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We've had our rest baby, I can't resist you any more...




You've made my awakening per-fect! Thank you Mr Force... 😜


Feels like the first time. Ever been with a man who when you fuck, every time feels like the first time, feels like the very first time? I have, but it wasn’t because he was Just that good, but because he had multiple personalities. This audio feels like the very fist time! Way to go G -`ღ´- ♥‿♥


What way to wake up! All the kissing was amazing and sexy!


the sensuality, your whimpers....all so delicious


First :)


Was wondering how long we'd have to wait for this...Thank you!!!! 🎧❤️💋


30 minutes! Yes please 😭😭😭


Yay! 30 minutes!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Phew! Composing like Beethoven today!


Aw, ready for some beach time with you! 💕 How lucky we are. Thank you, sir. 😘


You have been a very busy boy 😉😉. Pun intended.....


Fucking finally! Some soixante-neuf! You so rarely do that and its my personal favourite......👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


The 30 minute audios are my favourites 😍 Thank you 😘😋


Now to give you some unusable feedback: that was perfect. 😘😜 It really was.❤


I agree, you have been busy this week -- feeling a bit spoiled this weekend! Have to listen later when I can really enjoy it. (Promising myself to shut off the brain for a bit!) Thank you!




Gael, how's a girl supposed to function the rest of the day when she starts out like this?? I need some recovery time. 🎧💋❤️


Gael. Take me to the beach. Please. Like, right now!!


Going to have to save this for tonight, I keep getting interrupted


I love how the scene is put together. Your voice & approach to the audio - I dun believe I have heard anything from you that is remotely close to the feel of this audio. Yet another achievement unlocked. This is what I would call a truly sensual & exquisite piece.


I don't even know what I could say about this two-part audio, it's just perfect.


2 words.....Oh my! Lol 😉😘


Gael, this is the most romantic sex scenes of all your audios for me, thank you.


So many words to say but no ways to say them...maybe it's right when they say that the most sincere feelings are the hardest to be expressed by words.This piece topped my fav. Striptease and that is all I can say right now!!!


I'm glad you all like so far! This piece is totally off the cuff and is basically me getting out of the way and letting 'it' speak through me Whatever 'it' is I thought I'd give ye a break from the dirty kinky stuff haha Be warned tho... things will get bumpy really quickly soon again 😂


Sensual kink is still kink...the oral worship, teasing, its torture. Slow aching exquisite torture. I see you!💖💋. Love...love!


Contented sigh....😌💕 Love your energy in this and how you kept it slow while building the action. The sound effects were awesome too. I'm totally blissed out right now, and enjoying all the warm fuzzy feels. Well done - you should let "it" speak more often ❤️


This could be your most romantic erotica yet. You sounded like you were in a dream the whole time. And those few minutes before you came, you were so vulnerable and open to "her". It's like when you said "take me", you let her have <i>you</i>. I could hear it in your voice in those few minutes. And it was beautiful. What's more, I mostly hear something like that from the woman, the "take me" and "I want you to have me", etc. So it was nice and refreshing to hear it from the man.


Thank you Gael for being such an audio God, my ears have been blessed to hear such an amazing sexy audio 😍


I'm going to have to wait a few hours before I can listen to these, even though I don't want to 😑 I'm not a fan of delayed gratification!


Wow. This was amazing, Gael. I have always been a fan of your "off the cuff" stuff, but this one was PERFECTION! Everything about it was so intimate and sexy as hell. This right here is what a lot of us women have been searching for and are lucky to find. I love when you just let yourself go with what you are feeling. The moans, the soft whispers, the need for closeness, the kisses...this is my new favorite. This should definitely be one for your Best of Gaelforce audio book! Thank you for this awesomeness! Please do more like this! Muah!💋


So natural. I love off the cuff from you. They are my favorite. This one is the one to beat for me now. Every second of it was beautiful. 👏👏


Me too, girl. But they're always worth the wait. 😉


Gael. This audio was absolutely fucking incredible. I love all of your audios, but this was a whole other level of sexy. It was so sensual I got chills. Your moans, whimpers, your rawness ...it was amazing. You just get better and better. More like this. I can't wait to get out of this fucking airport I've been in for 9 hours and treat myself with this audio. Well done you sexy beast. ❤️


That was so...beautiful. Gael u r truly the best.💋👏🏽


Guys...I'm about to cry...this was simply AMAZING I had twins just now and I love my kids😭😌😍...bravo Gael... I think you've found another series title .. Took a minute to come down from my high, when i did i wanted to go back to cloud 9 👏👏 what are you doing to us sir?? WE LOVE IT !!!


Hahaha 😹😹😹


I can die happy now😍💕😵


I couldn't even open a plastic container because my hands had gotten weak from your kissing GDI I LOVE YOU GAEL💕😳😩


This was pure extacy 💙🎧


I can't take it anymore Gael, please provide me a DNA sample so that I can clone you ASAP!


Gael, those were the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. I was literally moved to tears.


you sir, are - a - genius ❤


This was so beautiful, sweet, natural, sensual, intimate, relaxing....just perfect on so many levels!❤️


Huh... I tried listening to part 2 in the car. Nope. This segment needs dim lighting and no multitasking distractions. He is sheer perfection here. Beautiful baby, just beautiful.

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

I have been crawling all over my bed for quite some time over and over with this treasure🌹🌹 round 7 coming up.....😘😘😘😘 I think so.


This was perfect beyond words: the sweetness, the intimacy, the sensuality, the vulnerability, the pleasure you clearly took in it... What exquisite fantasies you weave for us when you let that energe-ree move &amp; speak through you! You're a remarkable channel for it, as evidenced by this sexy &amp; touching audio. ♡☆☆☆☆☆♡ -- will listen again (and again, and...)


I wanna know what your snogging when u make these audios. I'm guessing it's the dog.


I can't say anything more than what has already been said about this one, except that is the best audio you have ever done, IMO. It felt completely real to me. I could see (and feel) everything and oh my...glorious.


Aw shocks... this has everything I liked in my top fave audios:<br><br> 1) "Stay close to me..." Those words just... GAH... The image of two intimate bodies (rubbing torsos, slapping hips, wrapped legs, wrapped arms, etc) is so sexy and these words emphasize that so much for me.<br> 2) Low, almost inaudible whispers<br> 3) Showing what else you were doing while the woman was coming. Loved the moaning and the kissing in that part. Reminded me of The Pleasure Key Pt2. <br> 4) Most previous audios show how good you are at pleasing a woman. But this seems to emphasize how much you enjoy what a woman does to you as much as how much you love pleasuring her. I loved the balance in that. There was like a role reversal at the end: you taking control and letting her come and then you let her take control and make you come. Your whimpers were amazing. I found myself thinking, "Come for me," while you were saying, "Take me." It's like making us experience how you felt everytime you said "Come for me" in previous audios.<br><br> This was sexily empowering. Definitely my new top audio.


After listening to more of Gael's rambles, I now realize why you guys spell "energy" like that. What an adorable accent he has. Haha!


wow. Follow up question- hoooww? That wasn't fucking, that was love. pure... love 💫


Perfect....beautiful sleepy Sunday love making. Loved it. Agree with the comments above, this was definitely a new experience and I want more of "it" please! I think my new favourite. 💖💖💖


This one for your "Best of Gaelforce" audiobook. Hands down, no question.


You know there's an extraordinary,passionate and spiritual feeling behind this master piece, which has the unusual capacity to make one cry tears of joy.Your best audio so far!This one felt damn good...so real,intense and warm..I shivered again and again with tiny goose bumps....ugh.....always be yourself and be unique and I do really hope that you get love back as pure as the love you give us!❤


So, I´m in my cabin, it´s raining and a soft wind whispers through the pines. A good setting for this audio... I had a little spare time and a startingly good Wi Fi so I listened... I have to say, I´m glad I never met a man who sounded like that in real life... I would have eaten him alive out of pure desperate admiration! How do you do it? What´s your secret? You made a deal with an otherworldly creature, didn´t you? Hm... How come that no woman has trapped you in her secret cellar lab to study you as a perfect role model for male sensuality?? For science of course!... muahahaha


Hey loves. I've been locked out of my twitter acc, but I don't have time to deal with that right now... don't worry, I'll let you know when something else is up!


I had that mess just a day ago Angie😑that is why I have a new twitter acc...I miss my old timeline so much


Finally got to listen. Trying to find words...you're so good at evoking particular responses in us--desire, empowerment, fear (from your horror audios), relaxation. But this one was love, pure and sweet. And you conveyed it so convincingly, so beautifully, that it was impossible not to feel it in return. And that tops everything else for me--games, teasing, playfulness are all fun, but to me, love is what makes sex so magical, and your ability as a stranger halfway across the world to make us feel that love is what makes you so magical. 💕


Patreon is a horrible beast and keeps eating my comment -- grrr!


Trying this again! GRRR! What can I say about this audio that does it justice? Part of me wants to stand up and shout "Bravo!" and give you a standing ovation for the work you have created here, but that takes away from the sweetness and quality of this piece. I think I would rather say a whispered and awe-inspired "Wow!" You have captured something here that, while hinted at in your other audios, was never quite realized. For me, the fact that you started this scenario in Part I really set the stage for this relationship -- a romantic getaway for you where you can relax, tell corny jokes, and just be yourselves. Part I was so sweet and relaxing and stands very well on its own. However, I think Part II is what truly completes the scenario. The fact that this is morning sex is so key to this audio -- morning sex is immensely different than sex at any other time of the day. It is slow and sweet, quiet and sensual, with a level of intimacy that is greater and more powerful. You brought all of those elements to this and really created that feeling. I was impressed, and quite honestly floored, by your use of language here. The whispers were so different for me; usually, I hear the whispers and I recognize them as ways to create tingles, physical reactions, but not here. The whispers created that intimacy that was so important; this was not about creating tingles, but about sharing an experience, communicating pleasure and caring. It felt more like being enveloped in a warm embrace than being talked at -- definitely hard to create and convey when we only hear your side! I was also really touched and moved by a very little thing -- the use of "woman" and "my woman" to describe her. How could something so little as that be so moving to me? I love when you use all of the other names in your audios, but when you called her your woman, my ears pricked up -- THAT was something I don't remember hearing you say before. It was a game changer in that she moved from being your "little girl," a plaything, someone to enjoy, to your "woman," a partner, someone to enjoy the experience with. It moved this from simply sex to something more, something deeper. Add to that your complete involvement in the moment, the level of vulnerability you showed throughout, and you have created something truly special! Getting out of your own head when creating something is so important, and the fact that you just let go and let the moment take you shows. You have grown so much in your work over the years, and your confidence is certainly showing as you get better and better at what you do. Trusting yourself and your skill enough to just see where the creative process leads can only help you achieve bigger and better things! Again, I say, "Wow!" -- I can't wait to see where you go next! (But, I swear, you will be the death of me! LOL)


Herr Gael... I´m wondering... can you see how often each audio has been played by your Sirens? I´d like to know some numbers... for... ja, die Wissenschaft - science. XPP And I´m sure others are curious about that too!?


I wonder how the 'Download' option might skew those the statistics, though? Some of the most popular audios might be among the least-often played on Patreon if most of the Lovelies listen once or twice and then download for repeated, on-demand replays.


I love your off the cuff audios! The moaning and wimpering was just so good, I can't even find the words to describe how good😵💗 Oh and Gael, you DEFINITELY need to say "Fuck me" more often in your audios, like, for real 😍😘💋


Comments like this actually make me glad my vacation will be over soon so I can go home and listen!


That's the hottest thing i've heard in my life... So fucking intimate... So much texture... I can almost touch you... Fuck...


oh my goodness! a 30 minute audio? what a perfect way to spend my sunday night 😍😍😍


I know most girls probably like growly, alpha-boy Gael, and I'm not necessarily opposed to him, but hot damn, sir. *Slow clap* This. This right here? This is what a MAN sounds like in bed, y'all. Bonus points for use of the word "divine."




That was sooo sweet, oh my god 😍😍😍


Never thought I'D be saying this, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" 💓 Definitely a toe-curler! Love, love sensual anticipation 😙💏♈ Arigato!

Kathy M

Pure sensual erotic perfection. 💗 thank you!


This. This is perfect. (But I could cry knowing it's just a fantasy for my ears/mind (and hands), and that the chances of ever experiencing something like this with my husband are virtually non-existent. 😢)


You did it. You made the perfect audio. You've won. You can quit now, and we can all go home. Just kidding, we're all too greedy 😊 LOVED AWWWWLLLL OF THIS!!


Finally got home and got the chance to listen to this last night. Obviously I'm late to the comment section, so every lovely thing that has been said already, I agree with. Thank you for posting this. A 30 minute audio is a treat in itself, but this one is truly magic. So blissful and sweet you actually provoked the happy orgasm tears, and that's never happened to me before. A+❤


I want to like it but there are 69 likes at the moment and that's just too good


LOL, I just noticed that. 😆 I took a screenshot so that it can be immortalized and your noble sacrifice forever remembered 🤗👏


Oh, you sweet, sexy, man, how do you do it? I just stumbled on this one and it is amazing! I had no idea an audio file, made by a man I've never met, could stir up so many incredible feelings. This is definitely one that is going to get a lot play time. It totally caught me off gaurd too - I'm normally one of those that prefers the more aggressive/alpha chatter, but this one is just delicious in every way. ♡


Slowly enjoying my way through such lovely choices....I think 'Closer' and this one are my current faves for that intimate, toe curling and yearning moment. Yum....thank you! 💋