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 It's been a long week baby. Curl up in my arms and let me tell you some jokes and stories as we fall asleep... 


Bedtime Stories 3 | [Irish Boyfriend Roleplay ] [Silly Stories] [Snuggling]

It's been a long week baby. Curl up in my arms and let me tell you some jokes and stories as we fall asleep... Uploads Every Tuesday & Friday @ 10pm CST! Check out more awesome audios on Gaelforce Playroom! http://bit.ly/2kdrogT Gaelforce Playroom is a place for Gael to showcase new audios as well as classic audios that have bee remastered, re-edited & reworked. We hope listeners both new and familiar will enjoy each one! MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Exclusive Content on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► Seanie's Attic - http://bit.ly/2ltPVyA ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/GaelforcePR ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu Gael records on 3 microphones: Yeti, Zoom & 3dio Audios are edited in Audacity Videos are edited in Wondershare Filmora



I love these bedtime stories! so happy you released the collection. Love loopy G, love the stories and the awful jokes!


This makes being awake in the middle of the night not so bad after all! Thanks Gael.


Good morning All!!! Xd


Oh, I love these!! Can't wait to listen later!


Mmmmmkay! Gonna go snuggle now. Nighty, night!


Guten Morgen Herr Gael... I see you´ve been a busy guy... Seanie, corny jokes, un-vegan ties and belts... tsss, tsss, tsss... naughty...


Love this! Thank you Gael!


Good morning! I'm spoilt for choice this morning...💖


Yay! Love your snuggles! 💕Good morning. 😊Fun weekend plans?


Good morning! I love your bedtime stories!! ❤️ I hope you will make more in the future. Have a nice Saturday!


I'm off to Meditation group. Trust me to do things backside forward, listening to this first!!. Have a good weekend.


Well aren't you a busy bee today ?? Cannot wait to listen, this series has been great, keep them coming Gael !!!!! Have a great rest of your weekend 😘😘


I'm getting spoiled...fell asleep to you, now waking up to you. This is quickly becoming the best weekend ever. 🎧❤️


I can tell you why yawns are contagious!


This is a brilliant series. Another great vignette 💜


I just love this series. Sleepy/loopy Gael is so sweet! 💕 Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Hope your having a lovely Saturday Gael, thank you for all the fun recordings you showered us with yesterday and this morning. You are much appreciated!!! I love being the little spoon and listening to your loopy sleepy self. Ps. My mum loves Planet of the Apes movies...calls them her "monkey movies" 🐵

Greek Goddess

Good afternoon lovely!I laughed so much with the joke about the wife going on vacation to Greece 😂😂😂


Good morning! I get this last night at 1 am, giggling, cracking up, and I wake up the lady a floor up in my condo. She paces on her creaky floors for an hour then silence. That's 3x now. I wonder if happiness would get me evicted


I should have made a "stop monkeying around" joke XD


Wait wait wait... who is thisss "Ssserpent King"?? Have I met him before? Hm?...


I love these bedtime stories. Have a great weekend! ❤️


If not, you should meet, so he can serve as meat. And I'm a veggie, so coming from me that's really something.


Today was 'doing nice things day', i.e. buy hiking stuff, go to cinema, have nice dinner. I wanted to do some home improvement but my friend said na-ah and took me out. And then to come home to this! Goooooood day, (or night !) to all of you Sirens. And to Gael.


Hey, Madeline! Glad you had a good day -- I know you were having a stressful week! Here's to a good Sunday for you, as well!


Hello, everyone! Have you all had a lovely weekend so far? I know I feel spoiled with all of the audios Gael has posted the past two days. Also was excited as my mug arrived and the t-shirt has been printed. Yeah! I hope you are up for some questions this evening – I am reposting questions from yesterday as they were buried in an earlier post. And I hope you are enjoying your Fragen vacation, Claudia! Hope you will answer some this time? Here you go: --What is the funniest thing someone ever said or did during sex? --What is your favorite Gael audio ever? Why? --What is the most mature thing you do? The most immature? --What would the mirror opposite of you be like? --If your childhood had a smell, what would it be? --If you listened to the Silk Tie and Belt audio, what were you thinking when Gael asked you that question? Okay, there you go! Thanks for answering, everyone! I hope some new patrons give the questions a try!


Hello Amy, Claudia, and anyone else here. Had a lovely day, how was/is yours? Spent morning cooking and playing chef for my mother and her book club ladies, she was hosting. Note to self: Book clubs are sooo not your thing. Don't join! I'll have a craic at your questions Amy. Funniest thing during sex, I once had a boyfriend in college who would "speak" for a plush bear I had on my bed in my dorm room. I thought it was adorable and he did voices really well, so one time during sexy time, "the bear" started giving a running commentary on my boyfriend's performance. I was dying, I literally had tears running down my face. To this day I don't know how he managed it, 🤔 I obviously had a thing for voice actors back then too! Favorite Gael Audio, oh yeh no I can't choose, but I'll narrow it down some for ya, Ive listened to him on literotica and YouTube for awhile now, and I love his meditation audios, "Come Home" is my go to. Roleplay/storytelling audios: I really love "A perfect Morning Together" and A sensual wet dream . Sexy audios from way back in the beginning on Lit, Hot Summers Night and Shy Girl are two favorites. I think its just that raw sexual energy he had and still has, he totally just let's go and it's dirty, but somehow still respectful? What is the most mature thing I do? Be a role model for my niece and support for my family. ☺. Most immature thing, oh let's see, I still listen to my rice crispies, dunk my cookies in milk, worry way too much about what people think 😣. Mirror opposite? A mean, inconsiderate, rich, quiet, unhappy, prude...ha that was fun!. If my childhood had a smell, it would be freshly baked bread and mowed grass. What was I thinking as Gael asked that question? God I love how your voice (and belt) caresses my mind like that!❤


Guten Morgen meine Lieben - my dears. A nice carefree Sonntag - Sunday to y´all! I hope everyone is well and comfortable? :) One of my kilns is giving me trouble again (not Klein Seanie though, this time it´s his baby brother :() So I just drop by, take a breath and bid you a good day. Sorry, Amy for not answering any Fragen... was really busy yesterday. Will be back later :) Bis später - see ya, Mädls... XD


Happy weekend, ladies! Busy busy here: two kids' birthday parties, a Girl Scout picnic with my daughter, and visiting with family. And it is getting so hot where I live--predicted to be 104 this Tuesday! ☀️😫Hope you all are well and enjoying yourselves. 💕 Hmm...my favorite audio is tough to choose...I really loved "Sail On". It was so nice to hear someone say "You are strong enough to get through this." I am fortunate to have a beautiful and supportive family, but I am sometimes smothered by their "help," however well-meaning, probably because I am often in ill-health. While I am extremely appreciative of their assistance, it was so beautiful to hear someone tell me that all on my own I am capable of handling things. Made me cry. 😭And I love all the rambles. They feel like hanging out with a friend, one who is funny and compassionate, and kinda hot, too. 😁 The most mature thing I do is work hard to take care of my kids. Piano lessons, dance class, soccer practice, Girl Scouts, etc. on top of school and homework, all while attempting to run my home and working a pretty time intensive full-time job. It takes a toll, but I do it for my family, and as I often tell my kids, being a responsible and mature adult means doing things that need to get done even when you don't feel like it. (I wish someone would remind my students of this when they won't do their homework! 🙄) The most immature thing I do is fangirl over stuff. But as my mom told me when I got teased for liking the Backstreet Boys in high school, I should never be ashamed of loving what I love with abandon and without shame because 1) enthusiasm is beautiful and 2) I always liked very tame stuff, and my mom was pleased that, rather than going through a rebellious phase like so many of my peers did, I listened to harmless music by men that I loved largely because they were non threatening. And I totally get my fangirling from my mom--she still goes nuts over Elvis. So, immature maybe, but it's who I am. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My mirror opposite would be confident and beautiful, a social butterfly who is never awkward or unsure. Someone who is wild and uninhibited. I am certainly none of those things. My childhood smells like my mother's favorite perfume (Wind Song) and delicious food cooking, since my grandmother and mother both cooked constantly. While listening to the audio, I thought, "Who, me?!" 😋


Hey, everyone! I just arrived home from vacation. I missed you, girls and Gael! Is everyone doing OK?


I have a job interview tomorrow and my anxiety is at like 100%. This is helping me relax and sleep. Thanks Gael perfect timing! ☺️


Hello, Claudia! Sorry to hear that your kiln is being persnickety for you. Hope you were able to get it fixed and enjoy the rest of your weekend. No worries about the Fragen -- sometimes life gets in the way. Have a good day!


Hey there, Laura! Sounds like your day was a busy one. Must have been the weekend for birthday parties as my daughter was at a Sweet 16 one for her best friend yesterday. And, oh, do I remember all of the kid activities! I was my daughter's Scout leader for 8 years, and it seemed like every weekend we had something. Now that she's a teenager, that part of life has settled down a bit! Glad to see you are a fellow SuperWoman! It sounds like so many of us here are. Isn't it nice that we have a place where we can be a fangirl for a bit, forget about all the stuff we have looming in our worlds, and just be silly and banter with some pretty cool people? Have a lovely, and hopefully restful, Sunday!


Just got caught listening to the Silk Tie, Leather Belt audio. But luckily I happened to be just chillin' and eating rice cakes with my earbuds in, so no one suspected me of any naughty wrongdoings.<br><br>Lifehack: If you eat rice cakes while listening to a GF audio, no one will ever guess that you're up to no good. Just make sure you've mastered enough self-control to not choke during the racy parts. 👍


A clever advice Fräulein Doktimus... I think rice cakes are a top candidate for the unsexiest food ever!... XP


these are my favourite 😊 lets see if I can get through it tonight without falling asleep 💤


I really do have to commend Gael for his business savvy. I'm sure he made a pretty penny for throwing in that itty bitty implied plug for the upcoming Planet of the Apes movie. Which is entitled <b><i>"War For the Planet of the Apes"</i></b>, starring <b>Andy Serkis</b> and <b>Woody Harrelson</b>, directed by <b>Matt Reeves</b>, distributed by <b>20th Century Fox</b>, with a North American release date of <b>July 14, 2017</b>.<br><br>Yes, it was as subtle as the gentle flap of a butterfly's wings as it flies off to a theatre near you on <b>July 14, 2017</b>.


Guten Morgen Gaelandian Mädchen - girls. A wunderbaren Montag - wonderful Monday to everyone! Hope you had/have a good weekend? And why is the weekend always soooo short? *sigh* ...hm, at least Thursday is a holiday here... :) You know, I`m getting Entzugserscheinungen - withdrawals so I have a little Frage... Would you like to hear a "JOI - Jerk Of Instruction" from Gael? If ja, which details would you like to hear? ...What would be a total turn off for you? And since Gael´s oh so blaues - blue eye is watching... what´s your eye colour? ...do you have a favourite? Ahh, now I´m feeling better, after finally asking Fragen again... hahaha...jk. Danke for Antworten my dears... bis dann XD


Welcome back to the <i>Haus</i> of <i>Fragen</i>, Frau Claudia! I'd say I've had a decent weekend. I watched "Alien: Covenant" yesterday, which I thought was pretty good as far as sci-fi (with a dash of horror!) movies go. Anyone planning on seeing it should probably watch its prequel "Prometheus" first, or else you might be a bit confused about the plot. But even if you are confused, there is plenty Michael <del>DAT ASSbender</del> Fassbender to make up for it. 👍<br><br><b>JOI audio:</b> I don't actually ladyfap to Gael's audios, so I'm neutral on this one. But when it comes to personal preferences, I'd probably be a bit turned off if he asked the listener to do butt stuff, or to edge herself to the point of "Seriously? I <i>still</i> can't go off the rails yet? This has gone from sexy to unfair, my friend."<br><br><b>Eye colour:</b> I've got me a set of lovely brown peepers! It comes in handy whenever people point out my propensity for disaster because then I can say, "Well, <i>of course</i> I'm a shit magnet! That's why my eyes are brown!"<br><br>I think all eye colours are cool, but I am a bit partial to blue and green eyes. But ultimately colour is irrelevant, right? It's what someone's eyes convey - whether it's warmth, sadness, fury, etc. - that matters the most. 👀


Hey there, Claudia! YEAH! You’re back with the questions! I don’t mind filling in, but you are definitely the master at them. And I was getting Entzugsersheinungen (definitely love your language!) from not answering, so here goes: JOI from Gael: You know, it is funny that you asked this one as I was having a conversation with the hubby on Friday about Gael’s audios and what I listen to. He jokingly asked if Gael does JOI audios and I couldn’t answer because I didn’t know what JOI was. When hubby refused to tell me, I Googled it – and then refused to tell him what I listen to. Tit for tat, I suppose. LOL So, to answer your question, yes, I would like to hear that. I think he did some early on, or at least ones that seemed that way. To be honest, I love the scenario audios, but when I began searching Lit several years ago, JOI were the style of audios I wanted. I spend so much time telling everyone else what to do in my life and having to make most of the decisions, it is nice to have someone tell me what to do for a change. Totally anti-feminist maybe, but oh well. To me, details or certain elements don’t matter; instead, it’s about the experience of letting go and allowing someone else to control the moment, trusting that person to be respectful of you while still letting you know who is in charge. I have listened to quite a few JOI audios that really didn’t work for me. Some were too clinical and really boring, others made me feel degraded or uncomfortable by the language used or names they called me. The worst, though, was one audio where the instructions were so ridiculous because there was no way my body could make the contortions he was demanding – it was like playing Twister with myself! LOL Eye Color: I have hazel eyes. They tend to be closer to green most days; when I am tired or stressed, they tend to be more blue. I love all eye colors really. I look at all aspects of a man’s eye, from shape to color to eyelashes to the expressiveness in them. In most of the men I had crushes on, the vast majority had brown eyes, usually a deep mahogany shade, the kind you could get lost in just looking at them. *SIGH* LOL Okay, enough answers! My withdrawals feel so much better. Have a great Monday, lovelies!


If you want to hear...err, <i>interesting</i> JOI audios, search for audios made by "arnesto56x" on Tumblr. He's another audio artist that I stumbled across on YouTube during my first foray into the erotic audio scene roughly 5 years ago. As far as I can tell, his Tumblr account has been deactivated for awhile, but I believe you can still hear some of his recordings on posts that other Tumblr accounts have reblogged.<br><br>I'm loathe to call any audio artist "bad", mostly because it takes a lot of guts to make erotic audios and you certainly won't find me making them (anymore 😝). But arnesto56x sometimes lost track of what he was saying during a lot of his audios, to the point that I would crack up because he'd have told the listener to "pop dem titties out" 3 separate times. It really took away from the realism aspect of a JOI audio (<i>"I don't have anymore titties to pop out, Arnesto! Nature only gave me two, and you asked me to pop them out 3 minutes ago!"</i>), but I guess I still have to give him credit for trying. 😆


Glad I'm not the only one who didn't know what JOI means. Had to look that one up. 😳 My goodness, you learn something new everyday. 😂 I have green eyes. I've always been partial to brown eyed guys. My husband has the warmest sparkly brown eyes ever. 💕 But then again, that's probably just because I love him, so I'm sure if he had blue eyes, I'd say I prefer those. 😊


I had to look up JOI too. Like Amy, I make lots of decisions for others (though I don't get the telling them what to do bit; should have become a teacher!) so sometimes, it's nice to have someone else make the decisions. I like being surprised, I like it when people make an effort and go the extra mile. I also like tingles, so HELL YEAH, I want a Gael JOI! With extra helpings of growling, breathing and dirty talk, please. It's all about the eyes: Well, my perfect man is a nerdy, skinny engineer. (When Gael says 'my hard chest' I go all gooey.) Curves are only ok when they're on me. Said tech man should be the sultry brown eyed, dark haired kind, but electric blue is second on my list. For eyes, not for hair. Mine is purple and I don't want to look like I'm in a double clown act! I'm also a sucker for redheads. Mmmm. Btw, can you tell I'm procrastinating? It's so very Monday and they don't have good coffee where I am now. The weather is lovely, I have nature all around me and a sauna in the house ... and I have to work. BLERGH!


Hi, Claudia! My weekend was good; all I did really was sleep. Seriously; on the way home from vacay, and half the day yesterday, I was knocked out. I may need coffee, though; I thought today was Tuesday...! Oh, so that's what JOI stands for. Yeah, if Gael did one, I'd listen to it. Details? Mmm...just go Alpha. If he goes Alpha like he did in 'The Pleasure Key', I'm sold! Eyes color? Mine are dark brown. On guys, it doesn't really matter to me; I like all colors. Although, I do admit that blue eyes of any shade make me lose my train of though for a second or two.