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It's lunch time and I'm starving!




Thank yooouuuu 💚


See, "innocent" and "Happy Friday -- That is all" my a**! LOL


I think I'll be taking an extended lunch today. 🎧❤️

Kathy M

*does a happy dance* I was hoping for something today! 😙😙😙


😍😍😍 let's begin! 😋


The challenge is waiting this next hour until my lunch time to listen. I'm not gonna make it.


It just happens to be my lunch time 😊 <br> Edited -That was damn satisfying. Friday Challenges are a bit like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Your choice of listening locale will likely affect your experience. XDD <br> I happened to be lunching at an Indian restaurant. I thought I was doing well until the waiter, who obviously did not see my wireless earbuds, stopped by to say if I liked the Bollywood videos playing on the TV he would turn the volume up for me. <br> I am always amused at the thought of Gael scrunching himself underneath a table or desk. There is no way you will ever make me believe it is possible given how tall I think he is. XD <br> Gael honey, eating pussy is great and all and I sure as hell am not complaining, but it doesn't replace the need for actual food. This may be why you always have to contend with a rumbling stomach when you're trying to record. Just a guess. XP <br> And yes, she totally left her lunch at home on purpose. I don't care what she says. Who the hell could blame her. 💋💕


Damn! Five minutes in and I have to take a call. 😭


god tht growls make u an alpha spot on ;D


You awful tease! 😙 thank you, my innocent friend!


OH. MY. GAWD. I will be going hungry this lunch hour. This will be playing on a continuous loop. How do you make me feel EVERYTHING??? Thank God for door locks. 🎧💋


Did he say- sanGwich???? 😜😂 I like the door click at the very end, it's like a "I ate you out, you're welcome" Mic drop! 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤


so i was that distracted by this that I didn't notice the glass of Pepsi on its side on the floor 🙈


I 100% agree with that Cayla.


Dayamn! I do love lunch time! Thank you, Gael, for the delivery! 😉💋


I seriously hope this is a tassssty audio....? Ja? XP


For the ladies that have listened to this audio, is it something that will temporarily dull your mental faculties and impair your ability to focus? Because I have a gym session in 10 minutes, so I could probably get through at least half of the audio now. But my trainer is going to make me do <i>all</i> the barbell split squats and reverse lat pulldowns, and I'd kinda like to, you know, not die. 😧


Hang in there girl! I'm just glad I'm working from home at the moment.


I'll listen to this later😘


Perfect timing...just stepped out for lunch 😉


Lol It's my lunch break as well 😁 OMG!I am blushing right now lol


Note to self: Don't ever pull your earphones out and listen in Walmart...just don't do it...Writing these panties off now. Ugh!


That's what sexy vegan guys get for lunch! #VeganIsFun 😝 Love this new oral audio!! 👍


So I listened to this while in a roomful of people. Let me just say it was very, very, VERY hard to control my reactions. I was breathing quickly, moving around in my seat, visibly, might I add. And my legs were also visibly shaking. What a challenge 😳😈 I'm blushing now and my heart is pounding 😍


I stopped trying to cook my lasagna while listening... so yeah, not safe for workout or any other thing! 😉


So about halfway into the audio (and my break) my manager walked with a huge tray of cupcakes and set them in front of me saying 'help yourself!' then left. I'll have to listen again next week to see if a pattern begins to emerge. 😉


Damn Gael...damn...I'm officially done for the day and it's only 1pm here smh 😍😴😅


Erotic audio + cupcakes? Is your part of the world easy to find by car? because if so I'll be joining you soon 😛


DAMNNNNNN! I peeped underneath my desk hoping, like a genie, you'd appear.😅😘🔥🔥🔥


But at least you can buy more panties at Walmart for very reasonable prices!


Gonna give this one a try when I get home. Sometimes it's hard for me to get into the oral ones, only because I'd never be comfortable enough with my body to ever let that happen IRL and my dumb brain doesn't even let me fantasize myself worthy. I love Gael's mouth sounds, though, so I'm sure it's still super hot. Like Fridays weren't good enough, I love having a new audio to look forward to. ❤️


I feel ya mama. It's a process. I know for me personally I've grown leaps and bound in that respect over the past year. I hope the same happens for you ♥♥♥


Happy Friday indeed. 😘


Damn! 3 minutes in and I got interrupted! Noooooooooo! 😩😩😩💩


Random side comment but I really wanna know what lipstick shade that woman in the picture is wearing... It's gorgeous! Anyhoo carry on. 😋


Looks kinda close to Jeffree Star's Gemini with something moisturizing on top. Or maybe Brick by Dose of Colors or MAC Whirl. Love these 90s throwback kinda colors. :)


I so badly want this to happen in real life. If only I had an office to myself...


This one was a bit late for me to listen to at lunchtime, so I'm thinking of it as a midnight snack! 😉


Same here! I work in a showroom open to the public so it's totally unfeasible! 😂


Yay oral! Mmm!


I'm just gonna admit right now that this is one Friday Challenge that, if I ever attempt this <i>in public</i>, I will fail without question. How do I know? Here's what happened in my own bedroom... 9:36 - Boom. My composure was already gone. 10:01 - I squirmed and arched my back in my chair, and moaned. Loud. With both hands over my mouth. Those sounds are my weakness, man. I was done for the rest of the Challenge after that lashing...! If I can't win this at home, there's no way am I trying this with people around me!


Gael, Thanks for lunch 😘


Jeez. I was just thinking about some of the mouth sounds you made in this audio. Especially the tongue lashing. If that on its own made me squeeze my thighs together, I don't think I'd ever be able to listen to this in public and keep a straight face 😳 You are just that good at what you do. Hell, you're better than good 😍🔥


I'll end up on the sidewalk if you were under my 'desk'🚔


Man, why can't sexy stuff like this happen to me in my office? I practically live there! But alas, the most heated thing that's occurred in the workplace lately was when I got into an argument with one of the printers. That finicky bastard thought he could be jammin' as hard as Bob Marley, but I set him straight pretty quickly 😌 Doctimus: 1, printer: 0. Gael seems like a dependable sort of person, so I'm sure if I asked him to bring me my lunch, he'd do the best he could to get it to me. But knowing <i>my</i> luck, this is probably what would happen instead: <b>Lunch Break (Alternate Version)</b> <i>The scene is a cramped, cluttered office. Papers are strewn haphazardly across the desk, and there are a few Post-It notes bearing phrases like "Fuck this noise!" and "Only 11,000 days until retirement!" plastered to the edges of the computer monitor.</i> Doctimus<i> sighs and slouches down in her chair. Her stomach rumbles as she looks impatiently at the wall clock.</i> Doctimus: "Damn it, it's almost a quarter to one! Gael was supposed to bring my lunch here over 20 minutes ago. What's the hold up?" <i>There is a knock at the door.</i> Doctimus: "Finally! Please come in." <i>The door opens. The expression on</i> Doctimus'<i> face goes from one of excitement to one of confusion and slight irritation when she sees who enters the room.</i> Seanie: "What's the story, beour?" Doctimus: "Seanie?! What on earth are <i>you</i> doing here?" Seanie: "Well, I was up in me attic earlier today, luv, tryin' to write the lyrics to 'Garden Hoes' - ya know, the debut single from me upcomin' rap album, like. Anyways, I was up there droppin' them sick lyrics when Gael walks in and says that one of his wans from Patreon forgot her lunch at home and needed someone to bring it to her office, la. And so I ask him why doesn't he do it and he says that he's too busy recordin' his whispery erotica stuff, and could I do it instead? Now, I'll let ya in on a little secret, beour - Gael doesn't like talkin' into those ears and makin' his audios when I'm around. He says it's 'coz I'm all distracting like, but the truth is that he has one of those - what do ya call them? 'In-feer-ee-orrity complexes?' He gets one of those when I'm around, luv, prob'ly 'coz I have such a huge mickey, like. Anyways, he's always tryin' to lock me up in the attic before he starts recordin', but today he sent me outta the house instead! But enough about Gael! I just want ye to know that I'm all 'bout helpin' any beour in distress, luv. The Seanster is here for ya." Doctimus <i>sighs heavily and rubs at her temples</i>. Doctimus: "That's...uhh...that's really nice of you, Seanie. Thank you for that. But I only have 10 minutes left in my break, so I'd be very grateful if you give me my lunch." Seanie: "Err...about yer lunch, beour. Ya see, when yer body is 60% muscle and 50% sex appeal, like mine, ye gots to eat a lot of food to get ya through the day. So I may have had me a look in yer lunch bag and-" Doctimus: "You ate my lunch, didn't you?" Seanie: "I mighta eaten it, beour, but let me ask ya this - what was that square shaped thing in the tin foil? Because it was mad delicious, girl, it was unreal! You gots to tell me how ye made it!" Doctimus: "That was just a tuna sandwich, Seanie. I made it by emptying a can of tuna onto a slice of bread, and then putting another slice of bread on top." Seanie: "Jaysus, beour, it was daycent! Can ye give me the recipe?" Doctimus: "The recipe? There- there is no recipe! It was literally just a can of tuna in between two slices of bread. I mean, I suppose you could mix some mayonnaise and chopped celery in, but I don't have time for that high-level culinary shit. Now I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me, because I need to get back to work." Seanie: "I'm real sorry 'bout eatin' yer tuna sandwich, beour. And that bag o'crisps and the peach ya had in yer lunch bag. This is what happens when Gael locks me in the attic and doesn't feed me proper, like. I really oughta bate that damned langer." <i>With a tight smile and a faint twitch in her right eye,</i>Doctimus<i> rises from her chair and starts herding Seanie towards the door.</i> Doctimus: "It's okay, Seanie. Don't worry about it. I suppose I technically <i>was</i> hoping that my peach would get eaten today, but just not quite like this." Seanie: "What's that, beour? I didn't catch what ye just said there." Doctimus: "Oh, nothing important. Well, you have yourself a good day, Seanie. Thanks for stopping by!" Seanie: "It's no bother at all, luv! Maybe I can make it up to ye by inviting ya to me attic- I mean, me crib for a romantic picnic, like! How does that sound-" Doctimus <i>gives</i> Seanie<i> a friendly shove through the doorway and locks the door behind him. She sits back down and groans as she bangs her head against her desk three times. Her stomach rumbles once more as the scene fades to black.</i> And that's generally how my life tends to work out. 😝 Oh well, what's a lady to do? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good morning my dears! If you are in the mood for some Fragen after your lunch break... go down to the previous thread... meet you there. XD Oh and am I the only one who can´t use the little "Like!" hearts underneath the comments anymore?? ...this Patreon... *rolls eyes*


Oh no..(gasp!) I think I left my lunch at home too GaeL..Here..Let meee..Let me just send you my work address.....Loved the lashing!!!! Also, that desk must be huge for you fit under there! XD


Nope, the hearts aren't working for me either! *joining in the eye rolling!*


I can't "heart" anyone either &gt;{


Seanie also said he was starving when we were in south America, Spain.


That was damn satisfying. Friday Challenges are a bit like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Your choice of listening locale will likely affect your experience. XD <br> I happened to be lunching at an Indian restaurant. I thought I was doing well until the waiter, who obviously did not see my wireless earbuds, stopped by to say that if I liked the Bollywood videos playing on the TV he would turn the volume up for me.XDDD <br> I am always amused at the thought of Gael scrunching himself underneath a table or desk. There is no way you will ever make me believe it is possible given how tall I think he is. XD <br> Gael honey, eating pussy is great and all, and I sure as hell am not complaining, but it doesn't replace the need for actual food. Physical sustenance. Eat a sandwich baby. This is why you always have to contend with a rumbling stomach when you're trying to record. XP <br> And yes, she totally left her lunch at home on purpose. I don't care what she says. Who the hell could blame her. 💋💕


Someone's STARVING.........


I felt the same way about the desk! LOL With my desk at work, all I could think of was what a contortion artist he would have to be to fit under there!


First of all, there must be some cosmic force in the universe that insists these posts become available when I am surrounded by a group of kids! On any other day, the time you posted WOULD have been my planning block with two hours available should I choose to listen, but not yesterday, oh no! Our schedules were changed for ONE day and I was in class – again – when you posted! See, cosmic forces against me! LOL When I did finally get a chance to listen (amazingly, my house was actually empty for a bit – sorry, no public listening for me yesterday!), I found I really enjoyed the audio, but for different reasons than have been mentioned already. While the audio was sexy and sweet, I didn’t have the Roman candle moment I normally would have – chalk it up to being too tired and stressed after an incessantly long week, not the audio at all. I guarantee that, given a better day, I would have had the same reactions everyone else mentioned! I knew I was in for trouble when part of me kept wondering how in the world you would fit under my desk without bending in half, not to mention the activities you were up to under there! Analytical mind in overdrive yesterday, I guess. The weird thing was that this audio touched me in a different way. Where I should have felt sexy or “hot and bothered,” I felt nostalgic. (Again, analytical mind! Really need to turn it off more.) We all talk about how you deal in make-believe, that these scenarios you create are pure fantasy, and they totally are. String all of your scenarios together in one package, and you have what many would consider the perfect man, the perfect relationship – but, to me, perfectly boring! If this were to happen every day in a relationship, how could you appreciate how special these moments are? To me, life is a series of moments, and most of the time those moments are pretty mundane. What makes life special is those moments that are out of the ordinary, things that jolt the system a bit – being ravaged by someone under your desk when he brings you lunch, or wrestling on the couch for a remote. While the exact scenarios may not exist, the elements can and do – desiring someone to the point of madness, the playfulness, the caring for and comforting of someone, these are elements in a relationship that help to create special moments of their own. But what do you do when you realize one day that, while you think all of the elements are there, the moments are not? You look around and realize, crap, I’ve had this, but where did it go, what did I do or not do to lose this? And then you realize that you really miss this, that you had forgotten about life’s special moments and let other things get in the way. What do you do when you are not sure how, or if, you can fix what is missing, to bring back those moments that make a relationship special? Tough questions to answer, and even tougher to face. Thank you for this audio! While this is totally not the reaction one should have from a Friday Challenge, it was eye opening none the less. I’ve said before that you are as great a teacher here as we are. It’s good when your work not only causes people to react physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Sometimes we need to have those “aha” moments to help us realize that we can – and should – make changes in our lives.


You can hide under my desk any time you want.


Currently in Dubrovnik Airport with a 6 hour wait. This is a freaking lifesaver. No one has a clue what I'm listening to. Good God I'm struggling not to give it away. 😉❤️


Damn - those lips, those luscious lips 💋 and that tongue 👅. Very nice addition to my evening commute 🚗😎❤️


That was damn satisfying. Friday Challenges are a bit like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Your choice of listening locale will likely affect your experience. XD <br>I happened to be lunching at an Indian restaurant. I thought I was doing well until the waiter, who obviously did not see my wireless earbuds, stopped by to say that if I liked the Bollywood videos playing on the TV he would turn the volume up for me.XDDD <br>I am always amused at the thought of Gael scrunching himself underneath a table or desk. There is no way you will ever make me believe it is possible given how tall I think he is. XD <br>Gael honey, eating pussy is great and all, and I sure as hell am not complaining, but it doesn't replace the need for actual food. Physical sustenance. Have a sandwich baby.This may be why you always have to contend with a rumbling stomach when you're trying to record. XP 💋💕


Tara girl, why are you always laughing at me? I was being serious, especially the last paragraph. 😂😂😚😚😜😜


🤣🤣🤣 Right?!?! I wish there was a way to tell if he read it because that shit is funny! I adore you too sexy woman.<br><br>GAAA-ELLL, did you read this???? Here, I brought you some nah-sages to eat honey. 🌭🌭🌭 😂😚


That sneak peek on YT made me convince to support you on Patreon -and I did not regret it! &lt;3


It's suddenly really hot in my office. 🔥🔥🔥😂


Best lunch break ever! (I mean, technically I am at home and it's night time but in my mind it was the best lunch break ever.)


Whew! Part 2 Please! ❤❤💦💦💋💋