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I suppose its a little funny......


Everything Right About Elephants [Seanie Speaks][Comedy]

Just me speaking about me pet elephant Get Moving in for Free!; http://amzn.to/2rpdEiQ Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Exclusive Content on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Aw, Seanie! 💜 Excited to listen later.


Nothing sweeter than a boi and his pet elephant! <3



Kathy M

Thank you for delivering a much needed tickle to my brain today 😚 really is appreciated 💗


Just a man and his elephant ❤👨🐘


Hisss... he´ sss back! *slithers away elegant but quickly* I´ d rather lisssten to the elephant talking about Seanie... nah... I may deign to lisssten to the elephant talking about... elephant-y sstuff. Maybe the colour and texture of hisss cock... ?


Yay! More Seanie please! Is the hyena Seanie's code name for Gael? 1) eats everything in the fridge 2) laughs at him coming out the shower 3) runs out between the elephant's legs and is gone for the day. XD


This was too cute!


Bless your heart, Seanie! I'm going to take this opportunity to share a place that's on my 'bucket list' with you and the lovelies, because its quite relephant...*groan* Sorry! 😁. Shhhh, let's just keep it between the 600 of us, ok? (Hope the link works) <a href="https://youtu.be/NdTII_unZSA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/NdTII_unZSA</a>


Thanks for much needed laughs! When he was going on about them mourning their dead I couldn't help but picture a herd of elephants at an irish funeral, throwing back shots of Midleton, and toasting their fallen friend!


Seanie luv, I think you missed your calling -- Elephant Whisperer! Cesar Milan made a fortune as the Dog Whisperer, bet you could, too! This was so sweet, funny, and informative -- who knew elephants like Taco Bell? Looking forward to your next installment! &lt;3

Gri (Sassy_One)

He sounds so cute and brilliant, talking 'bout his pet-lephant🙃


This was an interesting audio from Seanie. I listened to it twice because it seemed metaphoric. Like, don't try to kill off something you don't understand just to make a buck (dollar) because that thing/person/ animal holds more value then gold too others. Also I like your emphasis on the tough look of the elephants skin. But in reality it is very sensitive and can easily be damaged, just like people. And I like how you may dislike some of the behavior that your hyena displays but you still love him. Side note: I think it's wonderful that these elephants are celebrating Pride month. 👏👏👏😂 P.S - I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes or if my comment flat out doesn't make any sense but hopefully you understand it 😅


A little funny? It was hilarious and so cute! I was laughing my ass off 🤣🤣🤣 He's got a point, though. You gotta give these elephants more credit. They're beautiful animals 😊


Eb, if this were Twitter I'd hit u with my DJ Khalid "YOU SMART" gif. 👌🏽👍


Seanie's growing .....💖....what a man!


This was very interesting and informative (and funny), especially about their skin. But do they really bury humans who died, because if that's true...that would be some funeral. Also, I didn't know Seanie talks about space! O.o I love space!


Guten Morgen Sirens. A really happy Freitag - Friday to everyone! Juicy weekend plans? I´ m in a rush today... so maybe someone else wanna ask some Fragen? Ja? And don´` t forget to add a word of the day! XD And pretend it´ s for science... Will see you later my dears... enjoy your day... :)


So happy that our Seanie boi is not holed up in some LAPD cell! Good to hear from ya Seanie! I'm impressed with all of the knowledge you dropped on us! Wow! So glad your days are filled with more that just dust!😄. It's heart warming that you love your elephant so much! Just lay off so much of the "trunk" holding...people might talk!😓. Who knew elephants texted each other 😃... Amazing! Thank you! Is your elephant or Asian?


Good morning, Claudia! How's you? XD It's almost Friday! On the weekend I'm going to get my hair dyed a darker and more vibrant shade of brown. I'm so excited! I've got highlights before but never actually got all my hair dyed 😍 And then my dad is taking me to some place on Saturday. A fun day that's going to be just me and him 😁 He won't tell me where he's taking me though 🙁 I want to know! 😝😂😂 Well, I would ask you some fragen but I'm not that creative. Lol 😅 Happy almost Friday! 😝


I have some Fragen ideas, if anyone wants to answer them (for science 😋) -What fictional character would you like to trade places with? -Who would play you in a movie about your life? -What movie makes you cry every time you watch it? -What "unsexy" trait/quality do you find attractive? I don't have an interesting word of the day--maybe someone else could contribute that? Happy almost Friday! 💕


Hey, Laura! Yay – love your questions. Here you go: Fictional character: I think I would love to trade places with Harry Potter, even with all of his Voldemort problems. Hogwarts would be so cool to live in and attend for school. Movie of my life: That’s a tough one! I wish it could be a young Audrey Hepburn, not because I am anything like her, but she was just so classy. Closer to me and my personality would be Molly Shannon. Tearjerkers: The Notebook, Top Gun, and E.T. I am a waterworks at most movies. Unsexy trait: Not sure what would be considered unsexy. I love people who are intelligent, in fact the nerdier the better. I don’t find the mind unsexy, though. I do tend to like “fan boys;” my hubby is a huge Star Wars and comic book nerd. I find that a unique quality about him. Your word of the day: Since I only know English, today’s word is an obscure one: Callipygian: having shapely buttocks Pronunciation: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hoj7s5Z-ZQ4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hoj7s5Z-ZQ4</a>


I loved this, so funny and cute 😂🐘❤️🐘


Greetingsss tasssty humanss. How are you today? I hope good and tassty?... Tell me... what are you doing right now? Hm?... ssomething queenly?


Hello, your Highness. Were you able to do away with the frog that was pestering you so? I'm sure he was no match for you! 😁 I am nursing a hurt knee, so today I am lounging around--reading, writing a bit, more luxurious and queenly than my usual laundry list of chores. If only I had a handsome man or two to do my bidding while I heal, I'd really feel royal!😂 Hope you are well and well fed so that none of us tasty humans are on the menu.




Guten Morgen meine Lieben - my dears. Hope everyone has a pleasant, peaceful Samstag - Saturday?! We have a really hot night here... and I mean the weather of course! Else I wouldn´ t complain. XP How` s the weather where you are? Here are some daily Fragen... What do you like wearing when you go to bed? One thing that you will never do again? What is your ideal sex duration? Have you ever had sex with someone and wished it never happened? Your thoughts about long distance relationships? Have you ever had a one night stand? Danke for your answers... bis dann... Das Wort des Tages - the word of the day... eine Naschkatze sein - to have a sweet tooth literally... hm... to be a sweets nibbling kitten :) How to pronounce it: <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=naschkatze" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=naschkatze</a>


A lovely Samstag to you, Frau Claudia! Thankfully the Saturday forecast in my part of the world is predicting temperatures of 23*C (or 27*C with the humidity), which I can cope with. It's only when things enter the realm of 30*C that I start feeling like Meursault in Camus' <i>The Outsider</i>. (For those of you unfamiliar with the book, Meursault is the main character who straight up murders a guy because it's too hot out.) On to the <i>Fragen</i>... <b>Pajamas!:</b> It depends on the season. During the winter, I'll wear my fleece pajama bottoms and a long nightshirt. I'll wear a t-shirt and shorts during spring and Fall. During the summer, I'll sleep in a tank top and panties, or if it's particularly humid out, just panties. <b>One thing I'll never do again:</b> Drink a Paralyzer cocktail. Milk and cola are two things that should never, ever be combined. <b>Ideal sex duration:</b> Hmm...this depends on a lot of different factors, like what kind of mood I'm in, what my mood my partner is in, the kind of sex being had, etc. For simplicity's sake, I will assume that the two of us have ample energy reserves and satisfactory levels of horny. If we're talking primal, vigorous fucking (like when you're just <i>going</i> at it) sans foreplay, then maybe 10, 15 minutes? But if it's tender, sensual lovemaking, then I wouldn't mind a couple of hours. I mean, the thrusting and mashing your junk together part wouldn't last for hours <i>(don't I make it sound so romantic? XD)</i>. But the foreplay and intimacy, which I find difficult to clearly separate from lovemaking, is something that I could enjoy for ages. It doesn't necessarily need to start in the bedroom - I think that even exchanging teasing glances from across the room or talking to your partner with just the right amount of huskiness or breathiness in your voice can launch that sexy ship out of the harbour. <b>Regrets and such:</b> Well, I wish that my first attempt at fellating a guy had happened with a different person instead (e.g., someone who actually gave a damn about me). But otherwise, no, I don't think I'd do any takesy backsies. <b>Long distance relationships:</b> Answering this question is a bit like opening Pandora's box for me, because I have a <i>lot</i> of thoughts about them. I'm the product of what started out as a long distance relationship, and I've been involved in a few myself, with varying results. While they have their share of challenges, I do believe that long distance relationships can work. But in order for that to happen, <i>both</i> parties need to be invested in it and put in the work. Like in any other relationship, if only one partner is making an effort, things aren't going to end well. My parents were penpals for a year before they got married, and this was in the late 70's when they could only communicate by letters (my mom lived in poverty and didn't have a phone). The rational part of me thinks that them getting married after just knowing each other for a year through freaking <i>letters</i> was hella risky and borderline insane. But I don't attribute the fact that their relationship worked out (they'll be celebrating their 38th wedding anniversary in 2018) to mere luck. Despite living on opposite sides of the world and having a significant age difference (20 years) between them, my parents shared common goals and wanted similar things out of life. And although the odds were against them, they were both committed to seeing things through, or at least meeting one another in person. My mother was very popular and outgoing in her community, and she actually turned down a couple of marriage proposals from men who lived in her area because she wanted to see how things would pan out with my dad. On the surface that doesn't seem very sensible - she was turning down men who she knew could help provide some financial security in favour of meeting a foreigner from a completely different culture who could've very well been writing pages of lies to her. But she believed in him and thankfully he believed in her, and they went on to meet, get married <i>(3 freaking days later, which I think is nuts)</i>, and have 2 kids, one of whom is presently typing out their story for an online community started by a leprechaun who makes erotic audios. If that doesn't show that life works in rather unusual ways, I don't know what does. XD Some years back I was involved in a relationship that started out in person, but then became long distance after I moved to a different province for work. Early in the relationship, I'd told my SO at the time of my intentions to move away, and I said that if that would be a dealbreaker for him, I would understand and be content with just being friends. He said he wanted to pursue a relationship regardless, so I figured that we were both on the same page in terms of wanting to make it work. The relationship ended almost 1.5 years after I'd moved away. Or rather <i>I</i> thought it ended almost a 1.5 years after I left, but I later found out that it actually ended about 1 year after I left and that he'd secretly cheated on me for at least 3-4 months. When you compare it to my parents' situation, my ex and I had had so many more resources at our disposal - phones, Skype, text messages, etc. And yet as time went on, I was the only one putting effort into the relationship. Despite him making more money than I did at the time, he never flew out to see me - I had to fly out to see him. He gradually stopped answering my calls and texts (because he was out with his side chick and didn't want her to see him talking to another woman). But the straw that broke the camel's back is when I flew home for a family emergency (my dad was hospitalized with a brain injury), and <i>he didn't even make the effort to see me</i>. We were in the same fucking city and I was an absolute wreck, terrified that my dad was going to die, and he wouldn't even see me. I ended up having to break up with him in a strongly-worded letter that I delivered directly to his workplace because I couldn't get a hold of him otherwise. It's true that not being in close geographic proximity to one another can be difficult, but it's not the Alpha and Omega of a relationship. Hell, you could live in the same house as your SO, but if both of you aren't committed to each other and putting the work into the relationship - because let's face it, relationships are hard work - then it's only a matter of time before you crash and burn. <b>One night stand:</b> Nein! <i>Ich habe eine riesige naschkatze!</i> (If that's grammatically incorrect, I blame Google Translate)


Hello all, weather here is finally cooling off a bit, it's waaay too early for this kind of heat in my neck of the woods. Spent the night in the ER, with a family member who fell and hit her head at a family gathering, she is fine thankfully no lasting effects. Let's see, I mostly like oversize tees pretty much year round, I pile on the blankets in wintertime. Something I would never do again, I am really trying to not let myself be taken advantage of in friendships, I have a "friend" who thinks I am her personal bank and keeps asking for a loan, and just no sorry can't do it, nope not anymore! Sex time? I like quickies, but if we have the time and a nice romantic setting 45 minutes to an hour is pretty ideal. Wish sex had never happened? Only once do I wish I had waited just a little longer in a realtionship, and I would have seen that that person really didn't care for me, could have saved myself some heartache. I think long distance relationships can definitely work, as long both people have a certain level of maturity and commitment to one another, I do believe in fate, if your meant to be with that person you'll find a way. Nope no one night stands. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.


Loved it - sweet, funny, and informative 💗


Yikes! I hope your relative is doing all right, Calma! Bumps on the noggin are never fun 🤕


Really quiet today... I imagine you are all busssy... acting out Herrn Gael` s challenge, hm? Naughty girlsss... I can almossst hear all the "Fuck me , please" echoing around...


Actually I'm just about to head out for a nice walk along the waterfront before returning to <i>meine Folterkammer</i> (aka. my office) to do more work. I suppose I <i>could</i> do the Friday challenge instead, but Gael didn't exactly set the greatest example when he cheated and didn't start over (just because a word is moaned rather than enunciated doesn't make it any less of a word!) 😝<br><br>What are your plans today, my Queen? Terrorizing the countryside with Frau Claudia's murder kitten? Smashing the clay cellar to smithereens until you find and destroy that infernal frog?


Guten Morgen Mädls. A wonderful Sonntag to everyone! Are you good? I hope so! Guess what? I have some Fragen... What’s the worst dress in your wardrobe? Do you have any Spitznamen - nicknames? What do you do in your car when no one is around? Have you ever found any hidden Schatz - treasure? When you sleep do you tuck both of our legs under the blanket or just one? What colour is your toothbrush? How is your car’s Kofferraum - trunk? Danke for your answers... bis dann. XD Das deutsche Wort - the German word... der Spitzname - nickname Spitz means sharp, so originally it` s meant as a rather hurtfull, offending name. In English nick originates from eke - addition. Hm... it´s nicer in English then... :) Oh and spitz can mean horny too! <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=spitzname" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=spitzname</a>


Hallo, Frau Claudia and ladies! I'm feeling a bit weary and homesick tonight, but I only have about a month of work left until I finally get some vacation time to visit my family. Getting through the next 30-ish days will be tough, but I guess you just have to take it one step at a time 🤷🏻‍♀️ <b>Worst dress:</b> I don't wear dresses very often, but I do have one in my closet that looks more suitable for someone a decade or two older than me (it has a stern, conservative look to it). It's also several sizes too big since it was purchased during what I've dubbed The Obese Years (Size 16 to a 6, baby! 😎) It's a nice shade of purple, though. <b>Any <i>Spitznamen?</i></b> Nein. Although I have entertained the idea of starting to refer to myself as "Tank" IRL, just to see if it would catch on. 🤔 <b>When I be ridin' solo:</b> Swear. Or sing along to my metal playlists. Or a crafty combination of both. "<i>Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht-</i> use your fucking turn signal, you doucheberry!"<br><br> <b>Hidden treasure:</b> Does finding a $10 bill in the pocket of your jeans, just before you throw them in the washing machine, count? Because otherwise, no 😔 <b>Under the blanket:</b> I usually have both legs under the blanket. <b>Toothbrush colour:</b> I have one of them snazzy Oral-B electric toothbrushes, so blue and white. It'd be nice if they came in brighter colours (mainly pink and purple because those are my favourite colours despite being an adult, and I don't even care who knows it 😏) <b>Junk in the trunk (but literally this time):</b> I may or may not still have my winter tires in there 😳 Don't worry, I just gave myself a slap on the wrist for it. If <i>spitz</i> can mean horny, what do you guys make of this? Clever advertising campaign, sexy subliminal message, or actual aphrodisiac? <img height="190" src="http://www.fritolay.com/images/default-source/blue-bag-image/spitz-sunflower-seeds-dill-pickle.png?sfvrsn=2">


Ssso... Herr Gael iss not around. Let` sss post something sssexy ourselvess.... shall we? Yesss!? I´ ll sstart... behold... senssual lizard porn... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2iG860hjDM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2iG860hjDM</a> Ahahahassssss....


Oh my. That was sensual poetry in motion, my Queen. It almost brought a tear to my eye, it was so beautiful 😪<br><br>This is not quite as erotic, but ''tis a fascinating watch nevertheless:<br><br><a href="https://youtu.be/st8-EY71K84" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/st8-EY71K84</a>


Finally listened to this audio. Such childlike wonder. Seanie, you may actually be starting to grow on me. 😉