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Happy Monday!  How we?

our draw winner this week is MiniMisha!


You're Mine | 3D Sexy Summer Night Whispers

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I think that's what i miss most about not being with someone now, not being called "my girl" that was something i never thought i'd like but i did and still do.


Anyone know why this video doesn’t work anymore?

Kathy M



Congrats mini misha!

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Feeling BEAUTIFUL 😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹🌹 and you My Siren God?



Gri (Sassy_One)

We are gorgeous, we are sexy, we are divine...and we are sooo glad Monday's almost over😌


This made the Monday better. Thank you! How are you finding the time with traveling Gael? You do spoil us. Congrats and enjoy MiniMisha!

Misa Amane

Congrats MiniMisha!


I'm hot and bothered. :D whispery mid night butterflies 🦋 🦋


We are mighty, and content, and exhausted. Agus tusa? Conas atá tú?


Happy Monday! How are you, Sir? Congratulations MiniMisha!


Good ASMR from this, thanks


That was damn sexy Sir. Lovely ASMR tingles. Could you please throw a little more love to the left side? My left ear has felt woefully neglected these last few You Tube audios. 😛💕


Congratulations, MiniMisha! Get your PA on! :-D


Gael! I don't even know what to say anymore argh you get me so frustrated LIKE!! 😂😂 How you doing though? You enjoying your exploring ☺️ I loved this! Thank you for the audio 😋


We are absolutely fine and (NOT) doing well :) how are you and how was your trip? Congrats MiniMisha!!!


<sigh> What a nice break on a Monday afternoon. 😊</sigh>


Dear Herr Gael! Monday is almost over... and could you please ask a proper "How are we"? Else you sound like your terrible brother, Herr Seanie! And I wanna strictly separate the two of you. Danke und gute Nacht. Sincerely The Frau & Thhhhhe Queen XD


Happy monday. Honestly, I am terrible and grateful for this little respite in Gaelandia. Went on an 800+ mile car trip for a funeral where it was far too hot only to have my roommate's grandmother die while we were away and his grandfather had some kind of heart thing and is in the ICU. I'm still 200 miles from home and I feel like I'm going nuts in this car. ... so nuts I'm rambling... thank you all for listening. Hope your Monday is better than mine.


"Now you're mine!" I said.."Now you're mine!". ❤ Please bring Seanie back 😭


Congrats to MiniMisha! 😁


Haven't listened to this audio yet. I just got home. Will listen later! 😍

Gri (Sassy_One)

Quick request: more alpha Gael, more 'good girl', more 'my woman', more ASMR tingly whispers...we seem to love it, and so do you, Sir...so carry on...we love the sweet feckin' torture😎


Pleeeaaaaasssseeee listen to her and bring us Seanie back!!!!!


Congrats, MiniMisha! :D It's all good, thanks for asking :) Enjoyed the ASMR tingles from this one. Your trip is going well, I hope?


Monday Holly Saga: Summer school with middle school and I hit a car (minor damage). So I'm having Monday Wine 🍷 to celebrate my upcoming insurance rates! 😬😂

Gri (Sassy_One)

🍺I'll join ya with a cold one, hoping Tuesday does justice to your week! Salud!


Gute morgen allerseits - everyone. A wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday to y´all! I`m back home again... why is the weekend always so short, even if it´s a long one? Some gemischte - assorted Fragen... if you are in the mood? Ja?... When did you learn how to ride a Fahrrad - bike? Would you ever cook naked? Have you ever made an erotic video of yourself? Can you lick your Ellenbogen - elbow? What is the longest you’ve ever given head? What’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done? Thanks for your Antworten, as every day XD And a big DANKE to everyone who participated in the "Naughty Thoughts" project! For those of you who are still struggling... you know... you could still send a little audio, hm? I`m a little busy atm (with my taxes) but I will edit all of your sensual, naughty, outrageous pieces soon... XD


Congratulations miniMisha - enjoy! ❤️


Hello Frau! Unfortunately, even long weekends feel short ☹. I learned to ride a bike without training wheels around 3 or 4 but I couldn't stop! I would run into bushes or trees to stop myself 🙈. I don't recommend cooking naked because of 2 words...Boiling Water! No erotic videos in existence anymore. I can't lick my elbow but have tried. It took me 30 mins to give head once because we kept laughing 😂. Illegal? Hmmm, I had sex in a truck on a dark country road 🙈. Well I guess it's not illegal if we didn't get caught. Kisses💋 & Hugs my dear, Frau 😘


Happy end of Monday to you! Rough day today with crazy, stressed-out students (my daughter being one) as we enter our second week of standardized testing. Just seven more days and summer break -- I THINK I'll make it! This audio was much needed -- thank you! You really are spoiling us lately. And congratulations, miniMisha! PAs are wonderful!


Congrats, MiniMisha!!! You lucky girl you!! Hey, who's ever had the pleasure of this wet dream windfall, could you explain how this works? I don't want to sound ignorant...strike that...I AM ignorant, it's the reason I'm asking XD. Do you give Gael a scenario and he creates an audio based upon that using your name? Or some thing to that affect? Please let me know. Thanks Ladies!!!


Wet dream windfall? 😂 You can send him a scenario, an idea, a few words, whatever you want. You can asked to be called a certain name (since most ppl have nicknames). He creates from what you give him and, imo, ALWAYS exceeds your expectations.


Gael, I love the whispers 😍 One question I have from this audio...how hot is an Irish summer, like 15°C/60°F? That sounds like winter to me...brrrr 😨


Hmmm. Is it posted here on Patreon with only the winner having access? How long does it take to get/access it?


If you mean the PA, after you PM him what you like, etc, he will email you the PA (just be sure to include your email address.) It's just for you, and he works hard to get it to you as soon as he can.


hmph why can't i actually get woken up like this?! all I get is 'MUMMY'. G can whisper sweet nothings into my ear anytime of the day or night 😍


Omg, I thought my head was going to roll off!! Whispering and breathing on my neck from behind, holy man, don't know why I'm SO weak from that audio?! Kinda embarrassed 😗. Must be the headphones? I'll never admit it. Woooha💋🎭🎤🎧👏💗


I've been living in a sweet dream with the last few audios. Thank you! 💜


Ehm, Claudia, do you know anyone who CAN lick their elbows? Surely only people with exceptionally short arms can do this? Besides, there are other parts of me I'd prefer to lick. If only I'd be a bit more limber! Bike: about three, I'd guess, with training wheels. Have been a menace in traffic ever since. Also see: illegal things. Actually I once got fined for driving when the traffic light was green. Too bad it was the pedestrians one and I was on my bike. Other than that, I am a model citizen. Or maybe I just don't get caught :) Give head: I never actually clocked it ... are you supposed to? 'You like that, honey?' Slobber, slobber, lick, lick, circle circle, stroke stroke, mmmmm, moan moan. man goes uuuurrrrhhh, let's see how far we can get him over the edge, 'just wait, hun, where's my timer?' Eh, no. Cookin' nekkid: Sure. Unless Doctimus, I like cooking. I also like being naked. Unless anyone can see me. Unless unless the anyone is my SO, in which case I like being in da nood extra much. Once undressed myself when I took him to a friends house, where I was the designated flower waterer and mail getter. It was very, very hot (as in temperaturewise) and humid. 'You can't do that here!' "Sure I can.' 'But this is not your house!' 'No. Want me to wait until they come home again?' Hmmph! Men! I caught me on video? Noooooo! I know a bf took pics of me, post-sexytimes, all bliss and looking like a stranded sea cow, covered in jizz. The thought gives me nightmares. Oh guys, i am so stressed. In less than a week I will have THREE WEEKS HOLIDAY. And i'm going to the US. I'm a US virgin. IIEIEIEIEIEIEHHH.


Doctimus! I'm worried about you.


What a beautiful wake up! I love sleepy cuddly wake up sex 😍 And those delicious claiming whispers *swoon*


Yay! Madeline is coming to the States! May I ask where you are visiting (if you feel comfortable saying, of course!)?


Sssso, tender femalesss... how are you? Quiet asss I see! Come on entertain me... tell me sssomething... hmm?


I've met the King's beautiful split tongue. It was a nice and delicious meeting my Queen.


¿Por qué? Because I <del>'fessed up to</del> have never, ever committed Internet piracy? 😦<br><br>If it was the bit about wanting to run away to the mountains of Switzerland to smash the shit out of rocks for awhile, well...yeah, I'm in a wee bit of a rough patch at the moment. Certainly not anything truly devastating or horrific, but still draining. I got a whopping 2-ish hours of sleep last night, but I still transformed and rolled out of bed this morning like my hero and kind of namesake, Optimus Prime. Only instead of looking like a badass Kenworth K100 cabover truck, I looked like more of a trainwreck. 😯<br><br>In the grand scheme of things, though, it's just a little bump in the crazy winding road known as life 🤷🏻‍♀️ We just keep on trucking as best we can, because pulling over at an abandoned gas station in a desolate ghost town and giving up isn't the right thing to do.<br><br>Man, my analogies suck when I'm sleep deprived! I should've just left it at the "Autobots, transform and roll out!" bit and called it a day 😝 But I'm okay, Madeline, really - thanks for checking in 🙂


Yeah but, can humans like me book tongue-meetings too? Or do you need to be furry or scaly for that kind of encounter? Or offer special services, like spying, secretarying or eh ... ok, ok, I'll go ....


Oh, Hiss Highness isn´t picky... he sticks hiss long, split tongue in almosst every juicy hole available... but I heard you are ssstringy?? That could be a problem!?


Guten Morgen dear Sirens! A good Mittwoch - Wednesday to everyone. :) Hope you are all somewhat safe, peaceful and comfortable!? It´s a rainy night here and my triefnasse - soaked dirty pussy just woke me, ja my kitten of course... what else? Tsss... XP Right to some tägliche - daily Fragen... "Silly Edition" Have you ever pretended to be a man? Finish this statement: "Look out! It's a _____!" What is the best organ? You're a criminal mastermind — what do you leave at the scene of the crime as your calling card? If you had a pet unicorn, what would you name it? If you had to eliminate one day of the week, which one would you eliminate and why? What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse? Würdest du lieber einen Panzer oder ein U-Boot fahren? (Let´s see if someone will translate... ) Danke for your answers... see you later Schätzchen... XD So, now I can go back to bed and rub my poor pussy till it´s fluffy and dry again... (Sorry, I´m in a silly mood XP... Maybe because later I will still have to finish my taxes... :()


Good evening, Frau Claudia! Happy almost Wednesday to you. I am safe at the moment, but have picked up a nasty head cold, so I am far from comfortable. Decided to stay home tomorrow, snuggle with my dog, and die quietly in my bed! LOL Late Spring colds are the worst! So, before I go pass out for the night, I will answer your Silly Edition questions: Pretended to be a man: Can’t say that I ever have. I’m too big chested to be convincing even if I tried! Look out! It’s a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater! Best organ: The brain is my favorite. Just look at all the wonderful things it can do, things that we take for granted! With my MS, I have really begun to appreciate all of the things that my brain has to do, especially since the disease has caused some residual damage and made certain tasks a bit harder and more frustrating for me. But, my brain is healing, amazingly, and fighting against the disease. Pretty cool, really! Calling card: Hmmm, that’s a tough one. I am assuming this is theft as opposed to murder, so I guess I would leave behind a Queen of Hearts from a card deck. Don’t ask me why – it’s the first thing that popped into my stuffed-up head! LOL Pet Unicorn: I would name it Harold. Eliminate One Day: I really don’t think that I could eliminate one day. Each one has its pros and cons and I work to find something to enjoy about each day. I think I would keep the week just as it is. Weapon in Zombie Apocalypse: Could Darryl from Walking Dead be my weapon? LOL I would guess I would choose a saber. I am a lousy shot, so a gun would be out. I’m not tall enough to whack someone repeatedly with a bat. But a long sword, maybe a vintage Civil War era saber, would be cool (what can I say, I live in a Civil War battlefield!). Drive a submarine or a tank (see, I was good, I did my homework! Amazingly, I remembered most of it from my college German class.): Definitely the tank. I love to drive strong vehicles, ones that could withstand just about anything, like the car I drive now. A sub would be cool, but I would get entirely too claustrophobic in it. There you go, my dear! Have fun finishing your taxes and rubbing you pussy dry! LOL


Send help... the German tax forms are killing me!!! Not even my kitten or the Queen wanna help and destroy/eat them for me.... ahhhh.... And where the fuck is hard working, determined Accountant-Gael when you need him?? I would even lie quietly and quite decorative over his lap as he´d fight the heinous digits... hilfeee....


Don't worry, Frau Claudia. I've already put Accountant Cat on the first flight to Bavaria to assist you in your endeavours. Just try not to let your kitten murder him and consume his remains in a bizarre cannibalistic feline ritual.<br><br><img height="190" src="http://desktop-backgrounds-org.s3.amazonaws.com/1366x768/smart-cat-animals_4.jpg"><br><br><i>Accountant Cat is studyin' ur financial recordz, preventin' ur future auditz</i>


oh my gosh, I can´t anymore, I just can´t! I need to wake up now, but somehow don´t want to! My head keeps spinning and my stomach is full of butterflies... and before I could finish writing this comment my mom called me and asked about writing notes to Facebook....MY MOMENT´S RUINED MOM!!!!!!!!


When you never have time to lurk in the comments anymore so you're so confused by all the inside jokes and banter 🤔😕


Just ask, there´s always someone willing to answer