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Let me take you away to a relaxing beach house by the sea....


Take Me (Part 1) | Romantic Irish Boyfriend Vacation Role Play

Let me take you away to a relaxing beach house by the sea.... Erotic sequel available on Patreon. ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu Beach & Shell stock footage This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain License (CC0). This license has no rights reserved.



Ey Gael, met you after this one was taken down... By casualty so you still have this one somewhere?


Just what I needed today. Beach sounds, waves, water, your voice - thank you Gael!


Mmmmmmmm! Thank you Gael!


Take you? Well id love to! 😂


Yesss ❤️ I needed a good get away! Thank you Gael!


Ahhh, a relaxing audio! I was hoping you'd post one of these. And at the beach? I'm in heaven now!


Two weeks! Yes please😭😭😭


Gael, I'll take you, corny jokes and all. 🎧❤️


This sounded so nice... Nothing to do but enjoying a beautiful scenery, food and each other (corny jokes included)😏 And perfect ending, so relaxing...🌊


So very lovely to listen to! I am a sucker for ocean sounds, anyway -- even when accompanied by corny jokes! And, sorry, but I am stealing "as calm as the space between the stars" the next time I teach similes. Such a pretty image!


Very sweet. So relaxing. Thanks ❤

Kathy M

Just lovely 💗 what I'd give for a two week beach vacation 💕


Sooo relaxing, sexy and sweet, and my happy place!!!💕💕


Ahhh...! So sweet! This is taking me back to the Caribbean :D I can still see that crystal blue water, thanks to the sounds.


What dulcet tones your words do weave. 💕 And- I heard a "regular" Energy 😱 Knock me over! What happened to the enerdree??! :D


Sweet enerdree There was a comment on YouTube the other night... this guy was like: 'This man cheats! He uses subtle delta waves on you all!!' I was laughing... Like no dude, some people naturally create delta waves Duh!


Mmm....two weeks at the beach, moonlit walks, and my man cooking for me - heaven! 😊 🌙🌊🍇🍓🍑


Nach álainn an aisling í! What a lovely dream you've spun us! So relaxing & sweet.


never stop telling corny jokes . I love them,. Resistance to your charm, voice and jokes is futile.


I love how there's just wave sounds at the end of it, no talking (not that I don't love Gael's lovely voice ❤). This was so relaxing.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia! A wonderful Sonntag - Sunday to y´all! Hope you are good and comfortable? Ja? I´m on my way up into the mountains... I love the solitude there, the quiet, the sky, the hidden caves... hmmmm! So I´ll leave some random Fragen for you here... Imagine... Gael would be a woman hm... Gaelina? and we would be men... how different would Gaelinalandia be? If you had a Schwanz - dick what would you name it? Do you feel comfortable going "commando"? When does time pass schnellsten - fastest for you and when does it pass the langsamsten -slowest? What is one thing that never makes you horny? Something that you have hidden that you don’t want anyone to find? If you could jump into a pool full of irgendwas - something, what would it be? That´s enough, danke for your Antworten... bis später XD Oh and don´t forget the current project! "Naughty Thoughts Of Gaelandia" deadline next Monday!! See all the details in my post in the last Seanie thread. Danke!


Hi, Claudia! I just got off work, so I'm good :) Have fun in the mountains! Gaelinalandia? That's a mouthful :P I seriously have no idea. It would definitely be different, I just don't know HOW different. Probably...well...we'd still be ourselves, right? Just men, and Gael as a woman? I'd imagine we'd treat 'Gaelina' and each other with respect like we do now, so...I...I can't really say -_- What would I name my wiener? ...Bob. Going "commando"? Not really. I've thought about it a few times, and I did it around the house. My coworkers recommended it, so maybe one day... When does time pass... Fastest? When I'm having fun. Vacation, video gaming, theme park, impromptu day trip, beach time, picnic time, etc. Or when I'm immersed in drawing or writing something. Every. Single. Time. Slowest? When I'm at work. On a long shift. And it's dead. What will never make me horny? A strong, putrid smell. It'll make me nauseous or give me a headache. Skeleton in my closet? Oh boy... Umm...a few naughty pictures I've drawn. I'd jump in a pool full of...? Jello! About the project? ...I caved. I'm working on my part now XP


Aaaww, cute joke! 😄😊 But I couldn't chill 'cause I was distracted by that white mussel on the vid! Subliminal...very slick!😎 Needed this after yesterday's London 💔. Will listen to Part 2 after my sleep...you said I'd need it right?!😉


Gute Morgen my dears! Hope you all have a pleasant Montag - Monday!? I´m on my little vacay in my mountain cabin... but I still woke up early... Macht der Gewohnheit - force of habit :) As every day some Fragen... let´s see... how about some tame ones today? Hm?... Do you believe in karma? Are you good at climbing Bäume - trees? Did you have pets in your KIndheit - childhood? Do you prefer the city or the country? Did you ever do something that you didn't want to, just to fit in? Are you allergic to anything? And would you like to hear an audio in which Gael´s woman cums multiple times? (I think I never really heard that? Ja, maybe 2 times... but I´m talking about hm... 4-5 times!?) Danke for your answers... bis später XD Don´t forget the project! Deadline June 5th!!!


Hallo, Frau Claudia! It is still Sonntag all up in my bachelorette pad, but I will nevertheless wish you a good Montag!<br><br><b>Karma and such:</b> I do believe in the idea of karma. I know that life isn't fair, but believing that trying to do good in this world will bring more good things your way gives me hope. Similarly, believing that genuinely bad people eventually get what's coming to them (either in this life or the next) makes it a bit easier to stomach how some humans can do terrible things to one another. <b>Climbing them Bäume:</b> Oh gosh, no. I don't think I've ever climbed a tree in my life. That makes me a handy person to take on camping trips because if a bear ever invades the campsite, my inability to climb trees will automatically make me the decoy to distract the bear's attention while everyone else climbs to safety. <i>(You're welcome, guys 😒)</i> <b>Childhood pets:</b> My brother and I both had adorable fluffy hamsters when we were kids 🐹 We'd wanted either a dog or a cat as youngsters, but my dad forbade it. (He worked as a farmer during his youth and early adulthood, and he flat out said that he was done with raising high-maintenance animals. That explains why I never had a dog or cat as a kid, yet doesn't quite explain why my dad chose to have children in the first place. But there you have it 😝) <b>City or country:</b> They both have their pros and cons, and I don't think I could give up either one completely. I find that cities have more variety in terms of things that I enjoy doing, like going to movies or concerts, shopping, attending festivals, etc. The downside is that it can be crowded and chaotic, and can sometimes make me feel claustrophobic depending on how big the city is. The countryside is more relaxed and peaceful, so it's a great place to retreat to if you ever reach your <i>"Fuck it, I'm done - I need some space to clear my mind"</i> threshold (which I probably reached last month, but alas, one must soldier on 😐). It's easier to commune with nature and you could potentially spend days entirely by yourself if you wanted. But since there are fewer people, there aren't as many amenities around. And the smaller the community, the more everyone knows your business. 😒 I periodically work in a town with a pop. of 3000 people, and I find that I have to wear a hat and a huge pair of sunglasses whenever I go out in public outside of working hours. If I don't, it's easier for people to recognize me on the street and say, "Hey, you're the lady I saw the other day in the clinic! Does this look infected to you?" <b>Caving in to peer pressure!</b> Yeah, as a teenager (of course). I was out with my friends at a restaurant one night during our last year of high school, and we were in the tricky predicament that about half of us were of legal drinking age and the other half weren't. I was only 17 so alcohol was a no-no, but one of the 18 year olds offered to pour some of her vodka into my iced tea. I didn't want to because I was afraid of getting in trouble, but since all of the other minors at the table were doing it, I reluctantly allowed her to help me wet my whistle. Unfortunately the waitress who was serving us was watching our table like a hawk, and before I could even take a sip of the forbidden iced tea, she swooped in and gathered up all of the spiked drinks. She told us that if we tried anything like that again, we'd be kicked out of the restaurant (which is fair because there's a whopping fine to pay if an establishment is caught serving alcohol to minors). I know that's a pretty tame story, but I was a legit well-behaved kid. And I'm a legit well-behaved adult, as I write this comment on a page designed to support an artist who makes erotic audios 😝 But I've also never done hard time before, so that's a point to the good 👍 <b>Allergies:</b> I'm pretty sure I have some kind of environmental allergy, but I don't consistently get symptoms every spring or summer. I've had the stinging, watery eyes lately, though, so this might end being a bad season for allergies. <b>BOOM! goes the dynamite x 5?:</b> I'm going to take the easy way out with this question by saying that I have no clue 🤔 Coming up with storylines for erotic audios is not my forte, because they would be filled with nerdy jokes, dialogue too awkward to be sexy, and double entendres that only make sense in my mind. 😝


Gaddamit that mermaid joke, Just listened to it and holding my laugh/cringe in the office...


Hey there, Frau Claudia! Happy almost Monday to you! I hope that you are having a wonderful time in your mountain cabin and are getting some much needed rest and relaxation. Here are the answers to your questions: Karma: I tend to think there is a cosmic force in the universe that plays the “what goes around, comes around” game. I haven’t actually seen it myself, but I am sure it is there. Tree climbing: When I was a kid, I spent most of my time climbing trees! I haven’t climbed a tree in years, so I’m not sure if I still could. I’d like to think I could if I tried. Childhood pets: We had a dachshund named Tippy from the time right before I was born until I was about 13. Absolutely loved that dog! We had cats later when we moved to a farm in rural Maine. City or country: I much prefer the country, but I live near the city. Something to fit in: I really never did. I can remember becoming a “yes” man for a bit just to be part of a group in high school, but I lost my self-respect pretty quickly and stopped. Allergies: Bees – have to carry an epi pen with me. Multiple orgasms: I have no idea if he should include that or not. I know some people would probably want that included, but I am pretty happy with what he is doing now. There you go, Frau Claudia! Have a lovely day!


You should tell the joke to your co-workers to see how they respond 😛 I've told a few of Gael's jokes to my colleagues and they laughed. It could've just been fake laughter and they could've just been humouring me, but I'm happy to live in blissful ignorance in that respect 🤓


How has your day been so far up in the mountains, Frau Claudia? Has your badass kitten mauled a bear for you yet? 😼


My day was wonderful, Fräulein Doktimus. Danke! We were exploring a cave, where I found some promising copper bearing rocks... then we swam in the cursed lizard lake. Very cool and refreshing! Sadly we have no bears here and I left my kitten at home, though I imagine if there were bears he would have brought me one or at least parts of one by now... hahaha... Hope your day is pleasant?


I made my vacation sleep youtube playlist with this one first then alternated your sea sounds and a few rounds of the heartbeats. So incredibly relaxing. 💜💜💜💜💜


This is my idea of heaven. All the things I love about the beach without a single grain of sand. The notion that I could go just one day without any responsibility is so fantastical I can't even pretend it's possible. God what I wouldn't give just to be able to take a nap. <br><br>Nature audios are always my favorite. Your jokes always make me laugh and most importantly you always remember the food 😜The ocean sounds at the end were icing on the cake.<br><br>I'm starting to imagine your pockets like the Mary Poppins bag, seashell, rubber duckie, tea, blanket...💕


"You'll be as calm as the space between the stars..." I hang with astrophysicists all day. Lemme tell you about the space between the stars, mister. 😜