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Hey All! It would be lovely if you could share this audio with anyone who's lost a their dog! The 'female' version is on Gaelforceplayroom (http://bit.ly/2rF7Llv)  And I am doing one for cat-lovers as-well!  

(BTW Bobby is fine!)


All Dogs Go To Heaven (Male Dog) | Irish Boyfriend Comfort Role Play

This audio is for listeners who have lost their male dog. If your lovely friend was female, you can hear a version for her, here. http://bit.ly/2rF7Llv I know your heart is broken, but come here and let me comfort you... ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Did you ever end up making a cat one? I just got some bad news about my kitty today and would love to hear it if it's available. I tried searching on here, but couldn't find it.

Kelly S

G... Why today???? 😢


Coming up to a year since I lost my boy, not over him in any way 😔

Kathy M

You're doing a cat one too? Kill me now. 💔😿


Fortunately I haven't experienced such a loss yet, but I send all the love to anyone who has! 💕 Gael, you are such a sweetheart for providing such a comfort. I hope it helps someone out there.


It's been 4 years since I lost my pup and it still hurts.


Are you trying to make me cry? 😘💕


Haven't listened yet but I already know this is a sweet comfort audio ❤️


This man said your grief becomes grace. 🙌🙌🏾


Aww how sweet! Scared me a little at first😟 thought something happened to bobby. Peace to anyone who has lost a precious fur baby!


I lost my almost 12 year old black pug (Fonzy) in August last year. I haven't listened yet, and part of me is reluctant to, but I will try later on when I have a quiet moment (and no make up on)


Oh man this is amazing and perfect. And you're doing one for cat lovers. 😍 You always think of everyone don't you?


I'm sure a lot of you have seen this before, but I thought it seemed fitting:<br><br><img height="300" src="http://heavensrainbowbridge.com/images/1/Rainbow-Bridge-Poem.jpg"><br><br>This was a lovely, thoughtful audio, Gael - thank you for that. And a big hug to anyone who's lost a fur baby (or feather/scale baby) 🌷


I just balled my eyes out. I was thinking about my dog this morning too. Thank you for leading me down memory lane with her. You're the best, just in case I haven't told you lately. ❤❤❤


Even after 5 years the pain is still here when I look at pictures of my dog. She was the nicest dog ever. I think I'll be too emotional for the cat audio... Two years ago I had to let one of my cats go to Heaven, after two years battling with tumours (we even made her small clothes so she wouldn't lick her wounds after surgeries) and diabetes. 💔

Gri (Sassy_One)

You are loved and appreciated beyond words, G! 😌☺️


I thought the same thing as some of the other ladies, as far as Bobby! You are so thoughtful to do this. Thank you!


I am so glad you put the btw up there, that was my first thought....


Phew!😥 Thank God Bobby is ok lol. Anyhoo thanks Gael for this. This is so thoughtful and am sure it will bring comfort for the petlovers who just lost their best friend.😘


One suggestion for your pet comfort audios do a male and female version for both cats and dogs. I


This was so sweet, thank you😙 The hardest thing I've ever had to do was say good-bye to my Buffy, my first baby really. I was devastated, but had to help my family through as they were hurting, too. An audio like this would have helped so much at the time -- I am sure it will help others now, too! 😊


I know that I won't be able to listen to this without bawling, so without having listened, I will just say thank you for being so thoughtful. ❤


When you said about giving him a hug - "That's yours to keep forever"... Well, that was me gone, like ugly crying 😭


Yup I did :) The male version is on my channel and the female is on GaelforcePlayroom


Mo bhuíochas... Asanti


My Jack Russell, Eddie, used to run full laps around the first floor of the house, then around the garage, then back around the house, then around the garage again before settling down every night when we brought him in the house. That was the first thing I thought about when you mentioned 'good memories'. He died suddenly in 2012, and I still cry thinking about that day. ...I'm a sobbing mess right now thinking about it...but I remembered more good times with him, thanks to this.

Kathy M

Im so sorry Kelly and to everyone who's known the pain of losing a loved furry one. I lost my first pet, a cat, to cancer 13 years ago. I still miss her frowny face and sassy personality terribly. I think about her all the time 💔

Meghan McDonald

This one made me bawl.I miss my Molly :(


This is so so sweet. I recently lost my doggo and this made me cry so much. So sweet of you Gael


Okay, I listened. I thought I was prepared. And then you went and said that dogs' unconditional love for us is a mirror of our love for them. Cue my descent into the ugly cry. 😭


So sweet, Gael! 💜 Such a hard thing to go through as they become family.


So, Mädls... how´ s your day so far? I hope it´ s sweet... :) As we are in the pet thread I` ll tell you what my kitten just brought me. A strange cat` s toy... he must have stolen it somewhere down in the village. I` m so proud! Hahaha... The little rascal! At first I thought he` d caught a rare purple, glittery fairy weasel... I was a little disappointed as it was just a toy... :(


😂😂😂 I was studying my Frau. Next Wednesday is final exam time. I'm also going to the vet in a bit, black doggy needs another shot just to be sure he won't get infected again. The other one is doing great too after 2 days of being sick. Pups 🐶


<b>PSA:</b>the Literotica library is done, find it in the library thread: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/11736336">https://www.patreon.com/posts/11736336</a>


This was very touching. The way I experience grief is fairly the same regardless of the cause. Death, separation, break-ups, all process the same way. My emotions, my memories run deep. I have never been very successful with tucking them away or dismissing them.<br><br>What I love most about your comfort and meditation audios is that they are very similar to how I naturally process things. You talk about acknowledging, accepting, and letting thoughts or emotions pass through. It's ok to be sad or have negative thoughts but don't hold on to them or dwell.<br><br>I think it is more realistic. It's what I learned to do early in life. I call it making peace with my ghosts. I no longer hide from or fight them. They stop by for a visit, we have some tea, and they go on their way.<br><br>As I listened, I remembered my spunky little Roxy who's death forced me to teach my young son about loss, my giant cuddle buddy Flood who I had to rehome a couple of months ago because he needed more space to run free, and my parents who I lost years ago. I shared some tea with my ghosts and we reminisced. I was sad, I was happy, and then we all went on about our day.💕


Wow - thanks, Angie! I'm sure you've made everyone's GF audio treasure hunt a lot easier 😃 You've also made my day a lot funnier now that I know that Gael once made an audio called "The Tits That Saved Christmas" 😆 <br><br><i>(What was that audio even about? Brownie points for anyone who can provide a synopsis!) </i>


Good afternoon my dears... I need some uplifting summer songs. Bitte? Here it´´ s hot and I` m lazy and I have to throw ugly pots (for a customer... I told him they won` t be besonders schön oder praktisch - nice or useful... but he insists on his silly design...) Though later I have to sculpt some lizards... bahaha... I LMAO as the customer told me what she wanted. But she didn` t like my idea to put little crowns on them... :( Spielverderber - spoilsport...XD


Hahahaha 😂 🌴Summer Paradise by Simple Plan🌞 that's my go to 😉


Another late and lonely night in the office (I've outstayed the cleaning crew!), and I'll confess that I'm craving human interaction of some kind. I suppose that I <i>could</i> call a local escort service and pay for the boyfriend or best friend experience, but it's probably cheaper and safer to just talk here. (Although I came <i>this</i> close to actually hiring a male escort to be my date for my brother's wedding almost 9 years ago, but that's another story for another time 😝)<br><br>For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice ☀️ is upon us! (For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, you'll be saddled with Winter Solstice ❄️, but don't worry - you'll get your meteorological revenge in December when us Northern folk are freezing our asses off! 😨) Does anyone here do anything to celebrate the Solstice? My guess would be that Frau Claudia probably has the day off because Bavaria seems to celebrate everything, but what about the rest of you guys?


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. It´ s Mittwoch - Wednesday again. Hope everyone has a pleasant day!? And it´ s June 21st... Sommersonnenwende - summer solstice! It` s a magical, fiery night! Are you celebrating it? Ja? (And... no, I don´t have the day off, Frl. Doktimus! But I do celebrate. XP) Here´ s a little ritual we do... try it if you are in the mood? :) Light a fire or just a candle (maybe one in your favourite colour). Take a nice sheet of paper and write down what you wanna leave behind and what you wish for in the future then burn it. Now jump or just step 3 times over your fire/candle and now your wishes will come true (maybe. Haha...) Or bind a little flower wreath (daisies are good!) and wear it for a while... In the evening put it under your pillow and you will dream of your future lover. :) The random Fragen... hm... Just tell us what` s on your mind right now. What` s the last thing you ate? What` s the colour of your underwear today (if you wear any)? Can you touch your Gaumenzäpfchen - uvula with your tongue? (I read somewhere that it should be highly erotic? 0.o) What do you think about birds as pets? That´ s it... danke for your answers my dears. Das deutsche Wort - the German word... die Sommersonnenwende - summer solstice <a href="http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/sommersonnenwende" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/sommersonnenwende</a> See you later... XD


Awww honey, sorry for your situation at the present moment. You keep your head up! You'll find the perfect companion, they're out there! You be safe going home, we don't want another replay of the other night, ok? Kisses!!! Oh yeah...not doing anything but roasting in my own juices for the solstice. It's about 95°F here in hot ass Colorado 💥🌋🌞🔥


Happy Mittwock and Sommersonnenwende to you Claudia and everyone!  Thank you for the ritual Frau C, I do love rituals so I will try tomorrow,  fire and I have not always done well together so wish me luck, but who knows, if it goes badly, I could end up meeting a sexy fireman!!  Here are some answers to the fragen:  Interestingly, the thing on my mind is getting some dinner because the last thing I ate was some watermelon for lunch, and that was 8 hours ago. Underwear today are purple lace.  Nope can't touch my uvula with my tongue. So far I'm 0 for 3 in that department, no to nose, elbow and now uvula. Birds as pets are fun, I once raised a pigeon who'd been abandoned by his mom, and growing up we raised parakeets.  As an adult though, I'd probably pass on feathers and go with a furry kitten! Good luck sculpting the lizards, how you kept a straight face when you heard that request I'll never know!!


Good afternoon tasssty human femalesss... I need a disstraction... there´ ss a frog hiding somehwere in Frau Claudia` s clay cellar. It` sss croaking is driving us crazy... and we can´ t find it... Ssso let` s talk about... Gael. What` ss your all time favourite "Gael Word"? ... maybe enerdree? I favour "dangerousss" ...of course when he says it it has lessser ssss and sounds more like "danedrous"... it` ss too cute.


Good day, my Queen! I'm currently sitting in the waiting room of my doctor's office, covertly eavesdropping on a funny conversation the other patients are having about trying to catch bats with a butterfly net. I'd attempt something like that myself, but I'm too wary about the risk of getting the good ol' rabies.<br><br>Favourite Gael words? Hmm..."enerdree" and "ener-gree" are classics. Anything with the "th" sound, like "think", "three", etc. It's always interesting to hear similarities and differences between how various parts of the world pronounce the same words. My mom says "think" and "three" the same way Gael does, even though she's not even close to being Irish. <br><br>Oh, and "sangwich". But mostly because I'm hungry right now.