the very best product you can give us, and it breaks my heart that you seem to have so little time for you! So you take all the time you need to get through the coming months, cut back as much as you can to make sure you stay happy, healthy, balanced and meeting all your work obligations. Congratulations on creating something in this world that is pure, and good and fun, and helps sooo many people! Dont worry, we'll keep the home fires burning! Congrats to the winners, enjoy!


I love "we'll keep the home fires burning"!So true--no absence will extinguish our love for our man. 💕


Bummer Gael! Sorry for the crazy workload, but I guess the silver lining is some extra cash right? Soon you'll be able to set your own hours as an entrepreneur though! Good luck getting through the month and hang in there :)


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Again it´ s Montag... :(... meh. But anyway, wish you all a nice and happy Monday and rest of the week! It´ s raining tonight... a gentle, warm, sweet Sommerregen - summer rain. Makes me wanna run naked over the meadow... hmm... maybe I will... but I don` t like stepping on Nacktschnecken. :) Some mixed Fragen... A strange thing that makes you break a relationship right away? What would you like throwing several times against a brick wall? If you were a singer, what would you call your first album? Have you ever suffered an injury due to sex? The kindest thing that anyone can say about you? Danke for your Antworten my dears... see you... Und das poetische deutsche Wort - the poetic German word... Waldeinsamkeit - the nice feeling of being alone in the woods Have a listen: <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=waldeinsamkeit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=waldeinsamkeit</a>

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Congrats winners!!!!!! Come on Sirens, let's help him at his job!!!!!! As true fans Gael, we will never let you fall. 😘😘😘😘


Hi, Claudia! The weather on my end is somewhat cloudy and quiet with very fair warmth. It made for a beautiful sunset. Strange thing that would ruin a relationship? I'm not really sure, but...given the time when I've had the closest to an actual boyfriend...it would probably be something about him that I just don't like. It wouldn't be something obvious (like he's a bully or has bad BO), but it'd be more...subtle. Something I couldn't actually see or notice right away, but would give me that gut feeling of 'I just don't like him 'that way' for "this" reason...' Thrown against a brick wall? A ball. Just a bouncy ball, like a kickball or tennis ball. My first album? <i>Nimbus</i>. Injury during sex? Nope. The kindest thing anyone can say about me? ...Oh boy, that's a hard one. I...actually...don't know. Anything from a 'thank you for you help/being so patient with me' to 'she's a sweetheart' to 'she have a nice smile/she's beautiful/I enjoy being around her', so I guess...anything nice (and meaning it) would be the kindest thing to say about me. <i>Waldeinsamkeit</i>...that is poetic :)


Of course we understand and will be here to support you in whatever way we can. Please take care of you and know that we'll still be sending love your way!!!! Congratulations ladies!!


Good evening, Frau Claudia! Your summer rain sounds lovely. Running through the meadow naked would certainly be fun; however, as I live in a neighborhood full of people, running naked down the street would wind me up in jail, so I will just have to dream! Here are the answers to your Fragen: Deal breaker: As I’ve only dated a handful of people, I can’t really say that I ended relationships early. However, I am very careful with whom I choose to be friends. A deal breaker for me is rudeness and being mean at another’s expense, especially if that person is saying something about me or someone I care about. I really don’t have time for people who can’t be kind to others and treat others with respect. Brick wall: During the school year, it would have be my alarm clock. During the summer, would have to say whacking a tennis ball with my racket against the wall is really rather satisfying! First Album: Cover Your Ears! (I am REALLY a lousy singer!!) Sex injury: Not an injury really, but the happy button wasn’t always so happy after a busy weekend of fun. Now, I have to worry about causing injury to my partner as opposed to injuring myself – I have become quite clumsy lately! LOL Kindest compliment: I guess one thing I would most like to hear is that I am a positive person. I try very hard to stay positive as I would rather laugh than cry about things. I would also like to hear that I am a loyal friend. I am a very introverted person in real life and only have a few close friends, but those friends I have I am very protective of and loyal to. Word of the Day: Such a lovely word! Makes me think of Walden Pond and Henry David Thoreau: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms...” On that note, have a lovely Monday, Frau Claudia and fellow lovelies!


We've got your back 😉😊


We will miss you, but we understand. ❤❤❤ To any lovelies who find themselves getting bored or lonely, there will pretty much always be someone online to talk (gosh, sometimes I feel like we need a proper chat room), and Gael has built up an extensive library of audios, so honestly, you could just listen to the stuff he's made over the years all month and never get bored.


No worries! We will be here for ya! Take care of yourself and do what YOU need to do! 😘


Hi Claudia and lovelies, I dont blame you Claudia, rain is so soothing. So onto some questions, break a relationship right away?  I watch very closely to see how a potential SO treats random people he comes across, like a clerk in a store for example, obviously everyone has a bad day but I can't tolerate meanness and rudeness, I will drop you like a hot potato!! What would you like throwing several times against a brick wall? Water balloons!  I've always loved them, #kidatheart. My first album would be called Lost in Sensation 💋 Have you ever suffered an injury due to sex? No thank God, that would be a tad bit mortifying!! The kindest thing that anyone can say about you? I keep my promises, and am a caring friend. Have a great week everyone!!


Samuel L. Jackson on a bicycle, Gael 😮 I've been here for 6 months and I'm still not sure how you manage to perpetually maintain that enthusiasm and passion for your work, as well as your cheerful optimism, with all of the obligations you must juggle. Is it careful emotional regulation? Use of adaptive coping mechanisms? That <i>mothertrucking pump</i> in the gym?** 🤔 Either way, it's an incredible trait to have, so please don't ever lose it. You do what you gotta do, take care of yourself, and basically everything that everyone else has already said. But I'll post this here since you've earned it 👍: <img height="190" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnnxOw0IUAAROKm.png"><br><br> <i>** It's the pump, isn't it? 💪 $10 says it's the pump.</i>


Congratulations ladies - enjoy! 💕 See you on the other side Gael - good luck 😘

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 23:01:52 Take care of yourself, love ❤
2017-06-26 04:35:54


Hey, Gael. Just do what you have to do. We good ladies will stay right here until you get your regular time back. If ever you get too stressed, you know where to find us. 😙😙😙 Take care, lovely.


Guten Morgen ladies! 💕 (Although I still have an hour left of Sunday.) Warm summer rain sounds lovely, although I couldn't be convinced to run naked anywhere. 😳😂 Only supposed to be 103 degrees here tomorrow--woo hoo! It's sad when that's a cool down! 🙄 I've never broken up with anyone before since I married my very first boyfriend, but I would say abuse of any kind would be a deal breaker for me. And like the other girls mentioned, unkindness is very unattractive. I always loved that my husband was good with animals, especially. 💕 I can't think of anything I'd throw into a wall, although I liked Amy's suggestion of the alarm clock. I think my album would be called Simple Delusions. I'm not sure why that popped into my head, but I'll go with it. No sexytime injuries. I'm pretty tame. 😂 I really like it when people let me know that I make them feel good--when my students tell me they feel safe in my class, that they feel confident as writers thanks to my encouragement; when my kids say they feel loved; when my colleagues say they feel supported. It reminds me of the quote by Maya Angelou: "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." I can honestly say that I've never been alone in the woods, but I love the sentiment of the word of the day. ❤ Happy Monday to you all. 😊


Take care of yourself first. It's far more important, you will read and reply to messages when you have time. ❤️


Meh...slacker 😉


You're the sweetest man on the planet. 😚❤


Hi all! I'm not going anywhere lol! I'll be around and there will be plenty of audios appearing! So don't worry!


Tbh I'm more excited for you to be able to support yourself in the near future doing what you love than I am about the prospect of more content. That's fantastic!


I could sssend some of my sservants over to you... if you like? Hm? And they will even bring the special massssage oil you liked ssso much... But you have to keep them well fed!! Shouldn´ t be a problem though... Ireland seemss like a good hunting ground for sssexy lizards... all those tasssty langersss.


Hallo Claudia schätzie & ladies 😊 How was the naked run across the meadow hm? Any Nacktschnecken?🐚 <b>A strange thing that makes you break a relationship right away?</b> Don't know about strange things. But if I found out he treats others poorly, abuses me/others in any way or lies a lot about important things, then those would be deal-breakers for me. <b>What would you like throwing several times against a brick wall?</b> A tennis ball, when I was younger there was a game where you would throw it against the wall in all these different ways and see how far you'd come... that game was awesome!😁 <b>If you were a singer, what would you call your first album?</b> "Numinous" or "Latibule" ;) <b>Have you ever suffered an injury due to sex?</b> Other than a pulled muscle here and there, no. <b>The kindest thing that anyone can say about you?</b> That they can be themselves around me and really feel at home, or that I made a positive difference in their life somehow 🙂 And uhm, I'm not sure <i>Waldeinsamkeit</i> would be a 'nice' feeling Frau😁 Maybe on a sunny day in a small forest lol. Happy Montag Frau Clau und ladies!💋✌


Dont worry and just take care of you☺


"GOOD GOD, YOU'RE A SWEET THING" ~Van Morrison Aww, guy, you are so thoughtful and considerate! No worries. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do what's necessary. You've got this, and your 'lovelies' (how is it I still get the warm and fuzzies with that?) have got your back. I can't really describe how your audios have impacted my confidence, outlook and self-awareness the 4 months I've been listening. Its been an incredible journey of personal growth. And whatever is happening on the inside, is showing on the outside. So many people have asked me what's going on. One guy even told me I'm glowing these days, and another told me I inspire him, lmao! (I'm pretty sure the second guy was stoned, tbh, but I'll take it anyway). So I for one am not going anywhere, luv, and whenever you have time to come out and play, your harem will be here....  


I literally just heard I've been awarded my PhD!!! Life is SWEET!!!


Bloody Patreon Monster gobbled up my comments twice 🐉! If they reappear multiple times I apologise!


Wow, Miss LJ, you got your PhD?! That's awesome!! You definitely need to celebrate that!! 🎉Congratulations!


Yes!! 🙌🏻 What Cayla said. 👍🏻


Take care of yourself sweetness!! We don't want you to over do it and get sick. Every day is one day closer to telling your boss what I told mine almost 10 years ago...www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhWhy2VGaY8 ;p lol


Comhghairdeas (Congratulations), Miss LJ! That's a fantastic accomplishment, and I hope you're celebrating!


Herr Gael... is this a rebus? Hmm... the donkey is symbolic of... male virality, debauchery, lasciviousness... etc...in short YOU! So what do you wanna say with this pic?? What´ s in the sack... women, Sirens?... I´ m just fooling around as always, ja!?... XPP


don´´ t push yourself ♥♥♥ take care, and be sure to find some time to relax to get the stress out, although...your audio recording maybe IS a stress reliever for you, am I right? ;-) Anyways, we won´ t go away! We´ ll wait patiently as we always do :-*

Kathy M

You're a hard woman Susie, hard woman. 😏😜💗


What a word... "lasssciviousssnesss"... I need to whisssper it into the King` s ear tonight.


Congratulations to the lucky lovelies who won the draw! A Ghael, a chara: it's good of you to keep us in the loop, and your message doing so was so sweet! As Calma said, "we'll keep the home fires burning" for ya while you're working all those extra hours. Má "níl aon tintean mar do thintean féin," (tá súil agam go) is cuid de do thintean muid. 👩‍💻👭👨‍❤️‍👨👩‍💻 + 🎧 = 🏠🔥🏠 / 🦁🏋️‍♂️👨‍🎤


Brigid you are an intelligent woman. Can you tell me how I find my Patreon number? I am 99.9% sure that Lucy M ISN'T me, but I just want to be sure and also for future reference. Thank you !!!!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 23:01:51 Gah! First 2 comments disappear, so I post a 3rd time &amp; it stays. Cool... until the 1st 2 comments show up again, &amp; Patreon won't let me delete the duplicates! *grumble grumble*
2017-06-26 21:22:20 Gah! First 2 comments disappear, so I post a 3rd time & it stays. Cool... until the 1st 2 comments show up again, & Patreon won't let me delete the duplicates! *grumble grumble*

Gah! First 2 comments disappear, so I post a 3rd time & it stays. Cool... until the 1st 2 comments show up again, & Patreon won't let me delete the duplicates! *grumble grumble*


Thanks Doctimus. That's a lovely end to my otherwise totally shitty day!!! X


Love the cool emoji equation, wow Lucy's right, you smart lady😆🤗👏👏❤


Way to get it done Miss LJ, excuse me Dr. LJ!!!👏👏👏 Congrats!!


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Dienstag my dears! Hope your day is pleasurable?! Tonight it´ s very warm again... I think it´ s time to schaukeln - swing a little. And ja, I did run through the rain yesternight (ohh, I just discovered this beautiful word). Today is "Siebenschläfer - hm... seven sleepers" an old legend. It´ s said that the weather will stay the same for 7 weeks from this day on... but it´ s mostly incorrect. Thank gods! XD The sexy Fragen... Have you ever used any female Kondome - condoms? When did you first masturbate? Have you ever had a bathroom sex when you were all naß - wet? What is your favorite thing when it’s about going down on a man? Have you ever faked an Orgasmus - orgasm? Danke for your answers... XD Das sexy Wort des Tages - sexy word of the day die Geilheit - lasciviousness, horniness... <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=Geilheit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=Geilheit</a>


Female Condom? Nope can't say that I have When did I first masturbate? Ooo wow! Let's see...😮I think I was.....hmm I'm pretty sure I was in elementary I just don't know what age. Bathroom sex? I have never had bathroom sex or kitchen sex. In the house I've only done it in the bedroom and living room (yawn) 😴 Favorite things about going down on a man? This is something I do love to do. 😳Oohh there are many..so many things I like. #1 The sounds!!!! I am extraordinarily aurally stimulated (That's why I am addicted to Gael and his sexy voice)😏 I absolutely love hearing a man voice tremble, his raspy breathing, the whimpering, the moaning...and the cumming, oh my damn!!!!! 😍 #2 The feeling of that hard "steel" wrapped in santiny skin against my tongue. #3 Pre -cum. I love when Gael mentions pre-cum in his audios. It is incredibly sexy to see how wet a man can get! #4 I love to see how much cum a guy has. (oops sorry that was 4) Have I ever faked an orgasm? Yes, with my ex. 😒 I won't say for how long, it's just too sad. But I just couldn't have an orgasm when we had sex. It was all very psycho-somatic. He eventually started accusing me of cheating because of it. ( I always went home for lunch and it took me 15 min to get there. If it took any longer I guess I jumped out of the car, sprawled out on the hood and let men just have their way with me...and then , when the light turned green, I was on my way home again!) 😄 So, I just started faking it. I know it didn't help anyone but I did it to keep the "peace" (yeah it sucked!) I feel the "word of the day" matches the vibe of the questions today. 😊 Well done!


Hello, Claudia! My day was...a little stressful and irritating, but we got through it OK. I caught two fireflies (and let them go) earlier this evening and I made my dog, Sam, very happy by feeding him a good dinner, so that killed the stress. The weather was pretty and clear, but oddly cool today :/ Female condoms? Haven't tried them yet. First time masturbating? I think I was...13 or 14, maybe... Bathroom sex? No. favorite thing about going down on a man? I don't know. I've never done it before...! Faked an orgasm? No.


Hello there, Frau Claudia! A lovely Dienstag to you, my dear. The weather has been rather lovely here the past two days – would not mind if the seven sleepers legend were true! I could enjoy a summer of temperatures in the low 80s and breezy. Oh, well – we are expecting a heat wave to begin later this week. Here are the answers to your sexy Fragen: Female condom – nope, can’t say that I have. First time flying solo – Weird the things you remember! I was ten years old and I remember the experience vividly for some strange reason! Remember feeling a bit “funny” and not knowing why. Remember being curious and touching around the happy button and thinking that was pretty cool. Remember stopping before the fireworks as I was scared as hell. Didn’t take too long after that to let the sparks fly. Thus began my life of being the “master of my domain” (hopefully I am not the only one who gets the Seinfeld reference!) Bathroom sex -- Quite a few times, actually, back when I was far more limber and adventurous! When I was dating the hubby, I always stayed at his apartment on the weekends and we always showered together. Most of the time the slippery fun ended somewhere safer, but there were a few times when we couldn’t wait. Totally wouldn’t do it now, though! Playing with him – Would definitely say listening to the sounds he makes and watching his facial expressions. Faked orgasm – Sadly, once, but I felt horrible doing it! It happened when the happy button couldn’t get happy and rather than saying stop and hurting his feelings, I just faked it to end it. I felt so guilty, I never did it again! I love the word of the day! Interesting how it means both lasciviousness and horniness – both mean the same thing in English, but the connotations are entirely different. Have a lovely day, ladies!


Thank you so much, ladies! Yes, I celebrated!! 🍾 I am on holiday in my small hometown, so it was lovely to get the news whilst I am here with family. And I will be meeting up with old friends most evenings this week 😊. Mainly I am relieved it's all over.... I don't recommend doing a PhD while working a full-time job. If you ever get the urge, lay down and wait for the feeling to pass 😂


Good morning, Claudia! Well, yesterday wasn't very pleasurable but today is so far! 🤣 Oh. Running through the rain sounds like fun. If there's a promise that it won't ruin my hair! 🤣🤣🤣 Yesternight. Nice word 😍 Well, you wouldn't believe it. It's raining all week this week. I love when it rains, but not when it ruins my hair! 😂 Yay! I love sexy fragen 😍 Female condoms - never used them. 😝 When did I first masturbate - When I was 16. Not going to go into details because I was way too innocent back then. It's embarrassing 😅🙈 I've never had bathroom sex. When I think of bathroom sex, I think of a dirty public bathroom. Lmao. However, if you mean bathroom sex in a steamy, beautiful bathroom with a big tub filled with warm water, then count me in for that! 😍😏 Well, I've never gone down on a man, so... 🙈 I have faked an orgasm a few times. I was turned on and what I was doing at the time (this was before I started using my perfume bottle) it just wasn't working for me. So I just faked an orgasm 🙈😂😂 I had to get that sexual energy out somehow!😉


1) Female condoms? : never! 2) When did you first masturbate? : elementary school... But when? I just remember having weird fantasies for my age... 3) bathroom sex? : all the time... My man and i regularly take our bath together... So he can wash me and i can "gael's growling"... 4) favorite thing when it’s about going down on a man? : i have a special power, thanks to erotic hypnosis... I can feel between my legs what is done in my mouth... So when my man fucks my face slowly, it's lots of fun ;) 5) Have you ever faked an orgasm? : in bed i have faked pleasure but not an orgasm. On stage, i faked an orgasm once when an unknown hypnotist crashed my session. I didn't want to "ruin" the show. I felt really bad for the audience.


The sexy Fragen! Usually I miss the sexy fragen completely yay!...so right in then for science, yes?... Have you ever used any female Kondome - condoms?  Huh? Whaa? Hoooow? Ok so obviously the answer to that one is a resounding NO.  I will consult google to educate myself. When did you first masturbate? I truly cannot remember this.  My first conscious memory is at or around 11 years old, but I also remember clearly knowing that that wasnt the first time? I know...confusing. Have you ever had a bathroom sex when you were all naß - wet?  Oh yes, I love wetness, oceans, lakes, showers,  jacuzzi, sinks, you name it!  So sex in the bathroom is always welcome, especially if there's a soaker tub or a jacuzzi, look out!!! What is your favorite thing when it’s about going down on a man? No one and I mean no one sucks cock better than I do, NO ONE!! Just kidding, I may have stolen and modified that line from err..someone. 😆 But seriously, there is very little I don't like, especially if pineapple does what said someone says it does.  Which it doesnt, unfortunately.  My favorite thing about it frankly is having the power to drive a man out of his head, I love the response, making him whimper and writhe.  Have you ever faked an Orgasmus, orgasm? I've only been seriously tempted once with my fiance at the time and instead I took control of the situation, I literally stopped a speeding train, got a toy I knew would work for us both, lots of lube, flipped him on his back and did what I needed to do to get myself there.  He thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.  I was like, yeh you're  welcome😞.  Have a lovely Dienstag Claudia and ladies!


Caryne wtf? Your number 4 answer intrigues me. My lips/mouth is very much an erogenous zone for me but I've never heard of this. I'd very much like to know more.


Hallo Claudia schätzie & ladies 😊 Hopefully the Siebenschläfer won't come true hm ;) <b>Have you ever used any female Kondome - condoms?</b> No, didn't know they made those? <b>When did you first masturbate?</b> I'm not sure what age I was exactly but somewhere around 11/12. <b>Have you ever had a bathroom sex when you were all naß - wet?</b> Yes in the shower couple of times. Not really a fan anymore, foreplay is fine, but the real thing is just too dangerous with all the slipping and sliding xD <b>What is your favorite thing when it’s about going down on a man?</b> Watching his face, the expressions, the open mouth... The breathing becoming heavier and the moans and dirty talk that fly out when he's in the moment, just all yes😏 <b>Have you ever faked an Orgasmus - orgasm?</b> Gladly no ;) Happy Dienstag Frau Clau und ladies!💋✌


I dont mind you asking, Doc. It was in Human Genetics.


Well, there is no simple answer to this. I discovered this after a couple of sessions with a hypnotherapist. Let's just say that, when we focus only on my mouth/throat for a while, the feeling on the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat echoes in my body to stimulate the deprived part of my body that "feels" the most "alike". So my throat being my vagina, the soft spot on the roof of my mouth being my g-spot, i can cum by having my face fucked... Gael is very good at what he does and i was able to achieve hands free orgasm only with his "suggestions". But if you think you would like to be conditionned to feel certain things with certain triggers, i can give you the name of this hypnotherapist and/or ask for a script and give it to our Master ;) also, you could train by yourself with brain waves (i-doser) and erotic hypnosis audios...


Guten Morgen dear Sirens. Hope everyone has a wonderful Mittwoch!? We had Gewitter und Hagel - thunderstorms and hail last evening. And my kitten brought me a mole. :) Right to today´ s Fragen... beware BDSM edition! I know it´ s a wide, intricate and interesting subject... so let` s chat about it, ja? (For science XD) What are your general thoughts, feelings, experiences about BDSM? And I scrolled a little through a lexicon... just google what you don´ t know - yet. XD What do you think about... ... Gags? ... Bondage? ... Puppy-Play? ... Pegging? ... Water Sports? ... Nyotaimori? ... Breath Control? That shall be enough for today... danke for your answers my Schätzchen. Die deutschen Worte des Tages... daily German words... hm... der Schwanz, die Muschi - cock, pussy ;) How to pronounce it... <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=Schwanz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=Schwanz</a> <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=Muschi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=Muschi</a>


I discovered I can do hands free with Gael ❤. However I was more wondering if the mouth thing was what you set out to be hypnotized to do? By your explanation I can see how it could work. Also if you get a script from your hypnotherapist and give it to Gael I think that would be dangerous and I would like to be warned before hand. I'm probably still gonna listen tho.😂 I cant focus long enough to be hypnotized anyway.


No hands? Good girl! ;) if you can do that, you can easily build the feeling yourself then! You just have to take the time to feel how these parts of your body are built the same way and transfer the feeling! I think it's better if your partner doesn't ask you to do anything else ar the same time and doesn't dilute the feeling by touching somwhere else on your body... your body will do the rest... ;) good luck! :)


Happy Mittwoch, Frau Claudia! Mother Nature has been quite fickle lately in my part of the world. It'll be pissing rain first thing in the morning, then the skies will become sunny and clear by noon. Whether or not it'll start pissing rain again later in the day is anyone's guess, so I've just taken to carrying around an umbrella everywhere I go. What exactly are you doing with the trophies your kitten brings you? You must have enough to start your own taxidermy collection by now! Butterflies, bats, moles, lizards, birds...what a clever hunter 😼 <b>Thoughts on BDSM:</b> I know I've blathered on about this in the past, so I'll try not to reinvent the wheel on this one. <i>Gags</i> - I did participate in a scene once when I was expected to keep an object in my mouth the entire time. My jaw started getting tired partway through, and the discomfort made it difficult to focus on the pleasurable aspects of the scene. So it's probably not something I would try again anytime soon. 🤐 <i>Bondage</i> - I enjoy this within reason. As long as the guy isn't being super rough, I like having my arms pinned down, and I'm okay with having my wrists bound. But I wouldn't want to be in some elaborate set-up that would put me in a really uncomfortable position (e.g., no hog-tying me). I'd also have to really trust a partner before attempting any sort of significant bondage, since it renders you unable to fight back if your partner decides to suddenly stop caring about your wellbeing. <i>Puppy play</i> - this is where one partner roleplays as a puppy (so leashes and collars, crawling on all fours, getting pats on the head, etc.) and the other partner is the handler, yes? I've never done anything like this before and I think there would just be too much of a power discrepancy there for me to enjoy it. I mean, I guess I can understand there being affection behind it (who doesn't like playing with a puppy?) But I personally expect to be treated not just as an equal in the bedroom, but also as a human being. <i>Pegging</i> - I've yet to come across a man who actually is interested in this 😝 I suppose if my partner was really keen on it and got a lot of enjoyment from it, I'd be open to giving it a whirl 🍆🚪⬅️ (that's a back door) <i>Water sports</i> - No, thank you. I can live a full and happy life without ever trying that. 🙅🏻 <i>Nyotaimori</i> - Hmm...would it just be between myself and my partner? Because if so, I'd be okay with giving it a shot (provided that it's done under sanitary conditions). But I wouldn't want to be the dinner plate if it's going to involve a whole bunch of people, and I'm not going to eat sushi off a complete stranger's junk 😵 (But if I'm to be the platter in this dinner party for two, then it's only fair that I also get to eat some of the sushi. Consider this me calling dibs on the salmon and tuna sashimi 🍣) <i>Breath control</i> - if this refers to erotic asphyxiation (as Wikipedia claims it does), then no, this is absolutely not something I would want to do. The feeling of someone putting their hands on my throat freaks me the hell out. And even if it's done by someone who is well-versed in how to do it safely and properly, it just seems too risky to me. I don't know how I'll die, but I'll be damned if I go the tragic way of David Carradine (RIP). Ahh, who could forget good ol' <i>Schwanz</i> and <i>Muschi?</i> 😜<br><br>And in other sexy news, this post has 69 likes. Let's give ourselves a pat on the back for what we all did there! 🙏<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/gQOtIAL.jpg">


Hey there, Frau Claudia! Happy almost Mittwoch to you! No rain here today – it’s actually been quite beautiful and comfortable. We are expecting severe thunderstorms most of the weekend, and the Fourth of July may be a slight washout, so I will enjoy the sun for the next day or so while I can. Your questions today – wow! The things we do for science in this place! Okay, I really debated about answering this as I have NO experience with anything BDSM at all, not even simple wrist binding or blindfolding. I’ve been mildly curious and suggested the wrist binding a time or two, but the hubby really wasn’t interested or comfortable with it, so I gave up as it was not a deal breaker for me. So, I have nothing to draw on in the way of experience. I did, however, discuss the question with the hubby this evening just to see what he would say. After I convinced him that this was for science and not expecting a trip to an adult store, we actually had a pretty good conversation about it – thank you for that! Like a good student, I Googled and discussed each of these options, and here is what I think: Gags: Not for me. My jaw/mouth is rather small and I couldn’t imagine holding a ball or gag in my mouth for any period of time. Bondage: I would be willing to try having my wrists bound if my partner wanted me to, but nothing else. I don’t really understand the necessity of being tied – if my partner asked me to hold my hands up or not to move, I think the challenge of doing that on my own is far more erotic to me than having that choice taken away. Puppy play: Learned far more than I needed to on this one. Can’t say that I have any interest in having a leash and collar, either on me or my partner, and I don’t think I would want to crawl or make my partner crawl. Pegging: Nope on that one. Can’t say that my hubby would be remotely interested! Water Sports: Big no…moving right along! Nyotaimori: If my hubby wanted to bring food into the fun, I would be okay with that. However, I couldn’t eat sushi off of a stranger for any reason, and I could not see myself as the platter either. Breath Control: This I found totally scary. So many things could go wrong that I can’t see why you would risk it. Add to that, being almost strangled is a bit of a trigger to me as I was attacked by a student in middle school who wrapped his hands around my neck and squeezed until I almost blacked out. Wouldn’t let go until a teacher stopped him. Definitely would never want to go through that again! This was an interesting question this evening! Out of my research and my discussion with the hubby, I found that, for me and our relationship, neither one of us wants to be dominant or submissive, but instead come together as equal partners. I do enjoy when he is Alpha at times, but it is never a feeling of being dominated, just being led, if that makes sense. Have a great Wednesday, lovely!


Good evening Frau Claudine: It's been dry and hot in my area in Colorado. Its seems your kitty is a true ninja assassin!! He certainly keeps you protected from all of the dangerous vermin and pests around your home! Perhaps you can hire him out on Craig's list. BDSM..I guess I can get into certain aspects of it: binding hands, blind folds. I have too many trust issues to go any further. Gags: My jaw would get too tired to enjoy anything else. Bondage: Using a knot/cuffs I can get out of myself would probably be ok. But I think the idea of the challenge (per Amy) WOULD be far more exciting..(Thinking of Gael's YT audio where he's been teased all day and when he comes home he makes you keep your hands against the wall?-Now that's sexy) Puppy Play: I just can't see my self acting like a dog. Or being aroused by it. Pegging: I don't want to play the man. All woman here! I know this because my ex wanted me to do it to him (no strap on) and it was just....awkward! Water Sports: "None for me thanks, I'm driving" Nyotaimori: That didn't cause any tingles when I Googled it. Breath Control: Being held by the neck is erotic! Once you apply pressure enough to cause any injury or loss of consciousness that's a deal breaker. Stars belong in the sky, not behind my eyelids or circling around my head. So, I'll pass. I would love to go up to a male friend and say "Hey want a lick of my Muschi" XD @ Doc- I wrote a response to your response under the Claudia's Fragen. The one with x-rated fantasy question. (think it's under the Draw post) I wrote a sippet of a different one. Let me know if you guys like it.


I haven't really thought of the next step, tbh, I was just trying to survive! Lol! I've worked in the field for many years, and really enjoy it! The research is challenging and interesting, and I have never been bored at work ☺️ (Although I am SO over lab work, I'd be quite happy if I never had to put on a lab coat again!). What is it you do, Doc, if you don't mind sharing a bit?


Elaine: 'Water Sports: "None for me thanks, I'm driving"' 😂😂😂 I can't really contribute to this one, Frau C. Like Amy I have little-to-no experience here. I think light restraints and blindfold are sexy, and I like the 'restraint challenge' mentioned above. But it's a 'No' from me, for the rest. 😳


Ohh.... look... sssssix hundred ssssixty sssix ssultry Sssirensssss...


<img height="190" src="http://www.newnownext.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Max-Emerson.jpg"><br><br>RAWR. If he walks around looking like that, I'd consider giving it to him for free. 😈


Not to worry, your Sssslitheryness.... apparently we are in the 'Church of Cock' 😂


Hello Frau Claudia.Happy Wednesday!What an interesting topic you brought here 😁I thought it's a good idea for me to speak from the dominant side.I have practiced most of the things you asked but not the last.I don't like breath control I find it extreme for my tastes.I usually prefer more sensual techniques to play.I enjoy them more.Gags: I like them.Especially when I want him to shut up 😂😂.Bondage: I love it.When he is bound (hands/feet) I have the total control.Sometimes i tie only his hands.You can play a lot of games or just tease him.I love also shibari which is a form of bondage but you need a teacher to learn how to do it.Puppy-Play: I did it a few times but it's not really my thing.Pegging: I love it!Its my fetish!It may seem brutal but there are many people who actually enjoy it.Water sports: Not really my thing.I did it a few times with one of my partners in the shower.Nyotaimori: I was in a private bdsm party which some of my friends organized it.They had a naked woman lying on a huge table and they had placed all over her body small bites of food.It wasn't sushi but it's the same spirit.It was an interesting experience.


Hi, Claudia! General thoughts, feelings, experiences with BDSM? Mmm...I've never done anything BDSM (audios was the closest I've ever done to it), so...it's not really my thing, but if it was done right, both partners are in full consent and trust with each other, there's a safe word, and if we're both enjoying it, then it does sound sexy and could be something I wouldn't mind trying with my guy (if he agrees). Gags? I don't know. It sounds a little hot, but I'm not really sure if I'd like it or not. Bondage? This I wouldn't mind trying. There's something about the submissive/dominate part about this that I kind of like. Puppy play? Sounds cute, but maybe not. Pet names would make me melt, but being treated like or pretending to be an actual animal, even if it's just for a little game...not so much. Pegging? Nope! No thank you. Water sports? Oh, HECK no! X( I'll pass! Nyotaimori? Hmm...sure. I wouldn't mind trying that with my guy. Breath control? That sounds terrifying! Having your neck being held sounds kind of hot, but breath control? That...no. ...Is it odd that <i>Muschi</i> sounds like a pet name or candy to me?


I would have called it "church of sacred sexuality and orgasmic spirituality"... But church of cock is fine 😇 How do we say church of cock in gaelic???


Wait...did it go down to 665? Maybe one of us became a bit too tassssty?!