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I know none of you struggle with this wonderful addiction mmm?

You may have seen this audio show up on the Playroom.  It's from a long long time ago, 2013 I think?  I have a number of old audios that for whatever reason didn't end up on Literotica so they may be new to you!

I hope you're keepin well this Hump day

I have many MANY plans.  Hope you have a seat belt!





first time hearing this and wow, oh so sexy <3


Oh goodness he knows!!! 😱


Yep, sign me up to see the psychiatrist 😜


Happy Wednesday! 😘 I listened to this last night--it was really hot!


XD we all are after listening to him


I think I need to make an appointment. 🎧❤️


And we're not addicted....we can stop any time we want. Right, ladies? 😂


Listened to this beauty yesterday. 😉 I'd gladly admit I do have a bit of a problem but only because you are so damn seductive! 😍


im definitely addicted and im not ashamed lol 😏😘


So I kinda commented without reading the title and I said "you'd be surprised, I'm turned on 99% of the time." Lmao. Now that I read the title, I admit I might have a little audio porn addiction. Especially because it's Gael. But who doesn't? I mean come on. Admit it 😜😉


I guess work has got to wait It's Gael time now!!! And YES I am fucking addicted your audios😍


Exactly! I definitely do not have headphones around me at all times and I definitely do not have any favorite audios that I have on repeat. Nope, not this girl. 😂😜😘


That feeling when Gael gives you an audio at the moment your workday ends 😬😬😬


Take that Irish cream.....ha! Certainly will.....with ice 😜


💖Mmmm, is Doctor Gael in the house? Seems I have a slight problem that only he can help me with. 👂🎧😉 💋


First time listening to this one. No surprise that the part from 5:37 to 7:11 made me move my hips around in pleasure. It feels like it's really happening when I listen to that and it feels so good. Yeah, I might have more than a little addiction to audio porn. No shame at all 😜


Can you cure me of my Gael addiction Sir? I'm afraid I don't have a seatbelt, do you have a belt I can use? Hmmm? XDDD XPPP <3


I'm not an addict... I'm a connoisseur! 😉

Greek Goddess

Are you sure you didn't post it on literotica?Maybe on SoundCloud?Because I remember this audio, Ive listened it somewhere but not on Playroom.


I Miss this.... Thx for posting


Seat belt? To hold on to our chakras? Here in Québec, we say something like "tie up your wool hat with a wire". That's our "brace yourself"... Cause winter is a bitch here... ☕❄⛄

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

I know right!! Thats my iphone life. always on silent because of this Siren God......🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


You're a Québécois, Caryne?! Yay, another Canadian! 😃🙌🇨🇦 (And yes, Quebec winters blow 👎)


I'm sure I've heard this one before outside of the Playroom, too. My guess would be SoundCloud, which is where I first came across Gael's audios 🤔




As many times as I've visited and scrolled through the Playroom, how did I NOT see this one?!? Thank you for posting! And I laughed out loud when you said 'take that Irish cream' because I love Irish cream in my coffee XD ...Oh lord, I think I am an addict...


I love how matter of fact you were in the beginning. I found that just as sexy as the rest of it. Poor, poor Gael. Who knew a condition such as this was so fucking contagious! Thanks Gael! You must have sneezed on every last one of us! Symptoms may include but are not limited to:. Panting. Whimpering. Wetness in the general crotch area. Protruding nipples. A severe case of "hand-to-crotch" disease. Writhing. Sudden impulse to grab phallic shaped objects. Inappropriate moaning. A magnetic attraction to vibrating objects. Sudden convulsing of muscles. An ever growing affinity to growling, sexy ass giggles, sounds of big uncircumcised dicks slapping against skin, Irish accents, Irish cream accompanied with sloppy wet sounds, you may be inflicted. If you experience any of these symptoms including breaking out in a sweat, eyes snapping shut, arching of the spine....please note you are nearing the end of the audio. Please remove hand from between legs an hit rewind!!😷🚑💉💊


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears. A happy Donnerstag - Thursday to everyone! Hope your solstice night was pleasant? Mine surely was... and I´ m still a little groggy... hehe Some assorted Fragen... Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Have you ever had sex in a car? Did you ever have a crush on a teacher? Would you consider yourself romantic? What is your opinion of hickies? What iss the most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten? Danke for your answers... bis später XD Oh... the deutsche word... hmm... das Schloßgespenst - castle ghost We have many of them... muahaha... How to pronounce it: <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=schlo%C3%9Fgespenst" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=schlo%C3%9Fgespenst</a>


Hi, Frau Claudia! Hey, ladies! 😊 Happy almost Thursday! My children have been on summer break for a few weeks, and they are now officially driving me crazy. 😂 I have never gone skinny dipping (can't swim) or had sex in a car--boring! 😋 I wouldn't say I had a crush on a teacher exactly, but I did have an amazing English teacher for two years in high school who I was in awe of/quasi in love with. I wasn't attracted to him physically, but he was absolutely brilliant, one of the smartest people I've met. Plus, he was very stern and had a commanding presence, and I really responded to that. And I was his pet both years, so I reveled in the praise he gave me. If he had ever called me "good girl" I probably would have fainted. 😂 I think I'm a romantic. I love to read romance novels, watch romantic comedies, listen to sappy music, etc. And I like to do things to surprise my husband. I'm a thoughtful gift giver-I know I've done well when I made the recipient cry. I can't think of anything exotic I've eaten.... I love the word of the day, Claudia! Maybe someday I'll encounter a castle ghost! 👻


Gael, when it comes to your plans...who would want to wear a seat belt? I'm gonna need to feel the full force. Lol


👀...she definitely is getting her money's worth with Gael...😂😂😂 yep he's coming back with another addiction!!!Hahaha... Come with one problem leave with another...sounds like a day of shopping ....


Awwww..... It's like looking back at someone's old school photo... It's quite clear how much you've grown (ahem) since 2013. 🙂 Not that this was bad in any way at all! it just really highlighted to me how much more polished your audios are now, and how your skills have developed over such a relatively short time. 🥉🥈🥇🏆


This was so much fun to listen to! This is the "Gael" I remember discovering so long ago that kept me listening. While it had the rawness and energy of your earlier audios, I can see the confidence building in your work and aspects that we've come to expect: the laugh, the growls, the names, and the humor. I love the work that you do now, the way that you have grown and are experimenting and polishing your craft, but it's still fun to go back and experience what got me hooked in the first place. And, I am not addicted in the least -- I can stop at anytime! Really, I can !! LOL (Ah, hell, who am I kidding!)


Awww... I remember thisss one. Didn` t I torture it in my dungeonsss once?... seemsss like it has recovered...


Wait wait wait!!! There is such a thing as "audio porn"???? ...Oh mein Gott! Nobody warned me! And you can become addicted to it? WTF? We all need help!! Quick Herr Gael! Prepare another injection to keep us docile... before crazy withdrawal symptoms are setting in... ahahaha....


APA- Audio Porn Anonymous? Is that a thing??? I don't know, have to look that up. Could potentially need it at some point, especially since the sexy Irishman keeps upping his game all the damn time! Had to buy a new pair of ear buds, but that's because my otherwise sweet little cat has an out of control addiction to chewing on cords (hairdryer cords, tv cords, computer cables, phone cords and on and on😼)


Mmm, Irish cream 🍀 My fave🤤🤤💦💦