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Omg!!!!!! Yummy!!!!!




Damn. This is going to be better than the movie


-heavy breathing-


Love love love it 😘😘




I'm so excited!!!! 😄


He looks like he has been waiting for me...very impatiently...and he doesn't like to be kept waiting. 🤤


Trying to contain my excitement 😉 *crosses legs*


Nice ❤


Nice! Congrats on completing it! 🎉🎉🎉


Nice! 😍 Congratulations! 🙌 But I think it would look better if that were you... 😙😙😙


Very sexy! You should be proud of all that you've accomplished. 💋


Calm down babe

Gri (Sassy_One)

Jaysus, lad, that's crazy sexy!! I do not pity the girl, tho...they're in for some sweet sweet audio death, like!


Is it Bryan Ferry


He looks a bit like Josh Duhamel😉 Congrats on the album! 😙


Very nice! 😚 So happy for you for all that you've been able to accomplish -- moving up in the world! 💕


Unbuttoned shirt, a tie and he's rolling up his sleeves... what's not to like?


Well that's gonna sell. I'm so proud, friend. 😍


Yessss! 😍


NICE....❤️ Part of me wishes it was "69 Shades of Gaelforce"


P.S. HUGE congratulations !!!! I shall have a drink to celebrate for you tonight. I'm selfless like that.


Can't wait to listen to the collection! 👏👄😈


Congrats, Gael! I think I'm going to need CPR after listening to this album 😜😏


Yes! It is perfect! 👏🏻 Can't wait for it to cum out! 😈💋


Rolling up your sleeves?💕 Nice cover! We'll wear headphones. We're good girls.


Hm... it´´ sss surely not a Geschmacksssverirrung... Though I` d prefer... "60 Shadesss of Scaless"... Oh well to each hisss own...


You go Mr. Mayor! ❤👍


Looking forward to it! 🎊 Thank you for all your hard work! 😇


Niccccceeeeee whens it available?


Smiles and giggles....cannot hide my excitement! Thank you, thank you.


You see now that picture made my heart tiny skip a beat... I like it Gael 👍🏻 mucho gracias 😉


Who is that guy tho. 👀😏🙈




Dashing! I like! Congrats!😍👍👍




Congratulations!!!Your sincere effort deserve a success and it will be a success.No Doubt!All the best👏👏


Noice!...looks sexy 👏🏽❤️


Love it! 👍


Does anyone else wonder why suits/dress shirts/ties seem to have become the official <i>"Come hither"</i> outfit for men? I'm pretty sure this was the case well before 50 Shades of Suck came out.<br><br>Since passing on one's genetic material is the end goal from an evolutionary perspective, females are apparently supposed to be more drawn to males who would be able to protect and provide for them and their offspring. I don't think it's as black and white as that when it comes to humans, but you have to admit, people who wear suits are often viewed as cunning, successful, and powerful. Is that why there seems to be a general sense of attractedness towards them? Or maybe it's a <i>"Anyone who is</i> that <i>disciplined and professional during the day must let loose and become a demon in the sack by night!"</i> sort of thing?<br><br>It's still a great album cover, though. 👍 But if Seanie ever gets his own album, please don't give him a total dud of a cover or else he's going to end up with an inferiority complex. 😟 Maybe his cover could feature him standing with his arms crossed, white shirt unbuttoned to show off his impressive pecs and abs, with a scantily clad woman on either side of him. 😎


You know this is gonna be good when even the cover is a tease :D I like it! Congrats, Gael!


I wonder about the suitsss too, my dear Fräulein. I never had a thing for suitsss... they tassste awful... I prefer nice, chewy leather pantss! And I don´ t think Seanie hass impressive ...anythings to ssshow off...


Oh my 😍


Yesssss 😍😍😍

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh this is hot🔥🔥🔥😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍


Ohhh... he` s rolling up his sleeve! I thought he was making the money gesture! Bahaha... just kidding... a little XP


Well, you have to pay the cow before you can get the milk. 😝 Nothing is sexier than being 50 shades of fiscally responsible and saving for dat retirement, tho 🤓


WTG Gael!!! Can't wait for the release!! When will that be??


Very inviting Cover! I wouldn't mind having a photo session with the infamous Force to create more Cover photos for future projects. I promise to leave you satisfied ;) :)


Ooh, provocative! Congrats Gael!!


Guten Morgen Sirens. A happy Freitag - Friday to y` all! My kitten brought me a mouse today... but I saw him lie in wait for some chickens earlier. :) Die Fragen... would you rather... ... give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month? ... be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind? ... be able to be free from junk mail or free from email spam for the rest of your life? ... see what was behind every closed door or be able to guess the combination of every safe on the first try? ... never be able to eat meat or never be able to eat vegetables? Danke for your answers my dears. Das deutsche Wort des Tages - the German word of the day... das Fingerspitzengefühl - the ability to tactfully and skillfully handle a situation Literally it means "fingertip feeling". It´s hard to translate... Here´s a link how to aussprechen - pronounce it (somewhat) ;) <a href="https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/fingerspitzengef%C3%BChl" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/fingerspitzengef%C3%BChl</a> Have a nice day... bis später XD


A pleasant <i>Freitag</i> to everyone's favourite Frau and to all of the other lovely ladies here! The daily <i>Fragen</i> came at an opportune time for me because it gives me something with which I can distract from myself from my present state. I feel like I'm crashing and burning at work, so I've spent the last 20 minutes daydreaming that I'm lounging on a beach at sunset, or lying in a grassy field at sunrise, or stargazing out on a boat in the middle of a lake at midnight, or basically just existing anywhere else but my damned office at 10 pm. Some days it's hard to resist the urge to just walk away from everything, but for practical reasons, I can't just get up and leave. So instead I swear under my breath, shed a tear or two or maybe 250 mls worth, take a deep cleansing breath and then move on because I'm all on my own and really, what else is there to do? #emo #dramallama #fml But enough of that because it's 🛑 <del>hammer</del><i>Fragen</i>time! <b>No bathing or no Internet:</b> Well, the problem with this is that I use the Internet regularly for work. But the prospect of not bathing for a month seems really, really gross. If I <i>had</i> to choose, then I'd pick no Internet because then I could at least unplug from society in one respect and replace it with things like reading, going for long walks, or all the other things people did before the Internet was a thing. <b>Animals or electronics:</b> I'd pick electronics. Even if we don't understand them quite the way we understand ourselves as humans, animals are still unique beings deserving autonomy. I wouldn't feel right trying to control them, whereas being able to control electronics would be super handy in this day and age. For example, maybe I could actually get my damned work computer to function properly since it goes all FUBAR every time the server gets updated, which is <i>all the time</i>. 😠 <b>No junk mail or no email spam:</b> I'd eliminate spam. Occasionally junk mail can be useful (e.g., you might get a good coupon from a store or maybe a menu from a new restaurant in the area). Plus I've yet to receive a flyer from the infamous Nigerian prince, or a totally legitimate and not-at-all suspicious letter describing how there's been "unauthorized activity" on my credit card or PayPal accounts. <b>Closed doors or combinations:</b> I'd pick the ability to see behind closed doors, hands down. Sure, maybe I could steal several thousands of dollars by being able to crack open safes with ease. But to never again accidentally walk in on a friend or family member having sex/jerking off/watching porn, and to avoid all of awkwardness that ensues thereafter? That's priceless, plain and simple. <b>No meat or no veggies:</b> From a purely taste perspective, I'd give up veggies. But from a practical standpoint, I probably wouldn't be able to fulfill all of my nutritional requirements without veggies. So as much as it irks me as a meat lover, I have to grudgingly acknowledge that the vegetarian route would be the best way to go. 😒 <i>(But you'd have to pry away my dessert from my cold, dead hands - no way am I giving </i>that<i> up 😑)</i> At first glance, I thought that <i>fingerspitzengefühl</i> was going to be a naughty word. Like, "Ooh, baby, let me slip you the <i>fingerspitzengefühl</i> into your hot, wet, sensual <i>Muschi</i>." 😈 But I guess your definition makes much more sense, Frau Claudia!

Ileandra & Raven

Oooh, I like that. I like that very much. So how on earth do you go about putting an album together?


These comments are a million miles long. Damn!!!!!


I am suprised you associated your brand with that horrendous fanfic trilogy that was so poorly written I couldn't finish the 5 sentence excerpt from. I'm sure it will be very successful, just as the fanfic was, and appreciate the fact that the title will likely draw more clicks because of it. I just think you are far better. I am so happy you are releasing another book and wish you all the success in the world with it. I know it will fly off the virtual shelves.


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - dears. Hope you all have a wonderful Samstag - Saturday!? Weekend plans? Something special maybe? Hm? I´ll have a lot of relatives here to celebrate my Mama`s Geburtstag - birthday. :) That means a lot of work, squabbling... and ja fun! Die Fragen... I like those "thit or that" questions this week, so... Hot chocolate or coffee? Morning or evening? Painting or drawing? Singing or dancing? 50’s or 80’s music? Pandas or whales? Stuff animals or dolls? Danke for your answers Lieblinge - lovelies... see you later. Das deutsche Wort des Tages - the German word of the day... die Brustwarzen - nipples literally "breast warts"... we often just say Nippel nowadays. ;) Here´s a link how to aussprechen - pronounce it (somewhat) <a href="http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/Brustwarzen" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/Brustwarzen</a> And if you wanna try and sound like a true German in bed you could say... "Ja, lutsch meine Brustwarze! - Yes, suck my nipple!" Bahaha... I think German is really un-sexy! That´s why I love Gael... though I have to admit, even his German sounds sexy... ;)


Hello Claudia! Here are my answers: Hot chocolate or coffee? Hot chocolate Morning or evening? Morning Painting or drawing? Both. Singing or dancing? Singing 50’s or 80’s music? 50s Pandas or whales? I love them both Stuff animals or dolls? Stuffed animals. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Wow, the <i>Fragen</i> are especially early today, Frau Claudia! There are still 4 hours left in Freaky <i>Freitag</i> for me, although it's been a long, strange day and I'm ready for it to be over. I hope your <i>mutter</i> has a wonderful birthday and that everyone enjoys the festivities!<br><br><b>Hot chocolate or coffee:</b> My beloved coffee, which is my personal ambrosia. <i>(Useless fact: My mom initially wanted to name me "Ambrosia" but thankfully my dad vetoed that decision and bestowed a much more awesome moniker upon me, which I don't think I've ever mentioned here before and is best left a mystery 😝)</i> <b>Morning or evening:</b> Evening. I'm a night hawk, not an early bird. <b>Painting or drawing:</b> Neither, for I suck at both. Can I pick colouring instead? I'm pretty good at staying in between the lines, if I may say so myself 👍 <b>Singing or dancing:</b> Once again, I suck at both. But with time and effort I could probably learn to dance, whereas I thinking singing lessons would be a hopeless venture. So I guess I'll pick shaking my groove thing since I'd make less of a fool of myself 😝 <b>50's or 80's music:</b> I'd have to go with 80's music by default because I'm not familiar with any 50's music. But it's worth pointing out that the 80's <i>was</i> a fucking awesome decade for music. It's also the decade I was born in, so I have to show some loyalty to it 👏 <b>Pandas or whales:</b> Pandas 🐼 They're fuzzy and adorable and you have to give props to any creature that can eat over 12 kg of bamboo a day 😮 <b>Stuffed animals or dolls:</b> Stuffed animals. I've never had nightmares of being hunted by evil stuffed animals that inexplicably came to life, but you can bet that <i>Child's Play</i> made me shit bricks when I was a kid 😱 Ooh, a sexy word of the day! I shall have to remember the phrase <i>"Ja, lutsch meine Brustwarze!"</i> because <del>much like tonguefucking, breast play is also one of the best things ever</del> I hold out hope that I will one day seduce Till Lindemann. 😈


Even though 50 Shades of Grey seems to portray an extremely unhealthy relationship rather than actual BDSM, I think BDSM itself is still fairly "underground" as far as sexual practices go. Unfortunately 50 Shades is the most mainstream thing associated with BDSM, so calling the album "50 Shades of Gaelforce" is probably the easiest way to clue people in to the fact that it'll be a collection of BDSM audios. I doubt that another novel with BDSM themes, like <i>Story of O</i>, would be well known enough for readers to recognize a title based of it (plus <i>Story of G</i> has a bit of a weird ring to it 😕)


Morning or evening: I love the evening especially twilight! (Not the movie-going still haven't seen it!). really like both. Drawing, growing up, was sometimes the only entertainment we had growing up so i got pretty OK at it. Then I started watching Bob Ross and fell in love. I finally got up the gumption to try my hand at his technique.