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You know it drives me crazy when you walk around wearing my shirt...




Omg, you're so lucky to have experienced that!! Being with a guy who can just keep going for hours and hours is one of my biggest fantasies ever. 😍


Mmmmf! This is seriously too much. Bouncing on Gael's lap while his big, strong hands pull me up and down on him is Life Goals. And maybe it makes me a dirty girl, but I wouldn't have let him pull out. I would have just slid all the way down on him and ground my hips into him until I drained him of every last drop. 😍💚


One... or 5. 😂 Sounds like this will have to be a group effort since Gael apparently likes to make quite a mess. After all, one can never be too clean. 😉


everything about this is soooo damn delicious


Yay! Happy Friday! 😘


Yay! Been waiting for this! And no students today 😉😊


I wanna wear your shirt, and I wanna walk around while you watch me wearing your shirt, and I want you to tell me your shirt looks great on me, then I want you to tell me it'll look even better on your bedroom floor. That is all 😂💚😏


Happy Friday, all! Have a great day 💋💋💋


You should wear your shirts and sell them as merchandise 😉 Mmmm I'd buy it 😘

Rose from Ash

Gael's shirt would immediately become my favorite outfit.


I think I just died and I'm in heaven now 😍 this hit every single one of my spots and now I can't go on... dammit Gael. ❤️

Kathy M

I need all your shirts!!!


So nice to find this after my meeting. Would love to smell your shirt. Gonna try to enjoy a coffee while i take a break and listen. BRB! 🎧❤️


I have a joke about wearing a man's clothes...<br><br>A newlywed couple is in the honeymoon suite getting ready for bed on their wedding night.<br><br>The groom looks over at the bride and tosses his trousers over to her.<br><br>He tells her to put them on. She looks at him confused and says "These are never going to fit me."<br>He tells her again to just put them on and she'll find out why in a minute.<br><br>She looks at him and says, "See, I can't wear these. They won't even stay up."<br><br>The groom replies, "That's right, now you know who wears the pants around here."<br><br>The bride looks over at the groom and tosses her panties over to him.<br><br> She tells him to put them on. He looks at him confused and says "These are never going to fit me."<br><br>She tells him again to just put them on and he'll find out why in a minute.<br><br>He looks at her and says, "See, I can't get into these. I can't get them up past my knees."<br><br>The bride replies, "That's right, with an attitude like that you never will." 😂💋💕


Mmmm damn that was good.


<img src="http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/14269002_255811924822042_68753681855545344_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM4MDAwNDk1ODYyMzA4MzgyOA%3D%3D.2"><br><br>...and with this I'm back to studying...


I did say I would "try." Did I hear him correctly? He did mention something about cream? 😜 BTW...had to put the cup down. Total FAIL! 🎧❤️


That ending tho💧😍


O.M.G, GAEL!!! .... FUCK ... That was.... I have no words ... Now that I've regained my composure, I can return to my day. *Thank you to whoever inspired this!!!* 🔥🔥🔥


IKR?! Almost, derailed my plans for a productive morning!


Hwaaaa some fave moves from audio:<br> 1. shoulder biting<br> 2. tongue sucking<br> 3. nipples on your chest (i love these body part to body part descriptions)<br> 4. nipple play (biggest turn on for me)<br><br> Ya just keep getting sexier and sexier... keep going! 😘


Hmmmm... a very nice piece! You cum like only you can... very Gael-esque! Those sounds... grrrhmmm... And a very sexy scenario... done with much Fingerspitzengefühl. I only wish you would have elaborated the shirt aspect more... ;)


Won't be able to enjoy it until Sunday, I'm so frustrated!! 😩


Oh my lord! Definitely worth waiting for! Words are absolutely failing me at the moment -- and that never happens! LOL Let's say this is NOT the reaction experienced in my house if I wear my hubby's shirt. This was pure raw, sexual energy at its best that was just amazing to listen to. Such a great way to start my weekend and some time away. Thank you!!


It's also a sign I'm too worn out to go looking for my clothes. And a sign that someone needs to do laundry...but I like yours much better..😂😘


Blah. I couldn't get the internet on my phone to work. It finally started working after my lunch break so I can't listen until later 😫 Oh well. If I can't listen now I'll save it for later tonight 😏😍


Wow. Um....wow. 😳 That was really hot. So many things I love about this one. Putting your belt around her, the shoulder biting, your whimpers (good heavens, the whimpers...) I don't know how you manage, but you weave a little something magical into every audio you make--each one has some special, gorgeous moment that makes it uniquely delicious. And now I'm a blushing, trembling mess, and I have to go to a book club meeting with a bunch of ladies from work. 😂 Wish me luck! 💕


Must save for later. A certain young teen next to me is too curious for his own good on this train....😎


I'm at work trying to type and I don't know what the shit I just sent off!!! That's what I get for trying to be brave!!!


Ho mon dieu ! 🌋🌊🔥quel orgasme, thanks Gael 💖


We just went right into it!. No time wasted. 👍


Someone decided to talk to me while I was listening to this. 😐


So there's sex in it? 😂


OMFG...I think my irregular heart beat just got more irregular!!! (Having a major hot flash from this!!)


That... Was..... Intense😌😉


Patreon ate my earlier comment. Good looking out Patreon, cuz I didn't need to say it. 😂😂 Not publicly anyway.


So, I tried to work through this. No fucking way. Eyes closed, tingles all over before long. TGIF


Wow, to quote a lesser known Yorkshire phrase, "That gave me Fanny Gallop" 😂😉


And I just realised that Fanny means different things in different places. Here in the UK it's another word for your lady garden, lol 😂 Fanny Gallop is also known as Minge Twinge, if you want to mix it up a bit 😉


The ending was good. And I am confused as to why it is tagged as romantic. That's all I have to say about it.


I finally have a bit of intimacy to listen... 😍 This is so hot, I loved every minute of it! I'll give a second listen when I'm back home!


If my man reacted this way to me wearing his shirt, I would never wear my own clothes again...


Okay, so I may or may not have been moving my hips around in my seat, biting my lip, and squeezing my thighs together listening to this 😳 This was so sexy 😍


Alert illuminates my phone while at my desk, earbuds go in and a giant smile takes over my face as Gael goes from 0-60 in 2 seconds 😮 Almost immediately, coworker walks over: "what are you listening to?" me: “oh um YouTube, Jim Gaffigan doing his ranty bit about seafood in Boston, you know, Bahhhhsttoonnn.” I don’t even know where I pulled that lie from, but he believed me 🤣


That asmr cum gives me... tingles 😉 i love the special attention given to your cock and fluids throughout the process ;) maybe one us could volunteer and clean it up for you... 😇


Oh my god, that orgasm...! *shivers* Unnff!!


I like the Elf t-shirt and I'd totally wear something like that at Christmas. And I adore Will Farrell as an actor. But gosh, his #Elfie face would be such a mood killer 😦 I wouldn't want Will Farrell as Buddy the Elf watching me get down with my bad self 😱


How do u wank and talk at the same time?


😍 New favorite! Omg.


Happy Saturday, ladies and gents! It's almost 6 am in my part of the world and I've given up trying to fall back asleep - sadly Seanie's technique of counting sheep is as ineffective as he claims 😞 This might be a bit weird to ponder so early in the day (or to even ponder at all), but I found myself thinking about the lovely community of ladies (and possibly men) that we have here on Patreon. I've been here since late December, and the place has grown by leaps and bounds since then. I can only imagine how much bigger it may seem to those of you who have been here since the very beginning. I've previously said that this community is a friendly and welcoming place, and I still stand behind that opinion. But what I don't think I've ever said before was that there was a time back in February when I seriously contemplated leaving. There had been a misunderstanding or two at the time, and I know that I'd misinterpreted some things on my part. But the end result was that I felt like a fish out of water, and I was worried that people thought that I was a buzz-killing nuisance. (Maybe some people <i>do</i> think I'm a buzz-killing nuisance, which I wouldn't have any problem with because we're all allowed to think what we want and certainly no one has ever been unkind to me here. 🤷🏻‍♀️) Ultimately I decided to stay because I realized that in a community of any size, disagreements or differences of opinion are inevitable. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that - diversity is one of this community's biggest strengths! Among the 624(!) Patrons here, we span the gamut in terms of age (but hopefully we're all 18+ for legal purposes 😧), ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, careers, life experiences, etc. In the 6-ish months I've been here, I've had the opportunity to hear so many different perspectives and ideas, not just about Gael's audios, but about topics like music, books, families, jobs and so much more. But more importantly than that, I've been able to meet fantastic people who not only are fun to banter with, but who are there to offer support and kind words at the drop of a hat. Although we may not know each other person, that doesn't mean that the positive impacts we have on one another are any less significant. The last couple of months haven't been too stellar for me, but I know that I can always pop onto Patreon and have some smiles and laughs at the following (which by no means is an exhaustive list): - The antics of the Lizard Queen 🦎 - Frau Claudia's seemingly endless supply of <i>Fragen</i>, as well as everyone's unique answers to them 📝 - Whichever elaborate, impressive, and entertaining/useful project Angie is up to at any given time 🎁 - Beautiful pictures that many of you have posted on the Community page of your pets, travels, artwork, and more 🌅🏞 - All the bantz (from G-rated to R-rated - there are some delightfully dirty minds here 😜) - Reviews of Gael's audios (which range from thoughtful commentaries to sexually charged positive feedback to our collective pity that Seanie will never get the hole he yearns for so badly) 🗳 - Kind, supportive words and advice for any Sirens/Lovelies/Sexy Justice League superheroes in crisis (this has always impressed me the most and I'd say it's probably <i>the</i> biggest factor that sets this community apart from others that I've seen over the years) 💞 I'm sure there's been a lot of change here since Gael first started his Patreon page, and things will undoubtedly continue to evolve as his audio career (and audience) grows over time. I know the dynamic and interactions here might not be everyone's cup of tea and there's nothing wrong with that - we all operate differently. But at least on my end, I'm really grateful for the community of awesome ladies and gents here, I'm proud to hang out at the cool kids table with all of you, and I'm looking forward to all of the hilarity and sexiness and good vibes that are yet to come 🤗❤️ <i>(At the rate things are going, Seanie just might make it to second base before the end of the decade! 👍)</i>


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Awww you ❤❤❤😘 (I still feel bad to this day for being an asshole... 😶 But I really do love ya Doc! ❤)


Ok, this reminded me of something it's taken me a while to get used to. My first ever partner, who I was with for a few years, had a nonexistent refractory period. Zero, zilch, nada. I'm being 100% truthful with y'all when I tell you that he could cum 7 or 8 times in a row without stopping. Me having no prior experience, I vaguely knew that wasn't the norm, but I had no idea until after we broke up how bizarre and medically rare that is. So, I was, uh... disappointed, to say the least, when I found out the reality with 99.9% of men. I am game until the point where I pretty much collapse from exhaustion. Still haven't encountered a man who can keep up (women, absolutely, my girlfriend is such a good sport). So audios with such a quick rebound are *really* exciting.


So I couldn't sleep and decided to listen again. Was relaxed and enjoying the audio when I heard it a few moments in -- the buttons on the shirt! YES! Don't know how I missed that the first time around, but I totally did. Some people like belt sounds, I prefer buttons, and you captured it perfectly! And you did it by keeping it subtle, without ripping fabric or buttons pinging hither and yon, which is more distracting than sexy to me. Bravo, Sir Gael! You are the master! 😊

Greek Goddess

I have only one thing to say: Fuuuuuuuckkkkkk! 🤤

Lois Geal

Gael, STAAAAPP 😭😍💗


Okay, so I took a five day break from the NSFW audios, and holy FUCK, Gael. I came back to this audio and I just... I don't understand how... 8 fucking times, Gael. 8 times! In 15 minutes!


Gael, you moaning at the end made my sadism kick in. XD


Gael, those sounds you made when you came, I had to shove some Pringles in my mouth to stop myself from making noises in front of people! God damn, you are too sexy for this world!


idk how i can be in love with a person i never met 😂😂😂