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Today's Friday Challenge is a bit different.  I'm challenging myself!

If you have never heard of the 3 word challenge - the game is you're only allowed to say the challenge phrase.  If you lose control and say anything else, you have to stop what you're doing and start again.  

Are you hoping I'll win or lose? XD




Oh God, that was amazing. I love the combination of hearing your strength, and vulnerability. Beautiful.


Oh my goodness! I surely did miss a lot in the olden days of Patreon... Friday challenges were Awesome!


My knees just went out from under me 4 times 😳 I’ve never had anyone do that to me before! I’m sitting, well actually laying down now 😉, so I won’t fall, lol


Whoa. Somehow I skipped this one. I'm listening while making jewelry and wound up yelling at my phone! 💙


Gael: "Fuck me, please." Me: "OK"


Fuck yes I will!🍆💦


that was real.... i could hear it in your voice... you needed it so badly... bad boy, you said "yea" multiple times, that counts :P


This is my ALL TIME favorite audio!!!


Ok. I will. When do we begin? 😎


Okay! Let's do this! 😉


Oh this is a delightfully despicable little game isn't it? Going to be a long evening in the office. Come on closing time...


Okay... I'm all in... Lets do it!!😬


Even before I listen I'm kinda hoping you lose! Haha That way we get to hear your voice longer! 😉


Silly me...and here I thought you were wanting to get busy with me. Helps to read the description 😬


All I need to hear. "Fuck. Fuck it. Fuck me." Trigger words for me. Yum. Thx for posting this...😜


Fick mich bitte...?


Well... damn lol


The only think I could say is ...YES, YES, YES!!!


Yes as!!! Especially when he says them GOOD God!! ...


This is going to be pure heaven! Gael, his voice, and the word Fuck.... Hallelujah!!!!


Umm...I heard an extra word. I don't think "yeah" is one of the 3 mister. Time to do it again! 😈


That is quite the little conundrum when you get to the end, I mean, your partner may be quite willing to go again right then.... I'd like to hear how the aftercare session went on this one.... lol


This was perverse. Like watching you drown and not being able to do anything about it. Thankfully, you saved yourself. 😉 💕

Kathy M

That was different 😄 hope it felt as good as it sounded 😚


Hehe...this was sexy as hell. It must have been hard not to say anything else! Those giggles and the gritted teeth "fuck me please". 😳🔥😈Thanks for sharing! 💋


I haven't listened yet , but whether you win or lose, its still a win/win for the rest of us! 😉❤


Now that's a Friday challenge! How clever and sexy are you?? I hope you lose control and have to start over quite a few times. 😈 Can't wait to listen!


Oh my goodness...damn. So, so hot. I'm breathless. 💕


Hmm... I think you hast es dir leicht gemacht - took the easy way out, Herr Gael. You could have choosen something a little more difficult like... "Let´ s have intercourse"... ja, I admit it would sound stupid and not as sexy though... XPP


Oh My Goodness!!!! I knew you were going to pass the challenge!!! Each time that you said the 3 words it was like you were saying something else. Sooooo intense and I found myself saying, "Please more... I want more... please!!!!! "I loved it Gael... simply loved it!!!


So can you say any of those words any any order? (As Trish said, I did hear some "yeah's") haha!


I'm hoping you'll lose 😏😂😂❤️


As some of you have pointed out, there are quite a few times when you can hear "Yeah" or "Oh". The former is actually listed in Merriam-Webster's dictionary as an adverb, while the latter is listed as an interjection. I'm no English major, but that sounds like Gael was breaking them rules 😮<br><br>I think someone's just earned themselves a trip to audio jail:<br><br><img height="195" src="https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/monopoly/images/b/b5/Go_to_Jail.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140526164909"><br><br>If you want to shave some time off of your sentence, you could always go for Round 2 of the Friday challenge. 👍 I hear that doing hard time can really change a man 😯


Whew... *fans self and bites lower lip* This was so sexy 😍 Had my thighs squeezed together listening to this 🙈😍


This is a man who knows what his audience wants to hear lol. Hearing <b>'Please'</b> always effects me with an added touch of a command this was a hot balance. I am not too ashamed to say I was cheering for your failure - it was gonna be fun to listen to either way! Happy Friday ;)

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

I have disconnected the house phone....all cell calls forwarding to vm....I am spending the rest of my day in bed....hahah... Gael....you naughty boy.......I love to hear you beg....."Fuck me, please?"


Okay, sounds like the judges have come to a consensus: do it again, and this time no spare adverbs and interjections. 😉😊 And, agreeing with Claudia, a more challenging phrase this time. This shouldn't be too hard -- sounded like you were really enjoying yourself! 😎


Haha, hard time. 😂 And I agree, "Yeah" and "Oh" both count.


In all seriousness, this was hot as hell! Was cheering you on the whole way 😚


...I'll need another bath I guess... 🔥🔥🔥

Kathy M

Yes perhaps a Spongebob quote for your challenge, was just reminded of it today, "Forts win wars Squidward"


He is beating the shi...how... i aint got the arm strength to deal with this man😂😂 Seriously though is there a Willy abuse hotline?


Haven't listened yet but I'm calling at least 1 restart. He's damn chatty. 😂😜💕


I always think that when he does that. I feel like we should give him an ice pack or something. I assumed that was what all the weight training was for.


Since when is "yeah" not a word? You said that a lot after the 5 minute mark. I mean a lot. I think a more challenging phrase is in order next time. 😛😘 #Fail<br><br>Game rules aside, I love to hear a man say fuck and please. A lot. And you say them like a damn champ. It was fucking fantastic and a nice indulgent treat to start the weekend💋


Steady on there Gael, you're going to tear a rotator cuff or something going at it like that! 😂 Jokes aside, this was hot as fuck (me please) 😉

Rose from Ash

Naughty Gael. You know what you did.


My blood pressure......Omg. lol My favorite moments have to be (yes, I wrote them down haha), 2:39, the whispered fmp at 4:33, all of the moments around 4:58, 5:15, 7:33-7:51, that CLIMAX and the fmp at 9:14 leading into the orgasm. 😍😍😍


Mmmmm good morning Gael!! What a great start to my day 😈


Since you said please😂😂😉 but seriously I think Trish was right you said "yeah" and "oh" as well soooo.....😂😂


This will be a great game to play with your man. You have all the control like edging. Beside my hand, a toy would be even better, like a fleshlight.


Do you really want to punish him and give him a rotator cuff injury? Give him 3 words he CAN'T say or he has to start over. The 3 words are OH, YEAH and FUCK!!! bahahaha


Aren't we a bad boy Gael.😏 You definitely said words you were not allowed to say. I agree with the ladies. Us ladies..... treated with the repetitively raunchy phrase! The moaning! The wimpering when you came...Shit I "came" unglued!!! (My new favorite sound, by the way)....WE won! You, Gael, lost! BIG time!! Now..when shall we expect your do-over (eye brow raised). Hmm?


So I wasn't sure how I would like this at first since he would only saying 3 words, and while I wasn't feeling it in the beginning, as the audio went on, I began to feel more hot and bothered 😊 I gotta say that climax was A-MA-ZING (one of my favorites now actually). And I agree with some others here who said we should give him 3 words he CAN'T say. That'll be a real challenge 😘


As much as I wanted you to lose (which you did, like four times XD), this was rather hot, especially right before and after the climax. Gosh, the Celtic Warrior can take a real beating. Wow...!!


Also I opened my personal email at work (yeah I know, I know 😒) and saw a BIG ol' "FUCK ME PLEASE!!!!!" Plastered across my screen!!! I think I crushed my CONTROL ALT DELETE buttons to smithereens, I smashed them so hard!! 😨. Give a sista some warning next time, a whistle, a Jolly Roger, a Hootie-Hoo, something!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Are you alive after this? Jaysus, man! By the way, you lost, 'yeah' wasn't one of the words😏but you know that, doncha?😈 That's the twist you mentioned in Witter, huh? You brilliant fucker!😎


Oh my...I feel like I just learned something new about myself 😳😏

Greek Goddess

Omg how much I love to hear you beg...Its a huge turn on for me 😍


Oh yes, this was fun, the begging was sublime. So same time, next week then for your 2nd attempt? Love Fridays around here!!


Awww shocks what a naughty idea. 😶 I wanted you to fail too when I read the title before listening. I kinda love it when you lose control. 😈 And since you did fail with those extra 'yeahs', play fair and start over. Pretty please? 😙


Awww... look at you Herr Gael 650 Patrons. Glückwunsch - congrats! Btw... this pic... his neck and jaw are looking a little... strange, hm? Somewhat bony, untasty and unlickable... XP


I agree that the position of the guy's neck looks unusual. Perhaps a sassy lady gave him an uppercut to the jaw during the photo shoot, and she was cropped out of the photo taken one moment after the blow. 😲<br><br>Or maybe the guy is just really flexible. That's probably the most likely explanation, but not nearly as interesting as my uppercut theory.<br><br><img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/pMlxAMBPTn2CI/giphy.gif" width="200"><br><br><i>BAM! 🤜 Right in the childhood! (My bro introduced me to this game when I was but a wee lass 😎👍)</i><br><br><b>Edit:</b> Yikes, forgive my rudeness! In the midst of my excitement about Mortal Kombat, I forgot to acknowledge Gael's latest milestone 😧 Congratulations on leveling up to 650 Patrons! 🥇🎉🎈


Oh.... oh dear. I listened to this while driving through Bluetooth in the car. Ended up zoning out a bit (it's Gael, it happens 😉), pulling into my driveway, and frantically trying to turn it off before my family got in the car 😂


Ah yes, Bluetooth can be both a blessing and a curse when you're a GF Siren!!😂


Listened again and gaaahhh Gael's begging is just so aasggsdjdjdifkfkrjeebndkdkdwkwuhwvsbdbxbxxndhhsbshxxhhddjfjfieijwywgsvdbdj. Especially when he said his three words during the Calm Before The Come.


Congrats on over 650 patrons, G ❤️

Kathy M

Ohhh! That's really good! 💗💗💗

Kathy M

Lol! I love when that happens too. Like, "oh. ohhh! OHHHH!!!"


Thank you much Suri for directing to this video! I love this one too.


Well, since you asked so nicely...

Mikayla Hodges

Urm.... how much is it to get a video... not just audio?...

Mikayla Hodges

Oh and you lost, you said "yeah" bad boy ;)


You sound so damn sexy saying, "Fuck Me Please" over and over. I love hearing you reach your orgasmic peak.


The raw intimacy of this was powerful.